/// <summary>
		/// An entry point for the display thread that creates a splash screen form and begins a 
		/// timer to handle fading it in and out and updating it.  A timer is used so that the 
		/// splash screen form accessed through the same thread it was created in.  This avoids 
		/// cross-threading form exceptions.
		/// </summary>
		private static void CreateSplashScreen()
			// Shared resource access follows

			// Create the splash screen
			_splashScreen = new SplashScreen();

			// Reset the 'stop timer' flags
			_stopDismissTimer = false;
			_stopDisplayTimer = false;


			// Initialize the display timer
			_displayTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
			_displayTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnDisplayTimer);
			_displayTimer.Interval = TimerInterval;


		/// <summary>
		/// The display timer event handler that handles updating the contents of the splash screen, 
		/// fading it in and out, cleaning it up when it's been dismissed, and signalling the dismiss
		/// timer to end.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
		/// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
		private static void OnDisplayTimer(object sender, EventArgs e)
			// Shared resource access follows

			if (_splashScreen != null)
				// Send the splash screen to the back if there's a licensing error
				//if (Sentinelle.Aegis.Model.AegisSessionManager.LicenseError)
				//	_splashScreen.SendToBack();

				// Update the status

				// Update the license
				if (_updateLicenseText)
					_updateLicenseText = false;

				// Update the icons
				while (_assemblies.Count > 0)

				if (_closing)
					// Wait a fixed amount of time before actually closing the splash screen
					int timeElapsedSinceClose = Environment.TickCount - _closeStartTime;
					if (timeElapsedSinceClose >= CloseDelay)
						// Fade out, if necessary
						if (_splashScreen.Opacity > 0)
							_splashScreen.UpdateOpacity(_splashScreen.Opacity - OpacityDelta);
							// We've faded out - flag the dismiss timer to stop
							_stopDismissTimer = true;
					// Fade in, if necessary
					if (_splashScreen.Opacity < 1)
						_splashScreen.UpdateOpacity(_splashScreen.Opacity + OpacityDelta);

			// Check to see if it's time to stop the display timer
			if (_stopDisplayTimer)
				// Stop the timer
				_displayTimer = null;

				// Close the splash screen
				if (_splashScreen != null)
					_splashScreen = null;

				// Destroy the thread
				_displayThread = null;

Beispiel #3
        private void Initialize()
            // No status at first

            // Initialize the version text to the executing assembly's
            _version.Text = String.Format(SplashScreenSettings.Default.VersionTextFormat, ProductInformation.GetVersion(true, true, true));
            //_copyright.Text = ProductInformation.Copyright;
            _copyright.Text = " 2014  Inc. All rights reserved.";
            _license.Text   = ProductInformation.License;

            // Make the window completely transparent
            Opacity = 0;

            // Set the manifest warning.
            _manifest.Visible = !ManifestVerification.Valid;

            // Apply any splash screen settings, if requested
            if (SplashScreenSettings.Default.UseSplashScreenSettings)

                    var stream = SplashScreen.OpenSplashImageResourceStream();
                    if (stream != null)
                        // GDI+ resource management quirk: don't dispose the source stream (or create an independent copy of the bitmap)
                        BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(stream);
                        ClientSize      = BackgroundImage.Size;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, ex, "Failed to resolve splash screen resources.");

                this._status.Visible   = SplashScreenSettings.Default.StatusVisible;
                this._status.Location  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.StatusLocation;
                this._status.Size      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.StatusSize;
                this._status.AutoSize  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.StatusAutoSize;
                this._status.ForeColor = SplashScreenSettings.Default.StatusForeColor;
                this._status.Font      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.StatusFontBold ? new Font(this._status.Font, FontStyle.Bold) : this._status.Font;
                this._status.TextAlign = SplashScreenSettings.Default.StatusTextAlign;

                this._copyright.Visible   = SplashScreenSettings.Default.CopyrightVisible;
                this._copyright.Location  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.CopyrightLocation;
                this._copyright.Size      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.CopyrightSize;
                this._copyright.AutoSize  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.CopyrightAutoSize;
                this._copyright.ForeColor = SplashScreenSettings.Default.CopyrightForeColor;
                this._copyright.Font      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.CopyrightFontBold ? new Font(this._copyright.Font, FontStyle.Bold) : this._copyright.Font;
                this._copyright.TextAlign = SplashScreenSettings.Default.CopyrightTextAlign;

                this._version.Visible   = SplashScreenSettings.Default.VersionVisible;
                this._version.Location  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.VersionLocation;
                this._version.Size      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.VersionSize;
                this._version.AutoSize  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.VersionAutoSize;
                this._version.ForeColor = SplashScreenSettings.Default.VersionForeColor;
                this._version.Font      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.VersionFontBold ? new Font(this._version.Font, FontStyle.Bold) : this._version.Font;
                this._version.TextAlign = SplashScreenSettings.Default.VersionTextAlign;

                this._license.Visible   = SplashScreenSettings.Default.LicenseVisible;
                this._license.Location  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.LicenseLocation;
                this._license.Size      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.LicenseSize;
                this._license.AutoSize  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.LicenseAutoSize;
                this._license.ForeColor = SplashScreenSettings.Default.LicenseForeColor;
                this._license.Font      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.LicenseFontBold ? new Font(this._license.Font, FontStyle.Bold) : this._license.Font;
                this._license.TextAlign = SplashScreenSettings.Default.LicenseTextAlign;

                this._manifest.Location  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.ManifestLocation;
                this._manifest.Size      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.ManifestSize;
                this._manifest.AutoSize  = SplashScreenSettings.Default.ManifestAutoSize;
                this._manifest.ForeColor = SplashScreenSettings.Default.ManifestForeColor;
                this._manifest.Font      = SplashScreenSettings.Default.ManifestFontBold ? new Font(this._manifest.Font, FontStyle.Bold) : this._manifest.Font;
                this._manifest.TextAlign = SplashScreenSettings.Default.ManifestTextAlign;

                this._pluginIconsRectangle = SplashScreenSettings.Default.PluginIconsRectangle;
                this._nextIconPositionX    = _pluginIconsRectangle.Left + IconPaddingX / 2;
                this._nextIconPositionY    = _pluginIconsRectangle.Top;
