protected void GetTodoList()
            string SortString = Session["SortColumn"].ToString() +
                    " " + Session["SortDirection"].ToString();

            //Connect to EF
            using (TodoConnection db = new TodoConnection())
                //Query the Todos table using EF and LINQ
                var TodoItems = (from allItems in db.Todos
                                 select allItems);

                //Bind the result to the Gridview
                TodoGridView.DataSource = TodoItems.AsQueryable().OrderBy(SortString).ToList();
        protected void TodoGridView_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            //Store which row was selected for deletion
            int selectedRow = e.RowIndex;

            //Get the selected StudentID using the Grid's DataKEy collection
            int TodoID = Convert.ToInt32(TodoGridView.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["TodoID"]);

            //Use EF to find the selected student in the DB and remove it
            using (TodoConnection db = new TodoConnection())
                //Create object of the student class and store the query string inside of it
                Todo deletedTodoItem = (from studentRecords in db.Todos
                                        where studentRecords.TodoID == TodoID
                                        select studentRecords).FirstOrDefault();

                //Remove the selected student from the db

                //Save changes back to the db

                //Refresh the grid
