public override void InitializeDemo()
            SetCameraDistance(SCALING * 50f);

            //string filename = @"C:\users\man\bullett\xna-largemesh-output.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;
            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            //m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(10000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);
            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            m_profileManager = new BasicProfileManager();
            BulletGlobals.g_profileManager = m_profileManager;
            m_profileIterator = m_profileManager.getIterator();

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,1,0), 0);
            LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, IndexedMatrix.Identity, groundShape);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = BuildLargeMesh();
            CollisionShape sphereShape = new SphereShape(0.2f);
            int size = 16;// 5; // 16
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
                    IndexedMatrix m = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(i, 1, j));
                    RigidBody rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, m, sphereShape);


Beispiel #2
    //(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, nativeShapeData)
    public override BulletShape BuildNativeShape(BulletWorld pWorld, ShapeData pShapeData)
        DiscreteDynamicsWorld world = (pWorld as BulletWorldXNA).world;
        CollisionShape shape = null;
        switch (pShapeData.Type)
            case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX:
                shape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f));
            case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CONE:
                shape = new ConeShapeZ(0.5f, 1.0f);
            case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CYLINDER:
                shape = new CylinderShapeZ(new IndexedVector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
            case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_SPHERE:
                shape = new SphereShape(0.5f);

        if (shape != null)
            IndexedVector3 scaling = new IndexedVector3(pShapeData.Scale.X, pShapeData.Scale.Y, pShapeData.Scale.Z);
            shape.SetLocalScaling(ref scaling);

        return new BulletShapeXNA(shape, pShapeData.Type);
        //	TerrainDemo -- private helper methods

        /// called whenever key terrain attribute is changed
        public override void ClientResetScene()
	        // remove old heightfield
	        m_rawHeightfieldData = null;

	        // reset gravity to point in appropriate direction
            //m_dynamicsWorld.setGravity(getUpVector(m_upAxis, 0.0f, -s_gravity));
            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref m_defaultGravity);

	        // get new heightfield of appropriate type
	        m_rawHeightfieldData =
	            GetRawHeightfieldData(m_model, m_type, ref m_minHeight, ref m_maxHeight);
	        Debug.Assert(m_rawHeightfieldData != null , "failed to create raw heightfield");

            if (m_terrainRigidBody != null)
                m_terrainRigidBody = null;
                m_terrainShape = null;

	        bool flipQuadEdges = false;
	        m_terrainShape =
	            new HeightfieldTerrainShape(s_gridSize, s_gridSize,
					          m_minHeight, m_maxHeight,
					          m_upAxis, m_type, flipQuadEdges);
	        Debug.Assert(m_terrainShape != null, "null heightfield");

	        // scale the shape
	        IndexedVector3 localScaling = GetUpVector(m_upAxis, s_gridSpacing, 1.0f);
            m_terrainShape.SetLocalScaling(ref localScaling);

	        // stash this shape away

	        // set origin to middle of heightfield
	        IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-20,0));

	        // create ground object
	        float mass = 0.0f;
            m_terrainRigidBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref tr, m_terrainShape);

            CollisionShape sphere = new SphereShape(0.5f);
            tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0));

            LocalCreateRigidBody(1f,ref tr,sphere);

Beispiel #4
        public virtual void GetAabbNonVirtual(ref IndexedMatrix t, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMin, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            switch (m_shapeType)
            case BroadphaseNativeTypes.SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                SphereShape    sphereShape = this as SphereShape;
                float          radius      = sphereShape.GetImplicitShapeDimensions().X;// * convexShape->getLocalScaling().getX();
                float          margin      = radius + sphereShape.GetMarginNonVirtual();
                IndexedVector3 center      = t._origin;
                IndexedVector3 extent      = new IndexedVector3(margin);
                aabbMin = center - extent;
                aabbMax = center + extent;

            case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CYLINDER_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
            /* fall through */
            case BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                BoxShape       convexShape = this as BoxShape;
                float          margin      = convexShape.GetMarginNonVirtual();
                IndexedVector3 halfExtents = convexShape.GetImplicitShapeDimensions();
                halfExtents += new IndexedVector3(margin);

