Beispiel #1
 protected bool CanEditUserStatus(ClubPoolPrincipal principal, User user)
     // admins can edit the status of all users, officers can edit the status of
       // all other non admins but not themselves, normal users can not edit status
       var editorIsAdmin = principal.IsInRole(Roles.Administrators);
       if (editorIsAdmin) {
     // admins can edit the status of all other users
     return true;
       var editorIsOfficer = principal.IsInRole(Roles.Officers);
       if (!editorIsOfficer) {
     // if the user is neither admin nor officer, can't edit any status
     return false;
       // if we get here, editor is officer, can edit status of other non-admin
       // users but not self
       var editingSelf = user.Id == principal.UserId;
       var userIsAdmin = user.Roles.Where(r => r.Name.Equals(Roles.Administrators)).Any();
       return (!(editingSelf || userIsAdmin));
Beispiel #2
 protected bool CanEditUserPassword(ClubPoolPrincipal principal, User user)
     // admins & self can edit password
       return principal.IsInRole(Roles.Administrators) || principal.UserId == user.Id;
Beispiel #3
 protected bool CanEditUserRoles(ClubPoolPrincipal principal, User user)
     // only admins can edit roles
       return principal.IsInRole(Roles.Administrators);
Beispiel #4
 protected bool CanEditUser(ClubPoolPrincipal principal, User user)
     // admins & officers can edit the basic properties of all users,
       // normal users can edit their own basic properties
       var editorIsAdmin = principal.IsInRole(Roles.Administrators);
       var editorIsOfficer = principal.IsInRole(Roles.Officers);
       var editingSelf = user.Id == principal.UserId;
       return editingSelf || editorIsOfficer || editorIsAdmin;