public static Dictionary<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan> AverageTripTimePerDay()
            Dictionary<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan> timePerDay = new Dictionary<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan>();
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Monday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Wednesday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Thursday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Friday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Saturday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Sunday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int16> carIds = dbc.GetCarIds();
            Int64 tripCount = dbc.GetTripCount();

            foreach (Int16 carId in carIds) {
                Dictionary<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan> carData = WeekdayStatistics.Time(carId);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan> entry in carData) {
                    timePerDay[entry.Key] += entry.Value;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan> day in timePerDay) {
                timePerDay[day.Key] = new TimeSpan(timePerDay[day.Key].Ticks / carIds.Count);

            return timePerDay;
        //Updates trip without PreviousTripId, localtripId and Secondstolag
        public static void UpdateExistingTrip(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();

            Trip trip = new Trip(tripId, carId);
            List<Fact> facts = dbc.GetFactsByTripIdNoQuality(tripId);

            //Calc the trip updates
            trip = UpdateTrip(trip, facts, dbc);

            //Compute the scores
            trip.OptimalScore = FinalScore.CalculateOptimalScore(trip);
            List<double> fullscores = FinalScore.CalculateTripScores(trip);

            trip.RoadTypeScore = fullscores[0];
            trip.CriticalTimeScore = fullscores[1];
            trip.SpeedingScore = fullscores[2];
            trip.AccelerationScore = fullscores[3];
            trip.BrakeScore = fullscores[4];
            trip.JerkScore = fullscores[5];
            trip.TripScore = fullscores[6];

            //Update the trip in the database
        public static Dictionary<DayOfWeek, int> Plots(Int16 carId)
            Dictionary<DayOfWeek, int> plotsPerDay = new Dictionary<DayOfWeek, int>();
            plotsPerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Monday, 0);
            plotsPerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, 0);
            plotsPerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Wednesday, 0);
            plotsPerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Thursday, 0);
            plotsPerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Friday, 0);
            plotsPerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Saturday, 0);
            plotsPerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Sunday, 0);

            //Fetch all timestamps for all trips on car
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int64> tripIds = dbc.GetTripIdsByCarId(carId);
            List<TemporalInformation> timestamps = new List<TemporalInformation>();
            foreach (Int64 tripId in tripIds) {
                timestamps = dbc.GetTimestampsByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);


            foreach (TemporalInformation timestamp in timestamps) {
                plotsPerDay[timestamp.Timestamp.DayOfWeek] += 1;

            return plotsPerDay;
        public static Dictionary<DayOfWeek, double> Distance(Int16 carId)
            Dictionary<DayOfWeek, double> distancePerDay = new Dictionary<DayOfWeek, double>();
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Monday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Wednesday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Thursday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Friday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Saturday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Sunday, 0);

            TimeSpan day = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int64> tripIds = dbc.GetTripIdsByCarId(carId);

            foreach (Int64 tripId in tripIds) {
                List<Fact> entries = dbc.GetSpatioTemporalByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

                for (int i = 1; i < entries.Count; i++) {
                    distancePerDay[entries[i].Temporal.Timestamp.DayOfWeek] += entries[i].Spatial.DistanceToLag;

            return distancePerDay;
        public static List<INFATITrip> CalculateTripsByCarId(Int16 carId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();

            //Fetch all temporalinformation for a cardId
            List<TemporalInformation> datapoints = dbc.GetTimestampsByCarId(carId);
            //Instantiate the containers for trips and timestamps fetched by a single date at a time
            List<INFATITrip> allTrips = new List<INFATITrip>();
            INFATITrip trip = new INFATITrip(carId);

            //First case
            allTrips.Last().Timestamps.Add(new TemporalInformation(datapoints.ElementAt(0).EntryId, datapoints.ElementAt(0).Timestamp));

