public async Task Can_Index_Products()

			var repository = new ProductRepository(new AggregateFactory());

			var product = new ProductDTO();
			product.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

			var variant = new ProductDTO();

			variant.Id = "my id";
			variant.Title = "my title";

			variant.Details.CustomField1 = "a string value";
			variant.Details.CustomField2 = 42;

			product.Variants = new List<Product>

			await repository.IndexAsync(product);

			var result = await repository.GetSummaryAsync(product.Id);

			Assert.Equal(product.Title, result.Title);
		public async Task Can_Partially_Update_Product_Variants()

			var repository = new ProductRepository(new AggregateFactory());

			//Create a product
			var product = new ProductDTO();
			product.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

			//Create a variant
			var variant1 = new ProductDTO();

			variant1.Id = "1";
			variant1.Title = "my title 1";

			variant1.Details.CustomField1 = "a string value";
			variant1.Details.CustomField2 = 42;

			//Create another variant
			var variant2 = new ProductDTO();

			variant2.Id = "2";
			variant2.Title = "my title 2";

			product.Variants = new List<Product>

			Console.WriteLine("Indexing as " + product.Id);

			await repository.IndexAsync(product);

			await Task.Delay(500);

			//Create a 'copy' of the product, and reindex with just the second variant
			//Should update the second variant, but leave the first untouched

			var newProduct = new ProductDTO();
			newProduct.Id = product.Id;

			variant2.Title = "my new title 2";

			newProduct.Variants = new List<Product>

			Console.WriteLine("Reindexing as " + product.Id);

			//TODO: Make this method work as expected
			await repository.IndexAsync(newProduct);

			var finalProduct = await repository.GetVariantsAsync(product.Id);

			throw new NotImplementedException();
		public async Task Can_Index_Recursive_Variants()
			var repository = new ProductRepository(new AggregateFactory());

			//Create a product
			var product = new ProductDTO();
			product.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

			//Create a variant
			var variant = new ProductDTO();

			variant.Id = "my id";
			variant.Title = "my title";

			variant.Details.CustomField1 = "a string value";
			variant.Details.CustomField2 = 42;

			//Create a nested variant
			var nestedVariant = new ProductDTO();

			nestedVariant.Id = "my nested id";
			nestedVariant.Title = "my nested title";

			nestedVariant.Details.CustomField3 = DateTime.Now;

			variant.Variants = new List<Product>

			product.Variants = new List<Product>

			Console.WriteLine("Indexing as " + product.Id);

			await repository.IndexAsync(product);


			var result = await repository.GetVariantsAsync(product.Id);

			Assert.Equal(1, result.Variants.Count());