public int MakeOrder(int tableid)
            string          sql = "insert into orderinfo(odate,ispay,tableid) values(datetime('now', 'localtime'),0,@tableid);update tableinfo set tisfree=0 where tid=@tableid;select oid from orderinfo order by oid desc limit 0,1";
            SQLiteParameter sp  = new SQLiteParameter("@tableid", tableid);

            return(Convert.ToInt32(SqliteHelper.ExcuteScalar(sql, sp)));
        public int OrderDish(int orderid, int dishid)
            string sql = "select count(*) from orderdetailinfo where orderid=@oid and dishid=@did";

            SQLiteParameter[] sp = new SQLiteParameter[]
                new SQLiteParameter("@oid", orderid),
                new SQLiteParameter("@did", dishid),
            int count = Convert.ToInt32(SqliteHelper.ExcuteScalar(sql, sp));

            if (count > 0)
                sql = "update orderdetailinfo set count=count+1 where orderid=@oid and dishid=@did";
                sql = "insert into orderdetailinfo(orderid,dishid,count) values(@oid,@did,1)";

            return(SqliteHelper.ExcuteNoQuery(sql, sp));

        public int GetOrderById(int tableid)
            string          sql = "select oid from orderinfo where tableid=@tableid and ispay=0";
            SQLiteParameter sp  = new SQLiteParameter("@tableid", tableid);

            return(Convert.ToInt32(SqliteHelper.ExcuteScalar(sql, sp)));
        public decimal GetTotalMoneyByOrderId(int orderid)
            string sql =
                "select sum(oti.count*di.dprice) from orderdetailinfo as oti inner join dishinfo as di on oti.dishid=di.did where oti.orderid=@orderid";
            SQLiteParameter sp    = new SQLiteParameter("@orderid", orderid);
            var             money = SqliteHelper.ExcuteScalar(sql, sp);

            if (money == DBNull.Value)
