Beispiel #1
        private static int Wind(GeographicalPoint location, Edge edge, Position position)
            if (edge.RelativePositionOf(location) != position)

Beispiel #2
            public bool LocationInRange(GeographicalPoint location, Orientation orientation)
                if (orientation == Orientation.Ascending)
                    return(_endPoint.Latitude > location.Latitude);

                return(_endPoint.Latitude <= location.Latitude);
Beispiel #3
        private static int DescendingIntersection(GeographicalPoint location, Edge edge)
            if (edge.AscendingRelativeTo(location))

            if (!edge.LocationInRange(location, Orientation.Descending))

            return(Wind(location, edge, Position.Right));
Beispiel #4
        public bool Contains(GeographicalPoint location)
            GeographicalPoint[] polygonPointsWithClosure = PolygonPointsWithClosure();

            int windingNumber = 0;

            for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < polygonPointsWithClosure.Length - 1; pointIndex++)
                Edge edge = new Edge(polygonPointsWithClosure[pointIndex], polygonPointsWithClosure[pointIndex + 1]);
                windingNumber += AscendingIntersection(location, edge);
                windingNumber -= DescendingIntersection(location, edge);

            return(windingNumber != 0);
Beispiel #5
            public Position RelativePositionOf(GeographicalPoint location)
                double positionCalculation =
                    (_endPoint.Longitude - _startPoint.Longitude) * (location.Latitude - _startPoint.Latitude) -
                    (location.Longitude - _startPoint.Longitude) * (_endPoint.Latitude - _startPoint.Latitude);

                if (positionCalculation > 0)

                if (positionCalculation < 0)

        //public string GetAddress(double latitude, double longitude)
        //    string address = string.Empty;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this);

        //        IList<Address> addressList = geocoder.GetFromLocation(latitude, longitude, 1);

        //        Address addressCurrent = addressList.FirstOrDefault();

        //        if (addressCurrent != null)
        //        {
        //            StringBuilder deviceAddress = new StringBuilder();

        //            for (int i = 0; i <= addressCurrent.MaxAddressLineIndex; i++)
        //            {
        //                if (addressCurrent.GetAddressLine(i).Length > 0)
        //                {
        //                    deviceAddress.Append(addressCurrent.GetAddressLine(i)).AppendLine(",");
        //                }
        //            }

        //            address = deviceAddress.ToString().Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty).TrimEnd(',');
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //        address = "Can't get address. Are you online?";
        //    }

        //    return address;

        void OnLocationResult(object sender, Location location)
                RunOnUiThread(() =>
                    Utils.Location = location;

                    if (Utils.Location == null)
                        _txtLocation = "Unable to determine your location.";
                        // First time in, set some defaults $$$
                        if (Utils.StartLocation.Latitude == 0 && Utils.StartLocation.Longitude == 0)
                            ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
                            Utils.StartLocation      = Utils.Location;

                            ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit();

                            editor.PutFloat("StartLatitude", (float)Utils.StartLocation.Latitude);
                            editor.PutFloat("StartLongitude", (float)Utils.StartLocation.Longitude);

                            _txtStartAddress = Utils.GetAddress(_instance);

                        _txtLocation = String.Format("{0:0.####},{1:0.####}", Utils.StartLocation.Latitude, Utils.StartLocation.Longitude);

                        // This code measures distance from the origin
                        var coord1 = new LatLng(Utils.StartLocation.Latitude, Utils.StartLocation.Longitude);
                        var coord2 = new LatLng(Utils.Location.Latitude, Utils.Location.Longitude);

                        Utils.HaversineDistance(coord1, coord2, Utils.DistanceUnit.Kilometers);

                        //Utils.Distance = 10; // Hack

                        _txtDistance.Text = Utils.Distance.ToString("#.###");

                        if (Utils.Distance == 0)
                            _txtRemarks.Text = string.Format("You are at your origin, ");
                            _txtRemarks.Text = "You are " + Utils.Distance.ToString("0.###") + " km from your origin, ";

                        _txtRemarks.Text += _txtStartAddress;

                        Utils.PreviousLocation = location;

                        // This code measures distance wrt rules
                        foreach (Rule rule in Utils.Rules)
                            if (rule.LocationType == (int)Utils.LocationType.Radius)
                                coord1        = new LatLng((double)rule.MapLatitude, (double)rule.MapLongitude);
                                rule.Distance = Utils.HaversineDistance(coord1, coord2);
                            else if (rule.LocationType == (int)Utils.LocationType.Polygon && rule.Polygon.Length > 0)
                                string payload = new string(rule.Polygon.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray());
                                int startIndex = payload.IndexOf("<coordinates>");
                                int endIndex   = payload.IndexOf("</coordinates>");
                                payload        = payload.Substring(startIndex + 13, endIndex - startIndex - 13)
                                                 .Replace(",0", ",")
                                                 .Replace(" ", "")

                                double[] doubles = Array.ConvertAll(payload.Split(','), double.Parse);

                                List <GeographicalPoint> points = new List <GeographicalPoint>();

                                for (int i = 0; i <= doubles.Length - 1; i += 2)
                                    points.Add(new GeographicalPoint(doubles[i + 1], doubles[i]));

                                Polygon polygon         = new Polygon(points);
                                GeographicalPoint point = new GeographicalPoint(coord2.Latitude, coord2.Longitude);

                                // Negative int.MaxValue distance in a polygon rule means we're inside the shape $$$ we need code for nested polygons
                                // Otherwise we point it at space
                                // That means [for now] polygons get processed before radius rules
                                // We'll move to a system where all the trigered rules are processed
                                rule.Distance = polygon.Contains(point) ? int.MaxValue * -1 : int.MaxValue;
                                rule.Distance = int.MaxValue;

                        // Reduce the rules to undismissed ones
                        Utils.Rules = Utils.Rules.Where(x => !x.Dismissed).ToList();

                        if (Utils.Rules.Count > 0)
                            Utils.Rules = Utils.Rules.OrderBy(x => x.Distance - x.RadiusK).ToList();

                            if (Utils.Rules[0].LocationType == (int)Utils.LocationType.Radius)
                                decimal realDistance = Utils.Rules[0].Distance - Utils.Rules[0].RadiusK;
                                if (realDistance > 0)
                                    _txtRemarks.Text +=
                                        Environment.NewLine +
                                        Environment.NewLine +
                                        "You are " +
                                        realDistance.ToString("0") +
                                        " km from the closest exclusion zone, " +
                                        Utils.Rules[0].LocationName +
                                        ". Coronalert will continue to monitor your position, and tell you when you are within " +
                                        Utils.Rules[0].WarnK.ToString("0.###") +
                                        " km of its " +
                                        Utils.Rules[0].RadiusK.ToString("0.###") +
                                        " km radius.";

            catch (Exception ex)
                Toast.MakeText(this, ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show();
Beispiel #7
 public Edge(GeographicalPoint startPoint, GeographicalPoint endPoint)
     _startPoint = startPoint;
     _endPoint   = endPoint;
Beispiel #8
 public bool AscendingRelativeTo(GeographicalPoint location)
     return(_startPoint.Latitude <= location.Latitude);