ResolveDuplicateBlogURLs() public method

public ResolveDuplicateBlogURLs ( System.Guid siteID ) : void
siteID System.Guid
return void
        public void ImportStuff()
            this.HasLoaded = false;
            this.Site = ContentImportExportUtils.GetSerializedSiteExport(this.ImportID);

            SiteData.CurrentSite = null;

            SiteData site = SiteData.CurrentSite;

            this.Message = String.Empty;
            string sMsg = String.Empty;

            if (this.ImportSite || this.ImportPages || this.ImportPosts) {
                List<string> tags = site.GetTagList().Select(x => x.TagSlug.ToLower()).ToList();
                List<string> cats = site.GetCategoryList().Select(x => x.CategorySlug.ToLower()).ToList();

                this.Site.TheTags.RemoveAll(x => tags.Contains(x.TagSlug.ToLower()));
                this.Site.TheCategories.RemoveAll(x => cats.Contains(x.CategorySlug.ToLower()));

                sMsg += "<li>Imported Tags and Categories</li>";

                List<ContentTag> lstTag = (from l in this.Site.TheTags.Distinct()
                                           select new ContentTag {
                                               ContentTagID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                               SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                               IsPublic = l.IsPublic,
                                               TagSlug = l.TagSlug,
                                               TagText = l.TagText

                List<ContentCategory> lstCat = (from l in this.Site.TheCategories.Distinct()
                                                select new ContentCategory {
                                                    ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                    SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                                    IsPublic = l.IsPublic,
                                                    CategorySlug = l.CategorySlug,
                                                    CategoryText = l.CategoryText

                foreach (var v in lstTag) {
                foreach (var v in lstCat) {

            if (this.ImportSnippets) {
                List<string> snippets = site.GetContentSnippetList().Select(x => x.ContentSnippetSlug.ToLower()).ToList();

                this.Site.TheSnippets.RemoveAll(x => snippets.Contains(x.ContentSnippetSlug.ToLower()));

                sMsg += "<li>Imported Content Snippets</li>";

                List<ContentSnippet> lstSnip = (from l in this.Site.TheSnippets.Distinct()
                                                select new ContentSnippet {
                                                    SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                                    Root_ContentSnippetID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                    ContentSnippetID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                    CreateUserId = SecurityData.CurrentUserGuid,
                                                    CreateDate = site.Now,
                                                    EditUserId = SecurityData.CurrentUserGuid,
                                                    EditDate = site.Now,
                                                    RetireDate = l.RetireDate,
                                                    GoLiveDate = l.GoLiveDate,
                                                    ContentSnippetActive = l.ContentSnippetActive,
                                                    ContentBody = l.ContentBody,
                                                    ContentSnippetSlug = l.ContentSnippetSlug,
                                                    ContentSnippetName = l.ContentSnippetName

                foreach (var v in lstSnip) {

            if (this.ImportSite) {
                sMsg += "<li>Updated Site Name</li>";
                site.SiteName = this.Site.TheSite.SiteName;
                site.SiteTagline = this.Site.TheSite.SiteTagline;
                site.BlockIndex = this.Site.TheSite.BlockIndex;

            if (!this.MapUsers) {
                this.Site.TheUsers = new List<SiteExportUser>();

            //iterate author collection and find if in the system
            foreach (SiteExportUser seu in this.Site.TheUsers) {
                SecurityData sd = new SecurityData();

                ExtendedUserData usr = null;
                seu.ImportUserID = Guid.Empty;

                //attempt to find the user in the userbase
                usr = ExtendedUserData.FindByEmail(seu.Email);
                if (usr != null) {
                    seu.ImportUserID = usr.UserId;
                } else {
                    usr = ExtendedUserData.FindByUsername(seu.Login);
                    if (usr != null) {
                        seu.ImportUserID = usr.UserId;

                if (this.CreateUsers) {
                    if (seu.ImportUserID == Guid.Empty) {
                        ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = seu.Login, Email = seu.Email };
                        var result = sd.CreateApplicationUser(user, out usr);
                        if (result.Succeeded) {
                            usr = ExtendedUserData.FindByUsername(seu.Login);
                        seu.ImportUserID = usr.UserId;

                    if (seu.ImportUserID != Guid.Empty) {
                        ExtendedUserData ud = new ExtendedUserData(seu.ImportUserID);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(seu.FirstName) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(seu.LastName)) {
                            ud.FirstName = seu.FirstName;
                            ud.LastName = seu.LastName;

            if (this.ImportPages) {
                sMsg += "<li>Imported Pages</li>";
                this.Content = site.GetFullSiteFileList();

                int iOrder = 0;

