This class extends ModuleSpec and is responsible of Integer specifications for each tile-component.
Inheritance: ModuleSpec
		/// <summary> Creates a new PrecinctSizeSpec object for the specified number of tiles
		/// and components.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">The number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">The number of components
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="type">the type of the specification module i.e. tile specific,
		/// component specific or both.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="dls">Reference to the number of decomposition levels
		/// specification
		/// </param>
		public PrecinctSizeSpec(int nt, int nc, byte type, IntegerSpec dls):base(nt, nc, type)
			this.dls = dls;
		/// <summary> Creates a new PrecinctSizeSpec object for the specified number of tiles
		/// and components and the ParameterList instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">The number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">The number of components
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="type">the type of the specification module i.e. tile specific,
		/// component specific or both.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="imgsrc">The image source (used to get the image size)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
		/// </param>
		public PrecinctSizeSpec(int nt, int nc, byte type, BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, IntegerSpec dls, ParameterList pl):base(nt, nc, type)
			this.dls = dls;
			// The precinct sizes are stored in a 2 elements vector array, the
			// first element containing a vector for the precincts width for each
			// resolution level and the second element containing a vector for the
			// precincts height for each resolution level. The precincts sizes are
			// specified from the highest resolution level to the lowest one
			// (i.e. 0).  If there are less elements than the number of
			// decomposition levels, the last element is used for all remaining
			// resolution levels (i.e. if the precincts sizes are specified only
			// for resolutions levels 5, 4 and 3, then the precincts size for
			// resolution levels 2, 1 and 0 will be the same as the size used for
			// resolution level 3).
			// Boolean used to know if we were previously reading a precinct's 
			// size or if we were reading something else.
			bool wasReadingPrecinctSize = false;
			System.String param = pl.getParameter(optName);
			// Set precinct sizes to default i.e. 2^15 =
			System.Collections.ArrayList[] tmpv = new System.Collections.ArrayList[2];
			tmpv[0] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // ppx
			tmpv[0].Add((System.Int32) CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.Markers.PRECINCT_PARTITION_DEF_SIZE);
			tmpv[1] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // ppy
			tmpv[1].Add((System.Int32) CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.Markers.PRECINCT_PARTITION_DEF_SIZE);
			if (param == null)
				// No precinct size specified in the command line so we do not try 
				// to parse it.
				return ;
			// Precinct partition is used : parse arguments
			SupportClass.Tokenizer stk = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(param);
			byte curSpecType = SPEC_DEF; // Specification type of the
			// current parameter
			bool[] tileSpec = null; // Tiles concerned by the specification
			bool[] compSpec = null; // Components concerned by the specification
            int ci, ti; //i, xIdx removed
			bool endOfParamList = false;
			System.String word = null; // current word
			System.Int32 w, h;
			System.String errMsg = null;
			while ((stk.HasMoreTokens() || wasReadingPrecinctSize) && !endOfParamList)
				System.Collections.ArrayList[] v = new System.Collections.ArrayList[2]; // v[0] : ppx, v[1] : ppy
				// We do not read the next token if we were reading a precinct's
				// size argument as we have already read the next token into word.
				if (!wasReadingPrecinctSize)
					word = stk.NextToken();
				wasReadingPrecinctSize = false;
				switch (word[0])
					case 't':  // Tiles specification
						tileSpec = parseIdx(word, nTiles);
						if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_DEF;
					case 'c':  // Components specification
						compSpec = parseIdx(word, nComp);
						if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
							curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_COMP;
							curSpecType = SPEC_COMP_DEF;
						if (!System.Char.IsDigit(word[0]))
							errMsg = "Bad construction for parameter: " + word;
							throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
						// Initialises Vector objects
						v[0] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // ppx
						v[1] = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // ppy
						while (true)
							// Now get the precinct dimensions
								// Get precinct width
								w = System.Int32.Parse(word);
								// Get next word in argument list
									word = stk.NextToken();
								catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
									errMsg = "'" + optName + "' option : could not " + "parse the precinct's width";
									throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
								// Get precinct height
								h = System.Int32.Parse(word);
								if (w != (1 << MathUtil.log2(w)) || h != (1 << MathUtil.log2(h)))
									errMsg = "Precinct dimensions must be powers of 2";
									throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
							catch (System.FormatException)
								errMsg = "'" + optName + "' option : the argument '" + word + "' could not be parsed.";
								throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
							// Store packet's dimensions in Vector arrays
							// Try to get the next token
							if (stk.HasMoreTokens())
								word = stk.NextToken();
								if (!System.Char.IsDigit(word[0]))
									// The next token does not start with a digit so
									// it is not a precinct's size argument. We set
									// the wasReadingPrecinctSize booleen such that we
									// know that we don't have to read another token
									// and check for the end of the parameters list.
									wasReadingPrecinctSize = true;
									if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
									else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
										for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
											if (tileSpec[ti])
												setTileDef(ti, v);
									else if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
										for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
											if (compSpec[ci])
												setCompDef(ci, v);
										for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
											for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
												if (tileSpec[ti] && compSpec[ci])
													setTileCompVal(ti, ci, v);
									// Re-initialize
									curSpecType = SPEC_DEF;
									tileSpec = null;
									compSpec = null;
									// Go back to 'normal' parsing
									// Next token starts with a digit so read it
								// We have reached the end of the parameters list so
								// we store the last precinct's sizes and we stop
								if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
