Beispiel #1
        public ValidationResult<Record> Validate(Record record)
            var result = new ValidationResult<Record>();

            ValidatePath(record, result);
            ValidateTitle(record, result);
            ValidateKeywords(record, result);
            ValidateDatasetReferenceDate(record, result);
            ValidateTemporalExtent(record, result);
            ValidateTopicCategory(record, result);
            ValidateResourceLocator(record, result);
            ValidateResponsibleOrganisation(record, result);
            ValidateMetadataPointOfContact(record, result);
            ValidateResourceType(record, result);
            ValidateSecurityInvariants(record, result);
            ValidatePublishableInvariants(record, result);
            ValidateBoundingBox(record, result);
            ValidateJnccSpecificRules(record, result);

            if (record.Validation == Validation.Gemini)
                PerformGeminiValidation(record, result);

            return result;
Beispiel #2
        public RecordServiceResult Update(Record record)
            if (record.ReadOnly)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot update a read-only record.");

            return Upsert(record);
Beispiel #3
        public void versioning_should_work()
            // guid keys are problematic for raven versioning
            // so here's a test that show that it now works

            // this test mutates data so we don't use the ResusableDocumentStore...

            IDocumentStore store = new InMemoryDatabaseHelper().Create();
            Guid id = Guid.Parse("f7b444f7-76f3-47a4-b8d8-cc204d400728");

            using (IDocumentSession db = store.OpenSession())
                var record = new Record {Id = id, Gemini = Library.Example()};


            using (IDocumentSession db = store.OpenSession())
                var record = db.Load<Record>(id);

                record.Notes = "i'm updating this record!";

            using (IDocumentSession db = store.OpenSession())
                var record = db.Load<Record>(id);
                Record[] revisions = db.Advanced.GetRevisionsFor<Record>(db.Advanced.GetDocumentId(record), 0, 10);

                revisions.Select(r => r.Revision).Should().ContainInOrder(new[] {1, 2});
Beispiel #4
        public void ExportRecord(Record record, TextWriter writer)
            var csv = new CsvWriter(writer);


Beispiel #5
        private Record Clone(Record record)
            var clonedRecord = record.Copy();

            clonedRecord.Id = Guid.Empty;
            clonedRecord.Path = String.Empty;
            clonedRecord.Gemini.Title = String.Empty;

            return clonedRecord;
        public void should_count_records_with_duplicate_titles()
            var service = new RecordService(Db, new RecordValidator());

            var record1 = new Record().With(r =>
                r.Id = new Guid("7ce85158-f6f9-491d-902e-b3f2c8bb5264");
                r.Path = @"X:\path\to\duplicate\record\1";
                r.Gemini = new Metadata().With(m =>
                    m.Title = "This is a duplicate record";
                    m.Keywords.Add(new MetadataKeyword { Vocab = "", Value = "Marine" });
                    m.Keywords.Add(new MetadataKeyword { Vocab = "", Value = "Example" });
            var record2 = new Record().With(r =>
                r.Id = new Guid("afb4ebbf-4286-47ed-b09f-a4d40af139e1");
                r.Path = @"X:\path\to\duplicate\record\2";
                r.Gemini = new Metadata().With(m =>
                    m.Title = "This is a duplicate record";
                    m.Keywords.Add(new MetadataKeyword { Vocab = "", Value = "Marine" });
                    m.Keywords.Add(new MetadataKeyword { Vocab = "", Value = "Example" });



            var results = Db.Query<RecordsWithDuplicateTitleCheckerIndex.Result, RecordsWithDuplicateTitleCheckerIndex>()
                .Where(x => x.Count > 1)

            // looks like we have some duplicates created by the seeder!
            results.Count.Should().BeInRange(1, 10); // perhaps prevent more duplicate titles being seeded in the future!
            results.Should().Contain(r => r.Title == "This is a duplicate record");
Beispiel #7
        internal RecordServiceResult Upsert(Record record)

            var validation = validator.Validate(record);

            if (!validation.Errors.Any())