                SiteNav navHome = GetHomePage(site);

                if (navHome != null) {
                    iOrder = 2;

                foreach (var impCP in (from c in this.Site.ThePages
                                       where c.ThePage.ContentType == ContentPageType.PageType.ContentEntry
                                       orderby c.ThePage.NavOrder, c.ThePage.NavMenuText
                                       select c).ToList()) {
                    ContentPage cp = impCP.ThePage;
                    cp.Root_ContentID = impCP.NewRootContentID;
                    cp.ContentID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    cp.SiteID = site.SiteID;
                    cp.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.ContentEntry;
                    cp.EditDate = SiteData.CurrentSite.Now;
                    cp.EditUserId = this.Site.FindImportUser(impCP.TheUser);
                    cp.CreateUserId = this.Site.FindImportUser(impCP.TheUser);
                    if (impCP.CreditUser != null) {
                        cp.CreditUserId = this.Site.FindImportUser(impCP.CreditUser);
                    cp.NavOrder = iOrder;
                    cp.TemplateFile = this.PageTemplate;

                    ContentPageExport parent = (from c in this.Site.ThePages
                                                where c.ThePage.ContentType == ContentPageType.PageType.ContentEntry
                                                  && c.ThePage.FileName.ToLower() == impCP.ParentFileName.ToLower()
                                                select c).FirstOrDefault();

                    BasicContentData navParent = null;
                    BasicContentData navData = GetFileInfoFromList(site, cp.FileName);

                    if (parent != null) {
                        cp.Parent_ContentID = parent.NewRootContentID;
                        navParent = GetFileInfoFromList(site, parent.ThePage.FileName);

                    //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                    if (navData != null) {
                        cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;

                        impCP.ThePage.RetireDate = navData.RetireDate;
                        impCP.ThePage.GoLiveDate = navData.GoLiveDate;

                        if (navData.NavOrder == 0) {
                            cp.NavOrder = 0;
                    //preserve homepage
                    if (navHome != null && navHome.FileName.ToLower() == cp.FileName.ToLower()) {
                        cp.NavOrder = 0;
                    //if the file url in the upload has an existing ID, use that, not the ID from the queue
                    if (navParent != null) {
                        cp.Parent_ContentID = navParent.Root_ContentID;

                    cp.RetireDate = impCP.ThePage.RetireDate;
                    cp.GoLiveDate = impCP.ThePage.GoLiveDate;



            if (this.ImportPosts) {
                sMsg += "<li>Imported Posts</li>";
                this.Content = site.GetFullSiteFileList();

                List<ContentTag> lstTags = site.GetTagList();
                List<ContentCategory> lstCategories = site.GetCategoryList();

                foreach (var impCP in (from c in this.Site.ThePages
                                       where c.ThePage.ContentType == ContentPageType.PageType.BlogEntry
                                       orderby c.ThePage.CreateDate
                                       select c).ToList()) {
                    ContentPage cp = impCP.ThePage;
                    cp.Root_ContentID = impCP.NewRootContentID;
                    cp.ContentID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    cp.SiteID = site.SiteID;
                    cp.Parent_ContentID = null;
                    cp.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.BlogEntry;
                    cp.EditDate = SiteData.CurrentSite.Now;
                    cp.EditUserId = this.Site.FindImportUser(impCP.TheUser);
                    cp.CreateUserId = this.Site.FindImportUser(impCP.TheUser);
                    if (impCP.CreditUser != null) {
                        cp.CreditUserId = this.Site.FindImportUser(impCP.CreditUser);
                    cp.NavOrder = SiteData.BlogSortOrderNumber;
                    cp.TemplateFile = this.PostTemplate;

                    cp.ContentCategories = (from l in lstCategories
                                            join o in impCP.ThePage.ContentCategories on l.CategorySlug.ToLower() equals o.CategorySlug.ToLower()
                                            select l).Distinct().ToList();

                    cp.ContentTags = (from l in lstTags
                                      join o in impCP.ThePage.ContentTags on l.TagSlug.ToLower() equals o.TagSlug.ToLower()
                                      select l).Distinct().ToList();

                    BasicContentData navData = GetFileInfoFromList(site, cp.FileName);

                    //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                    if (navData != null) {
                        cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;

                        impCP.ThePage.RetireDate = navData.RetireDate;
                        impCP.ThePage.GoLiveDate = navData.GoLiveDate;

                    cp.RetireDate = impCP.ThePage.RetireDate;
                    cp.GoLiveDate = impCP.ThePage.GoLiveDate;


                using (ContentPageHelper cph = new ContentPageHelper()) {

            if (this.ImportComments) {
                sMsg += "<li>Imported Comments</li>";
                this.Content = site.GetFullSiteFileList();

                foreach (var impCP in (from c in this.Site.TheComments
                                       orderby c.TheComment.CreateDate
                                       select c).ToList()) {
                    int iCommentCount = -1;
                    PostComment pc = impCP.TheComment;
                    BasicContentData navData = GetFileInfoFromList(site, pc.FileName);
                    if (navData != null) {
                        pc.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;
                        pc.ContentCommentID = Guid.NewGuid();

