Beispiel #1
        /* public static Action<BreakpointInfo> SynchronousBreakRemote(BreakpointInfo info)
         * {
         *   return (info) =>
         *   {
         *       EventWaitHandle waitHandle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
         *       void resumeHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
         *       {
         *           waitHandle.Set();
         *       }
         *       Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(() =>
         *       {
         *           EditorControl.ActiveBreakpoint = info.BreakpointSpan.Start - PreSource.Length - 1;
         *           EditorControl.SetSelection(info.BreakpointSpan.End - PreSource.Length - 1, 0);
         *           BreakpointPanel.SetContent(info);
         *           BreakpointPanel.ResumeClicked += resumeHandler;
         *           this.FindAncestorOfType<Window>().Closing += resumeHandler;
         *           OpenSidePanel();
         *       });
         *       waitHandle.WaitOne();
         *       Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(() =>
         *       {
         *           CloseSidePanel();
         *           BreakpointPanel.ResumeClicked -= resumeHandler;
         *           this.FindAncestorOfType<Window>().Closing -= resumeHandler;
         *           EditorControl.ActiveBreakpoint = -1;
         *       });
         *   }
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Compile the source code to an <see cref="Assembly"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="synchronousBreak">The function to handle synchronous breakpoints. If this is <see langword="null" />, these breakpoints will be skipped. If you want to enable the default UI for breakpoints, use <see cref="SynchronousBreak(BreakpointInfo)"/> (or a function that calls it after performing additional operations).</param>
        /// <param name="asynchronousBreak">The function to handle asynchronous breakpoints. If this is <see langword="null" />, these breakpoints will be skipped. If you want to enable the default UI for breakpoints, use <see cref="AsynchronousBreak(BreakpointInfo)"/> (or a function that calls it after performing additional operations).</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="Assembly"/> containing the compiled code, or <see langword="null"/> if the compilation fails, as well as a <see cref="CSharpCompilation"/> that also contains information about any compilation errors.</returns>
        public async Task <(Assembly Assembly, CSharpCompilation Compilation)> Compile(Func <BreakpointInfo, bool> synchronousBreak = null, Func <BreakpointInfo, Task <bool> > asynchronousBreak = null)
            string source = null;

            await Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(() =>
                source = this.FullSource;

            SourceText sourceText = SourceText.From(source);

            ImmutableList <MetadataReference> references;

            lock (ReferencesLock)
                references = References;

            SyntaxTree tree = await this.OriginalDocument.WithText(sourceText).GetSyntaxTreeAsync();

            CSharpCompilation comp = CSharpCompilation.Create("compilation", new[] { tree }, references, this.CompilationOptions);

            string debuggerGuid = "_" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

            if (synchronousBreak != null || asynchronousBreak != null)
                List <(TextSpan, bool)> validBreakpoints = new List <(TextSpan, bool)>();

                foreach (int i in source.AllIndicesOf(Utils.BreakpointMarker))
                    SyntaxNode node = tree.GetRoot().FindNode(new TextSpan(i, 1));

                    SyntaxNode fullNode = node;

                    while (fullNode.Parent != null && !fullNode.Kind().IsStatement())
                        fullNode = fullNode.Parent;

                    if (fullNode.Kind().IsStatement())
                        SyntaxNode methodNode = fullNode;

                        while (methodNode.Parent != null && methodNode.Kind() != SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration && methodNode.Kind() != SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression && methodNode.Kind() != SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression)
                            methodNode = methodNode.Parent;

                        if (methodNode.Kind() == SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration || methodNode.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression || methodNode.Kind() == SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression)
                            bool isAsync = false;

                            if (methodNode.Kind() == SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration)
                                MethodDeclarationSyntax method = (MethodDeclarationSyntax)methodNode;

                                foreach (SyntaxToken token in method.Modifiers)
                                    if (token.Text == "async")
                                        isAsync = true;
                            else if (methodNode.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression)
                                ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax method = (ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax)methodNode;

                                if (method.AsyncKeyword.Text == "async")
                                    isAsync = true;
                            else if (methodNode.Kind() == SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression)
                                AnonymousMethodExpressionSyntax method = (AnonymousMethodExpressionSyntax)methodNode;

                                if (method.AsyncKeyword.Text == "async")
                                    isAsync = true;

                            if ((!isAsync && synchronousBreak != null) || (isAsync && asynchronousBreak != null))
                                validBreakpoints.Add((new TextSpan(i, Utils.BreakpointMarker.Length), isAsync));

                SyntaxTree debuggerTree = BreakpointInfo.GetDebuggerSyntaxTree(debuggerGuid);

                SemanticModel model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree, false);

                for (int i = validBreakpoints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    ILocalSymbol[] locals = (from el in model.LookupSymbols(validBreakpoints[i].Item1.Start) where el.Kind == SymbolKind.Local && !el.IsInaccessibleLocal(model, validBreakpoints[i].Item1.Start, tree.GetRoot().FindNode(validBreakpoints[i].Item1)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(el.Name) select(ILocalSymbol) el).ToArray();

                    string breakpointSource = BreakpointInfo.GetBreakpointSource(validBreakpoints[i].Item1, locals, model, debuggerGuid, validBreakpoints[i].Item2);

                    sourceText = sourceText.Replace(validBreakpoints[i].Item1, breakpointSource);

                string text = sourceText.ToString();

                tree = await this.OriginalDocument.WithText(sourceText).GetSyntaxTreeAsync();

                comp = CSharpCompilation.Create("compilation", new[] { debuggerTree, tree }, references, this.CompilationOptions);

            using MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            EmitResult result = comp.Emit(ms);

            if (!result.Success)
                return(null, comp);
                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(ms.ToArray());

                if (synchronousBreak != null || asynchronousBreak != null)
                    assembly.GetType(debuggerGuid + ".Debugger").InvokeMember("Breakpoint", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.SetField, null, null, new object[] { BreakpointInfo.GetBreakpointFunction(synchronousBreak) });
                    assembly.GetType(debuggerGuid + ".Debugger").InvokeMember("BreakpointAsync", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.SetField, null, null, new object[] { BreakpointInfo.GetBreakpointAsyncFunction(asynchronousBreak) });

                return(assembly, comp);