Beispiel #1
        public void RecalcPrimaryDependant(Canguro.View.GraphicView activeView, PointMagnet primaryPoint, LineMagnet[] globalAxes)
            if (primaryPoint != null)
                // Move area to lay on the primaryPoint and to set its direction any canonic
                // plane (X=x, Y=y or Z=z) which is the most paralell to the screen plane
                position = primaryPoint.Position;

                // Get screen plane normal
                Vector3 s0 = screenNormal[0], s1 = screenNormal[1], sNormal;
                activeView.Unproject(ref s0);
                activeView.Unproject(ref s1);
                sNormal = s0 - s1;

                // Assign the area normal to the most paralell canonical plane
                // (giving priority to the Z plane)
                int maxCosIndex = 2;
                float cosX, cosY, cosZ;
                cosX = Vector3.Dot(sNormal, globalAxes[0].Direction);
                cosY = Vector3.Dot(sNormal, globalAxes[1].Direction);
                cosZ = Vector3.Dot(sNormal, globalAxes[2].Direction);

                if (Math.Abs(cosZ) < minZPlaneAngle)
                    maxCosIndex = (cosX >= cosY) ? ((cosX > cosZ) ? 0 : 2) : ((cosY > cosZ) ? 1 : 2);

                normal = globalAxes[maxCosIndex].Direction;
                position = Vector3.Empty;
                normal = globalAxes[2].Direction;
Beispiel #2
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            LineMagnet lm = obj as LineMagnet;

            if (lm != null)
                if (line == null && lm.line == null)
                    if (direction == lm.direction)
                else if ((line != null && lm.line == null) || (line == null && lm.line != null))
                else if (line != null && lm.line != null)
                    return(line == lm.line);

            return(line == obj);
Beispiel #3
        public override object Clone()
            LineMagnet lm = new LineMagnet();
            lm.direction = direction;
            lm.line = line;
            lm.snapPosition = snapPosition;
            lm.type = type;

            return lm;
Beispiel #4
        public override object Clone()
            LineMagnet lm = new LineMagnet();

            lm.direction    = direction;
            lm.line         = line;
            lm.snapPosition = snapPosition;
            lm.type         = type;

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the intersection point of two coplanar lines
        /// Source:
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="l1">First LineMagnet</param>
        /// <param name="l2">Second LineMagnet</param>
        /// <returns>The intersection point magnet or null if none found</returns>
        private PointMagnet createIntersection(LineMagnet l1, LineMagnet l2, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (l1 != null && l2 != null)
                float   numer, denom;
                float   d1, d2, d3, d4, d5;
                Vector3 p13 = l1.Position - l2.Position;
                Vector3 p21 = l1.Direction;
                Vector3 p43 = l2.Direction;

                d1 = p13.X * p43.X + p13.Y * p43.Y + p13.Z * p43.Z;
                d2 = p43.X * p21.X + p43.Y * p21.Y + p43.Z * p21.Z;
                d3 = p13.X * p21.X + p13.Y * p21.Y + p13.Z * p21.Z;
                d4 = p43.X * p43.X + p43.Y * p43.Y + p43.Z * p43.Z;
                d5 = p21.X * p21.X + p21.Y * p21.Y + p21.Z * p21.Z;

                denom = d5 * d4 - d2 * d2;
                if (Math.Abs(denom) < float.Epsilon)
                numer = d1 * d2 - d3 * d4;

                float r = numer / denom;
                float s = (d1 + d2 * r) / d4;

                Vector3 pa = l1.Position + Vector3.Scale(p21, r);
                Vector3 pb = l2.Position + Vector3.Scale(p43, s);

                if ((pa - pb).Length() > 0.0001)

                // Create magnet
                PointMagnet intPtMagnet = new PointMagnet(pa,

                if (intPtMagnet.Snap(activeView, e.Location) < SnapViewDistance)