								else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
									for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
										if (tileSpec[ti])
											setTileDef(ti, v);
								else if (curSpecType == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
									for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
										if (compSpec[ci])
											setCompDef(ci, v);
									for (ti = tileSpec.Length - 1; ti >= 0; ti--)
										for (ci = compSpec.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--)
											if (tileSpec[ti] && compSpec[ci])
												setTileCompVal(ti, ci, v);
								endOfParamList = true;
						} // while (true)
				} // switch
			} // while
Beispiel #3
		/// <summary> Initialize all members with the given number of tiles and components.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">Number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">Number of components
		/// </param>
		public DecoderSpecs(int nt, int nc)
			// Quantization
			qts = new QuantTypeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			qsss = new QuantStepSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			gbs = new GuardBitsSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Wavelet transform
			wfs = new SynWTFilterSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			dls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Component transformation
			cts = new CompTransfSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Entropy decoder
			ecopts = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			ers = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			cblks = new CBlkSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Precinct partition
			pss = new PrecinctSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, dls);
			// Codestream
			nls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			pos = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			pcs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			sops = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			ephs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			pphs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			iccs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
			pphs.setDefault((System.Object) false);
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary> Initializes this object with the given source of image data and with
		/// all the decompositon parameters
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src">From where the image data should be obtained.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="encSpec">The encoder specifications
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cb0x">The horizontal coordinate of the code-block partition
		/// origin on the reference grid.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cb0y">The vertical coordinate of the code-block partition origin
		/// on the reference grid.
		/// </param>
		/// <seealso cref="ForwardWT">
		/// </seealso>
		public ForwWTFull(BlkImgDataSrc src, EncoderSpecs encSpec, int cb0x, int cb0y):base(src)
			this.src = src;
			this.cb0x = cb0x;
			this.cb0y = cb0y;
			this.dls = encSpec.dls;
			this.filters = encSpec.wfs;
			this.cblks = encSpec.cblks;
			this.pss = encSpec.pss;
			int ncomp = src.NumComps;
			int ntiles = src.getNumTiles();
			currentSubband = new SubbandAn[ncomp];
			decomposedComps = new DataBlk[ncomp];
			subbTrees = new SubbandAn[ntiles][];
			for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; i++)
				subbTrees[i] = new SubbandAn[ncomp];
			lastn = new int[ncomp];
			lastm = new int[ncomp];
Beispiel #5
		/// <summary> Initialize all members with the given number of tiles and components
		/// and the command-line arguments stored in a ParameterList instance
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="nt">Number of tiles
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nc">Number of components
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="imgsrc">The image source (used to get the image size)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
		/// </param>
		public EncoderSpecs(int nt, int nc, BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, ParameterList pl)
			nTiles = nt;
			nComp = nc;
			// ROI
			rois = new MaxShiftSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
			// Quantization
			pl.checkList(Quantizer.OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(Quantizer.ParameterInfo));
			qts = new QuantTypeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			qsss = new QuantStepSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			gbs = new GuardBitsSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			// Wavelet transform
			wfs = new AnWTFilterSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, qts, pl);
			dls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl, "Wlev");
			// Component transformation
			cts = new ForwCompTransfSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, wfs, pl);
			// Entropy coder
			System.String[] strLcs = new System.String[]{"near_opt", "lazy_good", "lazy"};
			lcs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Clen_calc", strLcs, pl);
			System.String[] strTerm = new System.String[]{"near_opt", "easy", "predict", "full"};
			tts = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterm_type", strTerm, pl);
			System.String[] strBoolean = new System.String[]{"on", "off"};
			sss = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cseg_symbol", strBoolean, pl);
			css = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Ccausal", strBoolean, pl);
			rts = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterminate", strBoolean, pl);
			mqrs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "CresetMQ", strBoolean, pl);
			bms = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cbypass", strBoolean, pl);
			cblks = new CBlkSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
			// Precinct partition
			pss = new PrecinctSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, imgsrc, dls, pl);
			// Codestream
			sops = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Psop", strBoolean, pl);
			ephs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Peph", strBoolean, pl);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary> Creates a new ProgressionSpec object for the specified number of tiles,
        /// components and the ParameterList instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nt">The number of tiles
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nc">The number of components
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nl">The number of layer
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dls">The number of decomposition levels specifications
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="type">the type of the specification module. The ProgressionSpec
        /// class should only be used only with the type ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
        /// </param>
        public ProgressionSpec(int nt, int nc, int nl, IntegerSpec dls, byte type, ParameterList pl)
            : base(nt, nc, type)
            System.String param = pl.getParameter("Aptype");
            Progression[] prog;
            int mode = - 1;