            return new RecordServiceResult
                    Record = record,
                    Validation = validation,
Beispiel #8
 void ValidatePublishableInvariants(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
     // disabled until publishing mechanism created
     // publishable_records_must_have_a_resource_locator
     //            if (record.Status == Status.Publishable && record.Gemini.ResourceLocator.IsBlank())
     //            {
     //                result.Errors.Add("Publishable records must have a resource locator",
     //                    r => r.Status, r => r.Gemini.ResourceLocator);
     //            }
Beispiel #9
 void ValidateResourceLocator(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
     // resource_locator_must_be_a_well_formed_http_url
     if (record.Gemini.ResourceLocator.IsNotBlank())
         Uri url;
         if (Uri.TryCreate(record.Gemini.ResourceLocator, UriKind.Absolute, out url))
             if (url.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttp && url.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
                 result.Errors.Add("Resource locator must be an http url",
                     r => r.Gemini.ResourceLocator);
             result.Errors.Add("Resource locator must be a valid url",
                 r => r.Gemini.ResourceLocator);
Beispiel #10
 void ValidateMetadataPointOfContact(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
     // metadata_point_of_contact_role_must_be_an_allowed_role
     var role = record.Gemini.MetadataPointOfContact.Role;
     if (role.IsNotBlank() && !ResponsiblePartyRoles.Allowed.Contains(role))
         result.Errors.Add(String.Format("Metadata Point of Contact Role '{0}' is not valid", role),
             r => r.Gemini.MetadataPointOfContact.Role);
Beispiel #11
        void ValidatePath(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
            // path_must_not_be_blank
            if (record.Path.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Path must not be blank", r => r.Path);
            else // (let's not add additional errors if it's just that it's blank)
                // path_must_be_an_acceptable_kind
                // currently, a file system path or paul's experimental OGR connection string
                Uri uri;

                // allow OGR connection strings (experimental)
                if (record.Path.StartsWith("PG:"))
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(record.Path, "PG:\".+\""))
                        result.Errors.Add("Path doesn't appear to be a valid OGR connection string");
                else if (Uri.TryCreate(record.Path, UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
                    if (uri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFile)
                        result.Errors.Add("Path must be a file system path", r => r.Path);
                    result.Errors.Add("Path is invalid. Normally should be a file system path", r => r.Path);
Beispiel #12
        void ValidateJnccSpecificRules(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
            var meshGuiKeywords = record.Gemini.Keywords.Where(k => k.Vocab == "").ToList();

            if (meshGuiKeywords.Count > 1)
                result.Errors.Add("More than one MESH GUI keyword isn't allowed", r => r.Gemini.Keywords);

            if (meshGuiKeywords.Any(k => !Regex.IsMatch(k.Value, "^GB[0-9]{6}$")))
                result.Errors.Add("MESH GUI not valid", r => r.Gemini.Keywords);
Beispiel #13
        void ValidateKeywords(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> ValidationResult)
            var jnccDomainKeywords = record.Gemini.Keywords.Where(k => k.Vocab == "");
            var jnccCategoryKeywords = record.Gemini.Keywords.Where(k => k.Vocab == "");

            if (!jnccDomainKeywords.Any())
                ValidationResult.Errors.Add(String.Format("Must specify a JNCC Domain keyword"),
                    r => r.Gemini.Keywords);
            if (!jnccCategoryKeywords.Any())
                ValidationResult.Errors.Add(String.Format("Must specify a JNCC Category keyword"),
                    r => r.Gemini.Keywords);

            //No blank keywords
            if (record.Gemini.Keywords.Any(k => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(k.Value)))
                    String.Format("Keywords cannot be blank"),
                    r => r.Gemini.Keywords);
Beispiel #14
        void ValidateTitle(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
            // title_must_not_be_blank
            if (record.Gemini.Title.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Title must not be blank", r => r.Gemini.Title);

            // title must be reasonable length
            if (record.Gemini.Title != null && (record.Gemini.Title.Length > 200))
                if (record.Gemini.ResourceType == "publication" && record.Gemini.Title.Length > 250)
                    result.Errors.Add("Title is too long. 250 characters or less, please", r => r.Gemini.Title);
                else if (record.Gemini.ResourceType != "publication")
                    result.Errors.Add("Title is too long. 200 characters or less, please", r => r.Gemini.Title);
Beispiel #15
        void AddOverseasTerritoriesRecord()
            var record = new Record().With(r =>
                r.Id = new Guid("d836cd57-7c94-43b6-931b-3d63a58e3541");
                r.Path = @"X:\path\to\overseas\territories\data";
                r.Gemini = new Metadata().With(m =>
                    m.Title = "A simple Overseas Territories example record";
                    m.Keywords.Add(new MetadataKeyword { Vocab = "", Value = "Marine" });
                    m.Keywords.Add(new MetadataKeyword { Vocab = "", Value = "Overseas Territories" });
                    m.ResourceType = "dataset";

