Beispiel #1
 private static DirectoryListItem ParseDirectoryListItemFromWindowsStyleRecord(string Record)
     ///Assuming the record style as
     /// 02-03-04  07:46PM       <DIR>          Append
     DirectoryListItem f = new DirectoryListItem();
     string processstr = Record.Trim();
     string dateStr = processstr.Substring(0, 8);
     processstr = (processstr.Substring(8, processstr.Length - 8)).Trim();
     string timeStr = processstr.Substring(0, 7);
     processstr = (processstr.Substring(7, processstr.Length - 7)).Trim();
     f.CreationTime = DateTime.Parse(dateStr + " " + timeStr, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
     if (processstr.Substring(0, 5) == "<DIR>")
         f.IsDirectory = true;
         processstr = (processstr.Substring(5, processstr.Length - 5)).Trim();
         //string[] strs = processstr.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, true);
         //processstr = strs[1].Trim();
         processstr = processstr.Remove(0, processstr.IndexOf(' ') + 1);
         f.IsDirectory = false;
     f.Name = processstr;  //Rest is name   
     return f;
Beispiel #2
 public static IList<DirectoryListItem> GetDirectoryList(string datastring)
         List<DirectoryListItem> myListArray = new List<DirectoryListItem>();
         string[] dataRecords = datastring.Split('\n');
         EDirectoryListingStyle _directoryListStyle = GuessDirectoryListingStyle(dataRecords);
         foreach (string s in dataRecords)
             if (_directoryListStyle != EDirectoryListingStyle.Unknown && s != "")
                 DirectoryListItem f = new DirectoryListItem();
                 f.Name = "..";
                 switch (_directoryListStyle)
                     case EDirectoryListingStyle.UnixStyle:
                         f = ParseDirectoryListItemFromUnixStyleRecord(s);
                     case EDirectoryListingStyle.WindowsStyle:
                         f = ParseDirectoryListItemFromWindowsStyleRecord(s);
                 if (!(f == null || f.Name == "." || f.Name == ".."))
         return myListArray; ;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new FTPException("Unable to parse the directory list", ex);
Beispiel #3
        private static DirectoryListItem ParseDirectoryListItemFromUnixStyleRecord(string Record)
            ///Assuming record style as
            /// dr-xr-xr-x   1 owner    group               0 Nov 25  2002 bussys

            // Mac OS X - tnftpd returns the total on the first line
            if (Record.ToLower().StartsWith("total "))
                return null;

            DirectoryListItem f = new DirectoryListItem();
            string processstr = Record.Trim();
            f.Flags = processstr.Substring(0, 9);
            f.IsDirectory = (f.Flags[0] == 'd');
            // Note: there is no way to determine here if the symlink refers to a dir or a file
            f.IsSymLink = (f.Flags[0] == 'l');                
            processstr = (processstr.Substring(11)).Trim();
            CutSubstringFromStringWithTrim(ref processstr, " ", 0);   //skip one part
            f.Owner = CutSubstringFromStringWithTrim(ref processstr, " ", 0);
            f.Group = CutSubstringFromStringWithTrim(ref processstr, " ", 0);
            CutSubstringFromStringWithTrim(ref processstr, " ", 0);   //skip one part
            string creationTimeStr = CutSubstringFromStringWithTrim(ref processstr, " ", 8);
            string dateFormat;
            if(creationTimeStr.IndexOf(':') < 0)
                dateFormat = "MMM dd  yyyy";
                dateFormat = "MMM dd HH:mm";

            // Some servers (e.g.: Mac OS X 10.5 - tnftpd) return days < 10 without a leading 0 
            if (creationTimeStr[4] == ' ')
                creationTimeStr = creationTimeStr.Substring(0, 4) + "0" + creationTimeStr.Substring(5);

            f.CreationTime = DateTime.ParseExact(creationTimeStr, dateFormat, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));

            if (f.IsSymLink && processstr.IndexOf(unixSymLinkPathSeparator) > 0)
                f.Name = CutSubstringFromStringWithTrim(ref processstr, unixSymLinkPathSeparator, 0);
                f.SymLinkTargetPath = processstr;
                f.Name = processstr;   //Rest of the part is name
            return f;