            if (param == null)
                // No parameter specified
                if (pl.getParameter("Rroi") == null)
                    mode = checkProgMode("res");
                    mode = checkProgMode("layer");

                if (mode == - 1)
                    System.String errMsg = "Unknown progression type : '" + param + "'";
                    throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg);
                prog = new Progression[1];
                prog[0] = new Progression(mode, 0, nc, 0, dls.Max + 1, nl);
                return ;

            SupportClass.Tokenizer stk = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(param);
            byte curSpecType = SPEC_DEF; // Specification type of the
            // current parameter
            bool[] tileSpec = null; // Tiles concerned by the specification
            System.String word = null; // current word
            System.String errMsg2 = null; // Error message
            bool needInteger = false; // True if an integer value is expected
            int intType = 0; // Type of read integer value (0=index of first
            // resolution level, 1= index of first component, 2=index of first
            // layer not included, 3= index of first resolution level not
            // included, 4= index of  first component not included
            System.Collections.Generic.List<Progression> progression = new List<Progression>(10);
            int tmp = 0;
            Progression curProg = null;

            while (stk.HasMoreTokens())
                word = stk.NextToken();

                switch (word[0])

                    case 't':
                        // If progression were previously found, store them
                        if (progression.Count > 0)
                            // Ensure that all information has been taken
                            curProg.ce = nc;
                            curProg.lye = nl;
                   = dls.Max + 1;
                            prog = new Progression[progression.Count];
                            if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
                            else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
                                for (int i = tileSpec.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                    if (tileSpec[i])
                                        setTileDef(i, prog);
                        intType = - 1;
                        needInteger = false;

                        // Tiles specification
                        tileSpec = parseIdx(word, nTiles);
                        curSpecType = SPEC_TILE_DEF;

                        // Here, words is either a Integer (progression bound index)
                        // or a String (progression order type). This is determined by
                        // the value of needInteger.
                        if (needInteger)
                            // Progression bound info
                                tmp = (System.Int32.Parse(word));
                            catch (System.FormatException e)
                                // Progression has missing parameters
                                throw new System.ArgumentException("Progression " + "order" + " specification " + "has missing " + "parameters: " + param);

                            switch (intType)

