/// <summary>
        /// Checks if a data in a <see cref="SubmittableParameterValue"/> should be written to a ValueSet if found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="submittableParameterValue">The <see cref="SubmittableParameterValue"/></param>
        /// <param name="option">The <see cref="Option"/> used to check if writing a value is allowed</param>
        /// <returns>true is write is allowed, otherwise false</returns>
        public bool ValueSetWriteAllowed(SubmittableParameterValue submittableParameterValue, Option option)
            var currentOptionPath = ReportingUtilities.ConvertToOptionPath(submittableParameterValue.Path, option);

            if (submittableParameterValue.IsExactOptionPath)
                //Option should be defined in SubmittableParameterValue. Does the Option match the expected value based on the current Option?
                return(submittableParameterValue.Path == currentOptionPath);

        /// <summary>
        /// Try to create/change a <see cref="ProcessedValueSet"/> for a <see cref="Parameter"/>, <see cref="ParameterOverride"/>, or <see cref="ParameterSubscription"/>
        /// found by searching for a specific <see cref="NestedParameter.Path"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option">
        /// The <see cref="Option"/> to be used.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allNestedParameters">
        /// An <see cref="IEnumerable{NestedParameter}"/> that contains all nested parameters for a specific ProductTree.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ownedNestedParameters">
        /// An <see cref="IEnumerable{NestedParameter}"/> that contains only the nested parameters for a specific ProductTree
        /// that are available to a specific <see cref="DomainOfExpertise"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="submittableParameterValue">
        /// The <see cref="SubmittableParameterValue"/> that contains
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="processedValueSets">A <see cref="Dictionary{Guid, ProcessedValueSet}"/> that contains all <see cref="ProcessedValueSet"/> found until now.</param>
        /// <param name="errorText">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that contains information about problems that occured during the process.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if <see cref="NestedParameter.Path"/> was found and the <see cref="ProcessedValueSet"/> was succesfully created and processed, otherwise false.
        /// </returns>
        public bool TryGetProcessedValueSet(Option option, IEnumerable <NestedParameter> allNestedParameters, IEnumerable <NestedParameter> ownedNestedParameters, SubmittableParameterValue submittableParameterValue, ref Dictionary <Guid, ProcessedValueSet> processedValueSets, out string errorText)
            if (!this.ValueSetWriteAllowed(submittableParameterValue, option))
                // This value should not be written, but in this case no error should be returned as it is as expected
                errorText = "";

            var path = ReportingUtilities.ConvertToOptionPath(submittableParameterValue.Path, option);

            var nestedParameters = option.GetNestedParameterValueSetsByPath(path, allNestedParameters).ToList();

            if (nestedParameters.Count == 0)
                errorText = $"Path {path} was not found in Product Tree for Option {option.ShortName}";

            nestedParameters = option.GetNestedParameterValueSetsByPath(path, ownedNestedParameters).ToList();

            if (nestedParameters.Count == 0)
                errorText = $"Domain {this.IterationDependentDataCollector.DomainOfExpertise.Name} does not have access to Path {path}.";

            if (nestedParameters.Count > 1)
                errorText = $"Multiple parameters found for Path {path}. Cannot write the value back to the model.";

            var nestedParameter = nestedParameters.Single();

            if (nestedParameter.AssociatedParameter.ParameterType.NumberOfValues > 1)
                errorText = $"ParameterType {nestedParameter.AssociatedParameter.ParameterType.Name} is of a compound parameter type. Writing back values to the model for Compound parameter types is currently not supported.";

            if (!this.IterationDependentDataCollector.Session.PermissionService.CanWrite(nestedParameter.AssociatedParameter))
                errorText = $"Domain {this.IterationDependentDataCollector.DomainOfExpertise.Name} does not have write access to Path {path}.";

            if (nestedParameter.AssociatedParameter is ParameterOrOverrideBase parameterOrOverrideBase && nestedParameter.ValueSet is ParameterValueSetBase parameterValueSetBase)
                var processedValueSet = this.ProcessValueSet(parameterValueSetBase, parameterOrOverrideBase, 0, submittableParameterValue.Text, ref processedValueSets, null, out errorText);
                return(processedValueSet.ValidationResult == ValidationResultKind.Valid);

            if (nestedParameter.AssociatedParameter is ParameterSubscription parameterSubscription && nestedParameter.ValueSet is ParameterSubscriptionValueSet parameterSubscriptionValueSet)
                var processedValueSet = this.ProcessValueSet(parameterSubscriptionValueSet, parameterSubscription, 0, submittableParameterValue.Text, ref processedValueSets, null, out errorText);
                return(processedValueSet.ValidationResult == ValidationResultKind.Valid);

            errorText = $"Update Path {path} failed due to unexpected valueSet type: {nestedParameter.ValueSet.GetType()}";
