Beispiel #1
        private void BuildClassTrace(Graph graph, int stackTraceIndex, int funcIndex, ulong size, Vertex[] funcVertex, ref Vertex[] vertexStack, FilterForm filterForm)
            string className       = ClassNameOfFunc(funcIndex);
            int    functionsToSkip = FunctionsInSameClass(className, stackTraceIndex);
            int    stackPtr        = BuildVertexStack(stackTraceIndex, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, 0) - functionsToSkip;

            Vertex toVertex = graph.TopVertex;

            if (ReadNewLog.InterestingCallStack(vertexStack, stackPtr, filterForm))
                vertexStack[stackPtr] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(className, null, null);
                vertexStack[stackPtr].interestLevel = filterForm.IsInterestingMethodName(className, null)
                    ? InterestLevel.Interesting | filterForm.InterestLevelForParentsAndChildren() : InterestLevel.Ignore;

                stackPtr = ReadNewLog.FilterVertices(vertexStack, stackPtr);
                stackPtr = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(vertexStack, stackPtr);
                Edge   edge;
                Vertex fromVertex;
                for (int i = 0; i < stackPtr; i++)
                    fromVertex = toVertex;
                    toVertex   = vertexStack[i];
                    edge       = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex);
                if (toVertex != graph.TopVertex)
                    fromVertex = toVertex;
                    toVertex   = graph.BottomVertex;
                    edge       = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex);
Beispiel #2
        internal void AssignInterestLevelToObject(ulong id, GcObject gcObject, BuildTypeGraphOptions options, FilterForm filterForm, bool isRoot)
            bool isInteresting = gcObject.Type(this).interestLevel == InterestLevel.Interesting &&

            if (isInteresting && filterForm.signatureFilters.Length != 0)
                string signature = SignatureOfObject(id, gcObject, BuildTypeGraphOptions.LumpBySignature);
                isInteresting = filterForm.IsInterestingTypeName(gcObject.Type(this).name, signature,

            if (isInteresting)
                gcObject.InterestLevel = InterestLevel.Interesting;
                if (!isRoot)
                    gcObject.InterestLevel |= filterForm.InterestLevelForParentsAndChildren();
                gcObject.InterestLevel = InterestLevel.Ignore;

            // Check if this is an interesting object, and we are supposed to mark its ancestors
            if ((gcObject.InterestLevel & InterestLevel.InterestingParents) == InterestLevel.InterestingParents)
                for (GcObject parentObject = gcObject.parent; parentObject != null; parentObject = parentObject.parent)
                    // As long as we find uninteresting objects, mark them for display
                    // When we find an interesting object, we stop, because either it
                    // will itself mark its parents, or it isn't interested in them (and we
                    // respect that despite the interest of the current object, somewhat arbitrarily).
                    if ((parentObject.InterestLevel & InterestLevel.InterestingParents) == InterestLevel.Ignore)
                        parentObject.InterestLevel |= InterestLevel.Display;

            // It's tempting here to mark the descendants as well, but they may be reached via
            // long reference paths, when there are shorter ones that were deemed uninteresting
            // Instead, we look whether our parent objects are interesting and want to show their
            // descendants, but we have to do that in a separate pass.
Beispiel #3
 internal void AddFunctionVertex(int funcId, string functionName, string signature, Graph graph, ref Vertex[] funcVertex, FilterForm filterForm)
     EnsureVertexCapacity(funcId, ref funcVertex);
     int moduleId = funcModule[funcId];
     string moduleName = null;
     if (moduleId >= 0)
         moduleName = modBasicName[moduleId];
     funcVertex[funcId] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(functionName, signature, moduleName);
     funcVertex[funcId].interestLevel = filterForm.IsInterestingMethodName(functionName, signature)
         ? InterestLevel.Interesting | filterForm.InterestLevelForParentsAndChildren() : InterestLevel.Ignore;
Beispiel #4
 internal void AddTypeVertex(int typeId, string typeName, Graph graph, ref Vertex[] typeVertex, FilterForm filterForm)
     EnsureVertexCapacity(typeId, ref typeVertex);
     typeVertex[typeId] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(typeName, null, null);
     typeVertex[typeId].interestLevel = filterForm.IsInterestingTypeName(typeName, null, finalizableTypes.ContainsKey(typeId))
         ? InterestLevel.Interesting | filterForm.InterestLevelForParentsAndChildren() : InterestLevel.Ignore;
Beispiel #5
        void BuildClassTrace(Graph graph, int stackTraceIndex, int funcIndex, ulong size, Vertex[] funcVertex, ref Vertex[] vertexStack, FilterForm filterForm)
            string className = ClassNameOfFunc(funcIndex);
            int functionsToSkip = FunctionsInSameClass(className, stackTraceIndex);
            int stackPtr = BuildVertexStack(stackTraceIndex, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, 0) - functionsToSkip;

            Vertex toVertex = graph.TopVertex;
            Vertex fromVertex;
            Edge edge;
            if (ReadNewLog.InterestingCallStack(vertexStack, stackPtr, filterForm))
                vertexStack[stackPtr] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(className, null, null);
                vertexStack[stackPtr].interestLevel = filterForm.IsInterestingMethodName(className, null)
                    ? InterestLevel.Interesting | filterForm.InterestLevelForParentsAndChildren() : InterestLevel.Ignore;

                stackPtr = ReadNewLog.FilterVertices(vertexStack, stackPtr);
                stackPtr = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(vertexStack, stackPtr);
                for (int i = 0; i < stackPtr; i++)
                    fromVertex = toVertex;
                    toVertex = vertexStack[i];
                    edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex);
                if (toVertex != graph.TopVertex)
                    fromVertex = toVertex;
                    toVertex = graph.BottomVertex;
                    edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex);