private static int Player_RedDashUpdate(On.Celeste.Player.orig_RedDashUpdate orig, Player self)
            DreamBooster dreamBooster = self.LastBooster as DreamBooster;

            if (dreamBooster != null)
                bool inSolid = self.CollideCheck <Solid, DreamBlock>();

                // Prevent the player from jumping or dashing out of the DreamBooster. May be reset in IL hook below.
                // If for whatever reason this becomes an actual option for DreamBoosters, this will need to be changed.
                if (inSolid)
                    self.LastBooster.Ch9HubTransition = true;

                dreamBooster.LoopingSfxParam("dream_tunnel", Util.ToInt(inSolid));
                if (Vector2.Distance(self.Center, dreamBooster.Start) >= dreamBooster.Length)
                    self.Position = dreamBooster.Target;
                    self.SceneAs <Level>().DirectionalShake(dreamBooster.Dir, 0.175f);

            int ret = orig(self);

            if (dreamBooster != null)
                self.LastBooster.Ch9HubTransition = false;

            public DreamBoosterPathRenderer(DreamBooster booster, float alpha)
                Depth        = Depths.DreamBlocks + 1;
                dreamBooster = booster;

                Alpha = Percent = alpha;
                perp  = dreamBooster.Dir.Perpendicular();