public void WriteMessage(string _nick, string _msg) { if (_msg.Contains(ContextCollection.Server.Client.Nickname)) { _msg = RTF.ColourString(_msg, IrcColor.Black, IrcColor.Yellow); } if (_msg.Length > 5 && _msg.Substring(0, 7) == "\u0001ACTION") { content += DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ") + RTF.ColourString(" * " + _nick + _msg.Substring(7), IrcColor.LightRed) + @"\line"; } else { IrcColor c = (_nick == ContextCollection.Server.Client.Nickname) ? IrcColor.LightRed : IrcColor.Blue; content += DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ") + "<" + RTF.ColourString(_nick, c) + "> " + _msg + @"\line"; } if (ContextCollection.Current == this) { Program.MainWindow.UpdateContent(); } else { ContextCollection.ActiveContexts.Add(; Program.MainWindow.UpdateChannelsList(); } }
private async void HandleInput() { string input; while (true) { input = await Reader.ReadLineAsync(); if (input != null) { try { Message message = new Message(input); MethodInfo oMethodInfo = MessageProcessing.GetMethod(message.Command); if (oMethodInfo != null) { oMethodInfo.Invoke(new MessageProcessingMethods(), new object[] { message }); } else { WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.Command, IrcColor.LightRed) + ": " + message.Text + "(" + RTF.ColourString(message.Params.Trim(), IrcColor.Orange) + ")"); } } catch (Exception e) { WriteLine("Unhandled exception on " + input + ": " + e.Message); } } } }
static public void WhoisIdleAction(Message message) { int secs = int.Parse(message.ParamsArray[3]); TimeSpan idle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs); string idle_string = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", idle.Hours, idle.Minutes, idle.Seconds); ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[2], IrcColor.Pink) + " idle: " + RTF.ColourString(idle_string, IrcColor.Orange)); }
static public void TopicInfoAction(Message message) { var ctx = ContextCollection.GetByName(message.ParamsArray[2]); var timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(double.Parse(message.ParamsArray[4])); var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); var dateTime = epoch.Add(timeSpan).ToLocalTime(); ctx.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString("Topic set by " + message.ParamsArray[3] + " on " + dateTime, IrcColor.Green)); }
static public void TopicAction(Message message) { var ctx = ContextCollection.GetByName(message.ParamsArray[2]); ctx.Topic = message.Text; ctx.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString("Topic for " + message.ParamsArray[2] + ": " + message.Text, IrcColor.Green)); if (ctx == ContextCollection.Current) { Program.MainWindow.UpdateTopic(); } }
static public void TopicChangeAction(Message message) { var ctx = ContextCollection.GetByName(message.ParamsArray[1]); ctx.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.Nick + " changed topic to: " + message.Text, IrcColor.Green)); ctx.Topic = message.Text; if (ctx == ContextCollection.Current) { Program.MainWindow.UpdateTopic(); } }
static public void ModeAction(Message message) { var ctx = ContextCollection.GetByName(message.ParamsArray[1]); if (ctx != null) { ctx.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.Nick + " sets mode" + message.Params, IrcColor.Green)); ContextCollection.Server.SendQuery("NAMES " + message.ParamsArray[1]); } else { ContextCollection.Server.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.Nick + " sets mode " + message.Text, IrcColor.Green)); } }
static public void KickAction(Message message) { var ctx = ContextCollection.GetByName(message.ParamsArray[1]); if (ContextCollection.Server.Client.Nickname == message.ParamsArray[2]) { ContextCollection.Server.WriteLine(string.Format("You were kicked from {0} by {1} ({2})", message.ParamsArray[1], message.Nick, message.Text)); ContextCollection.Remove(ctx); } else { ctx.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(string.Format("{0} has been kicked by {1} ({2})", message.ParamsArray[2], message.Nick, message.Text), IrcColor.Orange)); ctx.UsersList.Remove(message.ParamsArray[2]); Program.MainWindow.UpdateUsersList(); } }
