Beispiel #1
 public static DataTable selectEducationLevels()
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM Education");
     return dt;
Beispiel #2
 public static DataTable selectOccupationClusterId(int Id)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT ClusterId FROM occupation WHERE Id = " + Id + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #3
 public static DataTable selectStudents(string group)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT s.studentId, s.FirstName, s.LastName, s.MarriedTo, " +
         "s.Sex, s.GPA, o.Occupation, s.Salary, s.NetMonthlyIncome, m.MaritalStatus, " +
         "s.ChildrenNumber, s.childSupport, s.CreditScore " +
         "FROM student s, schools sch, occupation o, education e, credit c, MaritalStatus m " +
         "WHERE c.creditId = s.creditUseId AND e.EducationId = s.EducationId AND m.Id = s.MaritalStatusId " +
         "AND o.Id = s.occupationId AND sch.SchoolId = s.schoolId AND s.studentGroup = '" + group + "'");
     return dt;
Beispiel #4
 public static DataTable selectCreditUse()
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM credit");
     return dt;
Beispiel #5
 public static DataTable selectSchools()
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM schools ORDER BY schoolName");
     return dt;
Beispiel #6
 public static DataTable selectStudent(int studentId)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM student WHERE studentId = " + studentId + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #7
 public static DataTable selectNumberofDivorcedStudentsWithChildren(string group)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT COUNT(maritalstatusId)*.6 AS number FROM student WHERE maritalstatusId = 5 AND studentGroup = '" + group + "'");
     return dt;
Beispiel #8
 public static DataTable selectSalary(int occupationId)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT annualGrossSalary FROM occupation WHERE Id = " + occupationId + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #9
 public static DataTable selectNextOccupationId()
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT ID FROM occupation ORDER BY ID desc LIMIT 1");
     return dt;
Beispiel #10
 public static DataTable selectNextSchoolId()
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT SchoolId FROM Schools ORDER BY SchoolId desc LIMIT 1");
     return dt;
Beispiel #11
 public static DataTable selectMarriedMales(string group)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE StudentGroup = '" + group + "' AND MaritalStatusID = 3 AND Sex = 'Male' ORDER BY gpa DESC");
     return dt;
Beispiel #12
 public static DataTable selectMaricalStatusIds()
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM MaritalStatus");
     return dt;
Beispiel #13
 public static DataTable selectMaleDesireChildren(int id)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT ChildrenNumber FROM Student WHERE StudentId = " + id + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #14
 public static DataTable selectOccupations()
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM occupation");
     return dt;
Beispiel #15
 public static DataTable selectNumberofDivorcedWithChildrenMales(string group)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM student WHERE maritalstatusid = 4 AND sex = 'Male' AND studentgroup = '" + group + "'");
     return dt;
Beispiel #16
 public static DataTable selectOccupationsByCluster(int Id)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM occupation WHERE clusterid = " + Id + " ORDER BY annualgrosssalary DESC");
     return dt;
Beispiel #17
 public static DataTable selectNumberOfMalesYes(string group)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT COUNT(*) AS maleYes FROM Student WHERE StudentGroup = '" + group + "' AND Sex = 'Male' AND married = 'Yes'");
     return dt;
Beispiel #18
 public static DataTable selectSchool(int schoolId)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT schoolName FROM schools WHERE schoolId = " + schoolId + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #19
 public static DataTable selectNumberOfSingleStudents(string group)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT COUNT(*) AS single FROM Student WHERE StudentGroup = '" + group + "' AND MaritalStatusId != 3");
     return dt;
Beispiel #20
 public static DataTable selectSingleAfterTaxes(int occupationId)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT SingleAfterTaxes FROM occupation WHERE Id = " + occupationId + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #21
 public static DataTable selectNumberOfStudents(string group)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT COUNT(*) AS studentNo FROM Student WHERE StudentGroup = '" + group + "'");
     return dt;
Beispiel #22
 public static DataTable selectStudentLoans(int occupationId)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT studentLoans FROM occupation WHERE Id = " + occupationId + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #23
 public static DataTable selectNumberOfStudentsNo(string group)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT COUNT(*) AS [No] FROM Student WHERE StudentGroup = '" + group + "' AND Married = 'No'");
     return dt;
Beispiel #24
 public static DataTable selectClusters()
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM cluster");
     return dt;
Beispiel #25
 public static DataTable selectOccupation(int id)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM occupation WHERE Id = " + id + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #26
 public static DataTable selectDivorcedStudentsWithChildren(string group, int number)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE StudentGroup = '" + group + "' AND MaritalStatusId = 5 LIMIT " + number + "");
     return dt;
Beispiel #27
 public static DataTable selectEducationLevel(int occupationId)
     DB d1 = new DB();
     DataTable dt = d1.Select("SELECT RequiredEducationLevelId FROM Occupation WHERE Id = " + occupationId + "");
     return dt;