Beispiel #16
        public void should_give_new_record_a_new_guid()
            var record = new Record
                    Path = @"X:\some\path",
                    Gemini = Library.Blank().With(m => m.Title = "Some new record!")
            var rsr = RecordServiceResult.SuccessfulResult.With(r => r.Record = record);
            var service = Mock.Of<IRecordService>(s => s.Insert(It.IsAny<Record>()) == rsr);
            var controller = new RecordsController(service, Mock.Of<IDocumentSession>(), new TestUserContext());

            var result = controller.Post(record);

Beispiel #17
 void ValidateSecurityInvariants(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
     // sensitive_records_must_have_limitations_on_public_access
     if (record.Security != Security.Official && record.Gemini.LimitationsOnPublicAccess.IsBlank())
         result.Errors.Add("Non-open records must describe their limitations on public access",
             r => r.Security,
             r => r.Gemini.LimitationsOnPublicAccess);
Beispiel #18
        void UploadAlternativeResources(Record record)
            // check no duplicate filenames after webifying
            var fileNames = from r in record.Publication.OpenData.Resources
                            let fileName = WebificationUtility.ToUrlFriendlyString(Path.GetFileName(r.Path))
                            group r by fileName;
            if (fileNames.Count() != record.Publication.OpenData.Resources.Count)
                throw new Exception("There are duplicate resource file names (after webifying) for this record.");

            // upload the resources
            foreach (var r in record.Publication.OpenData.Resources)
                UploadDataFile(record.Id, r.Path);
Beispiel #19
        public void load_gemini_records()
            string dir = @"C:\Users\PETMON\Downloads\nbn-gemini2";
            XNamespace gmd = "";

            var q = (from f in Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.xml")
                where File.ReadLines(f).Any()
                let xml = XDocument.Load(f)
                let p = new
                    North = (decimal) xml.Descendants(gmd + "northBoundLatitude").Single(),
                    South = (decimal) xml.Descendants(gmd + "southBoundLatitude").Single(),
                    East = (decimal) xml.Descendants(gmd + "eastBoundLongitude").Single(),
                    West = (decimal) xml.Descendants(gmd + "westBoundLongitude").Single(),
                where p.North < 61 && p.South > 50 && p.East < 2 && p.West > -12
                // ignore bad data
                select new
                    File = Path.GetFileName(f),
                    Wkt = BoundingBoxUtility.ToWkt(new BoundingBox
                        North = p.North,
                        South = p.South,
                        East = p.East,
                        West = p.West,


            IDocumentStore store = new DocumentStore {Url = RavenUrl}.Initialize();

            using (IDocumentSession db = store.OpenSession())
                foreach (var x in q)
                    var item = new Record
                        Gemini = new Metadata
                            Title = x.File,
                        Wkt = x.Wkt,



            IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof (Record).Assembly, store);
Beispiel #20
        void UploadTheMetadataDocument(Record record,  bool alternativeResources)
            var doc = new global::Catalogue.Gemini.Encoding.XmlEncoder().Create(record.Id, record.Gemini);

            if (alternativeResources)
                // mung (mutate) the metadata doc so knows about the resources
                var onlineResources = record.Publication.OpenData.Resources
                    .Select(r => new OnlineResource
                        Name = WebificationUtility.ToUrlFriendlyString(Path.GetFileName(r.Path)),
                        Url = config.HttpRootUrl + "/" + GetUnrootedDataPath(record.Id, r.Path)

                global::Catalogue.Gemini.Encoding.XmlEncoder.ReplaceDigitalTransferOptions(doc, onlineResources);

            var s = new MemoryStream();
            var metaXmlDoc = s.ToArray();

            string metaPath = String.Format("waf/{0}.xml", record.Id);
            string metaFtpPath = config.FtpRootUrl + "/" + metaPath;

            ftpClient.UploadBytes(metaFtpPath, metaXmlDoc);
Beispiel #21
 void ValidateResourceType(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
     // resource type must be a valid Gemini resource type if not blank
     var resourceType = record.Gemini.ResourceType;
     if (resourceType.IsNotBlank() && !ResourceTypes.Allowed.Contains(resourceType))
         result.Errors.Add(String.Format("Resource Type '{0}' is not valid", resourceType),
             r => r.Gemini.ResourceType);
Beispiel #22
        void UpdateTheWafIndexDocument(Record record)
            string indexDocFtpPath = String.Format("{0}/waf/index.html", config.FtpRootUrl);
            string indexDocHtml = ftpClient.DownloadString(indexDocFtpPath);

