Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle a request from any agent for the current controllers reference
 /// </summary>
 protected void HandleRequestMessage(Agent destination, Controller request)
     if (request == null) {
     Message m = new InformMessage(this, manager);
     messageQueue.SendPost(destination, m);
        private float speed; // Speed of movement for the current agent

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public TransportAgent(ref Environment environment, ref MessageQueue messages, PointF spawnLocation, int agentID, Image image, Graphics g)
            : base(ref environment, ref messages, spawnLocation, agentID, image, g)
              // Create a new broadcast message (Inform)
              Message aMessage = new InformMessage(this);
              Text = "Logistics " + id.ToString();
              type = AGENT_TYPE.AGENT_LOGISTICS;
              SelectedImageIndex = (int)type;
              ImageIndex = (int)type;
              speed = 1.0f;
 public SupplierAgent(ref Environment environment, ref MessageQueue messages, PointF spawnLocation, int agentID, Image image, Graphics g)
     : base(ref environment, ref messages, spawnLocation, agentID, image, g)
       // Create a new broadcast message (Inform)
       Message aMessage = new InformMessage(this);
       Text = "Supplier " + id.ToString();
       SelectedImageIndex = (int)type;
       ImageIndex = (int)type;
       supply = 0;
Beispiel #4
        private ExecutionTree tree; // Execution tree for the current run.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Controller(ref Environment environment, ref MessageQueue messages, Image image, Graphics g)
            : base(ref environment, ref messages, new PointF(g.VisibleClipBounds.Width - 16, 0), 0, image, g)
              // Log agent creation
              manager = this;
              // Create a new broadcast message (Inform)
              Message aMessage = new InformMessage(this);
              ImageKey = "cpu.png";
              SelectedImageKey = "cpu.png";
              type = AGENT_TYPE.AGENT_CONTROLLER;
              tree = environment.Execution;
 public ManufacturerAgent(ref Environment environment, ref MessageQueue messages, PointF spawnLocation, int agentID, Image image, Graphics g)
     : base(ref environment, ref messages, spawnLocation, agentID, image, g)
       // Create a new broadcast message (Inform)
       Message aMessage = new InformMessage(this);
       Text = "Manufacturer " + id.ToString();
       SelectedImageIndex = (int)type;
       ImageIndex = (int)type;
       stock = 0;
       product = 0;
Beispiel #6
        private double demand; // Represents the total amount of product which the client wants

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public ClientAgent(ref Environment environment, ref MessageQueue messages, PointF spawnLocation, int agentID, Image image, Graphics g)
            : base(ref environment, ref messages, spawnLocation, agentID, image, g)
              // Create a new broadcast message (Inform)
              Message aMessage = new InformMessage(this);
              Text = "Client " + id.ToString();
              // GUI Display properties
              type = AGENT_TYPE.AGENT_CLIENT;
              SelectedImageIndex = (int)type;
              ImageIndex = (int)type;
              demand = 0;
              Nodes.Add("Quantity", "Quantity: " + demand.ToString(), 8, 8);
 protected override void Act()
     // Perform a move location call if required
       if (destination != null) {
     if (destination.Intersect(new PointF(location.X + 4, location.Y + 4))) {
       // Perform a load action and send a message to the agent informing it of the
       // action
       if (((TransportTask)assignedTask).Load > load) {
     load = ((TransportTask)assignedTask).Load;
     InformMessage m = new InformMessage(this, assignedTask);
     messageQueue.SendPost(((TransportTask)assignedTask).Source, m);
       } else {
     load = 0;
     InformMessage m = new InformMessage(this, assignedTask);
     messageQueue.SendPost(((TransportTask)assignedTask).Destination, m);
     // Task complete clear the logistics agent for further tasks
     assignedTask = null;
     destination = null;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles a logistics agent request.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="destination">Original agent which made the request</param>
 /// <param name="task">Logistics task to be assigned</param>
 private void HandleInformMessage(TransportTask task)
     if (task.RegisteredAgents.Count > 0) {
     // Generate a Supplier task
     InformMessage i = new InformMessage(this, task);
