Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool exit = false;

            string[] Genres = { "Drama",  "Adventure", "Family",   "Action", "Sci-Fi",
                                "Comedy", "Animated",  "Thriller", "Other" };
            string[] Classifications = { "General (G)",   "Parental Guidance (PG)",
                                         "Mature (M15+)", "Mature Accompanied (MA15+)" };

            MovieCollection  DVDS    = new MovieCollection();
            MemberCollection members = new MemberCollection();

            DVDS.Add(new Movie("Night at the Museum", 10, Genres[1], 108, "2006", "Ben Stiller, Carla Gugino, Ricky Gervais",
                               "Shawn Dyke", Classifications[1]));
            DVDS.Add(new Movie("Legally Blonde", 10, Genres[5], 96, "2001", "Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson, Selma Blair",
                               "Robert Luketic", Classifications[1]));
            DVDS.Add(new Movie("Quantum Of Solace", 10, Genres[3], 96, "2008", "Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric",
                               "Marc Forster", Classifications[2]));
            DVDS.Add(new Movie("Mean Girls", 10, Genres[5], 96, "2004", "Lindsay Lohan, Jonathan Bennett, Rachel McAdams",
                               "Mark Waters", Classifications[2]));
            members.Register("Mazen", "Jaber", "n9940669", "QUT_CAB301", "0000");

            while (!exit)

                int key;
                if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out key) && key < 3)
                    if (key == 0)
                        exit = true;
                    if (key == 1)
                        Console.Write("Enter username:  "******"Enter password:  "******"Password is incorrect!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Staff username invalid.");
                    if (key == 2)
                        Console.Write("Enter username:  "******"Enter password:  "******"Password is incorrect!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Username is invlaid or member is not registered.");
                    Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
Beispiel #2
        private static void staffMenu(ref MovieCollection DVDS, ref MemberCollection members)
            string[] Genres = { "Drama",  "Adventure", "Family",   "Action", "Sci-Fi",
                                "Comedy", "Animated",  "Thriller", "Other" };
            string[] Classifications = { "General (G)",   "Parental Guidance (PG)",
                                         "Mature (M15+)", "Mature Accompanied (MA15+)" };
            string   title;
            int      numberOfCopies;
            string   starring;
            string   director;
            int      duration;
            string   genre;
            string   releaseDate;
            string   classification;
            string   firstName;
            string   lastName;
            string   phoneNumber;
            string   residentialAddress;
            string   password;

            bool exist = false;

            while (!exist)
                Console.Write("\n\n===============Staff Menu==================\n" +
                              "1. Add a new Movie DVD.\n" +
                              "2. Remove a Movie DVD.\n" +
                              "3. Display all movies.\n" +
                              "4. Register a new Member.\n" +
                              "5. Find a registered member's phone number.\n" +
                              "6. Display members.\n" +
                              "0. return to main menu.\n" +
                              "===========================================\n" +
                              "Please make a Selection(1-6, or 0 to exist):");
                int key;
                if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out key) && key < 7)
                    if (key == 0)
                        exist = true;

                    if (key == 1)
                        Console.Write("Enter Movie Title: ");
                        title = Console.ReadLine();
                        Movie[] movieArray  = DVDS.ToArray();
                        bool    movieExists = false;
                        foreach (Movie m in movieArray)
                            if (string.Compare(m.title.ToUpper().Replace(" ", string.Empty)
                                               , title.ToUpper().Replace(" ", string.Empty)) == 0)
                                movieExists = true;
                        if (movieExists)
                            Console.WriteLine("Movie aleady exists!");
                            Console.Write("Enter number of copies: ");
                            while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out numberOfCopies))
                                Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
                                Console.Write("Enter number of copies: ");
                            DVDS.addCpies(title, numberOfCopies);
                            Console.Write("Enter number of copies: ");
                            while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out numberOfCopies))
                                Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
                                Console.Write("Enter number of copies: ");
                            Console.Write("Enter release date (year): ");
                            releaseDate = Console.ReadLine();
                            Console.Write("Enter Starring actor/s: ");
                            starring = Console.ReadLine();
                            Console.Write("Enter Director/s: ");
                            director = Console.ReadLine();
                            Console.Write("Enter Duration (minutes): ");
                            while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out duration))
                                Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
                                Console.Write("Enter Duration (minutes): ");
                            Console.WriteLine("Select Genre: ");
                            int i = 1;
                            foreach (string g in Genres)
                                Console.WriteLine(i + ". " + g);

