//	Save image into file, and put the answer in filename. Replace '?' to '_', because '?' not allowed in filename.
 public static void save_captchas_as_images(int i, Captcha_generator captcha_image, bool bw = false)
     using (
         Bitmap bmp = (
             (bw == true)
                                                                         ? //save captcha image as compressed black-white-only PNG, which was been encoded by 1000 bits only.
                                                                         : // or take image of this captcha, as not compressed image-bytearray, and save it as PNG (many colors there)
             (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(new MemoryStream(captcha_image.ImageAsByteArray))
         string current_captcha_filename = (i.ToString("D6") + "=" + (captcha_image.Text).Replace('?', '_') + ".png");
         bmp.Save(@current_captcha_filename, ImageFormat.Png);                          // Or Png
        public static bool save_the_captcha_answers         = false;                                                    //if need to write the generated anwsers (optionally value, and disabled, false, by default).

        //method to generate captcha-pack-file
        public static void generate_captcha_pack_file(bool save_captcha_images_as_files = false, bool verify_captcha_answer_before_writting = true, bool logging = false, int set_number_of_captchas_for_one_dot = 1024, int set_block_length_to_write = 16384)
            one_dot = set_number_of_captchas_for_one_dot;
            block_length_to_write = set_block_length_to_write;

            byte[] ed25519_seed = new byte[32];                                                                                       //define the ed25519_seed array with length 32 bytes to store randomly generated Ed25519-seed.
            System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider rand = new System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); //initialize object once, to take crypto-strength random there on each iteration.
            Console.WriteLine("Starting to generate captchas...");
            Console.WriteLine("save_captcha_images_as_files = " + save_captcha_images_as_files + ", verify_captcha_answer_before_writting = " + verify_captcha_answer_before_writting + ", logging = " + logging + ", set_number_of_captchas_for_one_dot = " + set_number_of_captchas_for_one_dot + ", set_block_length_to_write = " + set_block_length_to_write);
            Console.WriteLine("Each dot means already was been generated " + one_dot + " captchas,\nand this is contains in bytearray-buffer with size: " + block_length_to_write);
            //Start to generate 1024*1024 different captchas:
            for (int i = 0; i < 1048576; i++)
                //create new captcha with public static Randomizer, which was been already defined once. Don't create this Randomizer again and again for each object.
                Captcha_generator captcha_image = new Captcha_generator(Randomizer);
                //	generate in the cycle the many bitmaps 1000 bits = 1000 pixels, black or white, 20x50 with captchas, and save this with answer filename.

                if (save_captcha_images_as_files == true)                                               //as optional param.
                    save_captchas_as_images(i, captcha_image);                                          //	Save image in file

                    //					test stop
                    if (i > 10)
                    }            //generate no more than 10 captcha images, and stop.
                }                //Good working, and ok.

//				Now, don't save captcha images as PNG-files, and pack it in captcha-pack.nbc
//					Each block of captcha-pack-file contains ed25519_public_key(32 bytes) + encrypted_seed(32 bytes) + 1000 bits captcha image(125 bytes * 8 = 1000 bits).

                //	To to this, need to gererate random seed,
                //	thien get Ed25519 pubkey from this (privkey is seed + pub)
                //	encrypt this pubkey by WrappedXOR with captcha_answer,
                //	and save, then:
                //		public key                  (32 bytes)
                //		encrypted seed              (32 bytes)
                //		captcha image 1000 bits		(189 bytes)
                //	Save this all in the each block of captcha-pack file.

                rand.GetBytes(ed25519_seed);                                                                                    //generate ed25519_seed randomly
                byte[] ed25519_seed_and_publicKey = Ed25519.ExpandedPrivateKeyFromSeed(ed25519_seed);                           //private key = ed25519_seed + public key
                byte[] publicKey = new byte[32];                                                                                //define 32-bytes bytearray, to extract public key, as 32 last bytes.
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(ed25519_seed_and_publicKey, 32, publicKey, 0, 32);                                      //do extract the public key

                //Encrypt seed by captcha answer
                //	seed is the generated random in "ed25519_seed", captcha_image.Text = answer,
                //	Public Key - public-key (32 bytes, will be writted in block of captcha-pack-file),
                //	not private key (seed + pub)
                byte[] encrypted_ed25519_seed = ByteEncryptionUtil.WrappedXor(ed25519_seed, (captcha_image.Text) + publicKey.Stringify());                                                              //encrypt ed25519_seed as previous seed.

                //build the block with one captcha (32 bytes + 32 bytes + 1000 bits)
                byte[] captcha_block = new byte[32 + 32 + 125];

                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(publicKey, 0, captcha_block, 0, 32);                                                                                                            //write there the pub
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(encrypted_ed25519_seed, 0, captcha_block, 32, 32);                                                                                              //encrypted seed
//				System.Buffer.BlockCopy(	Captcha_generator.imageBits,            0, captcha_block,   32 + 32,    125		);	//and 1000 bits of captcha image.
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(captcha_image._imageBits, 0, captcha_block, 32 + 32, 125);                                                                                      //and 1000 bits of captcha image.