                        iCommentCount = PostComment.GetCommentCountByContent(site.SiteID, pc.Root_ContentID, pc.CreateDate, pc.CommenterIP, pc.PostCommentText);
                        if (iCommentCount < 1) {
                            iCommentCount = PostComment.GetCommentCountByContent(site.SiteID, pc.Root_ContentID, pc.CreateDate, pc.CommenterIP);

                        if (iCommentCount < 1) {

        private void ImportStuff()
            SiteData.CurrentSite = null;

            SiteData site = SiteData.CurrentSite;

            litMessage.Text = "<p>No Items Selected For Import</p>";
            string sMsg = "";

            if (chkSite.Checked || chkPages.Checked || chkPosts.Checked) {
                List<string> tags = site.GetTagList().Select(x => x.TagSlug.ToLower()).ToList();
                List<string> cats = site.GetCategoryList().Select(x => x.CategorySlug.ToLower()).ToList();

                exSite.TheTags.RemoveAll(x => tags.Contains(x.TagSlug.ToLower()));
                exSite.TheCategories.RemoveAll(x => cats.Contains(x.CategorySlug.ToLower()));

                sMsg += "<p>Imported Tags and Categories</p>";

                List<ContentTag> lstTag = (from l in exSite.TheTags.Distinct()
                                           select new ContentTag {
                                               ContentTagID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                               SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                               IsPublic = l.IsPublic,
                                               TagSlug = l.TagSlug,
                                               TagText = l.TagText

                List<ContentCategory> lstCat = (from l in exSite.TheCategories.Distinct()
                                                select new ContentCategory {
                                                    ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                    SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                                    IsPublic = l.IsPublic,
                                                    CategorySlug = l.CategorySlug,
                                                    CategoryText = l.CategoryText

                foreach (var v in lstTag) {
                foreach (var v in lstCat) {

            if (chkSnippet.Checked) {
                List<string> snippets = site.GetContentSnippetList().Select(x => x.ContentSnippetSlug.ToLower()).ToList();

                exSite.TheSnippets.RemoveAll(x => snippets.Contains(x.ContentSnippetSlug.ToLower()));

                sMsg += "<p>Imported Content Snippets</p>";

                List<ContentSnippet> lstSnip = (from l in exSite.TheSnippets.Distinct()
                                                select new ContentSnippet {
                                                    SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                                    Root_ContentSnippetID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                    ContentSnippetID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                    CreateUserId = SecurityData.CurrentUserGuid,
                                                    CreateDate = site.Now,
                                                    EditUserId = SecurityData.CurrentUserGuid,
                                                    EditDate = site.Now,
                                                    RetireDate = l.RetireDate,
                                                    GoLiveDate = l.GoLiveDate,
                                                    ContentSnippetActive = l.ContentSnippetActive,
                                                    ContentBody = l.ContentBody,
                                                    ContentSnippetSlug = l.ContentSnippetSlug,
                                                    ContentSnippetName = l.ContentSnippetName

                foreach (var v in lstSnip) {

            if (chkSite.Checked) {
                sMsg += "<p>Updated Site Name</p>";
                site.SiteName = exSite.TheSite.SiteName;
                site.SiteTagline = exSite.TheSite.SiteTagline;

            if (!chkMapAuthor.Checked) {
                exSite.TheUsers = new List<SiteExportUser>();

            //itterate author collection and find if in the system
            foreach (SiteExportUser seu in exSite.TheUsers) {
                seu.ImportUserID = Guid.Empty;

                MembershipUser usr = null;
                //attempt to find the user in the userbase
                usr = SecurityData.GetUserListByEmail(seu.Email).FirstOrDefault();
                if (usr != null) {
                    seu.ImportUserID = new Guid(usr.ProviderUserKey.ToString());
                } else {
                    usr = SecurityData.GetUserListByName(seu.Login).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (usr != null) {
                        seu.ImportUserID = new Guid(usr.ProviderUserKey.ToString());

                if (chkAuthors.Checked) {
                    if (seu.ImportUserID == Guid.Empty) {
                        usr = Membership.CreateUser(seu.Login, ProfileManager.GenerateSimplePassword(), seu.Email);
                        Roles.AddUserToRole(seu.Login, SecurityData.CMSGroup_Users);
                        seu.ImportUserID = new Guid(usr.ProviderUserKey.ToString());

                    if (seu.ImportUserID != Guid.Empty) {
                        ExtendedUserData ud = new ExtendedUserData(seu.ImportUserID);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(seu.FirstName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(seu.LastName)) {
                            ud.FirstName = seu.FirstName;
                            ud.LastName = seu.LastName;

            if (chkPages.Checked) {
                sMsg += "<p>Imported Pages</p>";
                sitePageList = site.GetFullSiteFileList();

                int iOrder = 0;