            //Starting to iterate over all timestamps
            for (int i = 1; i < datapoints.Count(); i++) {
                //Compare the last seen timestamp to the current, if more than 300 seconds has past, create a new trip and store the current timestamp in it
                if (Math.Abs(ToUnixTime(allTrips.Last().Timestamps.Last().Timestamp) - ToUnixTime(datapoints.ElementAt(i).Timestamp)) <= 180) {
                    allTrips.Last().Timestamps.Add(new TemporalInformation(datapoints.ElementAt(i).EntryId, datapoints.ElementAt(i).Timestamp));
                } else {
                    allTrips.Add(new INFATITrip(carId));
                    allTrips.Last().Timestamps.Add(new TemporalInformation(datapoints.ElementAt(i).EntryId, datapoints.ElementAt(i).Timestamp));

            return allTrips;
        public static List<Int64> RemoveOutliers(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId)
            List<Fact> facts = new List<Fact>();

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            facts = dbc.GetFactsByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            List<Int64> OutlierIds = new List<Int64>();

            for (int i = 1; i < facts.Count(); i++) {
                double distanceTravelled = facts[i].Spatial.MPoint.GetDistanceTo(facts[i - 1].Spatial.MPoint);
                double currentSpeed = Math.Max(facts[i].Measure.Speed, facts[i - 1].Measure.Speed) + 15;
                currentSpeed = currentSpeed * 3.6;

                if (distanceTravelled / (facts[i].Temporal.Timestamp - facts[i - 1].Temporal.Timestamp).TotalSeconds > currentSpeed || facts[i].Temporal.Timestamp == facts[i - 1].Temporal.Timestamp) {

            if (OutlierIds.Count > facts.Count * 0.1) {
                //Console.WriteLine(tripId + " is invalid");

            return OutlierIds;
        public static Dictionary<DayOfWeek, double> AverageTripDistancePerDay()
            Dictionary<DayOfWeek, double> distancePerDay = new Dictionary<DayOfWeek, double>();
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Monday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Wednesday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Thursday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Friday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Saturday, 0);
            distancePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Sunday, 0);

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int16> carIds = dbc.GetCarIds();
            Int64 tripCount = dbc.GetTripCount();

            foreach (Int16 carId in carIds) {
                Dictionary<DayOfWeek, double> carData = WeekdayStatistics.Distance(carId);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<DayOfWeek, double> entry in carData) {
                    distancePerDay[entry.Key] += entry.Value;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<DayOfWeek, double> day in distancePerDay) {
                distancePerDay[day.Key] /= tripCount;

            return distancePerDay;
        public static Dictionary<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan> Time(Int16 carId)
            Dictionary<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan> timePerDay = new Dictionary<DayOfWeek, TimeSpan>();
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Monday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Wednesday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Thursday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Friday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Saturday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));
            timePerDay.Add(DayOfWeek.Sunday, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int64> tripIds = dbc.GetTripIdsByCarId(carId);

            foreach (Int64 tripId in tripIds) {
                List<TemporalInformation> entries = dbc.GetTimestampsByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

                for (int i = 1; i < entries.Count; i++) {
                    timePerDay[entries[i].Timestamp.DayOfWeek] += entries[i].SecondsToLag;

            return timePerDay;
        public static TimeSpan Duration(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<TemporalInformation> timestamps = dbc.GetTimestampsByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            return timestamps[timestamps.Count - 1].Timestamp - timestamps[0].Timestamp;
        public static void Update(Int16 CarId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int64> tripIds = dbc.GetTripIdsByCarId(CarId);
            foreach (Int64 tripId in tripIds) {
                List<Fact> facts = dbc.GetFactsByTripId(tripId);