        /// <summary>
        /// Method to add a perpendicular point magnet if the mouse is close to where it is
        /// </summary>
        private PointMagnet addPerpendicularMagnet(LineMagnet lm, PointMagnet pm, float lmDot, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            float       r            = Vector3.Dot(lm.Direction, pm.Position - lm.Position) / lmDot;
            PointMagnet perpPtMagnet = new PointMagnet(lm.Position + Vector3.Scale(lm.Direction, r),

            if (perpPtMagnet.Snap(activeView, e.Location) < SnapViewDistance)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an interesting point by following the line in reverse (as a mirror) and trying
        /// to find Joints at the same distance from the LineMagnet's position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lm">The Line Magnet being followed</param>
        /// <param name="activeView">The view in which the snap is taking place</param>
        /// <param name="e">The MouseEventArgs of the last MouseMove event</param>
        /// <returns>A point magnet with the interesting point or null if none found</returns>
        private PointMagnet createInterestingDistance(LineMagnet lm, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (lm == null)

            Vector3 pos = lm.Position;

            activeView.Project(ref pos);
            Vector3 reversePickPos = pos + pos - new Vector3(e.X, e.Y, 0f);

            List <Item> pickedItems = Canguro.View.GraphicViewManager.Instance.PickItem((int)reversePickPos.X, (int)reversePickPos.Y);

            if (pickedItems == null)

            foreach (Item item in pickedItems)
                Joint j;
                // Check if Joint si over line lm
                if ((j = item as Joint) != null)
                    Vector3 ptInLine = Vector3.Cross(lm.Direction, j.Position - lm.Position);
                    if (Vector3.Dot(ptInLine, ptInLine) < float.Epsilon)
                        PointMagnet distMagnet = new PointMagnet(lm.Position + lm.Position - j.Position, PointMagnetType.SimplePoint);
                        distMagnet.RelatedMagnets.Add(new PointMagnet(j));

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a perpendicular point magnet P if there's a point X and a line L which can be united
        /// by a perpendicular line:
        ///                      L
        ///                      |
        ///                      |
        ///    X - - - - - - - - P
        ///                      |
        ///                      |
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lm">The Line Magnet being followed</param>
        /// <param name="activeView">The view in which the snap is taking place</param>
        /// <param name="e">The MouseEventArgs of the last MouseMove event</param>
        /// <returns>The perpendicular point magnet or null if none found</returns>
        private PointMagnet createPerpendicularMagnet(LineMagnet lm, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (lm == null)
            float lmDot = Vector3.Dot(lm.Direction, lm.Direction);

            if (points.PrimaryPoint != null)
                PointMagnet perp = addPerpendicularMagnet(lm, points.PrimaryPoint, lmDot, activeView, e);
                if (perp != null)
            if (points.LastPoint != null)
                return(addPerpendicularMagnet(lm, points.LastPoint, lmDot, activeView, e));

        /// <summary>
        /// Method to try to create a midpoint magnet if the mouse is close to one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lm">The Line Magnet being followed</param>
        /// <param name="activeView">The view in which the snap is taking place</param>
        /// <param name="e">The MouseEventArgs of the last MouseMove event</param>
        /// <returns>The MidPoint magnet or null if none found</returns>
        private PointMagnet createMidPoint(LineMagnet lm, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (lm == null)

            LineElement l;

            if ((l = lm.Line) != null)
                PointMagnet midPtMagnet = new PointMagnet(Vector3.Scale(l.I.Position + l.J.Position, 0.5f),
                if (midPtMagnet.Snap(activeView, e.Location) < SnapViewDistance)

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a perpendicular point magnet P if there's a point X and a line L which can be united
        /// by a perpendicular line:
        ///                      L  
        ///                      |
        ///                      |
        ///    X - - - - - - - - P
        ///                      |
        ///                      |
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lm">The Line Magnet being followed</param>
        /// <param name="activeView">The view in which the snap is taking place</param>
        /// <param name="e">The MouseEventArgs of the last MouseMove event</param>
        /// <returns>The perpendicular point magnet or null if none found</returns>
        private PointMagnet createPerpendicularMagnet(LineMagnet lm, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (lm == null) return null;
            float lmDot = Vector3.Dot(lm.Direction, lm.Direction);

            if (points.PrimaryPoint != null)
                PointMagnet perp = addPerpendicularMagnet(lm, points.PrimaryPoint, lmDot, activeView, e);
                if (perp != null) return perp;
            if (points.LastPoint != null)
                return addPerpendicularMagnet(lm, points.LastPoint, lmDot, activeView, e);

