A version of the StringElement that can be styled with a number of formatting options and can render images or background images either from UIImage parameters or by downloading them from the net.
Inheritance: StringElement, IImageUpdated, IColorizeBackground
Beispiel #1
		public void DemoLoadMore () 
			Section loadMore = new Section();
			var s = new StyledStringElement ("Hola") {
				BackgroundUri = new Uri ("http://www.google.com/images/logos/ps_logo2.png")
				//BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red
			loadMore.Add (s);
			loadMore.Add (new StringElement("Element 1"));
			loadMore.Add (new StringElement("Element 2"));
			loadMore.Add (new StringElement("Element 3"));
			loadMore.Add (new LoadMoreElement("Load More Elements...", "Loading Elements...", lme => {
				// Launch a thread to do some work
				ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate {
					// We just wait for 2 seconds.
					// Now make sure we invoke on the main thread the updates
					navigation.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
						lme.Animating = false;
						loadMore.Insert(loadMore.Count - 1, new StringElement("Element " + (loadMore.Count + 1)),
				    		            new StringElement("Element " + (loadMore.Count + 2)),
				            		    new StringElement("Element " + (loadMore.Count + 3)));
			}, UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(14.0f), UIColor.Blue));
			var root = new RootElement("Load More") {
			var dvc = new DialogViewController (root, true);
			navigation.PushViewController (dvc, true);