            var doc = XDocument.Parse(indexDocHtml);
            var body = doc.Root.Element("body");

            var newLink = new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", record.Id + ".xml"), record.Gemini.Title);
            var existingLinks = body.Elements("a").ToList();


            var newLinks = existingLinks
                .Concat(new [] { newLink })
                .GroupBy(a => a.Attribute("href").Value)
                .Select(g => g.First()); // poor man's DistinctBy


            ftpClient.UploadString(indexDocFtpPath, doc.ToString());
Beispiel #23
 void ValidateResponsibleOrganisation(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
     // responsible_organisation_role_must_be_an_allowed_role
     var role = record.Gemini.ResponsibleOrganisation.Role;
     if (role.IsNotBlank() && !ResponsiblePartyRoles.Allowed.Contains(role))
         result.Errors.Add(String.Format("Responsible Organisation Role '{0}' is not valid", role),
             r => r.Gemini.ResponsibleOrganisation.Role);
Beispiel #24
        void AddHumanActivitiesRecord()
            var record = new Record().With(r =>
                r.Id = new Guid("d8b438dc-4cd3-4d4f-9fa7-1160ea2336fd");
                r.Path = @"X:\path\to\human\activities\data";
                r.Gemini = new Metadata().With(m =>
                    m.Title = "A simple Human Activity example record";
                    m.Keywords.Add(new MetadataKeyword { Vocab = "", Value = "Marine" });
                    m.Keywords.Add(new MetadataKeyword { Vocab = "", Value = "Human Activities" });
                    m.ResourceType = "dataset";

Beispiel #25
        void ValidateTemporalExtent(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
            var begin = record.Gemini.TemporalExtent.Begin;
            var end = record.Gemini.TemporalExtent.End;

            // temporal_extent_must_be_valid_dates
            if (begin.IsNotBlank() && !IsValidDate(begin))
                result.Errors.Add("Temporal Extent (Begin) is not a valid date", r => r.Gemini.TemporalExtent.Begin);

            if (end.IsNotBlank() && !IsValidDate(end))
                result.Errors.Add("Temporal Extent (End) is not a valid date", r => r.Gemini.TemporalExtent.End);

            // todo ensure End is after Begin
Beispiel #26
        void ValidateTopicCategory(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
            // topic_category_must_be_valid

            var s = record.Gemini.TopicCategory;

            if (s.IsNotBlank() && !TopicCategories.Values.Any(c => c.Name == s))
                result.Errors.Add(String.Format("Topic Category '{0}' is not valid", record.Gemini.TopicCategory),
                    r => r.Gemini.TopicCategory);
Beispiel #27
 void ValidateBoundingBox(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
     if (!BoundingBoxUtility.IsBlank(record.Gemini.BoundingBox))
         if (!BoundingBoxUtility.IsValid(record.Gemini.BoundingBox))
             result.Errors.Add("Invalid bounding box", r => r.Gemini.BoundingBox);
Beispiel #28
 void UpdateTheResourceLocatorToBeTheOpenDataDownloadPage(Record record)
     // this is a big dataset so just link to a webpage
     string jnccWebDownloadPage = "";
     record.Gemini.ResourceLocator = jnccWebDownloadPage;
     Console.WriteLine("ResourceLocator updated to point to open data request webpage.");
Beispiel #29
        void PerformGeminiValidation(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
            // structured to match the gemini doc

            // 1 title is validated at basic level

            // 2 alternative title not used as optional

            // 3 Dataset language, conditional - data resource contains textual information
            // lets assume all data resources contain text
            // data_type is enum so can't be null, will default to eng

            // 4 abstract is mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.Abstract.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Abstract must be provided" + GeminiSuffix, r => r.Gemini.Abstract);

            // 5 topic_category_must_not_be_blank
            if (record.Gemini.TopicCategory.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add(String.Format("Topic Category must be provided" + GeminiSuffix),
                    r => r.Gemini.TopicCategory);

            // 6 keywords mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.Keywords.Count == 0)
                result.Errors.Add("Keywords must be provided" + GeminiSuffix, r => r.Gemini.Keywords);

