// BC5
        internal static void DecompressATI2Block(byte[] source, int sourceStart, byte[] destination, int decompressedStart, int decompressedLineLength, bool unused)
            // Green = +1
            DDS_BlockHelpers.Decompress8BitBlock(source, sourceStart, destination, decompressedStart + 1, decompressedLineLength, false);

            // Red = +2, source + 8 to skip first compressed block.
            DDS_BlockHelpers.Decompress8BitBlock(source, sourceStart + 8, destination, decompressedStart + 2, decompressedLineLength, false);

            // KFreon: Alpha is 255, and blue needs to be calculated
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                int offset = GetDecompressedOffset(decompressedStart, decompressedLineLength, i);

                // Get Red and Green on the range -1 - 1
                // *2-1 moves the range from 0 - 1, to -1 - 1
                double green = (destination[offset + 1] / 127.5d) - 1d;
                double red   = (destination[offset + 2] / 127.5d) - 1d;

                // Z solution for: x2 + y2 + z2 = 1, unit normal vectors. Only consider +ve root as ATI2 is a tangent space mapping and Z must be +ve.
                // Also when 1 - x2 - y2 < 0, Z = NaN, but is compensated for in ExpandTo255.
                double Z = Math.Sqrt(1d - (red * red + green * green));

                destination[offset]     = ExpandTo255(Z); // Blue
                destination[offset + 3] = 255;            // Alpha
        internal static void DecompressBC3Block(byte[] source, int sourceStart, byte[] destination, int decompressedStart, int decompressedLineLength, bool isPremultiplied)
            // Alpha, +3 to select that channel.
            DDS_BlockHelpers.Decompress8BitBlock(source, sourceStart, destination, decompressedStart + 3, decompressedLineLength, false);

            // RGB
            DDS_BlockHelpers.DecompressRGBBlock(source, sourceStart + 8, destination, decompressedStart, decompressedLineLength, false, isPremultiplied);
        // BC4
        internal static void DecompressATI1Block(byte[] source, int sourceStart, byte[] destination, int decompressedStart, int decompressedLineLength, bool unused)
            DDS_BlockHelpers.Decompress8BitBlock(source, sourceStart, destination, decompressedStart, decompressedLineLength, false);

            // KFreon: All channels are the same to make grayscale, and alpha needs to be 255.
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                int offset = GetDecompressedOffset(decompressedStart, decompressedLineLength, i);

                // Since one channel (blue) was set by the decompression above, just need to set the remaining channels
                destination[offset + 1] = destination[offset];
                destination[offset + 2] = destination[offset];
                destination[offset + 3] = 255;  // Alpha
        internal static void DecompressBC2Block(byte[] source, int sourceStart, byte[] destination, int decompressedStart, int decompressedLineLength, bool isPremultiplied)
            // KFreon: Decompress alpha (only half of the texel count though, since each byte is 2 texels of alpha)
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                // Start + alphaOffset + lineOffset.
                // DecompressedStart = Top Left corner of texel in full image in bytes.
                // alphaOffset = effectively column offset in a row of bitmap. Since a compressed byte has 2 pixels worth of alpha, i % 2 * 8 skips 2 pixels of BGRA each byte read, +3 selects alpha channel.
                // lineOffset = texels aren't contiguous i.e. each row in texel isn't next to each other when decompressed. Need to skip to next line in entire bitmap. i / 2 is truncated by int cast,
                // so every 2 cycles (4 pixels, a full texel row) a bitmap line is skipped to the next line in texel.
                int offset = decompressedStart + ((i % 2) * 8 + 3) + (decompressedLineLength * (i / 2));
                destination[offset]     = (byte)(source[sourceStart + i] & 0xF0); // Decompress doesn't need formatDetails as it's just reading raw.
                destination[offset + 4] = (byte)(source[sourceStart + i] & 0x0F << 4);

            // +8 skips the above alpha, otherwise it's just a BC1 RGB block
            DDS_BlockHelpers.DecompressRGBBlock(source, sourceStart + 8, destination, decompressedStart, decompressedLineLength, false, isPremultiplied);
        // TODO: Virtual/physical size. Less than 4x4 texels

        #region Compressed Readers
        internal static void DecompressBC1Block(byte[] source, int sourceStart, byte[] destination, int decompressedStart, int decompressedLineLength, bool isPremultiplied)
            DDS_BlockHelpers.DecompressRGBBlock(source, sourceStart, destination, decompressedStart, decompressedLineLength, true, isPremultiplied);