Beispiel #1
        public static bool EntityCollideCheckWithSidewaysJumpthrus(Entity self, Vector2 checkAtPosition, bool isClimb, bool isWallJump)
            // our entity collides if this is with a jumpthru and we are colliding with the solid side of it.
            // we are in this case if the jumpthru is left to right (the "solid" side of it is the right one)
            // and we are checking the collision on the left side of the player for example.
            bool             collideOnLeftSideOfPlayer = (self.Position.X > checkAtPosition.X);
            SidewaysJumpThru jumpthru = self.CollideFirstOutside <SidewaysJumpThru>(checkAtPosition);

            return(jumpthru != null && self is Player && (jumpthru.AllowLeftToRight == collideOnLeftSideOfPlayer &&
                                                          (!isWallJump || jumpthru.allowWallJumping) && (!isClimb || jumpthru.allowClimbing)) &&
                   jumpthru.Bottom >= self.Top + checkAtPosition.Y - self.Position.Y + 3);
Beispiel #2
        private static int onPlayerNormalUpdate(On.Celeste.Player.orig_NormalUpdate orig, Player self)
            int result = orig(self);

            // kill speed if player is going towards a jumpthru.
            if (self.Speed.X != 0)
                bool             movingLeftToRight = self.Speed.X > 0;
                SidewaysJumpThru jumpThru          = self.CollideFirstOutside <SidewaysJumpThru>(self.Position + Vector2.UnitX * Math.Sign(self.Speed.X));
                if (jumpThru != null && jumpThru.AllowLeftToRight != movingLeftToRight)
                    self.Speed.X = 0;

Beispiel #3
        public static bool CheckCollisionWithSidewaysJumpthruWhileMoving(Actor self, int moveDirection, bool movingLeftToRight)
            // check if colliding with a sideways jumpthru
            SidewaysJumpThru jumpThru = self.CollideFirstOutside <SidewaysJumpThru>(self.Position + Vector2.UnitX * moveDirection);

            if (jumpThru != null && jumpThru.AllowLeftToRight != movingLeftToRight && (!(self is Seeker) || !jumpThru.letSeekersThrough))
                // there is a sideways jump-thru and we are moving in the opposite direction => collision
                if (self is Player player && player.DashAttacking && jumpThru is AttachedSidewaysJumpThru attachedSidewaysJumpThru)
                    // attached sideways jumpthrus potentially have a callback to call when the player is dashing into them.
                    attachedSidewaysJumpThru.OnDashCollide?.Invoke(player, Vector2.UnitX * moveDirection);

Beispiel #4
        private static Platform modSurfaceIndexGetPlatformByPriority(On.Celeste.SurfaceIndex.orig_GetPlatformByPriority orig, List <Entity> platforms)
            // if vanilla already has platforms to get the sound index from, use those.
            if (platforms.Count != 0)

            // check if we are climbing a sideways jumpthru.
            Player player = Engine.Scene.Tracker.GetEntity <Player>();

            if (player != null)
                SidewaysJumpThru jumpThru = player.CollideFirst <SidewaysJumpThru>(player.Center + Vector2.UnitX * (float)player.Facing);
                if (jumpThru != null && jumpThru.surfaceIndex != -1)
                    // yes we are! pass it off as a Platform so that the game can get its surface index later.
                    return(new WallSoundIndexHolder(jumpThru.surfaceIndex));

Beispiel #5
        private static bool onPlatformMoveHExactCollideSolids(On.Celeste.Platform.orig_MoveHExactCollideSolids orig, Platform self,
                                                              int moveH, bool thruDashBlocks, Action <Vector2, Vector2, Platform> onCollide)
            // fall back to vanilla if no sideways jumpthru is in the room.
            if (self.Scene == null || self.Scene.Tracker.CountEntities <SidewaysJumpThru>() == 0)
                return(orig(self, moveH, thruDashBlocks, onCollide));

            float x                    = self.X;
            int   moveDirection        = Math.Sign(moveH);
            int   moveAmount           = 0;
            Solid solid                = null;
            bool  movingLeftToRight    = moveH > 0;
            bool  collidedWithJumpthru = false;

            while (moveH != 0)
                if (thruDashBlocks)
                    // check if we have dash blocks to break on our way.
                    foreach (DashBlock entity in self.Scene.Tracker.GetEntities <DashBlock>())
                        if (self.CollideCheck(entity, self.Position + Vector2.UnitX * moveDirection))
                            entity.Break(self.Center, Vector2.UnitX * moveDirection, true, true);
                            self.SceneAs <Level>().Shake(0.2f);
                            Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Medium, RumbleLength.Medium);

                // check for collision with a solid
                solid = self.CollideFirst <Solid>(self.Position + Vector2.UnitX * moveDirection);

                // check for collision with a sideways jumpthru
                SidewaysJumpThru jumpThru = self.CollideFirstOutside <SidewaysJumpThru>(self.Position + Vector2.UnitX * moveDirection);
                if (jumpThru != null && jumpThru.AllowLeftToRight != movingLeftToRight)
                    // there is a sideways jump-thru and we are moving in the opposite direction => collision
                    collidedWithJumpthru = true;

                if (solid != null || collidedWithJumpthru)

                // continue moving
                moveAmount += moveDirection;
                moveH      -= moveDirection;
                self.X     += moveDirection;

            // actually move and call the collision callback if any
            self.X = x;
            if (solid != null && onCollide != null)
                onCollide(Vector2.UnitX * moveDirection, Vector2.UnitX * moveAmount, solid);
            return(solid != null || collidedWithJumpthru);