private void ViewStatsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TokenData tokData = mapToken.GetTokenData();

            this.tokenNameLbl.Text = tokData.Name;

            this.curHPBox.Minimum = 0;
            this.curHPBox.Maximum = tokData.MaxHP;
            this.curHPBox.Value   = tokData.CurrentHP;
            this.maxHPLbl.Text    = "/ " + tokData.MaxHP;
            this.acLbl.Text       = tokData.ArmorClass.ToString();

            this.strLbl.Text   = tokData.Strength.ToString();
            this.dexLbl.Text   = tokData.Dexterity.ToString();
            this.constLbl.Text = tokData.Constitution.ToString();
            this.intLbl.Text   = tokData.Intelligence.ToString();
            this.wisLbl.Text   = tokData.Wisdom.ToString();
            this.chrLbl.Text   = tokData.Charisma.ToString();
            this.notesBox.Text = tokData.Notes;

            formPos.X -= Size.Width;
            formPos.Y -= Size.Height;

            Rectangle screenRect = Screen.FromControl(this).Bounds;

            formPos.X = Math.Max(Math.Min(screenRect.Width - Size.Width, formPos.X), 0);
            formPos.Y = Math.Max(Math.Min(screenRect.Height - Size.Height, formPos.Y), 0);

            this.Location = formPos;
Beispiel #2
        private void actTokEditBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int curSelectedIndex = activeTokensList.SelectedIndex;

            // No token selected
            if (curSelectedIndex < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No token selected.", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            MapToken  selectedToken = (MapToken)activeTokensList.Items[curSelectedIndex];
            TokenData tokenData     = selectedToken.GetTokenData();

            EditTokenForm charForm = new EditTokenForm(gameState);

            charForm.SetTokenData(ref tokenData);
            DialogResult result = charForm.ShowDialog(this);

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                tokenData = charForm.GetTokenData();
                selectedToken.SetTokenData(ref tokenData);
Beispiel #3
        // Copy constructor
        public MapToken(MapToken other)
            TokenData otherTokenData = other.GetTokenData();

            this.mapCtrl   = other.mapCtrl;
            this.tokenData = new TokenData(ref otherTokenData);
            this.position  = other.Position;
        // updates the mouse state of any active tokens on the map
        // depending on the current mouse position
        protected void updateActiveTokenMouseState(Point mousePos)
            // No active tokens? Return
            if (gameState.ActiveTokens.Count == 0)

            // Get unit rectangle for current view
            RectangleF viewPortRect = GetViewportUnitRect();

            MapToken tokenUnderMouse = null;

            // Loop through each active token
            foreach (MapToken token in gameState.ActiveTokens)
                // Is a token currently being dragged?
                if (draggedToken != null)
                    if (token != draggedToken)
                        token.MouseState = TokenMouseState.Idle;
                    RectangleF tokenUnitRect = token.GetUnitRect();                              // Get unit rectangle for token
                    Rectangle  pixelRect     = UnitRectToPixelRect(tokenUnitRect, viewPortRect); // Convert unit rect to pixel coordinates

                    // If token is under mouse, set Hover state
                    if (pixelRect.Contains(mousePos))
                        token.MouseState = TokenMouseState.Hover;
                        tokenUnderMouse  = token;
                        token.MouseState = TokenMouseState.Idle;

            if (tokenUnderMouse != null && !tokenHoverToolTip.Active)
                TokenData data = tokenUnderMouse.GetTokenData();
                tokenHoverToolTip.SetTokenData(ref data);
                tokenHoverToolTip.Active = true;
            else if (tokenUnderMouse == null && tokenHoverToolTip.Active)
                tokenHoverToolTip.Active = false;
        private void editTokenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (rightClickedToken == null)

            TokenData data = rightClickedToken.GetTokenData();

            EditTokenForm editTokenForm = new EditTokenForm(gameState);

            editTokenForm.SetTokenData(ref data);

            DialogResult result = editTokenForm.ShowDialog();

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                data = editTokenForm.GetTokenData();
                rightClickedToken.SetTokenData(ref data);
        public TokenListItemControl(MapToken token)

            this.token = token;

   = token.GetTokenData();

            TokenName.Text = data.Name;

            ACLabel.Text = "AC: " + data.ArmorClass;

            TokenStrength.Text = "STR: " + data.Strength;

            TokenDexterity.Text = "DEX: " + data.Dexterity;

            TokenConstitution.Text = "CON: " + data.Constitution;

            TokenIntelligence.Text = "INT: " + data.Intelligence;

            TokenWisdom.Text = "WIS: " + data.Wisdom;

            TokenCharisma.Text = "CHA: " + data.Charisma;

            HealthBox.Text = data.CurrentHP + " / " + data.MaxHP;

            if (data.CurrentHP >= data.MaxHP / 3)
                HealthBox.BackColor = Color.Lime;
            else if (data.CurrentHP >= data.MaxHP / 10)
                HealthBox.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                HealthBox.BackColor = Color.Red;