private AutomataDefinition(Neighbourhood neighbourhood, bool wrap, StateDefinition[] states)
     NumStates = states.Length;
     Neighbourhood = neighbourhood;
     Wrap = wrap;
     States = states;
        public static AutomataDefinition Create(string formula, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;

                error = "Formula cannot be empty.";
                return null;

            List<StateDefinition> states = new List<StateDefinition>();
            List<StateRule> rules = new List<StateRule>();

            string[] lines = formula.Split('|','\n','\r');

            Neighbourhood neighbourhood = Neighbourhood.Moore;
            bool wrap = false;

            foreach(var line in lines)
                string parse = line.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                parse = parse.Replace("\t", string.Empty);
                parse = parse.ToLowerInvariant();

                if(parse == "n")
                    neighbourhood = Neighbourhood.VonNeumann;

                if (parse == "m")
                    neighbourhood = Neighbourhood.Moore;

                if (parse == "w")
                    wrap = true;

                if (parse == "b")
                    wrap = false;

                string[] pair = parse.Split(':');

                if(pair.Length != 2)
                    error = "Syntax error: '" + line + "'.";
                    return null;

                byte state = 0;
                if(!byte.TryParse(pair[0], out state) || state > 15)
                    error = "Syntax error: '" + line + "'. Expected number between 0 and 15.";
                    return null;

                string[] newStates = pair[1].Split(',');


                foreach(var rule in newStates)
                    byte stateId = 0;
                    byte count = StateRule.AnyCount;

                        string[] exp = rule.Split('(', ')');

                        if (!byte.TryParse(exp[0], out stateId) || stateId > 15)
                            error = "Syntax error: '" + line + "'. Expected number between 0 and 15.";
                            return null;

                        if (!byte.TryParse(exp[1], out count) || count > 8)
                            error = "Syntax error: '" + line + "'. Expected number between 0 and 8.";
                            return null;
                        if(!byte.TryParse(rule, out stateId) || stateId > 15)
                            error = "Syntax error: '" + line + "'. Expected number between 0 and 15.";
                            return null;

                    if(rules.Find((v)=>(v.State == stateId && v.Count == count)) != null)
                        error = "Error: '" + line + "'. Already defined state-count pair.";
                        return null;

                    if (count == StateRule.AnyCount && rules.Find((v) => (v.Count == count)) != null)
                        error = "Error: '" + line + "'. Already defined default state.";
                        return null;

                    rules.Add(new StateRule(stateId, count));

                if(states.Find(v=>v.State == state)!=null)
                    error = string.Format("Error: '{0}'. Already defined state {1}.", line, state);
                    return null;

                StateDefinition stateDefinition = new StateDefinition(state, rules.ToArray());

            states.Sort((v1, v2) =>
                    return Math.Sign(v1.State - v2.State);

            for (int idx = 0; idx < states.Count; ++idx )
                  if(states[idx].State != idx)
                      error = string.Format("Missing state definition: {0}.", idx);
                      return null;


            return new AutomataDefinition(neighbourhood, wrap, states.ToArray());