                IndexedBasisMatrix abs_b  = t._basis.Absolute();
                IndexedVector3     center = t._origin;
                IndexedVector3     extent = new IndexedVector3(abs_b._el0.Dot(ref halfExtents), abs_b._el1.Dot(ref halfExtents), abs_b._el2.Dot(ref halfExtents));

                aabbMin = center - extent;
                aabbMax = center + extent;

            case BroadphaseNativeTypes.TRIANGLE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                TriangleShape triangleShape = (TriangleShape)this;
                float         margin        = triangleShape.GetMarginNonVirtual();
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    IndexedVector3 vec = new IndexedVector3();
                    vec[i] = 1f;
                    IndexedVector3 sv  = LocalGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(vec * t._basis);
                    IndexedVector3 tmp = t * sv;
                    aabbMax[i] = tmp[i] + margin;
                    vec[i]     = -1.0f;

                    tmp        = t * (LocalGetSupportVertexWithoutMarginNonVirtual(vec * t._basis));
                    aabbMin[i] = tmp[i] - margin;

            case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                CapsuleShape   capsuleShape = this as CapsuleShape;
                float          r            = capsuleShape.GetRadius();
                IndexedVector3 halfExtents  = new IndexedVector3(r);
                int            m_upAxis     = capsuleShape.GetUpAxis();
                halfExtents[m_upAxis] = r + capsuleShape.GetHalfHeight();
                float nvMargin = capsuleShape.GetMarginNonVirtual();
                halfExtents += new IndexedVector3(nvMargin);

                IndexedBasisMatrix abs_b  = t._basis.Absolute();
                IndexedVector3     center = t._origin;
                IndexedVector3     extent = new IndexedVector3(abs_b._el0.Dot(ref halfExtents), abs_b._el1.Dot(ref halfExtents), abs_b._el2.Dot(ref halfExtents));

                aabbMin = center - extent;
                aabbMax = center + extent;

            case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONVEX_POINT_CLOUD_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
            case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONVEX_HULL_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                PolyhedralConvexAabbCachingShape convexHullShape = (PolyhedralConvexAabbCachingShape)this;
                float margin = convexHullShape.GetMarginNonVirtual();
                convexHullShape.GetNonvirtualAabb(ref t, out aabbMin, out aabbMax, margin);

                GetAabb(ref t, out aabbMin, out aabbMax);

            // should never reach here
Beispiel #5
        public override float CalculateTimeOfImpact(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ManifoldResult resultOut)
            ///Rather then checking ALL pairs, only calculate TOI when motion exceeds threshold

            ///Linear motion for one of objects needs to exceed m_ccdSquareMotionThreshold
            float resultFraction = 1.0f;

            float squareMot0 = (body0.GetInterpolationWorldTransform()._origin - body0.GetWorldTransform()._origin).LengthSquared();
            float squareMot1 = (body1.GetInterpolationWorldTransform()._origin - body1.GetWorldTransform()._origin).LengthSquared();

            if (squareMot0 < body0.GetCcdSquareMotionThreshold() &&
                squareMot1 < body1.GetCcdSquareMotionThreshold())

            //An adhoc way of testing the Continuous Collision Detection algorithms
            //One object is approximated as a sphere, to simplify things
            //Starting in penetration should report no time of impact
            //For proper CCD, better accuracy and handling of 'allowed' penetration should be added
            //also the mainloop of the physics should have a kind of toi queue (something like Brian Mirtich's application of Timewarp for Rigidbodies)

            /// Convex0 against sphere for Convex1
                ConvexShape convex0 = body0.GetCollisionShape() as ConvexShape;