                SiteNav navHome = GetHomePage(site);

                if (navHome != null) {
                    iOrder = 2;

                foreach (var impCP in (from c in exSite.ThePages
                                       where c.ThePage.ContentType == ContentPageType.PageType.ContentEntry
                                       orderby c.ThePage.NavOrder, c.ThePage.NavMenuText
                                       select c).ToList()) {
                    ContentPage cp = impCP.ThePage;
                    cp.Root_ContentID = impCP.NewRootContentID;
                    cp.ContentID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    cp.SiteID = site.SiteID;
                    cp.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.ContentEntry;
                    cp.EditDate = SiteData.CurrentSite.Now;
                    cp.EditUserId = exSite.FindImportUser(impCP.TheUser);
                    cp.CreateUserId = exSite.FindImportUser(impCP.TheUser);
                    if (impCP.CreditUser != null) {
                        cp.CreditUserId = exSite.FindImportUser(impCP.CreditUser);
                    cp.NavOrder = iOrder;
                    cp.TemplateFile = ddlTemplatePage.SelectedValue;

                    ContentPageExport parent = (from c in exSite.ThePages
                                                where c.ThePage.ContentType == ContentPageType.PageType.ContentEntry
                                                  && c.ThePage.FileName.ToLower() == impCP.ParentFileName.ToLower()
                                                select c).FirstOrDefault();

                    BasicContentData navParent = null;
                    BasicContentData navData = GetFileInfoFromList(site, cp.FileName);

                    if (parent != null) {
                        cp.Parent_ContentID = parent.NewRootContentID;
                        navParent = GetFileInfoFromList(site, parent.ThePage.FileName);

                    //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                    if (navData != null) {
                        cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;

                        impCP.ThePage.RetireDate = navData.RetireDate;
                        impCP.ThePage.GoLiveDate = navData.GoLiveDate;

                        if (navData.NavOrder == 0) {
                            cp.NavOrder = 0;
                    //preserve homepage
                    if (navHome != null && navHome.FileName.ToLower() == cp.FileName.ToLower()) {
                        cp.NavOrder = 0;
                    //if the file url in the upload has an existing ID, use that, not the ID from the queue
                    if (navParent != null) {
                        cp.Parent_ContentID = navParent.Root_ContentID;

                    cp.RetireDate = impCP.ThePage.RetireDate;
                    cp.GoLiveDate = impCP.ThePage.GoLiveDate;



            if (chkPosts.Checked) {
                sMsg += "<p>Imported Posts</p>";
                sitePageList = site.GetFullSiteFileList();

                List<ContentTag> lstTags = site.GetTagList();
                List<ContentCategory> lstCategories = site.GetCategoryList();

                foreach (var impCP in (from c in exSite.ThePages
                                       where c.ThePage.ContentType == ContentPageType.PageType.BlogEntry
                                       orderby c.ThePage.CreateDate
                                       select c).ToList()) {
                    ContentPage cp = impCP.ThePage;
                    cp.Root_ContentID = impCP.NewRootContentID;
                    cp.ContentID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    cp.SiteID = site.SiteID;
                    cp.Parent_ContentID = null;
                    cp.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.BlogEntry;
                    cp.EditDate = SiteData.CurrentSite.Now;
                    cp.EditUserId = exSite.FindImportUser(impCP.TheUser);
                    cp.CreateUserId = exSite.FindImportUser(impCP.TheUser);
                    if (impCP.CreditUser != null) {
                        cp.CreditUserId = exSite.FindImportUser(impCP.CreditUser);
                    cp.NavOrder = SiteData.BlogSortOrderNumber;
                    cp.TemplateFile = ddlTemplatePost.SelectedValue;

                    cp.ContentCategories = (from l in lstCategories
                                            join o in impCP.ThePage.ContentCategories on l.CategorySlug.ToLower() equals o.CategorySlug.ToLower()
                                            select l).Distinct().ToList();

                    cp.ContentTags = (from l in lstTags
                                      join o in impCP.ThePage.ContentTags on l.TagSlug.ToLower() equals o.TagSlug.ToLower()
                                      select l).Distinct().ToList();

                    BasicContentData navData = GetFileInfoFromList(site, cp.FileName);

                    //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                    if (navData != null) {
                        cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;

