Beispiel #1
 public XPotionStrength(Job parent)
     name = "HQ - X-Potion of Strength";
     recastTime = 300;
     animationDelay = 0.6;
     abilityType = "Cooldown";
     buffTime = 15;
     bonus = 67;
     percent = 16;
Beispiel #2
 //this is important to engine...
 public void handler(ref Job p)
     p.actionmade = false; //temp
Beispiel #3
 public XPotionDexterity(Job parent)
     name = "HQ - X-Potion of Dexterity";
     recastTime = 300;
     animationDelay = 0.8;
     abilityType = "Cooldown";
     buffTime = 15;
     bonus = 67;
     percent = 16;
Beispiel #4
        public void parse(Job j)
            var dps = j.totaldamage / MainWindow.fightlength;

              report += "<!doctype html><html class='no-js' lang='en'><head><title>Chocobro Report " + " </title><style>";
              report += " {font-family:'/5.1.0/';} {font-family:'/only screen and (max-width: 40em)/';width:0em;} {font-family:'/only screen and (min-width:40.063em)/';width:40.063em;} {font-family:'/only screen and (min-width:64.063em)/';width:64.063em;} {font-family:'/only screen and (min-width:90.063em)/';width:90.063em;} {font-family:'/only screen and (min-width:120.063em)/';width:120.063em;} {font-family:false;}html ,body {height:100%;}* ,*:before ,*:after {-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;}html ,body {font-size:100%;}body {background:#ffffff;color:#222222;padding:0;margin:0;font-family:'Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;line-height:1;position:relative;cursor:default;}a:hover {cursor:pointer;}img ,object ,embed {max-width:100%;height:auto;}object ,embed {height:100%;}img {-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;}#map_canvas img ,#map_canvas embed ,#map_canvas object ,.map_canvas img ,.map_canvas embed ,.map_canvas object {max-width:none !important;}.left {float:left !important;}.right {float:right !important;}.clearfix {*zoom:1;}.clearfix:before ,.clearfix:after {content:' ';display:table;}.clearfix:after {clear:both;}.hide {display:none;}.antialiased {-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;}img {display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;}textarea {height:auto;min-height:50px;}select {width:100%;}body {width:100%;background-color:#222222;color:#ffffff;font-size:14px;position:absolute;}html {width:100%;height:100%;margin:0 auto;padding:0px;overflow-x:hidden;}a {text-decoration:none;}a:visited ,a:link ,a:active {color:#006699;}a:hover {color:#ffffff;}.tile ,.info ,.stats ,.weights ,.dpet ,.dpstimeline ,.damagesources ,.blank ,.abilities ,.buffs ,.debuffs {padding:10px;display:inline-block;}.wrapper {width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;max-width:60rem;*zoom:1;height:auto;}.wrapper:before ,.wrapper:after {content:' ';display:table;}.wrapper:after {clear:both;}.header ,.footer {width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;max-width:60rem;*zoom:1;background-color:#000000;font-size:18px;padding:10px 0;}.header:before ,.header:after {content:' ';display:table;}.header:after {clear:both;}.info {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:100%;float:left;}.stats {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:50%;float:left;}.stats div {min-width:100px;padding:5px;float:left;margin-right:20px;}.weights {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:100%;float:left;min-height:300px;}.weights table {background-color:#000000;}.weights table td {padding:5px;}.weights table thead {background-color:#000000;}.weights table tbody tr:nth-child(even) {background:#444444;}.weights table tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {background:#111111;}.dpet {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:41.66667%;float:left;}.dpstimeline {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:41.66667%;float:left;}.damagesources {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:41.66667%;float:left;}.blank {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:50%;float:left;}.abilities {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:100%;float:left;min-height:300px;}.abilities table {background-color:#000000;}.abilities table td {padding:5px;}.abilities table thead {background-color:#000000;}.abilities table tbody tr:nth-child(even) {background:#444444;}.abilities table tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {background:#111111;}.buffs {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:50%;float:left;}.debuffs {padding-left:0.9375rem;padding-right:0.9375rem;width:50%;float:left;}.footer {font-size:12px;}";
              report += "</style></head><body><div class='header'>chocobro.</div><div class='wrapper'><div class='info'><h3>Sim info "  + " </h3><div class='job'>";
              report += "Job:" + + "</div><div class='class'>Class:" + j.classname + "</div><div class='race'>Race:N/A</div><div class='iterations'>Iterations:" + MainWindow.iterations + "</div><div class='simtime'>Sim Time Elapsed: " + j.simulationtime + "s</div><div class='fightlength'>Fightlength (s):" + MainWindow.fightlength;
              if (MainWindow.iterations > 1) {
            report += "<h2>Average DPS: " + (Math.Floor((j.averagedps * 1000)) / 1000) + "</h2>";
              report += "<h3>FIRST ITERATION DPS: " + Math.Floor((j.totaldamage / fightlength)) + "</h3><h3>FIRST ITERATION DAMAGE: " + j.totaldamage + "</h3></div></div><div class='stats'><h3>Character stats</h3>";
              report += "<div class'STR'>STR:" + j.STR + "</div><div class'DEX'>DEX:" + j.DEX + "</div><div class'VIT'>VIT:" + j.VIT + "</div><div class'INT'>INT:" + j.INT + "</div><div class'MND'>MND:" + j.MND + "</div><div class'PIE'>PIE:" + j.PIE + "</div><div class'ACC'>ACC:" + j.ACC + "</div><div class'CRIT'>CRIT:" + j.CRIT + "</div><div class'DET'>DET:" + j.DTR + "</div><div class'AP'>AP:" + j.AP + "</div><div class'AMP'>AMP:" + j.AMP + "</div><div class'WEP'>WEP:" + j.WEP + "</div><div class'AADMG'>AADMG:" + j.AADMG + "</div><div class'AADELAY'>AADELAY:" + j.AADELAY + "</div></div></div>";
              if (j.statforweights != "None") {
            report += "<div class='wrapper'><div class='weights'><h3>Weights</h3><table><thead><tr><td>STAT</td><td>-50</td><td>-45</td><td>-40</td><td>-35</td><td>-30</td><td>-25</td><td>-20</td><td>-15</td><td>-10</td><td>-5</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>10</td><td>15</td><td>20</td><td>25</td><td>30</td><td>35</td><td>40</td><td>45</td><td>50</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>";
            report += j.weight + "</td>";
            //cycle through stat weight stuff.
            foreach (double stat in j.DPSarray) {
              report += "<td>" + stat + "</td>";

