protected override async Task <Tuple <bool, Response> > callChecked_FileDownAsync(FtClient ftClient, string[] commandSplit)
            string errMessage = "";

            if (!CpParseUtilities.CheckArgCount(commandSplit, 2, 2, ref errMessage))
                return(new Tuple <bool, Response>(true, new Response(false, errMessage)));

            // get filename
            string filename = commandSplit[1];

            // open the file
            using (Stream fileIn = FtFileManager.OpenForRead(filename, out errMessage))
                if (fileIn == null)
                    return(new Tuple <bool, Response>(true, new Response(false, errMessage)));
                // send ok (ready to send file)
                bool stillConnected = await SendResponseAsync(ftClient.SerializerAsync, true, "");

                if (!stillConnected)
                    return(new Tuple <bool, Response>(false, null));

                // send file
                stillConnected = await FtFileManager.FileSendAsync(ftClient.Client, fileIn);

                if (!stillConnected)
                    return(new Tuple <bool, Response>(false, null));

            return(new Tuple <bool, Response>(true, new Response(true, "")));