                        impCP.ThePage.RetireDate = navData.RetireDate;
                        impCP.ThePage.GoLiveDate = navData.GoLiveDate;

                    cp.RetireDate = impCP.ThePage.RetireDate;
                    cp.GoLiveDate = impCP.ThePage.GoLiveDate;


                using (ContentPageHelper cph = new ContentPageHelper()) {

            if (chkComments.Checked) {
                sMsg += "<p>Imported Comments</p>";
                sitePageList = site.GetFullSiteFileList();

                foreach (var impCP in (from c in exSite.TheComments
                                       orderby c.TheComment.CreateDate
                                       select c).ToList()) {
                    int iCommentCount = -1;
                    PostComment pc = impCP.TheComment;
                    BasicContentData navData = GetFileInfoFromList(site, pc.FileName);
                    if (navData != null) {
                        pc.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;
                        pc.ContentCommentID = Guid.NewGuid();

                        iCommentCount = PostComment.GetCommentCountByContent(site.SiteID, pc.Root_ContentID, pc.CreateDate, pc.CommenterIP, pc.PostCommentText);
                        if (iCommentCount < 1) {
                            iCommentCount = PostComment.GetCommentCountByContent(site.SiteID, pc.Root_ContentID, pc.CreateDate, pc.CommenterIP);

                        if (iCommentCount < 1) {

        public void ImportStuff()
            this.HasLoaded = false;
            this.Site = ContentImportExportUtils.GetSerializedWPExport(this.ImportID);

            SiteData.CurrentSite = null;

            SiteData site = SiteData.CurrentSite;

            this.Message = String.Empty;
            string sMsg = String.Empty;

            if (this.ImportSite || this.ImportPages || this.ImportPosts) {
                List<string> tags = site.GetTagList().Select(x => x.TagSlug.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList();
                List<string> cats = site.GetCategoryList().Select(x => x.CategorySlug.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList();

                this.Site.Tags.RemoveAll(x => tags.Contains(x.InfoKey.ToLowerInvariant()));
                this.Site.Categories.RemoveAll(x => cats.Contains(x.InfoKey.ToLowerInvariant()));

                sMsg += "<li>Imported Tags and Categories</li>";

                List<ContentTag> lstTag = (from l in this.Site.Tags.Distinct()
                                           select new ContentTag {
                                               ContentTagID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                               IsPublic = true,
                                               SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                               TagSlug = l.InfoKey,
                                               TagText = l.InfoLabel

                List<ContentCategory> lstCat = (from l in this.Site.Categories.Distinct()
                                                select new ContentCategory {
                                                    ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                    IsPublic = true,
                                                    SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                                    CategorySlug = l.InfoKey,
                                                    CategoryText = l.InfoLabel

                foreach (var v in lstTag) {
                foreach (var v in lstCat) {

            if (this.ImportSite) {
                sMsg += "<li>Updated Site Name</li>";
                site.SiteName = this.Site.SiteTitle;
                site.SiteTagline = this.Site.SiteDescription;

            if (!this.MapUsers) {
                this.Site.Authors = new List<WordPressUser>();

            //iterate author collection and find if in the system
            foreach (WordPressUser wpu in this.Site.Authors) {
                SecurityData sd = new SecurityData();

                ExtendedUserData usr = null;
                wpu.ImportUserID = Guid.Empty;

                //attempt to find the user in the userbase
                usr = ExtendedUserData.FindByEmail(wpu.Email);
                if (usr != null && usr.UserId != Guid.Empty) {
                    wpu.ImportUserID = usr.UserId;
                } else {
                    usr = ExtendedUserData.FindByUsername(wpu.Login);
                    if (usr != null && usr.UserId != Guid.Empty) {
                        wpu.ImportUserID = usr.UserId;

                if (this.CreateUsers) {
                    if (wpu.ImportUserID == Guid.Empty) {
                        ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = wpu.Login, Email = wpu.Email };
                        var result = sd.CreateApplicationUser(user, out usr);
                        if (result.Succeeded) {
                            usr = ExtendedUserData.FindByUsername(wpu.Login);
                        } else {
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not create user: {0} ({1}) \r\n{2}", wpu.Login, wpu.Email, String.Join("\r\n", result.Errors)));
                        wpu.ImportUserID = usr.UserId;

                    if (wpu.ImportUserID != Guid.Empty) {
                        ExtendedUserData ud = new ExtendedUserData(wpu.ImportUserID);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(wpu.FirstName) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(wpu.LastName)) {
                            ud.FirstName = wpu.FirstName;
                            ud.LastName = wpu.LastName;

            this.Site.Comments.ForEach(r => r.ImportRootID = Guid.Empty);

            using (ISiteNavHelper navHelper = SiteNavFactory.GetSiteNavHelper()) {
                if (this.ImportPages) {
                    sMsg += "<li>Imported Pages</li>";

                    int iOrder = 0;
                    SiteNav navHome = navHelper.FindHome(site.SiteID, false);
                    if (navHome != null) {
                        iOrder = 2;

                    foreach (var wpp in (from c in this.Site.Content
                                         where c.PostType == WordPressPost.WPPostType.Page
                                         orderby c.PostOrder, c.PostTitle
                                         select c).ToList()) {