Beispiel #11
 public string GetCar(Int16 carid)
     try {
         throw new Exception("something broke");
     } catch (Exception e) {
         DBController dbc = new DBController();
         dbc.AddLog("GetCar?carid={carid}", carid, null, null, e.ToString().Substring(0, Math.Min(e.ToString().Count(), 254)), "");
     return "";
        public static Dictionary<int, List<Fact>> NegativeAccelerationsBelowThreshold(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId, double threshold, double ignorableSpeed, TimeSpan ignorableTime, double ignorableDistance)
            Dictionary<int, List<Fact>> negativeAccelerationsBelowThreshold = new Dictionary<int, List<Fact>>();
            int accelerationCount = 0;

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Fact> speedData = dbc.GetSpeedInformationByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            DateTime accelerationStartPoint = speedData[0].Temporal.Timestamp;
            double accelerationDistance = 0;
            bool belowThreshold = false;
            List<Fact> accelerationPoints = new List<Fact>();

            //For the entire trip
            foreach (Fact fact in speedData) {
                //If entry indicates acceleration below threshold, and above ignorable speeds
                if (fact.Measure.Speed > ignorableSpeed && fact.Measure.Acceleration < threshold) {
                    accelerationDistance += fact.Spatial.DistanceToLag;

                    //If not previously below threshold, remember the time where driver began accelerating
                    if (!belowThreshold) {
                        accelerationStartPoint = fact.Temporal.Timestamp;
                        belowThreshold = true;

                    //If driver is not below threshold
                } else {
                    //If previously below threshold, add the facts result
                    if (belowThreshold) {
                        if (fact.Temporal.Timestamp - accelerationStartPoint >= ignorableTime && accelerationDistance > ignorableDistance) {
                            negativeAccelerationsBelowThreshold.Add(accelerationCount, accelerationPoints);

                        accelerationPoints = new List<Fact>();
                        accelerationDistance = 0;
                        belowThreshold = false;

            //Handle case where last entry in trip is still speeding
            if (belowThreshold) {
                if (speedData[speedData.Count - 1].Temporal.Timestamp - accelerationStartPoint >= ignorableTime && accelerationDistance > ignorableDistance) {
                    negativeAccelerationsBelowThreshold.Add(accelerationCount, accelerationPoints);

            return negativeAccelerationsBelowThreshold;
        public static void GetTimePlot(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<TemporalInformation> temporalData = dbc.GetTimestampsByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            List<TimeSpan> intervals = new List<TimeSpan>();

            for (int i = 1; i < temporalData.Count; i++) {
                TimeSpan interval = temporalData[i].Timestamp - temporalData[i - 1].Timestamp;
        public static TimeSpan AverageTotalTime()
            TimeSpan totalTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int16> carIds = dbc.GetCarIds();

            foreach (Int16 carId in carIds) {
                totalTime += CarStatistics.TotalTime(carId);

            return new TimeSpan(totalTime.Ticks / carIds.Count);
 public void CompetitionSignUp(Int16 carid, Int16 competitionid)
     try {
         DBController dbc = new DBController();
         dbc.CompetitionSignUp(carid, competitionid);
     } catch (Exception e) {
         DBController dbc = new DBController();
         dbc.AddLog("CompetitionSignUp?carid={carid}&competitionid={competitionid}", carid, null, competitionid, e.ToString().Substring(0, Math.Min(e.ToString().Count(), 254)), "");
        public static List<double> DistancePerTrip(Int16 carId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int64> tripIds = dbc.GetTripIdsByCarId(carId);

            List<double> kilometersPerTrip = new List<double>();

            foreach (Int64 tripId in tripIds) {
                kilometersPerTrip.Add(TripStatistics.Distance(carId, tripId));

            return kilometersPerTrip;
        public static double AverageTotalDistance()
            double totalDistance = 0;

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int16> carIds = dbc.GetCarIds();

            foreach (Int16 carId in carIds) {
                totalDistance += CarStatistics.TotalDistance(carId);

            return totalDistance / carIds.Count;
        public static List<TimeSpan> TimePerTrip(Int16 carId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Int64> tripIds = dbc.GetTripIdsByCarId(carId);