                                case 0:  // cs
                                    if (tmp < 0 || tmp > (dls.Max + 1))
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid res_start " + "in '-Aptype'" + " option: " + tmp);
                           = tmp; break;

                                case 1:  // rs
                                    if (tmp < 0 || tmp > nc)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid comp_start " + "in '-Aptype' " + "option: " + tmp);
                                    curProg.cs = tmp; break;

                                case 2:  // lye
                                    if (tmp < 0)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid layer_end " + "in '-Aptype'" + " option: " + tmp);
                                    if (tmp > nl)
                                        tmp = nl;
                                    curProg.lye = tmp; break;

                                case 3:  // ce
                                    if (tmp < 0)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid res_end " + "in '-Aptype'" + " option: " + tmp);
                                    if (tmp > (dls.Max + 1))
                                        tmp = dls.Max + 1;
                           = tmp; break;

                                case 4:  // re
                                    if (tmp < 0)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid comp_end " + "in '-Aptype'" + " option: " + tmp);
                                    if (tmp > nc)
                                        tmp = nc;
                                    curProg.ce = tmp; break;

                            if (intType < 4)
                                needInteger = true;
                            else if (intType == 4)
                                intType = 0;
                                needInteger = false;
                                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Error in usage of 'Aptype' " + "option: " + param);

                        if (!needInteger)
                            // Progression type info
                            mode = checkProgMode(word);
                            if (mode == - 1)
                                errMsg2 = "Unknown progression type : '" + word + "'";
                                throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg2);
                            needInteger = true;
                            intType = 0;
                            if (progression.Count == 0)
                                curProg = new Progression(mode, 0, nc, 0, dls.Max + 1, nl);
                                curProg = new Progression(mode, 0, nc, 0, dls.Max + 1, nl);

                } // switch
            } // while

            if (progression.Count == 0)
                // No progression defined
                if (pl.getParameter("Rroi") == null)
                    mode = checkProgMode("res");
                    mode = checkProgMode("layer");
                if (mode == - 1)
                    errMsg2 = "Unknown progression type : '" + param + "'";
                    throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg2);
                prog = new Progression[1];
                prog[0] = new Progression(mode, 0, nc, 0, dls.Max + 1, nl);
                return ;

            // Ensure that all information has been taken
            curProg.ce = nc;
            curProg.lye = nl;
   = dls.Max + 1;

            // Store found progression
            prog = new Progression[progression.Count];

            if (curSpecType == SPEC_DEF)
            else if (curSpecType == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
                for (int i = tileSpec.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (tileSpec[i])
                        setTileDef(i, prog);

            // Check that default value has been specified
            if (getDefault() == null)
                int ndefspec = 0;
                for (int t = nt - 1; t >= 0; t--)
                    for (int c = nc - 1; c >= 0; c--)
                        if (specValType[t][c] == SPEC_DEF)

                // If some tile-component have received no specification, they
                // receive the default progressiveness.
                if (ndefspec != 0)
                    if (pl.getParameter("Rroi") == null)
                        mode = checkProgMode("res");
                        mode = checkProgMode("layer");
                    if (mode == - 1)
                        errMsg2 = "Unknown progression type : '" + param + "'";
                        throw new System.ArgumentException(errMsg2);
                    prog = new Progression[1];
                    prog[0] = new Progression(mode, 0, nc, 0, dls.Max + 1, nl);
                    // All tile-component have been specified, takes the first
                    // tile-component value as default.
                    setDefault(getTileCompVal(0, 0));
                    switch (specValType[0][0])

                        case SPEC_TILE_DEF:
                            for (int c = nc - 1; c >= 0; c--)
                                if (specValType[0][c] == SPEC_TILE_DEF)
                                    specValType[0][c] = SPEC_DEF;
                            tileDef[0] = null;

                        case SPEC_COMP_DEF:
                            for (int t = nt - 1; t >= 0; t--)
                                if (specValType[t][0] == SPEC_COMP_DEF)
                                    specValType[t][0] = SPEC_DEF;
                            compDef[0] = null;

                        case SPEC_TILE_COMP:
                            specValType[0][0] = SPEC_DEF;
                            tileCompVal["t0c0"] = null;