Beispiel #1
        public static Dictionary <string, double> ToStringDic(Attributes at)
            Dictionary <string, double> dic = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (Attribute a in at.Values.Keys)
                dic.Add(AttributeUtil.ToString(a), at.Values[a]);

Beispiel #2
        public Attributes(Dictionary <string, double> values)
            Values = new Dictionary <Attribute, double>();

            if (values != null)
                foreach (string s in values.Keys)
                    Values.Add(AttributeUtil.FromString(s), values[s]);
Beispiel #3
        public static List <Attribute> ToAttributes(List <string> attributes)
            if (attributes == null)

            List <Attribute> res = new List <Attribute>();

            foreach (string s in attributes)
Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Retrieving jsons

                string simString = File.ReadAllText(debug ? Path.Combine(debugPath, simJsonFileName) : simJsonFileName);
                jsonSim = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonUtil.JsonSim>(simString);
                string playerString = File.ReadAllText(debug ? Path.Combine(debugPath, playerJsonFileName) : playerJsonFileName);
                jsonPlayer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonUtil.JsonPlayer>(playerString);

                fightLength     = jsonSim.FightLength;
                fightLengthMod  = jsonSim.FightLengthMod;
                bossAutoLife    = jsonSim.BossAutoLife;
                bossLowLifeTime = jsonSim.BossLowLifeTime;

                nbSim          = jsonSim.NbSim;
                targetErrorPct = jsonSim.TargetErrorPct;
                targetError    = jsonSim.TargetError;
                logFight       = jsonSim.LogFight;
                statsWeights   = jsonSim.StatsWeights;

                Log(string.Format("Date : {0}\n", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")));
                Log(string.Format("Fight length : {0} seconds (±{1}%)", fightLength, fightLengthMod * 100));

                if (logFight)
                    threading    = false;
                    targetError  = false;
                    statsWeights = false;

                    if (nbSim > 10)
                        nbSim = 10;

                playerBase = JsonUtil.JsonPlayer.ToPlayer(jsonPlayer);

                if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Rogue || playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Warrior)
                    simOrder.Remove("+50 Int");
                    simOrder.Remove("+50 Spi");
                if (!playerBase.DualWielding)
                    simOrder.Remove("+10 DPS OH");
                    simOrder.Remove("+5 OH Skill");
                else if (playerBase.MH.Type == playerBase.OH.Type)
                    simOrder.Remove("+5 OH Skill");
                if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Druid)
                    simOrder.Remove("+10 DPS MH");
                    simOrder.Remove("+5 MH Skill");

                if (simOrder.Contains("+10 DPS MH"))
                    simBonusAttribs["+10 DPS MH"].SetValue(Attribute.WeaponDamageMH, simBonusAttribs["+10 DPS MH"].GetValue(Attribute.WeaponDamageMH) * playerBase.MH.Speed);
                if (simOrder.Contains("+10 DPS OH"))
                    simBonusAttribs["+10 DPS OH"].SetValue(Attribute.WeaponDamageOH, simBonusAttribs["+10 DPS OH"].GetValue(Attribute.WeaponDamageOH) * playerBase.OH.Speed);
                if (simOrder.Contains("+5 MH Skill"))
                    simBonusAttribs["+5 MH Skill"].SetValue(AttributeUtil.FromWeaponType(playerBase.MH.Type), 5);
                if (simOrder.Contains("+5 OH Skill"))
                    simBonusAttribs["+5 OH Skill"].SetValue(AttributeUtil.FromWeaponType(playerBase.OH.Type), 5);


                Log("\nPlayer :");

                if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Mage)
                    int reduction = playerBase.GetTalentPoints("AS") * 5;
                    if (reduction > 0)
                        List <JsonUtil.JsonBoss.SchoolResist> l = new List <JsonUtil.JsonBoss.SchoolResist>();
                        foreach (JsonUtil.JsonBoss.SchoolResist sr in jsonSim.Boss.SchoolResists)
                            l.Add(new JsonUtil.JsonBoss.SchoolResist(sr.School, Math.Max(0, sr.Resist - reduction)));
                        jsonSim.Boss.SchoolResists = l;
                bossBase = JsonUtil.JsonBoss.ToBoss(jsonSim.Boss, playerBase.Attributes.GetValue(Attribute.ArmorPen));

                Log("\nBoss (after raid debuffs) :");

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

                List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();

                Enchantment we = new Enchantment(0, "Weights", new Attributes(new Dictionary <Attribute, double>()));

