/// <summary>
        /// Enables the user to launch dense 3D reconstruction and meshing via COLMAP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workspace"></param> The workspace from which to perform this method.
        private void SubsectionDenseReconstruction()
            string workspace = dataHandler.dataDirectory;
            string label     = "Reconstruct 3D mesh (.PLY) from sparse camera setup.";
            string tooltip   = "Processed geometry will be stored at: \"" + COLMAPConnector.GetDelaunayFile(workspace) + "\".";
            // Check if this option is available.
            bool isGUIEnabled = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = isGUIEnabled && (cameraSetup != null && cameraSetup.cameraModels != null) && workspace.Contains(COLMAPConnector.dense0DirName) && Application.isPlaying;
            GeneralToolkit.EditorRequirePlayMode(ref tooltip);
            // Display a button to launch the helper method.
            bool hasPressed = GeneralToolkit.EditorWordWrapLeftButton(new GUIContent("Run", tooltip), new GUIContent(label, tooltip));

            // If the button is pressed, display a dialog to confirm.
            if (hasPressed)
                label   = "Existing data will be erased. Are you ready to proceed?";
                tooltip = "Launching this process will erase data in the folder: \"" + workspace + "\". Are you ready to proceed?";
                // If the user confirms, update the workspace directory and launch the method.
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(label, tooltip, "Yes", "No"))
                    StartCoroutine(COLMAPConnector.RunDenseReconstructionCoroutine(this, workspace));
            // Reset the GUI.
            GUI.enabled = isGUIEnabled;
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables the user to launch dense 3D reconstruction and meshing via COLMAP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workspace"></param> The workspace from which to perform this method.
        private void SubsectionDenseReconstruction()
            string workspace = dataHandler.dataDirectory;
            string label     = "Reconstruct 3D mesh (.PLY) from sparse camera setup.";
            string tooltip   = "Processed geometry will be stored at: \"" + COLMAPConnector.GetDelaunayFile(workspace) + "\".";
            // Check if this option is available.
            bool isGUIEnabled = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = isGUIEnabled && (cameraSetup != null && cameraSetup.cameraModels != null && cameraSetup.cameraModels.Length > 0) && (dataHandler != null && dataHandler.imagePointCorrespondencesExist) && Application.isPlaying;
            GeneralToolkit.EditorRequirePlayMode(ref tooltip);
            // Display a button to launch the helper method.
            bool hasPressed = GeneralToolkit.EditorWordWrapLeftButton(new GUIContent("Run", tooltip), new GUIContent(label, tooltip));

            // If the button is pressed, display a dialog to confirm.
            if (hasPressed)
                label    = "Existing data will be erased. Are you ready to proceed?";
                tooltip  = "WARNING: Before launching this step, please check that you are using a CUDA-capable GPU. Your current GPU is a " + SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName + ".";
                tooltip += "\n\nLaunching this process will erase data in the folder: \"" + workspace + "\". Are you ready to proceed?";
                // If the user confirms, update the workspace directory and launch the method.
                int chosenButton = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex(label, tooltip, "Yes", "No", "Check whether my GPU is CUDA-capable");
                if (chosenButton == 0)
                    StartCoroutine(COLMAPConnector.RunDenseReconstructionCoroutine(this, workspace, cameraSetup.cameraModels.Length));
                else if (chosenButton == 2)
            // Reset the GUI.
            GUI.enabled = isGUIEnabled;