Beispiel #1
        public void UpdateBranch(DTOBranch DTOBranch)
            // Get the DAL Branch object from database using the ID as key
            Branch DALBranch = db.Branches.Find(DTOBranch.BranchId);

            // Copy new values from incomming DTOBranch
            DALBranch.BranchName    = DTOBranch.BranchName;
            DALBranch.BranchAddress = DTOBranch.BranchAddress;
            DALBranch.Geodata       = DTOBranch.GeoData;

            // Save changes to DB (make sure this works for the changed DALBranch !)
Beispiel #2
        // Receiving DTO Branch, and sending it to the DataBase
        public DTOBranch AddBranch(DTOBranch DTOBranch)
            // Creating a empty new DAL Branch object
            Branch dbBranch = new Branch();

            // Copying values from incomming DTO Branch to empty new DAL Branch object
            dbBranch.BranchName    = DTOBranch.BranchName;
            dbBranch.BranchAddress = DTOBranch.BranchAddress;
            dbBranch.Geodata       = DTOBranch.GeoData;

            // Adding new filled DAL Branch object to DB
            dbBranch = db.Branches.Add(dbBranch);

            //  == Now the DAL Branch object has an ID ==

            // Returning the DTO Branch with the new ID to the UI

            DTOBranch.BranchId = dbBranch.BranchID;