static public void JoinAction(Message message) { if (message.Nick == ContextCollection.Server.Client.Nickname) { ContextCollection.Add(new IrcChannel(message.ParamsArray[1])); } else { var ctx = ContextCollection.GetByName(message.ParamsArray[1]); if (ctx != null) { ((IrcChannel)ctx).Users.Add(message.Nick); ctx.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.Nick + " (" + message.Ident + "@" + message.Host + ") has joined.", IrcColor.Orange)); Program.MainWindow.UpdateUsersList(); } } }
static public void PartAction(Message message) { if (message.Nick == ContextCollection.Server.Client.Nickname) { ContextCollection.Remove(ContextCollection.GetByName(message.ParamsArray[1])); } else { var ctx = ContextCollection.GetByName(message.ParamsArray[1]); if (ctx != null) { ((IrcChannel)ctx).Users.Remove(message.Nick); ctx.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.Nick + " has left.", IrcColor.Orange)); Program.MainWindow.UpdateUsersList(); } } }
private void eButtonSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (eTextInput.Text.Length > 0) { string input = RTF.Escape(eTextInput.Text); history.Add(input); history_i = history.Count - 1; if (input.StartsWith("/")) { try { Match m = Regex.Match(input, @"^\/([A-Za-z]+) ?(.*)?$"); MethodInfo oMethodInfo = CommandProcessing.GetMethod(m.Groups[1].Value.ToLower()); if (oMethodInfo != null) { oMethodInfo.Invoke(new CommandProcessingMethods(), new object[] { (m.Groups[2] != null) ? m.Groups[2].Value : null }); } else { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception) { ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine("Command not found."); } } else { ContextCollection.Server.SendQuery("PRIVMSG " + ContextCollection.Current.Name + " :" + eTextInput.Text); ContextCollection.Current.WriteMessage(ContextCollection.Server.Client.Nickname, input); } eTextInput.Clear(); } }
public void Connect() { WriteLine("Connecting to " + RTF.ColourString(hostname, IrcColor.LightRed) + " on port " + RTF.ColourString(port.ToString(), IrcColor.LightRed) + "..."); try { IRC = new TcpClient(hostname, port); } catch (Exception) { WriteLine("Cannot connect to " + RTF.ColourString(hostname, IrcColor.LightRed) + " on port " + RTF.ColourString(port.ToString(), IrcColor.LightRed) + "!"); return; } Stream = IRC.GetStream(); Writer = new StreamWriter(Stream); Reader = new StreamReader(Stream); SendQuery(string.Format("USER {0} {1} {2} {3} :{4}", Client.Username, Client.Username, Client.Username, Client.Username, Client.Realname)); SendQuery(string.Format("NICK {0}", Client.Nickname)); HandleInput(); }
static public void ChanOPrivsNeededAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[2], IrcColor.Pink) + ": " + message.Text); }
static public void AwayAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[1], IrcColor.Pink) + " is away (" + message.Text + ")"); }
static public void WelcomeAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Server.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.Text, IrcColor.Blue)); }
static public void LUserChannelsAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Server.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[2], IrcColor.LightRed) + " " + message.Text); }
static public void WhoisUserAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[2], IrcColor.Pink) + " (" + RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[3], IrcColor.Orange) + "@" + RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[4], IrcColor.Orange) + "): " + message.Text); }
static public void WhoisServerAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[2], IrcColor.Pink) + " is connected with " + RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[3], IrcColor.Orange) + " (" + message.Text + ")"); }
static public void ErroneusNickAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[2], IrcColor.Pink) + ": " + message.Text); }
static public void AlreadyOnChannelAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[2], IrcColor.Pink) + ": " + message.Text); }
static public void WhoisSecuredAction(Message message) { ContextCollection.Current.WriteLine(RTF.ColourString(message.ParamsArray[2], IrcColor.Pink) + " " + message.Text); }