Beispiel #1
            public static XElement MakeResponsiblePartyNode(ResponsibleParty c)
                if (c == null || c.Name.IsBlank())
                    return null;

                return new XElement(gmd + "CI_ResponsibleParty",
                    new XElement(gmd + "organisationName",
                        new XElement(gco + "CharacterString", c.Name)),
                    new XElement(gmd + "contactInfo",
                        new XElement(gmd + "CI_Contact",
                            new XElement(gmd + "address",
                                new XElement(gmd + "CI_Address",
                                    new XElement(gmd + "electronicMailAddress",
                                        new XElement(gco + "CharacterString", c.Email)))))),
                    new XElement(gmd + "role",
                        new XElement(gmd + "CI_RoleCode",
                            new XAttribute("codeList", ""),
                            new XAttribute("codeListValue", c.Role),
                            c.Role))); // todo should ideally store the human-readable meaning as the element value, but for now using the codeListValue
Beispiel #2
 public Metadata()
     Keywords = new List<MetadataKeyword>();
     TemporalExtent = new TemporalExtent();
     ResponsibleOrganisation = new ResponsibleParty();
     MetadataPointOfContact = new ResponsibleParty();
     BoundingBox = new BoundingBox();