                        ContentPage cp = ContentImportExportUtils.CreateWPContentPage(this.Site, wpp, site);
                        cp.SiteID = site.SiteID;
                        cp.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.ContentEntry;
                        cp.EditDate = SiteData.CurrentSite.Now;
                        cp.NavOrder = iOrder;
                        cp.TemplateFile = this.PageTemplate;

                        WordPressPost parent = (from c in this.Site.Content
                                                where c.PostType == WordPressPost.WPPostType.Page
                                                  && c.PostID == wpp.ParentPostID
                                                select c).FirstOrDefault();

                        SiteNav navParent = null;

                        SiteNav navData = navHelper.GetLatestVersion(site.SiteID, false, cp.FileName.ToLowerInvariant());
                        if (parent != null) {
                            navParent = navHelper.GetLatestVersion(site.SiteID, false, parent.ImportFileName.ToLowerInvariant());

                        //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                        if (navData != null) {
                            cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;
                            if (navData.NavOrder == 0) {
                                cp.NavOrder = 0;

                        if (navParent != null) {
                            cp.Parent_ContentID = navParent.Root_ContentID;
                        } else {
                            if (parent != null) {
                                cp.Parent_ContentID = parent.ImportRootID;
                        //preserve homepage
                        if (navHome != null && navHome.FileName.ToLowerInvariant() == cp.FileName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
                            cp.NavOrder = 0;

                        cp.RetireDate = CMSConfigHelper.CalcNearestFiveMinTime(cp.CreateDate).AddYears(200);
                        cp.GoLiveDate = CMSConfigHelper.CalcNearestFiveMinTime(cp.CreateDate).AddMinutes(-5);

                        //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                        if (navData != null) {
                            cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;
                            cp.RetireDate = navData.RetireDate;
                            cp.GoLiveDate = navData.GoLiveDate;


                        this.Site.Comments.Where(x => x.PostID == wpp.PostID).ToList().ForEach(r => r.ImportRootID = cp.Root_ContentID);


                if (this.ImportPosts) {
                    sMsg += "<li>Imported Posts</li>";

                    foreach (var wpp in (from c in this.Site.Content
                                         where c.PostType == WordPressPost.WPPostType.BlogPost
                                         orderby c.PostOrder
                                         select c).ToList()) {

                        ContentPage cp = ContentImportExportUtils.CreateWPContentPage(this.Site, wpp, site);
                        cp.SiteID = site.SiteID;
                        cp.Parent_ContentID = null;
                        cp.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.BlogEntry;
                        cp.EditDate = SiteData.CurrentSite.Now;
                        cp.NavOrder = SiteData.BlogSortOrderNumber;
                        cp.TemplateFile = this.PostTemplate;

                        SiteNav navData = navHelper.GetLatestVersion(site.SiteID, false, cp.FileName.ToLowerInvariant());

                        cp.RetireDate = CMSConfigHelper.CalcNearestFiveMinTime(cp.CreateDate).AddYears(200);
                        cp.GoLiveDate = CMSConfigHelper.CalcNearestFiveMinTime(cp.CreateDate).AddMinutes(-5);

                        //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                        if (navData != null) {
                            cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;
                            cp.RetireDate = navData.RetireDate;
                            cp.GoLiveDate = navData.GoLiveDate;


                        this.Site.Comments.Where(x => x.PostID == wpp.PostID).ToList().ForEach(r => r.ImportRootID = cp.Root_ContentID);

                    using (ContentPageHelper cph = new ContentPageHelper()) {

            this.Site.Comments.RemoveAll(r => r.ImportRootID == Guid.Empty);

            if (this.Site.Comments.Any()) {
                sMsg += "<li>Imported Comments</li>";

            foreach (WordPressComment wpc in this.Site.Comments) {
                int iCommentCount = -1;

                iCommentCount = PostComment.GetCommentCountByContent(site.SiteID, wpc.ImportRootID, wpc.CommentDateUTC, wpc.AuthorIP, wpc.CommentContent);
                if (iCommentCount < 1) {
                    iCommentCount = PostComment.GetCommentCountByContent(site.SiteID, wpc.ImportRootID, wpc.CommentDateUTC, wpc.AuthorIP);

                if (iCommentCount < 1) {
                    PostComment pc = new PostComment();
                    pc.ContentCommentID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    pc.Root_ContentID = wpc.ImportRootID;
                    pc.CreateDate = site.ConvertUTCToSiteTime(wpc.CommentDateUTC);
                    pc.IsApproved = false;
                    pc.IsSpam = false;

