/// <summary>
        /// Services requests to <c>~/Log</c>
        /// </summary>
        private Boolean ServiceLog(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse response)
            if (request.Url.AbsolutePath.ToLower() == "/log")
                    String body = String.Format("<h1>Server Log</h1><pre>{0}</pre>", String.Join("", _logLines.ToArray()));
                    var tokens = TemplateHelper.GetTokenReplacements(_cityName, "Log", _requestHandlers, body);
                    var template = TemplateHelper.PopulateTemplate("index", tokens);

                    IResponseFormatter htmlResponseFormatter = new HtmlResponseFormatter(template);

                    return true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Services requests to <c>~/</c>
        /// </summary>
        private Boolean ServiceRoot(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse response)
            if (request.Url.AbsolutePath.ToLower() == "/")
                List<String> links = new List<String>();
                foreach (var requestHandler in this._requestHandlers.OrderBy(obj => obj.Priority))
                    links.Add(String.Format("<li><a href='{1}'>{0}</a> by {2} (Priority: {3})</li>", requestHandler.Name, requestHandler.MainPath, requestHandler.Author, requestHandler.Priority));

                String body = String.Format("<h1>Cities: Skylines - Integrated Web Server</h1><ul>{0}</ul>", String.Join("", links.ToArray()));
                var tokens = TemplateHelper.GetTokenReplacements(_cityName, "Home", _requestHandlers, body);
                var template = TemplateHelper.PopulateTemplate("index", tokens);

                IResponseFormatter htmlResponseFormatter = new HtmlResponseFormatter(template);

                return true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>;
        /// Handles the specified request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Defers execution to an appropriate request handler, except for requests to the reserved endpoints: <c>~/</c> and <c>~/Log</c>.<br />
        /// Returns a default error message if an appropriate request handler can not be found.
        /// </remarks>
        private void HandleRequest(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse response)
            LogMessage(String.Format("{0} {1}", request.HttpMethod, request.RawUrl));

            var simulationManager = Singleton<SimulationManager>.instance;
            _cityName = simulationManager.m_metaData.m_CityName;

            // There are two reserved endpoints: "/" and "/Log".
            // These take precedence over all other request handlers.
            if (ServiceRoot(request, response))

            if (ServiceLog(request, response))

            // Get the request handler associated with the current request.
            var handler = _requestHandlers.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.ShouldHandle(request));
            if (handler != null)
                    IResponseFormatter responseFormatterWriter = handler.Handle(request);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    String errorBody = String.Format("<h1>An error has occurred!</h1><pre>{0}</pre>", ex);
                    var tokens = TemplateHelper.GetTokenReplacements(_cityName, "Error", _requestHandlers, errorBody);
                    var template = TemplateHelper.PopulateTemplate("index", tokens);

                    IResponseFormatter errorResponseFormatter = new HtmlResponseFormatter(template);


            var wwwroot = GetWebRoot();

            // At this point, we can guarantee that we don't need any game data, so we can safely start a new thread to perform the remaining tasks.
            ServiceFileRequest(wwwroot, request, response);