            List<TimeSpan> minutesPerTrip = new List<TimeSpan>();

            foreach (Int64 tripId in tripIds) {
                minutesPerTrip.Add(TripStatistics.Duration(carId, tripId));

            return minutesPerTrip;
        public static double Distance(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<SpatialInformation> entries = dbc.GetMPointsByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            double distance = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < entries.Count - 1; i++) {
                distance += entries[i].MPoint.GetDistanceTo(entries[i - 1].MPoint);

            return distance /= 1000;
        public static void GetSatHdopPlot(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<QualityInformation> qualityData = dbc.GetQualityByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            List<Int16> Sat = new List<Int16>();
            List<double> Hdop = new List<double>();

            foreach(QualityInformation quality in qualityData) {
        public string AddTripToCompetition(Int16 competitionid, Int16 carid, Int64 tripid)
            try {
                DBController dbc = new DBController();
                dbc.UpdateWithCompetitionAttempt(competitionid, carid, tripid);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                DBController dbc = new DBController();
                dbc.AddLog("AddTripToCompetition", carid, tripid, competitionid, e.ToString().Substring(0, Math.Min(e.ToString().Count(), 254)), "");

            return "succes";
Beispiel #22
        public void UpdateCarWithUsername(Int16 carid, string username)
            try {
                DBController dbc = new DBController();
                dbc.UpdateCarWithUsername(carid, username);
            } catch(Exception e) {
                DBController dbc = new DBController();
                dbc.AddLog("UpdateCarWithUsername?carid={carid}&username={username}", carid, null, null, e.ToString().Substring(0, Math.Min(e.ToString().Count(), 254)), username);

Beispiel #23
        public static Dictionary<SpatialInformation, SpatialInformation> ByTime(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId, TimeSpan MinimumGapTime)
            Dictionary<SpatialInformation, SpatialInformation> tripGaps = new Dictionary<SpatialInformation, SpatialInformation>();

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Fact> facts = new List<Fact>(dbc.GetSpatioTemporalByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId));

            for (int i = 1; i < facts.Count; i++) {
                if (facts[i].Temporal.Timestamp - facts[i - 1].Temporal.Timestamp > MinimumGapTime) {
                    tripGaps.Add(facts[i-1].Spatial, facts[i].Spatial);

            return tripGaps;
Beispiel #24
        public static Dictionary<SpatialInformation, SpatialInformation> ByDistance(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId, double MinimumGapDistance)
            Dictionary<SpatialInformation, SpatialInformation> tripGaps = new Dictionary<SpatialInformation, SpatialInformation>();

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Fact> facts = new List<Fact>(dbc.GetSpatioTemporalByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId));

            for (int i = 1; i < facts.Count; i++) {
                if (facts[i].Spatial.Point.GetDistanceTo(facts[i - 1].Spatial.Point) > MinimumGapDistance) {
                    tripGaps.Add(facts[i - 1].Spatial, facts[i].Spatial);

            return tripGaps;
Beispiel #25
 public void AddTest(Stream facts)
     try {
         Console.WriteLine("Message Received");
         StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(facts);
         string text = sr.ReadToEnd();
         Console.WriteLine("It was: " + text);
     } catch (Exception e) {
         DBController dbc = new DBController();
         dbc.AddLog("AddTest", null, null, null, e.ToString().Substring(0, 254), e.ToString().Substring(0, Math.Min(e.ToString().Count(), 499)));
        public static double AverageDistancePerTrip(Int16 carId)
            double totalDistance = 0;

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            Int64 tripCount = dbc.GetTripCountByCarId(carId);

            List<double> distancePerTrip = DistancePerTrip(carId);

            foreach (double distance in distancePerTrip) {
                totalDistance += distance;

            return totalDistance / tripCount;
        public static double DistanceAbove(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId, double ignorableSpeed, TimeSpan ignorableTime, double ignorableDistance)
            double distanceSped = 0;

