Beispiel #1
        public async Task AddSource(ChocolateySource source)
            using (await Lock.WriteLockAsync())
                    config =>
                    config.CommandName           = "source";
                    config.SourceCommand.Command = SourceCommandType.add;
                    config.SourceCommand.Name    = source.Id;
                    config.Sources = source.Value;
                    config.SourceCommand.Username            = source.UserName;
                    config.SourceCommand.Password            = source.Password;
                    config.SourceCommand.Certificate         = source.Certificate;
                    config.SourceCommand.CertificatePassword = source.CertificatePassword;
                    config.SourceCommand.Priority            = source.Priority;
                    config.SourceCommand.BypassProxy         = source.BypassProxy;
                    config.SourceCommand.AllowSelfService    = source.AllowSelfService;
                    config.SourceCommand.VisibleToAdminsOnly = source.VisibleToAdminsOnly;

                await _choco.RunAsync();

                if (source.Disabled)
                    await DisableSource(source.Id);
                    await EnableSource(source.Id);
Beispiel #2
        public async Task UpdateSource(string id, ChocolateySource source)
            // NOTE:  The strategy of first removing, and then re-adding the source
            // is due to the fact that there is no "edit source" command that can
            // be used.  This has the side effect of "having" to decrypt the password
            // for an authenticated source, otherwise, when re-adding the source,
            // the encrypted password, is re-encrypted, making it no longer work.
            if (id != source.Id)
                await RemoveSource(id);

            await AddSource(source);
Beispiel #3
 public void Cancel()
     DraftSource = new ChocolateySource(SelectedSource);
Beispiel #4
 public void New()
     SelectedSource = new ChocolateySource();