     task.Agent = task.RegisteredAgents[0].TaskAgent;
     // Send the message first to the client
     messageQueue.SendPost(task.Source, i);
     // Send the message also to the logistics agent
     messageQueue.SendPost(task.RegisteredAgents[0].TaskAgent, i);
Beispiel #9
 private void HandleInformMessage(Agent destination, ManufacturerTask task)
     if (task.RegisteredAgents.Count > 0) {
     // Generate a Supplier task
     SupplierTask sTask = new SupplierTask((SupplierAgent)task.RegisteredAgents[0].TaskAgent, (ManufacturerAgent)task.Agent, task.Demand);
     tree.AddChild(task, sTask);
     InformMessage i = new InformMessage(this, sTask);
     // Send the message first to the client
     messageQueue.SendPost(task.Agent, i);
     // Send the message also to the manufacturer
     messageQueue.SendPost(task.RegisteredAgents[0].TaskAgent, i);
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Received a response from the operator with the results of the client
 /// task request in the environment. Check if a valid agent is registered
 /// and form a coordination group with the respective agents if required.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="destination">Client agent which made the original request</param>
 /// <param name="task">The results of the Client task request in the enivornment</param>
 private void HandleInformMessage(Agent destination, ClientTask task)
     if (task.RegisteredAgents.Count > 0) {
     // Create an entry in the execution tree. For now the order
     // is placed as a task in the tree with the current client as
     // the target.
     ExecutionNode n = new ExecutionNode(task);
     // Greedy method means that the best payoff result will be assigned to the
     // coordination group.
     // Send a message to the client and the manufacturer informing them of
     // the current situation
     InformMessage i = new InformMessage(this, task);
     // Send the message first to the client
     messageQueue.SendPost(task.Agent, i);
     // Generate a manufacturer task
     ManufacturerTask mTask = new ManufacturerTask((ClientAgent)task.Agent);
     mTask.Agent = task.RegisteredAgents[0].TaskAgent;
     tree.AddChild(task, mTask);
     i = new InformMessage(this, mTask);
     // Send the message also to the manufacturer
     messageQueue.SendPost(task.RegisteredAgents[0].TaskAgent, i);
Beispiel #11
 void messageQueue_BroadcastEvent(object sender, BroadcastMessageEventArgs e)
     Message broadcastMessage = e.BroadcastMessage;
       CommunicationGraphNode aNode = broadcastMessage.Author.CommunicationNode;
       // Add new agent to Communication Graph
       if (communicationGraph.Add(aNode)) {
     // Set the Authors node to the graph node
     GraphEdge edge = new CommunicationGraphEdge(broadcastMessage.Author.CommunicationNode, communicationNode);
     if (!aNode.Edges.Contains(edge)) aNode.Edges.Add(edge);
     edge = new CommunicationGraphEdge(communicationNode, broadcastMessage.Author.CommunicationNode);
     if (!communicationNode.Edges.Contains(edge)) communicationNode.Edges.Add(edge);
     // Write a message to the agent informing it that the Operator is aware
     // of its existance
     Message aMessage = new InformMessage(this);
     messageQueue.SendPost(broadcastMessage.Author, aMessage);
     // Also inform the controller if this agent is not a controller
     if ((broadcastMessage.Author is Controller)) {
       manager = broadcastMessage.Author;
       broadcastMessage = null;    // Clear the message from the queue
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles a request message from the Controller for agents which can
 /// help fulfill the task request. The Operator will send a request
 /// to all of the agents in the communication graph connected directly with
 /// the operator to request the participating agents payoff functions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="destination">Controller agent which made the request</param>
 /// <param name="task">A Manufacturer request for supply. Required in order to calculate a realistic payoff function.</param>
 private void HandleRequestMessage(Agent destination, Task task)
     // Step through each agent in the communication graph connected to the operator
       foreach (CommunicationGraphEdge e in communicationNode.Edges) {
     // Send a payoff request to the agent which is not the operator
     Agent a = e.DestinationNode.Value;
     RequestMessage r = new RequestMessage(this, ref task);
     messageQueue.SendPost(a, r);
       if (task.RegisteredAgents.Count > 0)
       // Send the results back to the controller
       InformMessage i = new InformMessage(this, task);
       messageQueue.SendPost(destination, i);