Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ends a context around custom handle calls to register undo snapshot and
        /// set dirty as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if changes were detected; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
        public static bool EndHandles()
            bool isChangeDetected = EndHandlesChangeCheck();

            // see if event was eaten in a hold
            if (isChangeDetected)
                Undo.RecordObjects(s_MostRecentTargetObjects, s_MostRecentUndoMessage);
            // clean up context
            s_MostRecentTargetObjects = new Object[0];
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes the supplied property setter for the supplied hashable serialized property and update its value
        /// cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hashableProperty">A hashable representation of the property's serialized backing field.</param>
        /// <param name="getter">A getter method that takes the provider as its argument.</param>
        /// <param name="setter">A setter method that takes the provider and new value as its arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyType">The type returned by the getter and specified in the setter signature.</param>
        private static void InvokeSetter(
            HashableSerializedProperty hashableProperty,
            System.Func <object, object> getter,
            System.Action <object, object> setter,
            System.Type propertyType
            SerializedProperty sp = hashableProperty.SerializedProperty;
            // mark for undo
            HashSet <Object> objectsToUndo = new HashSet <Object>();

            string undoName = string.Format("Change {0}", sp.GetDisplayName());

            // if it's on a monobehaviour, it may affect other objects in the hierarchy
            if (hashableProperty.TargetObject is MonoBehaviour)
                MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour = hashableProperty.TargetObject as MonoBehaviour;
                foreach (Transform t in monoBehaviour.transform.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true))
                    foreach (Component c in t.GetComponents <Component>())
            Undo.RecordObjects(objectsToUndo.ToArray(), undoName);
            // get the providers
            FieldInfo fieldInfo;
            object    provider = sp.GetProvider(out fieldInfo);
            // get the element index of the property being set, if any
            int elementIndex = hashableProperty.SerializedProperty.GetElementIndex();

            // flush inspector changes and store pending values
            object pendingValue = null;

            // ensure IList backing field values are converted to the type expected by the setter
            if (elementIndex < 0 && typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType) && propertyType != fieldInfo.FieldType)
                pendingValue = sp.GetConvertedIListValues(propertyType);
                pendingValue = sp.GetValue();
            // reset backing field to old values
            if (elementIndex >= 0)
                (fieldInfo.GetValue(provider) as IList)[elementIndex] = valueCache[hashableProperty];
                fieldInfo.SetValue(provider, valueCache[hashableProperty]);
            // invoke the setter
            if (elementIndex >= 0)
                // clone the result of the getter
                IList arrayValues = (IList)getter.Invoke(provider);
                if (typeof(System.Array).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType))
                    arrayValues = (IList)((System.ICloneable)arrayValues).Clone();
                    IList srcValues = arrayValues;
                    arrayValues = (IList)System.Activator.CreateInstance(propertyType);
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < srcValues.Count; ++idx)
                // assign the pending element value
                arrayValues[elementIndex] = pendingValue;
                // invoke setter
                setter.Invoke(provider, arrayValues);
                setter.Invoke(provider, pendingValue);
            // set dirty
            // update cache
            valueCache[hashableProperty] = sp.GetValue();