                    pc.CommenterIP = wpc.AuthorIP;
                    pc.CommenterName = wpc.Author;
                    pc.CommenterEmail = wpc.AuthorEmail;
                    pc.PostCommentText = wpc.CommentContent;
                    pc.CommenterURL = wpc.AuthorURL;

                    if (wpc.Approved == "1") {
                        pc.IsApproved = true;
                    if (wpc.Approved.ToLowerInvariant() == "trash") {
                        pc.IsSpam = true;
                    if (wpc.Type.ToLowerInvariant() == "trackback" || wpc.Type.ToLowerInvariant() == "pingback") {
                        pc.CommenterEmail = wpc.Type;

        private void ImportStuff()
            SiteData.CurrentSite = null;

            SiteData site = SiteData.CurrentSite;

            litMessage.Text = "<p>No Items Selected For Import</p>";
            string sMsg = "";

            if (chkSite.Checked || chkPages.Checked || chkPosts.Checked) {
                List<string> tags = site.GetTagList().Select(x => x.TagSlug.ToLower()).ToList();
                List<string> cats = site.GetCategoryList().Select(x => x.CategorySlug.ToLower()).ToList();

                wpSite.Tags.RemoveAll(x => tags.Contains(x.InfoKey.ToLower()));
                wpSite.Categories.RemoveAll(x => cats.Contains(x.InfoKey.ToLower()));

                sMsg += "<p>Imported Tags and Categories</p>";

                List<ContentTag> lstTag = (from l in wpSite.Tags.Distinct()
                                           select new ContentTag {
                                               ContentTagID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                               IsPublic = true,
                                               SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                               TagSlug = l.InfoKey,
                                               TagText = l.InfoLabel

                List<ContentCategory> lstCat = (from l in wpSite.Categories.Distinct()
                                                select new ContentCategory {
                                                    ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                    IsPublic = true,
                                                    SiteID = site.SiteID,
                                                    CategorySlug = l.InfoKey,
                                                    CategoryText = l.InfoLabel

                foreach (var v in lstTag) {
                foreach (var v in lstCat) {

            if (chkSite.Checked) {
                sMsg += "<p>Updated Site Name</p>";
                site.SiteName = wpSite.SiteTitle;
                site.SiteTagline = wpSite.SiteDescription;

            if (!chkMapAuthor.Checked) {
                wpSite.Authors = new List<WordPressUser>();

            //itterate author collection and find if in the system
            foreach (WordPressUser wpu in wpSite.Authors) {
                wpu.ImportUserID = Guid.Empty;

                MembershipUser usr = null;
                //attempt to find the user in the userbase
                usr = SecurityData.GetUserListByEmail(wpu.Email).FirstOrDefault();
                if (usr != null) {
                    wpu.ImportUserID = new Guid(usr.ProviderUserKey.ToString());
                } else {
                    usr = SecurityData.GetUserListByName(wpu.Login).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (usr != null) {
                        wpu.ImportUserID = new Guid(usr.ProviderUserKey.ToString());

                if (chkAuthors.Checked) {
                    if (wpu.ImportUserID == Guid.Empty) {
                        usr = Membership.CreateUser(wpu.Login, ProfileManager.GenerateSimplePassword(), wpu.Email);
                        Roles.AddUserToRole(wpu.Login, SecurityData.CMSGroup_Users);
                        wpu.ImportUserID = new Guid(usr.ProviderUserKey.ToString());

                    if (wpu.ImportUserID != Guid.Empty) {
                        ExtendedUserData ud = new ExtendedUserData(wpu.ImportUserID);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpu.FirstName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpu.LastName)) {
                            ud.FirstName = wpu.FirstName;
                            ud.LastName = wpu.LastName;

            wpSite.Comments.ForEach(r => r.ImportRootID = Guid.Empty);

            using (SiteNavHelper navHelper = new SiteNavHelper()) {
                if (chkPages.Checked) {
                    sMsg += "<p>Imported Pages</p>";

                    int iOrder = 0;
                    SiteNav navHome = navHelper.FindHome(site.SiteID, false);
                    if (navHome != null) {
                        iOrder = 2;

                    foreach (var wpp in (from c in wpSite.Content
                                         where c.PostType == WordPressPost.WPPostType.Page
                                         orderby c.PostOrder, c.PostTitle
                                         select c).ToList()) {

                        ContentPage cp = ContentImportExportUtils.CreateWPContentPage(wpSite, wpp, site);
                        cp.SiteID = site.SiteID;
                        cp.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.ContentEntry;
                        cp.EditDate = SiteData.CurrentSite.Now;
                        cp.NavOrder = iOrder;
                        cp.TemplateFile = ddlTemplatePage.SelectedValue;