            report += "</tr></tbody></table></div></div>";
              countdpet = 0;
              foreach (Ability ability in j.areport) {
            if (ability.damage > 0) { //checks to make sure abilities do damage....
              countdpet += 1;
              report += " <div class='wrapper'><div class='dpet'><h3>DPET</h3><div><img border='0' width='500' height='" + ((countdpet + 1) * 30) + "' src=\",s,00000000&chtt=Damage Per Execute Time (DPET)&chts=FFFFFF,18&chs=500x" + ((countdpet + 1) * 30) + "&chd=t:";
              var maxdpet = 0.0; //for calculating chart scope, then calculate dpet
              foreach (Ability ability in j.areport) {
            if (ability.damage > 0) { //checks to make sure abilities do damage....

              ability.dpet = 0;
              //check if the ability has a dot component
              if (ability.dotPotency > 0 || ability.hotPotency > 0) {
            if (ability.dotPotency > 0) {ability.dpet = ((ability.damage + ability.dotdamage) / ability.swings);}
            if (ability.hotPotency > 0) {ability.dpet = ((ability.damage + ability.hotheals) / ability.swings);}
              } else {
            ability.dpet = ((ability.damage) / ability.swings);

              if (ability.dpet > maxdpet) { maxdpet = ability.dpet; }
              //sort then...
              j.areport.Sort((x, y) => y.dpet.CompareTo(x.dpet));

              // add to dpet.