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to try to create a midpoint magnet if the mouse is close to one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lm">The Line Magnet being followed</param>
        /// <param name="activeView">The view in which the snap is taking place</param>
        /// <param name="e">The MouseEventArgs of the last MouseMove event</param>
        /// <returns>The MidPoint magnet or null if none found</returns>
        private PointMagnet createMidPoint(LineMagnet lm, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (lm == null) return null;

            LineElement l;
            if ((l = lm.Line) != null)
                PointMagnet midPtMagnet = new PointMagnet(Vector3.Scale(l.I.Position + l.J.Position, 0.5f),
                if (midPtMagnet.Snap(activeView, e.Location) < SnapViewDistance)
                    return midPtMagnet;

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the intersection point of two coplanar lines
        /// Source:
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="l1">First LineMagnet</param>
        /// <param name="l2">Second LineMagnet</param>
        /// <returns>The intersection point magnet or null if none found</returns>
        private PointMagnet createIntersection(LineMagnet l1, LineMagnet l2, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (l1 != null && l2 != null)
                float numer, denom;
                float d1, d2, d3, d4, d5;
                Vector3 p13 = l1.Position - l2.Position;
                Vector3 p21 = l1.Direction;
                Vector3 p43 = l2.Direction;

                d1 = p13.X * p43.X + p13.Y * p43.Y + p13.Z * p43.Z;
                d2 = p43.X * p21.X + p43.Y * p21.Y + p43.Z * p21.Z;
                d3 = p13.X * p21.X + p13.Y * p21.Y + p13.Z * p21.Z;
                d4 = p43.X * p43.X + p43.Y * p43.Y + p43.Z * p43.Z;
                d5 = p21.X * p21.X + p21.Y * p21.Y + p21.Z * p21.Z;

                denom = d5 * d4 - d2 * d2;
                if (Math.Abs(denom) < float.Epsilon)
                    return null;
                numer = d1 * d2 - d3 * d4;

                float r = numer / denom;
                float s = (d1 + d2 * r) / d4;

                Vector3 pa = l1.Position + Vector3.Scale(p21, r);
                Vector3 pb = l2.Position + Vector3.Scale(p43, s);

                if ((pa - pb).Length() > 0.0001)
                    return null;

                // Create magnet
                PointMagnet intPtMagnet = new PointMagnet(pa,

                if (intPtMagnet.Snap(activeView, e.Location) < SnapViewDistance)
                    return intPtMagnet;

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an interesting point by following the line in reverse (as a mirror) and trying
        /// to find Joints at the same distance from the LineMagnet's position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lm">The Line Magnet being followed</param>
        /// <param name="activeView">The view in which the snap is taking place</param>
        /// <param name="e">The MouseEventArgs of the last MouseMove event</param>
        /// <returns>A point magnet with the interesting point or null if none found</returns>
        private PointMagnet createInterestingDistance(LineMagnet lm, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (lm == null) return null;

            Vector3 pos = lm.Position;
            activeView.Project(ref pos);
            Vector3 reversePickPos = pos + pos - new Vector3(e.X, e.Y, 0f);

            List<Item> pickedItems = Canguro.View.GraphicViewManager.Instance.PickItem((int)reversePickPos.X, (int)reversePickPos.Y);
            if (pickedItems == null) return null;

            foreach (Item item in pickedItems)
                Joint j;
                // Check if Joint si over line lm
                if ((j = item as Joint) != null)
                    Vector3 ptInLine = Vector3.Cross(lm.Direction, j.Position - lm.Position);
                    if (Vector3.Dot(ptInLine, ptInLine) < float.Epsilon)
                        PointMagnet distMagnet = new PointMagnet(lm.Position + lm.Position - j.Position, PointMagnetType.SimplePoint);
                        distMagnet.RelatedMagnets.Add(new PointMagnet(j));
                        return distMagnet;

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to add a perpendicular point magnet if the mouse is close to where it is
        /// </summary>
        private PointMagnet addPerpendicularMagnet(LineMagnet lm, PointMagnet pm, float lmDot, GraphicView activeView, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            float r = Vector3.Dot(lm.Direction, pm.Position - lm.Position) / lmDot;
            PointMagnet perpPtMagnet = new PointMagnet(lm.Position + Vector3.Scale(lm.Direction, r),
            if (perpPtMagnet.Snap(activeView, e.Location) < SnapViewDistance)
                return perpPtMagnet;

            return null;