                // Doing simulations
                for (int done = 0; done < (statsWeights ? simOrder.Count : 1); done++)
                    CurrentDpsList = new List <double>();
                    CurrentResults = new List <SimResult>();

                    if (done > 0)
                        we.Attributes = simBonusAttribs[simOrder[done]];

                    if (!threading && !targetError)
                        for (int i = 0; i < nbSim; i++)
                            Log(string.Format("\n\n---SIM NUMBER {0}---\n", i + 1));
                        if (!targetError)
                            for (int i = 0; i < nbSim; i++)
                                tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoSim()));

                            while (!tasks.All(t => t.IsCompleted))
                                if (!logFight)
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0:N2}% ({1}/{2})", (double)CurrentDpsList.Count / nbSim * 100, CurrentDpsList.Count, nbSim);

                                if (CurrentDpsList.Count > 0)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Precision : ±{0:N2}%", Stats.ErrorPct(CurrentDpsList.ToArray(), CurrentDpsList.Average()));

                            if (!logFight)
                                Console.WriteLine("{0:N2}% ({1}/{2})", (double)CurrentDpsList.Count / nbSim * 100, CurrentDpsList.Count, nbSim);
                            if (done == 0)
                                nbSim = 0;

                            double errorPct = 100;

                            while (errorPct > targetErrorPct)
                                while (tasks.Count(t => !t.IsCompleted) < nbTasksForSims)
                                    tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoSim()));

                                foreach (Task t in tasks.Where(t => t.IsCompleted))
                                tasks.RemoveAll(t => t.IsCompleted);

                                lock (CurrentDpsList)
                                    if (CurrentDpsList.Count > 0)
                                        errorPct = Stats.ErrorPct(CurrentDpsList.ToArray(), CurrentDpsList.Average());

                                Console.WriteLine("Simulating {0} DPS, aiming for ±{1:N2}% precision...", simOrder[done], targetErrorPct);
                                Console.WriteLine("Sims done : {0:N2}", CurrentDpsList.Count);
                                Console.WriteLine("Sims running : {0:N2}", tasks.Count(t => !t.IsCompleted));
                                Console.WriteLine("Current precision : ±{0:N2}%", errorPct);


                            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for remaining simulations to complete...");


                    ErrorList.Add(Stats.ErrorPct(CurrentDpsList.ToArray(), CurrentDpsList.Average()));
                    ResultsList.Add(simOrder[done], CurrentResults);
                    DamagesList.Add(simOrder[done], CurrentDpsList);
                    //Log(simOrder[done] + " : " + CurrentDpsList.Average());

                if (!logFight)

                double time = (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds;

                 * if (calcDpss)
                 * {
                 *  Dictionary<double, double> dpss = new Dictionary<double, double>();
                 *  int dpsOver = 10;
                 *  for (int i = 0; i < fightLength; i++)
                 *  {
                 *      double dmg = totalActions.Average(l => l.Where(a => a.Time >= i - dpsOver && a.Time < i).Sum(ac => (double)ac.Result.Damage / dpsOver))
                 + totalEffects.Average(l => l.Where(a => a.Time >= i - dpsOver && a.Time < i).Sum(ac => (double)ac.Damage / dpsOver));
                 +      dpss.Add(i, dmg);
                 +  }
                 + }

                string endMsg1 = string.Format("\n{0} simulations done in {1:N2} ms, for {2:N2} ms by sim", nbSim, time, time / nbSim);

                string endMsg2 = string.Format("Overall accuracy of results : ±{0:N2}%", ErrorList.Average());

                string endMsg3 = string.Format("\nGenerating results...");

                if (statsWeights)
                    double baseDps = DamagesList["Base"].Average();
                    Log(string.Format("\nBase : {0:N2} DPS", baseDps));

                    Log("\nWeights by DPS :");

                    double apDif = 0;
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+50 AP"))
                        double apDps = DamagesList["+50 AP"].Average();
                        apDif = (apDps - baseDps) / 50;
                        if (apDif < 0)
                            apDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("1 AP = {0:N4} DPS", apDif));

                        double strDif = apDif * Player.StrToAPRatio(playerBase.Class) * (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Druid ? (1 + 0.04 * playerBase.GetTalentPoints("HW")) : 1);
                        Log(string.Format("1 Str = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", strDif, strDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+1% Crit"))
                        double critDps = DamagesList["+1% Crit"].Average();
                        double critDif = critDps - baseDps;
                        if (critDif < 0)
                            critDif = 0;