                SphereShape sphere1 = BulletGlobals.SphereShapePool.Get();
                sphere1.Initialize(body1.GetCcdSweptSphereRadius()); //todo: allow non-zero sphere sizes, for better approximation
                CastResult           result         = BulletGlobals.CastResultPool.Get();
                VoronoiSimplexSolver voronoiSimplex = BulletGlobals.VoronoiSimplexSolverPool.Get();
                //SubsimplexConvexCast ccd0(&sphere,min0,&voronoiSimplex);
                ///Simplification, one object is simplified as a sphere
                using (GjkConvexCast ccd1 = BulletGlobals.GjkConvexCastPool.Get())
                    ccd1.Initialize(convex0, sphere1, voronoiSimplex);
                    //ContinuousConvexCollision ccd(min0,min1,&voronoiSimplex,0);
                    if (ccd1.CalcTimeOfImpact(body0.GetWorldTransform(), body0.GetInterpolationWorldTransform(),
                                              body1.GetWorldTransform(), body1.GetInterpolationWorldTransform(), result))
                        //store result.m_fraction in both bodies

                        if (body0.GetHitFraction() > result.m_fraction)

                        if (body1.GetHitFraction() > result.m_fraction)

                        if (resultFraction > result.m_fraction)
                            resultFraction = result.m_fraction;

            /// Sphere (for convex0) against Convex1
                ConvexShape convex1 = body1.GetCollisionShape() as ConvexShape;

                SphereShape sphere0 = BulletGlobals.SphereShapePool.Get();
                sphere0.Initialize(body0.GetCcdSweptSphereRadius()); //todo: allow non-zero sphere sizes, for better approximation
                CastResult           result         = BulletGlobals.CastResultPool.Get();
                VoronoiSimplexSolver voronoiSimplex = BulletGlobals.VoronoiSimplexSolverPool.Get();
                //SubsimplexConvexCast ccd0(&sphere,min0,&voronoiSimplex);
                ///Simplification, one object is simplified as a sphere
                using (GjkConvexCast ccd1 = BulletGlobals.GjkConvexCastPool.Get())
                    ccd1.Initialize(sphere0, convex1, voronoiSimplex);
                    //ContinuousConvexCollision ccd(min0,min1,&voronoiSimplex,0);
                    if (ccd1.CalcTimeOfImpact(body0.GetWorldTransform(), body0.GetInterpolationWorldTransform(),
                                              body1.GetWorldTransform(), body1.GetInterpolationWorldTransform(), result))
                        //store result.m_fraction in both bodies

                        if (body0.GetHitFraction() > result.m_fraction)

                        if (body1.GetHitFraction() > result.m_fraction)

                        if (resultFraction > result.m_fraction)
                            resultFraction = result.m_fraction;

    //(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, nativeShapeData)
    internal static object BuildNativeShape2(object pWorld, ShapeData pShapeData)
        var world = pWorld as DiscreteDynamicsWorld;
        CollisionShape shape = null;
        switch (pShapeData.Type)
            case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_BOX:
                shape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f));
            case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CONE:
                shape = new ConeShapeZ(0.5f, 1.0f);
            case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CYLINDER:
                shape = new CylinderShapeZ(new IndexedVector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
            case BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_SPHERE:
                shape = new SphereShape(0.5f);

        if (shape != null)
            IndexedVector3 scaling = new IndexedVector3(pShapeData.Scale.X, pShapeData.Scale.Y, pShapeData.Scale.Z);
            shape.SetLocalScaling(ref scaling);

        return shape;
Beispiel #7
 public void Initialize(SphereShape sphere, TriangleShape triangle, float contactBreakingThreshold)
     m_sphere   = sphere;
     m_triangle = triangle;
     m_contactBreakingThreshold = contactBreakingThreshold;
Beispiel #8
        }                                   // for pool

        public SphereTriangleDetector(SphereShape sphere, TriangleShape triangle, float contactBreakingThreshold)
            m_sphere   = sphere;
            m_triangle = triangle;
            m_contactBreakingThreshold = contactBreakingThreshold;
Beispiel #9
        public void InitializePhysicsBulletXNA()
            CollisionFilterGroups colGroup = CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter;
            CollisionFilterGroups colMask  = CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter;

            float          sphereMass  = 5f;
            CollisionShape sphereShape = new Bullet.BulletCollision.SphereShape(1);

