Cluster class.
Inheritance: Thing
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to get a valid cell to spawn a new cluster away from plant.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TryGetRandomSpawnCellAwayFromCluster(Cluster cluster, int newDesiredClusterSize, out IntVec3 spawnCell)
            spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid;
            float newClusterExclusivityRadius = Cluster.GetExclusivityRadius(cluster.plantDef, newDesiredClusterSize);
            //Log.Message("newCluster size/ExclusivityRadius = " + newClusterSize + "/" + newClusterExclusivityRadius);

            // Current cluster and new cluster zones are exclusive and should not overlap.
            float newClusterMinDistance = cluster.exclusivityRadius + newClusterExclusivityRadius;
            float newClusterMaxDistance = 2f * newClusterMinDistance;
            //Log.Message("newClusterMinDistance/newClusterMaxDistance = " + newClusterMinDistance + "/" + newClusterMaxDistance);

            Predicate<IntVec3> validator = delegate(IntVec3 cell)
                // Check cell is not too close from current cluster.
                if (cell.InHorDistOf(cluster.Position, newClusterMinDistance))
                    return false;
                //Log.Message("not too close");
                // Check cell is not too distant from current cluster.
                if (cell.InHorDistOf(cluster.Position, newClusterMaxDistance) == false)
                    return false;
                //Log.Message("not too distant");
                // Check cell is in the same room.
                if (cell.GetRoom() != cluster.GetRoom())
                    return false;
                // Check a plant can be spawned here.
                if (IsValidPositionToGrowPlant(cluster.plantDef, cell) == false)
                    return false;
                //Log.Message("IsValidPositionToSpawnPlant OK");
                // Check there is no third cluster nearby.
                if (IsClusterAreaClear(cluster.plantDef, newDesiredClusterSize, cell) == false)
                    return false;
                return true;

            bool validCellIsFound = CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(cluster.Position, (int)newClusterMaxDistance, validator, out spawnCell);
            if (validCellIsFound == false)
                // Note that TryFindRandomCellNear set result to root if no valid cell is found!
                spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid;
 public static ClusterPlant TryToSpawnNewSymbiosisCluster(Cluster cluster)
     // Check there is not already a symbiosis cluster.
     if (cluster.symbiosisCluster == null)
         foreach (IntVec3 cell in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(cluster.Position, cluster.plantDef.clusterSpawnRadius, false).InRandomOrder())
             if (cell.InBounds() == false)
             ClusterPlant plant = cell.GetFirstThing(cluster.plantDef) as ClusterPlant;
             if (plant != null)
                 ClusterPlant symbiosisPlant = Cluster.SpawnNewClusterAt(cell, cluster.plantDef.symbiosisPlantDefEvolution, cluster.plantDef.symbiosisPlantDefEvolution.clusterSizeRange.RandomInRange);
                 return symbiosisPlant;
     return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Try to spawn a new cluster away from plant.
 /// </summary>
 public static ClusterPlant TrySpawnNewClusterAwayFrom(Cluster cluster)
     IntVec3 spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid;
     int newDesiredClusterSize = cluster.plantDef.clusterSizeRange.RandomInRange;
     TryGetRandomSpawnCellAwayFromCluster(cluster, newDesiredClusterSize, out spawnCell);
     if (spawnCell.IsValid)
         return Cluster.SpawnNewClusterAt(spawnCell, cluster.plantDef, newDesiredClusterSize);
         return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a valid cell in this cluster to spawn another cave plant.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TryGetRandomSpawnCellNearCluster(Cluster cluster, out IntVec3 spawnCell)
            spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid;