                        double agiDif = Player.AgiToAPRatio(playerBase.Class) * apDif + Player.AgiToCritRatio(playerBase.Class) * 100 * critDif;
                        Log(string.Format("1 Agi = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", agiDif, agiDif / apDif));

                        Log(string.Format("1% Crit = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", critDif, critDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+1% Hit"))
                        double hitDps = DamagesList["+1% Hit"].Average();
                        double hitDif = hitDps - baseDps;
                        if (hitDif < 0)
                            hitDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("1% Hit = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", hitDif, hitDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+1% Haste"))
                        double hasteDps = DamagesList["+1% Haste"].Average();
                        double hasteDif = hasteDps - baseDps;
                        if (hasteDif < 0)
                            hasteDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("1% Haste = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", hasteDif, hasteDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+50 Int"))
                        double intDps = DamagesList["+50 Int"].Average();
                        double intDif = (intDps - baseDps) / 50;
                        if (intDif < 0)
                            intDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("1 Int = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", intDif, intDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+50 Spi"))
                        double spiDps = DamagesList["+50 Spi"].Average();
                        double spiDif = (spiDps - baseDps) / 50;
                        if (spiDif < 0)
                            spiDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("1 Spi = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", spiDif, spiDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+10 DPS MH"))
                        double mhDps = DamagesList["+10 DPS MH"].Average();
                        double mhDif = (mhDps - baseDps) / simBonusAttribs["+10 DPS MH"].GetValue(Attribute.WeaponDamageMH);
                        if (mhDif < 0)
                            mhDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("+1 MH DPS = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", mhDif, mhDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+10 DPS OH"))
                        double ohDps = DamagesList["+10 DPS OH"].Average();
                        double ohDif = (ohDps - baseDps) / simBonusAttribs["+10 DPS OH"].GetValue(Attribute.WeaponDamageOH);
                        if (ohDif < 0)
                            ohDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("+1 OH DPS = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", ohDif, ohDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+5 MH Skill"))
                        double mhSkillDps = DamagesList["+5 MH Skill"].Average();
                        double mhSkillDif = mhSkillDps - baseDps;
                        if (mhSkillDif < 0)
                            mhSkillDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("+5 MH Skill = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", mhSkillDif, mhSkillDif / apDif));
                    if (simOrder.Contains("+5 OH Skill"))
                        double ohSkillDps = DamagesList["+5 OH Skill"].Average();
                        double ohSkillDif = ohSkillDps - baseDps;
                        if (ohSkillDif < 0)
                            ohSkillDif = 0;
                        Log(string.Format("+5 OH Skill = {0:N4} DPS = {1:N4} AP", ohSkillDif, ohSkillDif / apDif));
                else if (nbSim >= 1)
                    double avgDps = CurrentDpsList.Average();

                    List <List <RegisteredAction> > totalActions = ResultsList["Base"].Select(r => r.Actions).ToList();
                    List <List <RegisteredEffect> > totalEffects = ResultsList["Base"].Select(r => r.Effects).ToList();

                    Log(string.Format("\nAverage DPS : {0:N2} dps (±{1:N2})", avgDps, Stats.MeanStdDev(CurrentDpsList.ToArray())));

                    //List<string> logList = totalActions.SelectMany(a => a.Select(t => t.Action.ToString()).OrderBy(b => b)).Distinct().ToList();
                    List <string> logList = new List <string>()
                        "AA MH", "AA OH"
                    if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Warrior)
                        logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                            "Slam", "Bloodthirst", "Whirlwind", "Heroic Strike", "Execute", "Hamstring"
                    else if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Druid)
                        logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                            "Shred", "Ferocious Bite", "Shift"
                    else if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Paladin)
                        logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                            SealOfCommand_Rank1.NAME, SealOfCommand_Rank5.NAME,
                            SealOfRighteousnessProc.NAME, JudgementOfRighteousness.NAME,
                            JudgementOfCommand_Rank1.NAME, JudgementOfCommand_Rank5.NAME,
                    else if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Rogue)
                        logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                            "Sinister Strike", "Backstab", "Eviscerate", "Ambush", "Instant Poison"
                    else if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Warlock)
                        logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                            "Shadow Bolt"

                    logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                        "Deathbringer", "Vis'kag the Bloodletter", "Perdition's Blade"

