Beispiel #1
        public void OrderMoves(Board board, List <Move> moves, bool useTT)
            Move hashMove = invalidMove;

            if (useTT)
                hashMove = transpositionTable.GetStoredMove();

            for (int i = 0; i < moves.Count; i++)
                int score            = 0;
                int movePieceType    = Piece.PieceType(board.Square[moves[i].StartSquare]);
                int capturePieceType = Piece.PieceType(board.Square[moves[i].TargetSquare]);
                int flag             = moves[i].MoveFlag;

                if (capturePieceType != Piece.None)
                    // Order moves to try capturing the most valuable opponent piece with least valuable of own pieces first
                    // The capturedPieceValueMultiplier is used to make even 'bad' captures like QxP rank above non-captures
                    score = capturedPieceValueMultiplier * GetPieceValue(capturePieceType) - GetPieceValue(movePieceType);

                if (movePieceType == Piece.Pawn)
                    if (flag == Move.Flag.PromoteToQueen)
                        score += Evaluation.queenValue;
                    else if (flag == Move.Flag.PromoteToKnight)
                        score += Evaluation.knightValue;
                    else if (flag == Move.Flag.PromoteToRook)
                        score += Evaluation.rookValue;
                    else if (flag == Move.Flag.PromoteToBishop)
                        score += Evaluation.bishopValue;
                    // Penalize moving piece to a square attacked by opponent pawn
                    if (BitBoardUtility.ContainsSquare(moveGenerator.opponentPawnAttackMap, moves[i].TargetSquare))
                        score -= squareControlledByOpponentPawnPenalty;
                if (Move.SameMove(moves[i], hashMove))
                    score += 10000;

                moveScores[i] = score;