            float maxSpawnDistance = GenRadial.RadiusOfNumCells(cluster.actualSize + 1); // Min radius to hold cluster's plants + new plant.
            //Log.Message("Cluster at " + clusterCenter.ToString() + ": actualClusterSize/desiredClusterSize => maxSpawnDistance " + actualClusterSize + "/" + desiredClusterSize + " => " + maxSpawnDistance);
            maxSpawnDistance += 2f; // Add a margin so the cluster does not have a perfect circle shape.
            /* = plantDef.clusterSpawnRadius;
            if (plantDef.clusterSizeRange.max > plantDef.clusterSizeRange.min)
                maxSpawnDistance *= clusterMaturity;
                maxSpawnDistance = Math.Max(2f, maxSpawnDistance);
            Log.Message("maxSpawnDistance at " + clusterCenter.ToString() + ": maturity/maxSpawnDistance => " + clusterMaturity + "/" + maxSpawnDistance);*/
            Predicate<IntVec3> validator = delegate(IntVec3 cell)
                // Check cell is not too far away from current cluster.
                if (cell.InHorDistOf(cluster.Position, maxSpawnDistance) == false)
                    return false;
                // Check cell is in the same room.
                if (cell.GetRoom() != cluster.GetRoom())
                    return false;
                return IsValidPositionToGrowPlant(cluster.plantDef, cell);
            bool validCellIsFound = CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(cluster.Position, (int)maxSpawnDistance, validator, out spawnCell);
            if (validCellIsFound == false)
                // Note that TryFindRandomCellNear set result to root if no valid cell is found!
                spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the center of a cluster and its actual size.
        /// </summary>
        /*public static void GetClusterCenterAndActualSize(ClusterPlant plant, out IntVec3 clusterCenter, out int actualClusterSize)
            // Default values.
            clusterCenter = plant.Position;
            actualClusterSize = 1;

            if (plant.desiredClusterSize == 1)
                clusterCenter = IntVec3.Zero;
                actualClusterSize = 0;
                Room plantRoom = plant.Position.GetRoom();
                // We only check with clusterSpawnRadius (+ a small offset). No need to check entire cluster exclusivity area.
                IEnumerable<IntVec3> cellsInCluster = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(plant.Position, plant.clusterPlantProps.clusterSpawnRadius + 3f, true);
                foreach (IntVec3 cell in cellsInCluster)
                    if ((cell.GetRoom() == plantRoom)
                        && (Find.ThingGrid.ThingAt(cell, plant.def) != null))
                        clusterCenter += cell;
                clusterCenter.x = (int)Mathf.Round(clusterCenter.x / (float)actualClusterSize);
                clusterCenter.z = (int)Mathf.Round(clusterCenter.z / (float)actualClusterSize);
                if (clusterCenter.x < 0)
                    clusterCenter.x = 0;
                else if (clusterCenter.x > Find.Map.Size.x)
                    clusterCenter.x = Find.Map.Size.x;
                if (clusterCenter.z < 0)
                    clusterCenter.z = 0;
                else if (clusterCenter.z > Find.Map.Size.z)
                    clusterCenter.z = Find.Map.Size.z;
                //Log.Message("GetClusterActualSizeAndCenter: " + plant.Position.ToString() + "/" + clusterActualSize + "/" + clusterCenter);

        /// <summary>
        /// Try to spawn another plant in this cluster.
        /// </summary>
        public static ClusterPlant TryGrowCluster(Cluster cluster)
            IntVec3 spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid;
            TryGetRandomSpawnCellNearCluster(cluster, out spawnCell);
            if (spawnCell.IsValid)
                ClusterPlant newPlant = ThingMaker.MakeThing(cluster.plantDef) as ClusterPlant;
                GenSpawn.Spawn(newPlant, spawnCell);
                newPlant.cluster = cluster;
                if (cluster.plantDef.isSymbiosisPlant)
                    // Destroy source symbiosis plant.
                    Thing sourceSymbiosisPlant = spawnCell.GetFirstThing(cluster.plantDef.symbiosisPlantDefSource);
                    if (sourceSymbiosisPlant != null)
                return newPlant;
                return null;
Beispiel #6
 public void NotifySymbiosisClusterRemoved(Cluster symbiosisCluster)
     this.symbiosisCluster = null;
     symbiosisCluster.symbiosisCluster = null;
Beispiel #7
 public void NotifySymbiosisClusterAdded(Cluster symbiosisCluster)
     this.symbiosisCluster = symbiosisCluster;
     symbiosisCluster.symbiosisCluster = this;