                    foreach (string ac in logList)
                        double totalAc = totalActions.Select(a => a.Where(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac)).Count()).Sum();
                        if (totalAc > 0)
                            double avgAcUse = totalActions.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac)));
                            double avgAcDps = totalActions.Average(a => a.Where(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac)).Sum(r => r.Result.Damage / fightLength));
                            double avgAcDmg = totalActions.Sum(a => a.Where(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac)).Sum(r => r.Result.Damage / totalAc));
                            string res      = "\nAverage stats for [" + ac + "] : ";
                            res += string.Format("{0:N2} DPS ({1:N2}%)\n\tAverage of {2:N2} damage for {3:N2} uses (or 1 use every {4:N2}s)", avgAcDps, avgAcDps / avgDps * 100, avgAcDmg, avgAcUse, fightLength / avgAcUse);
                            double hitPct  = totalActions.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac) && t.Result.Type == ResultType.Hit)) / avgAcUse * 100;
                            double critPct = totalActions.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac) && t.Result.Type == ResultType.Crit)) / avgAcUse * 100;
                            res += string.Format("\n\t{0:N2}% Hit, {1:N2}% Crit", hitPct, critPct);
                            if (totalActions.Any(l => l.Any(a => a.Action.ToString().Equals(ac) && a.Action.School != School.Physical)))
                                double resistPct = totalActions.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac) && t.Result.Type == ResultType.Resist)) / avgAcUse * 100;
                                res += string.Format(", {0:N2}% Resist", resistPct);
                                double missPct   = totalActions.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac) && t.Result.Type == ResultType.Miss)) / avgAcUse * 100;
                                double glancePct = totalActions.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac) && t.Result.Type == ResultType.Glance)) / avgAcUse * 100;
                                double dodgePct  = totalActions.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac) && t.Result.Type == ResultType.Dodge)) / avgAcUse * 100;
                                res += string.Format(", {0:N2}% Miss, {1:N2}% Glancing, {2:N2}% Dodge", missPct, glancePct, dodgePct);
                                if (Simulation.tank)
                                    double parryPct = totalActions.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Action.ToString().Equals(ac) && t.Result.Type == ResultType.Parry)) / avgAcUse * 100;
                                    res += string.Format(", {0:N2}% Parry", parryPct);

                    //logList = totalEffects.SelectMany(a => a.Select(t => t.Effect.ToString()).OrderBy(b => b)).Distinct().ToList();
                    logList = new List <string>()
                    if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Warrior)
                        logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                            "Deep Wounds"
                    else if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Warlock)
                        logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                            "Corruption", "Malediction of Agony"
                    else if (playerBase.Class == Player.Classes.Paladin)
                        logList.AddRange(new List <string>()
                            ConsecrationDoT_Rank1.NAME, ConsecrationDoT_Rank5.NAME,

                    //  Non-class-specific stuff
                    logList.AddRange(new List <string>()

                    foreach (string ac in logList)
                        double totalAc = totalEffects.Select(a => a.Where(t => t.Effect.ToString().Equals(ac)).Count()).Sum();
                        if (totalAc > 0)
                            double avgAcUse = totalEffects.Average(a => a.Count(t => t.Effect.ToString().Equals(ac)));
                            double avgAcDps = totalEffects.Average(a => a.Where(t => t.Effect.ToString().Equals(ac)).Sum(r => r.Damage / fightLength));
                            double avgAcDmg = totalEffects.Sum(a => a.Where(t => t.Effect.ToString().Equals(ac)).Sum(r => r.Damage / totalAc));
                            string res      = "\nAverage stats for [" + ac + "] : ";
                            res += string.Format("{0:N2} DPS ({1:N2}%)\n\tAverage of {2:N2} damage for {3:N2} ticks (or 1 tick every {4:N2}s)", avgAcDps, avgAcDps / avgDps * 100, avgAcDmg, avgAcUse, fightLength / avgAcUse);
                            double uptime = 3 / (fightLength / avgAcUse) * 100;
                            res += string.Format("\n\t{0:N2}% Uptime", uptime);

                if (!debug)

                string path = debug ? Path.Combine(debugPath, logsFileName + txt) : Path.Combine(logsFileDir, logsFileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("_yyyyMMdd-HHmmss-fff") + txt);
                File.WriteAllText(path, logs);

                Console.WriteLine("Logs written in " + path);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Simulation failed with the following error :\n" + e);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
Beispiel #5
 public static WeaponType FromAttribute(Attribute a)