/// <summary>
 /// Summarizes the Workload in all available scopes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="projects">The _projects.</param>
 /// <param name="me">The _me.</param>
 /// <param name="selectedProject">The selected project.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List <WorkloadSummary> WorkloadSummaryList(Entities edc, IQueryable <Projects> projects, Users me)
         List <WorkloadSummary> _ret = new List <WorkloadSummary>();
         WorkloadSummary        _AllInAllProjects = null;
         if (projects != null)
             _AllInAllProjects = AllInAllProjects(projects);
         if (me != null)
             double _myAvailableHours = _AllInAllProjects == null ? 0 : _AllInAllProjects.Available - Math.Max(_AllInAllProjects.Allocated, _AllInAllProjects.Reported);
             _ret.Add(UserInAllProjects(edc, me, _myAvailableHours));
         foreach (var _selectedProject in projects)
             WorkloadSummary _AllInSelectedProject = AllInSelectedProject(_selectedProject);
             if (me != null)
                 double _availableForMe = _selectedProject.ProjectHours.GetValueOrDefault(0) - Math.Max(_AllInSelectedProject.Allocated, _AllInSelectedProject.Reported);
                 _ret.Add(UserInSelectedProject(me, _selectedProject, _availableForMe));
     catch (Exception _ex)
         throw new ApplicationError("WorkloadSummaryList", "N/A", _ex.Message, _ex);
        private static WorkloadSummary AllInSelectedProject(Projects SelectedProject)
            WorkloadSummary _ret = new WorkloadSummary()
                Scope = String.Format(@"All users in the project: {0}", SelectedProject.Title)

            _ret.Allocated = SelectedProject.Estimation.Sum(_x => _x.EstimatedWorkload.GetValueOrDefault(0));
            _ret.Reported  = SelectedProject.Workload.Sum(_x => _x.MyHours);
            _ret.Available = SelectedProject.ProjectHours.GetValueOrDefault(0);
        private static WorkloadSummary UserInSelectedProject(Users me, Projects SelectedProject, double _availableForMe)
            WorkloadSummary _ret = new WorkloadSummary()
                Scope = String.Format(@"You in the project: {0}", SelectedProject.Title), Available = _availableForMe
            var _myEstimates = from _Estimation in SelectedProject.Estimation where _Estimation.AssignedTo.Id == me.Id select _Estimation;

            _ret.Allocated = _myEstimates.Sum(_x => _x.EstimatedWorkload.GetValueOrDefault(0));
            var _myWorkloads = from _workload in SelectedProject.Workload where _workload.AssignedTo.Id == me.Id select _workload;

            _ret.Reported = _myWorkloads.Sum(_x => _x.MyHours);
        private static WorkloadSummary AllInAllProjects(IQueryable <Projects> projects)
            WorkloadSummary _ret = new WorkloadSummary()
                Scope = "All users in all projects"

            _ret.Available = projects.Sum(_idx => _idx.ProjectHours.GetValueOrDefault(0));
            IEnumerable <Estimation> _allEstimations = from _pix in projects let _estimation = _pix.Estimation from _eix in _estimation select _eix;

            _ret.Allocated = _allEstimations.Sum(_x => _x.EstimatedWorkload.GetValueOrDefault(0));
            IEnumerable <Workload> _allWorkloads = from _pix in projects let _workload = _pix.Workload from _widx in _workload select _widx;

            _ret.Reported = _allWorkloads.Sum(_x => _x.MyHours);
        private static WorkloadSummary UserInAllProjects(Entities edc, Users me, double myAvailableHours)
            WorkloadSummary _ret = new WorkloadSummary()
                Scope = "You in all projects"

            _ret.Available = myAvailableHours;
            var _myActiveWorkloads = from _widx in edc.Workload where _widx.Workload2ProjectTitle.Active.GetValueOrDefault(true) && _widx.AssignedTo.Id == me.Id select _widx;

            _ret.Reported = _myActiveWorkloads.Sum(_wld => _wld.MyHours);
            var _myActiveEstimate = from _estimate in edc.Estimation where _estimate.Estimation2ProjectTitle.Active.GetValueOrDefault(true) && _estimate.AssignedTo.Id == me.Id select _estimate;

            _ret.Allocated = _myActiveEstimate.Sum(_est => _est.EstimatedWorkload.GetValueOrDefault(0));