                            Console.Write("Enter selection(1-{0}): ", Genres.Length);
                            int selction;
                            while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out selction) || selction > Genres.Length || selction <= 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
                                Console.Write("Enter selection(1-{0}): ", Genres.Length);
                            genre = Genres[selction - 1];

                            Console.WriteLine("Select Classifaction: ");
                            i = 1;
                            foreach (string c in Classifications)
                                Console.WriteLine(i + ". " + c);
                            selction = Classifications.Length;
                            Console.Write("Enter selection(1-{0}): ", Classifications.Length);
                            while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out selction) || selction > Classifications.Length || selction <= 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
                                Console.Write("Enter selection(1-{0}): ", Classifications.Length);
                            classification = Classifications[selction - 1];
                            DVDS.Add(new Movie(title, numberOfCopies, genre, duration, releaseDate, starring,
                                               director, classification));
                    if (key == 2)
                        Console.Write("Enter title of movie to remove: ");
                    if (key == 3)
                    if (key == 4)
                        Console.Write("Enter First name: ");
                        firstName = Console.ReadLine().Replace(" ", string.Empty);

                        Console.Write("Enter last name: ");
                        lastName = Console.ReadLine().Replace(" ", string.Empty);

                        int    number;
                        string contractnumber;
                        bool   successful = false;
                            Console.Write("Enter Contact number: ");
                            contractnumber = Console.ReadLine();
                            if (int.TryParse(contractnumber, out number))
                                successful = true;
                                Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
                        } while (!successful);
                        phoneNumber = contractnumber;

                        Console.Write("Enter Address: ");
                        residentialAddress = Console.ReadLine();

                        string input;
                        int    psw;
                        successful = false;
                            Console.Write("Enter Password(4 digit integer): ");
                            input = Console.ReadLine();
                            if (input.Length == 4 && int.TryParse(input, out psw))
                                successful = true;
                                Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
                        } while (!successful);

                        password = input;

                        members.Register(firstName, lastName, phoneNumber, residentialAddress, password);
                    if (key == 5)
                        Console.Write("Enter username(Last Name + First Name): ");
                    if (key == 6)
                        Console.WriteLine("Members in Library:");
                        foreach (Member m in members.members)
                    Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
Beispiel #3
        private static void userMenu(ref MovieCollection DVDS, ref MemberCollection members, int index)
            bool exist = false;

            while (!exist)
                Console.Write("\n\n" +
                              "=================User Menu==================\n" +
                              "1. Display all movies.\n" +
                              "2. Borrow a movie.\n" +
                              "3. Return a movie.\n" +
                              "4. Display all borrowed movies.\n" +
                              "5. Display top 10 movies.\n" +
                              "0. return to main menu.\n" +
                              "===========================================\n" +
                              "Please make a Selection(1-5, or 0 to exist):");
                int key;
                if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out key) && key < 6)
                    if (key == 0)
                        exist = true;
                    if (key == 1)
                    if (key == 2)
                        Console.Write("Enter movie title: ");
                        string title  = Console.ReadLine();
                        bool   unique = true;
                        foreach (Movie m in members.members[index].borrowedMovies)
                            if (m != null)
                                if (string.Compare(m.title, title) == 0)
                                    unique = false;

                        if (unique)
                            members.Borrow(members.members[index].userName, DVDS.borrow(title));
                            Console.WriteLine("Movies is already borrowed");
                    if (key == 3)
                        Console.Write("Enter movie title: ");
                        string title;
                        while (!members.members[index].Retrun(Console.ReadLine(), out title) &&
                               members.members[index].numberOfMovies != 0)
                            Console.Write("Enter movie title: ");
                    if (key == 4)
                    if (key == 5)
                    Console.WriteLine("invalid input");