            // 7 temporal extent is mandatory - at least Begin must be provided
            if (record.Gemini.TemporalExtent.Begin.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Temporal Extent must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                    r => r.Gemini.TemporalExtent.Begin);

            // 8 DatasetReferenceDate mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.DatasetReferenceDate.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Dataset Reference Date must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                    r => r.Gemini.DatasetReferenceDate);

            // 10 Lineage is mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.Lineage.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Lineage must be provided" + GeminiSuffix, r => r.Gemini.Lineage);

            // 15 extent is optional and not used

            // 16 Vertical extent information is optional and not used

            // 17 Spatial reference system is optional

            // 18 Spatial resolution, where it can be specified it should - so its optional

            // 19 resource location, conditional
            // when online access is availble, should be a valid url
            // when do not yet perform a get request and get a 200 response, the only true way to validate a url
            if (record.Gemini.ResourceLocator.IsNotBlank())
                Uri url;

                if (Uri.TryCreate(record.Gemini.ResourceLocator, UriKind.Absolute, out url))
                    if (url.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
                        result.Errors.Add("Resource locator must be an http url",
                            r => r.Gemini.ResourceLocator);
                    result.Errors.Add("Resource locator must be a valid url",
                        r => r.Gemini.ResourceLocator);

            // 21 DataFormat optional

            // 23 reponsible Organisation
            if (record.Gemini.ResponsibleOrganisation.Email.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Email address for responsible organisation must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                        r => r.Gemini.ResponsibleOrganisation.Email);
            if (record.Gemini.ResponsibleOrganisation.Name.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Name of responsible organisation must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                        r => r.Gemini.ResponsibleOrganisation.Name);
            if (record.Gemini.ResponsibleOrganisation.Role.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Role of responsible organisation must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                        r => r.Gemini.ResponsibleOrganisation.Role);

            // 24 frequency of update is optional

            // 25 limitations on publci access is mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.LimitationsOnPublicAccess.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Limitations On Public Access must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                    r => r.Gemini.LimitationsOnPublicAccess);

            // 26 use constraints are mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.UseConstraints.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("Use Constraints must be provided (if there are none, leave as 'no conditions apply')",
                    r => r.Gemini.UseConstraints);

            // 27 Additional information source is optional

            // 30 metadatadate is mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.MetadataDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                result.Errors.Add("A metadata reference date must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                    r => r.Gemini.MetadataDate);

            // 33 Metadatalanguage

            // 35 Point of contacts
            // org name and email contact mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.MetadataPointOfContact.Email.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("A metadata point of contact email address must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                    r => r.Gemini.MetadataPointOfContact.Email);
            if (record.Gemini.MetadataPointOfContact.Name.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("A metadata point of contact organisation name must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                    r => r.Gemini.MetadataPointOfContact.Name);
            if (record.Gemini.MetadataPointOfContact.Role != "pointOfContact")
                result.Errors.Add("The metadata point of contact role must be 'pointOfContact'" + GeminiSuffix,
                    r => r.Gemini.MetadataPointOfContact.Name);

            // 36 Unique resource identifier

            // 39 resource type is mandatory
            if (record.Gemini.ResourceType.IsBlank())
                result.Errors.Add("A resource type must be provided" + GeminiSuffix,
                    r => r.Gemini.ResourceType);

            // 40 Keywords from controlled vocabularys must be defined, they cannot be added.
            //ValidateControlledKeywords(record, recordValidationResult<Record>);

            // Conformity, required if claiming conformity to INSPIRE
            // not yet implemented

            // Equivalent scale, optional

            // we're going to try to squash gemini and non-geographic iso metadata together in the same validation
            if (record.Gemini.ResourceType != "nonGeographicDataset")
                // BoundingBox
                // mandatory
                // valid todo

                if (BoundingBoxUtility.IsBlank(record.Gemini.BoundingBox))
                    result.Errors.Add("A bounding box must be supplied", r => r.Gemini.BoundingBox);
Beispiel #30
 void ValidateDatasetReferenceDate(Record record, ValidationResult<Record> result)
     // dataset_reference_date_must_be_valid_date
     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(record.Gemini.DatasetReferenceDate) && !IsValidDate(record.Gemini.DatasetReferenceDate))
         result.Errors.Add("Dataset reference date is not a valid date", r => r.Gemini.DatasetReferenceDate);