            Bullet.LinearMath.IndexedVector3 sphereLocalInertia;
            sphereShape.CalculateLocalInertia(sphereMass, out sphereLocalInertia);
            BulletXNAObject ball = new BulletXNAObject(this, "Models/Sphere", sphereMass, new Bullet.DefaultMotionState(Matrix.CreateTranslation(camera.Position + new Vector3(0, 10, -5)), Matrix.Identity), sphereShape, sphereLocalInertia, colGroup, colMask);
            ball.TranslateAA(camera.Position + new Vector3(0, 10, 0));

            // create a few dynamic rigidbodies
            float mass = 1.0f;

            Bullet.BulletCollision.CollisionShape colShape = new Bullet.BulletCollision.BoxShape(Vector3.One);

            Vector3 localInertia = Vector3.Zero;
            Bullet.LinearMath.IndexedVector3 li = Bullet.LinearMath.IndexedVector3.Zero;
            colShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out li);
            localInertia = li;

            float start_x = StartPosX - ArraySizeX / 2;
            float start_y = StartPosY;
            float start_z = StartPosZ - ArraySizeZ / 2;

            start_z -= 8;
            Random rnd = new Random();

            int k, i, j;
            for (k = 0; k < ArraySizeY; k++)
                for (i = 0; i < ArraySizeX; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < ArraySizeZ; j++)
                        Matrix startTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(
                            2 * i + start_x,
                            2 * k + start_y,
                            2 * j + start_z

                        // using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities
                        // and only synchronizes 'active' objects
                        BulletXNAObject box = new BulletXNAObject(this, "Models/Box", mass, new Bullet.DefaultMotionState(startTransform, Matrix.Identity), colShape, localInertia, colGroup, colMask);

                        box.TranslateAA(new Vector3(0, 7, 0));

            start_x -= 8;

            for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                        Matrix startTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(
                            2 * i + start_x,
                            2 * k + start_y,
                            2 * j + start_z

                        // using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities
                        // and only synchronizes 'active' objects
                        BulletXNAObject box = new BulletXNAObject(this, "Models/Box", mass, new Bullet.DefaultMotionState(startTransform, Matrix.Identity), colShape, localInertia, colGroup, colMask);

                        box.TranslateAA(new Vector3(0, 7, 0));
            IsPhysicsEnabled = false;
 public void Initialize(SphereShape sphere, TriangleShape triangle, float contactBreakingThreshold)
     m_sphere = sphere;
     m_triangle = triangle;
     m_contactBreakingThreshold = contactBreakingThreshold;
 public SphereTriangleDetector() { } // for pool
 public SphereTriangleDetector(SphereShape sphere, TriangleShape triangle, float contactBreakingThreshold)
     m_sphere = sphere;
     m_triangle = triangle;
     m_contactBreakingThreshold = contactBreakingThreshold;
Beispiel #12
		    private void BuildBoard()
                float width = 40;
                float height = 40;

			    IndexedVector3 boardBackExtents = new IndexedVector3(width,height,2) /2f;
			    IndexedVector3 boardSideExtents = new IndexedVector3(1,height,2) /2f;
			    IndexedVector3 boardBarExtents = new IndexedVector3(width,1,2)/2f;
			    IndexedVector3 pinExtent = new IndexedVector3(0.5f,1f,2f);
			    IndexedVector3 boardCenter = new IndexedVector3(0,0,0);
			    // build frame.objects
			    BoxShape boardBack = new BoxShape(boardBackExtents);
			    BoxShape boardSide = new BoxShape(boardSideExtents);
			    BoxShape boardBar = new BoxShape(boardBarExtents);
			    StaticPlaneShape boardFront = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,0,-1),-(boardBackExtents.Z+boardSideExtents.Z));
			    CollisionShape pinShape = new CapsuleShapeZ(pinExtent.Y,pinExtent.Z);
                //pinShape = new BoxShape(pinExtent);