              foreach (Ability ability in j.areport) {
            if (ability.damage > 0) { //checks to make sure abilities do damage....
              report += Math.Round(ability.dpet) + "|";
              // eating the last pipe off the end of the string ..
              report = report.Substring(0, report.Length - 1);

              report += "&chds=0," + (int)(maxdpet * 3) + "&chco=FFFFFF&chm=t++";

              for (var x = 0; x < countdpet; ++x) {
            var abilityname = j.areport[x].name.Replace(" ", "_");
            if (j.areport[x].dpet != 0) { //checks to make sure abilities do damage.... TODO: goign to have to change this 'last' logic in case a non-dps ability is added.
              //WHEN YOU GET BACK: Dpet value isn't being assigned... figure this out.
              report += Math.Round(j.areport[x].dpet) + "++" + abilityname + "," + dpetcolor + "," + x + ",0,15";
            if (x < countdpet - 1) { report += "|t++"; }  // add pipe to all but last...

              report += "\" /></div></div><div class='dpstimeline'><h3>Timeline</h3>";
              report += "<img src=',y";
              report += "&chxl=0:|0|fightlength=" + MainWindow.fightlength + "|1:|0|avg=" + Math.Round((j.totaldamage / MainWindow.fightlength)) + "|max=" + Math.Round(dpstimeline.Max()) + "&chxp=1,1,51,100&chtt=DPS+Timeline&chts=FFFFFF,18&chf=bg,s,00000000&chd=";

              //loop through damage timeline.
              report += util.simpleEncode(dpstimeline, (dpstimeline.Max() + 10));
              report = report.Substring(0, report.Length - 1);
              report += "' />";

              report += "</div></div><div class='wrapper'><div class='damagesources'><h3>Damage Sources</h3>";
              report += "<img src=',FFFFFF,11.5&&chco=006699&&chxt=x&&chs=500x225&chts=FFFFFF,18&chf=bg,s,00000000&cht=p&chd=t:";

              foreach (Ability ability in j.areport) {
            if (ability.damage > 0 || ability.dotdamage + ability.hotheals > 0) { //checks to make sure abilities do damage....
              if (ability.dotPotency + ability.hotheals > 0) {
            report += dpspercent(ability.dotdamage + ability.hotheals, dps, fightlength) + ",";
              report += dpspercent(ability.damage, dps, fightlength) + ",";
              // eating the last comma off the end of the string ..
              report = report.Substring(0, report.Length - 1);
              report += "&chl=";
              foreach (Ability ability in j.areport) {
            if (ability.damage + ability.hotheals > 0) { //checks to make sure abilities do damage....
              if (ability.dotPotency > 0 || ability.hotPotency > 0) {
            report += + " Dot|";
              report += + "|";
              // eating the last pipe off the end of the string ..
              report = report.Substring(0, report.Length - 1);

              report += "&chtt=Damage+Sources' width='450 height='225'/></div><div class='dpstimeline'><h3>MP/TP Regen</h3>";
              report += "<br><h3>TP Recovered: " + j.tpgained + "  TP Used: " + j.tpused + " " + "<br>";
              report += "<img src=',y";
              report += "&chxl=0:|0|fightlength=" + MainWindow.fightlength + "|1:|0|avg=" + Math.Round(tptimeline.Sum() / tptimeline.Count()) + "|max=" + 1000 + "&chxp=1,1,51,100&chtt=TP+Timeline&chts=FFFFFF,18&chf=bg,s,00000000&chd=";
              report += util.simpleEncode(tptimeline, (tptimeline.Max() + 10));
              report += "' /></div>";
              report += "<img src=',y";
              report += "&chxl=0:|0|fightlength=" + MainWindow.fightlength + "|1:|0|avg=" + Math.Round(mptimeline.Sum() / mptimeline.Count()) + "|max=" + mptimeline.Max()*1 + "&chxp=1,1,51,100&chtt=MP+Timeline&chts=FFFFFF,18&chf=bg,s,00000000&chd=";
              report += util.simpleEncode(mptimeline, (mptimeline.Max() +  10));
              report += "' /></div><div class='damagesources'><h3>Distribution</h3>";
              report += "<img src=',y&chxs=1,000000,12,0,lt|1,000000,10,1,lt&chbh=5,0,1&chd=t:";

              var dpsavglist = (MainWindow.dpsminlist + MainWindow.dpsmaxlist) / 2;