                    captcha_block,                                                                      //the current captcha block
                    0,                                                                                  //from 0 offset
                    captchas_block_to_write,                                                            //write here
                    (i % block_length_to_write) * CaptchaBlockLength,                                   //in this offset
                    CaptchaBlockLength                                                                  //all the current byte-block
                    System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(captcha_image.Text),                     //the captcha answer, as bytes
                    0,                                                                          //from 0 offset
                    captcha_answers_block_to_write,                                             //write here
                    (i % block_length_to_write) * CaptchaAnswerLength,                          //in this offset
                    CaptchaAnswerLength                                                         //all the current byte-block

                byte[] decrypted_ed25519_seed = new byte[32];           //define bytearray to save decrypted_ed25519_seed
                //define two test bytearrays with length 32 bytes
                byte[] test_ed25519_seed_and_publicKey = new byte[64];  //define bytearray to save privkey (seed and pubkey)	- 64 bytes
                byte[] test_new_pubkey = new byte[32];                  //define bytearray extract pubkey						- 32 bytes
                bool   verified        = false;                         //define this variable as false. This will be true, if captcha-answer is valid.

                if (verify_captcha_answer_before_writting == true)      //as optional param
                //test code to check all values, before writting this in captcha-pack-file:
                //decrypt this, just for test.
                    decrypted_ed25519_seed = ByteEncryptionUtil.WrappedXor(encrypted_ed25519_seed, (captcha_image.Text) + publicKey.Stringify());
                    //compare decrypted seed with original ed25519_seed:
                    //	if(CompareTwoArrays(decrypted_ed25519_seed, ed25519_seed)){
                    //		Console.WriteLine("decrypted_ed25519_seed and ed25519_seed arrays are equals!");
                    //	}

                    //	extract privkey and pubkey from decrypted seed
                    test_ed25519_seed_and_publicKey = Ed25519.ExpandedPrivateKeyFromSeed(decrypted_ed25519_seed);
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(test_ed25519_seed_and_publicKey, 32, test_new_pubkey, 0, 32);                                                               //do extract the public key
                    //	or do this by one command:
                    //Ed25519.KeyPairFromSeed(out test_new_pubkey, out test_ed25519_seed_and_publicKey, ByteEncryptionUtil.WrappedXor(encrypted_ed25519_seed, (captcha_image.Text) + publicKey.Stringify()));

                    //compare pubkey with previous extracted pubkey.
                    if (CompareTwoArrays(test_new_pubkey, publicKey))
                        verified = true;

                    //update verified value by checking the captcha-answer using method to do this.
                    verified = check_captcha_answer_for_index(i, (captcha_image.Text));                                 //write data or/and show progress will be if captcha is solved

                    if (verified == false)
                        //fill both previous blocks with null-bytes
                            new byte[CaptchaBlockLength],                                                               //null bytes block with the current captcha block length
                            0,                                                                                          //from 0 offset
                            captchas_block_to_write,                                                                    //write here
                            (i % block_length_to_write) * CaptchaBlockLength,                                           //in this offset
                            CaptchaBlockLength                                                                          //all the current byte-block
                            new byte[CaptchaAnswerLength],                                                              //null bytes block with the current captcha answer length
                            0,                                                                                          //from 0 offset
                            captcha_answers_block_to_write,                                                             //write here
                            (i % block_length_to_write) * CaptchaAnswerLength,                                          //in this offset
                            CaptchaAnswerLength                                                                         //all the current byte-block
                        i -= 1;                                                                                         //back to previous captcha index
                        continue;                                                                                       //and continue the cycle of generation the captchas
                    show_progress_and_write_data(i);                                                                                    //just write block in data or/and show progress without verification of captcha_answer

                if (logging == true)                            //as optional param.
                //Just for test - do logging the values of all variables:
                        "index: i = " + i
                        + "\n(captcha_image.Text): " + (captcha_image.Text)
                        + "\ned25519_seed(seed): " + ed25519_seed.Stringify()
                        + "\nseed_and_publicKey: " + ed25519_seed_and_publicKey.Stringify()
                        + "\npublicKey: " + publicKey.Stringify()
                        + "\nencrypted_ed25519_seed: " + encrypted_ed25519_seed.Stringify()
                        + (
                                                                ?       "\ndecrypted_ed25519_seed: " + decrypted_ed25519_seed.Stringify()
                            + "\nCompareTwoArrays(decrypted_ed25519_seed, ed25519_seed): " + CompareTwoArrays(decrypted_ed25519_seed, ed25519_seed)
                            + "\ntest_new_pubkey: " + test_new_pubkey.Stringify()
                            + "\ntest_ed25519_seed_and_publicKey: " + test_ed25519_seed_and_publicKey.Stringify()
                            + "\nCompareTwoArrays(test_new_pubkey, publicKey): " + CompareTwoArrays(test_new_pubkey, publicKey)
                            + "\nverified: " + verified
                                                                :       ""
                        + "\ncaptcha_block: " + captcha_block.Stringify()
                        + "\ncaptcha_image.ImageAsByteArray: " + captcha_image.ImageAsByteArray.Stringify()                                     //not compressed image, as bytearray
                        + "\nCaptcha_generator.imageBits: " + Captcha_generator.imageBits.Stringify()                                           //get compressed b/w bit-image from static field of current created captcha-object
                        + "\ncaptcha_image._imageBits: " + captcha_image._imageBits.Stringify()                                                 //get compressed b/w bit-image from specified captcha-object
                        + "\ncaptcha_image._imageBits_dataURI:\n" + captcha_image._imageBits_dataURI                                            //this can be opened in browser tab to see captcha.
                        + "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
                }               //end if logging
            }                   //end brute-force cycle
        }                       //end generate_captcha_pack_file method