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Fact> speedData = dbc.GetSpeedInformationByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            bool speeding = false;
            DateTime speedingStartPoint = speedData[0].Temporal.Timestamp;
            double speedingDistance = 0;

            //For the entire trip
            foreach (Fact fact in speedData) {
                //If entry indicates speeding
                if (fact.Measure.Speed > fact.Segment.MaxSpeed + ignorableSpeed) {
                    speedingDistance += fact.Spatial.DistanceToLag;

                    //If not previously speeding, remember the time where driver began speeding
                    if (!speeding) {
                        speedingStartPoint = fact.Temporal.Timestamp;
                        speeding = true;

                    //If driver is not speeding
                } else {
                    //If previously speeding, add the speeding-time to the total
                    if (speeding) {
                        if (fact.Temporal.Timestamp - speedingStartPoint >= ignorableTime && speedingDistance > ignorableDistance) {
                            distanceSped += speedingDistance;

                        speedingDistance = 0;
                        speeding = false;

            //Handle case where last entry in trip is still speeding
            if (speeding) {
                if (speedData[speedData.Count - 1].Temporal.Timestamp - speedingStartPoint >= ignorableTime && speedingDistance > ignorableDistance) {
                    distanceSped += speedingDistance;

                return distanceSped;
        public static List<Fact> Accelerations(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId)
            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Fact> accelerationData = dbc.GetSpeedInformationByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            for (int i = 1; i < accelerationData.Count(); i++) {
                //Acceleration = Velocity change / Time
                double velocityChange = accelerationData[i].Measure.Speed - accelerationData[i - 1].Measure.Speed;
                TimeSpan time = accelerationData[i].Temporal.Timestamp - accelerationData[i - 1].Temporal.Timestamp;
                double acceleration = velocityChange / time.Seconds;

                accelerationData[i].Measure.Acceleration = acceleration;

            return accelerationData;
        public string GetAllCompetitions()
            try {
                DBController dbc = new DBController();
                List<Competition> allCompetitions = dbc.GetAllCompetitions();

                return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allCompetitions);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                DBController dbc = new DBController();
                dbc.AddLog("GetAllCompetitions", null, null, null, e.ToString().Substring(0, Math.Min(e.ToString().Count(), 254)), "");

            return "";
        public static double DistanceBelow(Int16 carId, Int64 tripId, double ignorableSpeed, TimeSpan ignorableTime, double ignorableDistance)
            double totalDistanceBelow = 0;

            DBController dbc = new DBController();
            List<Fact> speedData = dbc.GetSpeedInformationByCarIdAndTripId(carId, tripId);

            bool belowLimit = false;
            DateTime belowLimitStartPoint = speedData[0].Temporal.Timestamp;
            double distanceBelowLimit = 0;

            //For the entire trip
            foreach (Fact fact in speedData) {
                //If entry indicates not speeding
                if (fact.Measure.Speed <= fact.Segment.MaxSpeed + ignorableSpeed) {
                    distanceBelowLimit += fact.Spatial.DistanceToLag;

                    //If not previously below limit, remember the time where driver got below limit
                    if (!belowLimit) {
                        belowLimitStartPoint = fact.Temporal.Timestamp;
                        belowLimit = true;

                    //If driver is speeding
                } else {
                    //If previously below limit, add the time below limit to the total
                    if (belowLimit) {
                        if (fact.Temporal.Timestamp - belowLimitStartPoint >= ignorableTime && distanceBelowLimit > ignorableDistance) {
                            totalDistanceBelow += distanceBelowLimit;
                        distanceBelowLimit = 0;
                        belowLimit = false;

            //Handle case where last entry in trip is below limit
            if (belowLimit) {
                if (speedData[speedData.Count - 1].Temporal.Timestamp - belowLimitStartPoint >= ignorableTime && distanceBelowLimit > ignorableDistance) {
                    totalDistanceBelow += distanceBelowLimit;

            return totalDistanceBelow;