              report += "<img src=\",s,00000000&chxl=1:|Min: " + Math.Round((MainWindow.dpsminlist * 100)) / 100 + "|Average: " + Math.Round((dpsavglist * 100)) / 100 + "|Max: " + Math.Round((MainWindow.dpsmaxlist * 100)) / 100 + "&chxp=1,10,50,90&chxr=0,0,";
              report += bucket.Max() + "&chxs=0,FFFFFF,11.5,0,lt,FFFFFF|1,FFFFFF,11.5,0,l,FFFFFF&chxt=y,x&chbh=a,1,1&chs=400x175&cht=bvg&chco=006699&chds=0," + MainWindow.dpsmaxlist + "&chd=t:" + util.chartEncode(bucket);
              report += "&chtt=Damage+Distribution&chts=FFFFFF,14\" width=\"400\" height=\"175\" alt=\"Damage Distribution\" />";
              report += util.chartEncode(bucket) + "&chds=0,325&chxl=0:|";
              report += MainWindow.dpsminlist + "|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" + MainWindow.dpsmaxlist + "|1:|0|" + (bucket.Max() + 25) + " ' />";

              report += "</div><div class='wrapper'>";

              report += "<div class='abilities'><h3>Ability Breakdown</h3>";
              report += "<table><thead><tr><td>Ability</td><td>DPS</td><td>DPS%</td><td>TOTAL DMG</td><td>Swings</td><td>HIT</td><td>HIT%</td><td>CRIT</td><td>CRIT%</td><td>MISS</td><td>MISS%</td><td>UPTIME</td></tr></thead><tbody>";
              foreach (Ability ability in j.areport) {

            if (ability.dotPotency > 0 || ability.hotPotency > 0) {

              //ability.totalattacks = ability.tickhits +
              report += "<tr><td>" + + " Dot</td><td>"
            + (Math.Floor(((ability.dotdamage + ability.hotheals) / fightlength) * 100) / 100) + "</td><td>"
            + (Math.Floor(dpspercent(ability.dotdamage+ability.hotheals, dps, fightlength) * 100) / 100) + "</td><td>"
            + (ability.dotdamage + ability.hotheals) + "</td><td>"
            + ability.ticks + "</td><td></td><td>100%</td><td>" + ability.tickcrits + "</td><td>" + (Math.Round(((double)ability.tickcrits / (double)ability.ticks) * 10000) / 10000) * 100 + "%</td><td>0</td><td>0%</td><td>UPTIME</td></tr>";
            report += "<tr><td>" + + "</td><td>"
              + (Math.Floor((ability.damage / fightlength) * 100) / 100) + "</td><td>"
              + (Math.Floor(dpspercent(ability.damage, dps, fightlength) * 100) / 100) + "</td><td>"
              + (ability.damage) + "</td><td>"
              + ability.swings + "</td><td>"
              + ability.hits + "</td><td>" + (Math.Round(((double)ability.hits / (double)ability.swings) * 10000) / 10000) * 100 + "%</td><td>"
              + ability.crits + "</td><td>" + (Math.Round(((double)ability.crits / (double)ability.swings) * 10000) / 10000) * 100 + "%</td><td>"
              + ability.misses + "</td><td>" + (Math.Round(((double)ability.misses / (double)ability.swings) * 10000) / 10000) * 100 + "%</td><td>UPTIME</td></tr>";

              //Add totalmissrate etc.
              report += "<tr><td>TOTAL</td><td>" + (j.totaldamage / fightlength) + "</td><td></td><td>" + j.totaldamage + "</td><td>Swings</td><td>HIT</td><td>HIT%</td><td>CRIT</td><td>CRIT%</td><td>MISS</td><td>MISS%</td><td>UPTIME</td></tr>";
              report += "</tbody></table>";
              report += "</div></div><div class='wrapper'><div class='buffs'><h3>Buffs</h3></div><div class='debuffs'><h3>Debuffs</h3></div></div><div class='footer'>Chocobro © 2013-2014. FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2014 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. <div class='social'><a href='' target='_blank'>Github</a> - <a href='' target='_blank'>Twitter</a> - <a href='' target='_blank'>Homepage</a></div></div></body></html>";