                        WordPressPost parent = (from c in wpSite.Content
                                                where c.PostType == WordPressPost.WPPostType.Page
                                                  && c.PostID == wpp.ParentPostID
                                                select c).FirstOrDefault();

                        SiteNav navParent = null;

                        SiteNav navData = navHelper.GetLatestVersion(site.SiteID, false, cp.FileName.ToLower());
                        if (parent != null) {
                            navParent = navHelper.GetLatestVersion(site.SiteID, false, parent.ImportFileName.ToLower());

                        //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                        if (navData != null) {
                            cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;
                            if (navData.NavOrder == 0) {
                                cp.NavOrder = 0;

                        if (navParent != null) {
                            cp.Parent_ContentID = navParent.Root_ContentID;
                        } else {
                            if (parent != null) {
                                cp.Parent_ContentID = parent.ImportRootID;
                        //preserve homepage
                        if (navHome != null && navHome.FileName.ToLower() == cp.FileName.ToLower()) {
                            cp.NavOrder = 0;

                        cp.RetireDate = CalcNearestFiveMinTime(cp.CreateDate).AddYears(200);
                        cp.GoLiveDate = CalcNearestFiveMinTime(cp.CreateDate).AddMinutes(-5);

                        //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                        if (navData != null) {
                            cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;
                            cp.RetireDate = navData.RetireDate;
                            cp.GoLiveDate = navData.GoLiveDate;


                        wpSite.Comments.Where(x => x.PostID == wpp.PostID).ToList().ForEach(r => r.ImportRootID = cp.Root_ContentID);


                if (chkPosts.Checked) {
                    sMsg += "<p>Imported Posts</p>";

                    foreach (var wpp in (from c in wpSite.Content
                                         where c.PostType == WordPressPost.WPPostType.BlogPost
                                         orderby c.PostOrder
                                         select c).ToList()) {

                        ContentPage cp = ContentImportExportUtils.CreateWPContentPage(wpSite, wpp, site);
                        cp.SiteID = site.SiteID;
                        cp.Parent_ContentID = null;
                        cp.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.BlogEntry;
                        cp.EditDate = SiteData.CurrentSite.Now;
                        cp.NavOrder = SiteData.BlogSortOrderNumber;
                        cp.TemplateFile = ddlTemplatePost.SelectedValue;

                        SiteNav navData = navHelper.GetLatestVersion(site.SiteID, false, cp.FileName.ToLower());

                        cp.RetireDate = CalcNearestFiveMinTime(cp.CreateDate).AddYears(200);
                        cp.GoLiveDate = CalcNearestFiveMinTime(cp.CreateDate).AddMinutes(-5);

                        //if URL exists already, make this become a new version in the current series
                        if (navData != null) {
                            cp.Root_ContentID = navData.Root_ContentID;
                            cp.RetireDate = navData.RetireDate;
                            cp.GoLiveDate = navData.GoLiveDate;


                        wpSite.Comments.Where(x => x.PostID == wpp.PostID).ToList().ForEach(r => r.ImportRootID = cp.Root_ContentID);

                    using (ContentPageHelper cph = new ContentPageHelper()) {

            wpSite.Comments.RemoveAll(r => r.ImportRootID == Guid.Empty);

            if (wpSite.Comments.Any()) {
                sMsg += "<p>Imported Comments</p>";

            foreach (WordPressComment wpc in wpSite.Comments) {
                int iCommentCount = -1;

                iCommentCount = PostComment.GetCommentCountByContent(site.SiteID, wpc.ImportRootID, wpc.CommentDateUTC, wpc.AuthorIP, wpc.CommentContent);
                if (iCommentCount < 1) {
                    iCommentCount = PostComment.GetCommentCountByContent(site.SiteID, wpc.ImportRootID, wpc.CommentDateUTC, wpc.AuthorIP);

                if (iCommentCount < 1) {
                    PostComment pc = new PostComment();
                    pc.ContentCommentID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    pc.Root_ContentID = wpc.ImportRootID;
                    pc.CreateDate = site.ConvertUTCToSiteTime(wpc.CommentDateUTC);
                    pc.IsApproved = false;
                    pc.IsSpam = false;

                    pc.CommenterIP = wpc.AuthorIP;
                    pc.CommenterName = wpc.Author;
                    pc.CommenterEmail = wpc.AuthorEmail;
                    pc.PostCommentText = wpc.CommentContent;
                    pc.CommenterURL = wpc.AuthorURL;

                    if (wpc.Approved == "1") {
                        pc.IsApproved = true;
                    if (wpc.Approved.ToLower() == "trash") {
                        pc.IsSpam = true;
                    if (wpc.Type.ToLower() == "trackback" || wpc.Type.ToLower() == "pingback") {
                        pc.CommenterEmail = wpc.Type;