                //pinShape = new SphereShape(pinExtent.Y);

                m_cameraUp = Vector3.Up;
			    // now RB's
                Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
                IndexedMatrix trans = m;
                trans._origin = boardCenter;
			    float mass = 0f;
                //LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, boardFront);

                IndexedVector3 leftSide = new IndexedVector3(boardCenter.X - boardBackExtents.X + boardSideExtents.X, boardCenter.Y, boardCenter.Z + boardSideExtents.Z);
                IndexedVector3 rightSide = new IndexedVector3(boardCenter.X + boardBackExtents.X - boardSideExtents.X, boardCenter.Y, boardCenter.Z + boardSideExtents.Z);

                IndexedVector3 topBar = new IndexedVector3(boardCenter.X, boardCenter.Y + boardBackExtents.Y - boardBarExtents.Y, boardCenter.Z + boardSideExtents.Z);
                IndexedVector3 bottomBar = new IndexedVector3(boardCenter.X, boardCenter.Y - boardBackExtents.Y + boardBarExtents.Y, boardCenter.Z + boardSideExtents.Z);

                trans._origin = leftSide;
                LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, boardSide);
                trans._origin = rightSide;
                LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, boardSide);
                trans._origin = topBar;
                LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, boardBar);
                trans._origin = bottomBar;
                LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, boardBar);

                // now place the pins? (simple offset grid to start)

                int numPinsX = 8;
                int numPinsY = 8;

                // fixme
                IndexedVector3 pinTopLeft = new IndexedVector3(-boardBackExtents.X + 4, boardBackExtents.Y - 5, boardCenter.Z + boardSideExtents.Z);
                IndexedVector3 pinSpacer = new IndexedVector3(pinExtent.Y * 4f, -pinExtent.Y * 4f, 0);

                float ballRadius = 0.9f;
                float fudge = 3f;
                m_dropSphereShape = new SphereShape(ballRadius);

                m_ballDropSpot = new Vector3(1f, pinTopLeft.Y + 1, boardCenter.Z + boardBackExtents.Z+ballRadius);
                //new SphereShape(0.95f);

                m_debugDraw.SetDebugMode(m_debugDraw.GetDebugMode() | DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawAabb);

                trans._origin = pinTopLeft;

                LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, pinShape);

                for (int i = 0; i < numPinsX; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < numPinsY; ++j)
                        IndexedVector3 pos = new IndexedVector3(pinSpacer.X * i, (pinSpacer.Y * j), pinSpacer.Z);
                        // stagger rows.
                        if (j % 2 == 1)
                            pos.X += pinSpacer.X/2f;

                        trans._origin = pinTopLeft + pos;
                        LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, pinShape);
        public void InitializePhysicsBulletXNA()
            CollisionFilterGroups colGroup = CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter;
            CollisionFilterGroups colMask = CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter;

            float sphereMass = 5f;
            CollisionShape sphereShape = new Bullet.BulletCollision.SphereShape(1);

            Bullet.LinearMath.IndexedVector3 sphereLocalInertia;
            sphereShape.CalculateLocalInertia(sphereMass,out sphereLocalInertia);
            BulletXNAObject ball = new BulletXNAObject(this, "Models/Sphere", sphereMass, new Bullet.DefaultMotionState(Matrix.CreateTranslation(camera.Position + new Vector3(0, 10, -5)), Matrix.Identity),sphereShape , sphereLocalInertia, colGroup, colMask);
            ball.TranslateAA(camera.Position + new Vector3(0, 10, 0));

            // create a few dynamic rigidbodies
            float mass = 1.0f;

            Bullet.BulletCollision.CollisionShape colShape = new Bullet.BulletCollision.BoxShape(Vector3.One);

            Vector3 localInertia = Vector3.Zero;
            Bullet.LinearMath.IndexedVector3 li = Bullet.LinearMath.IndexedVector3.Zero;
            colShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out li);
            localInertia = li;

            float start_x = StartPosX - ArraySizeX / 2;
            float start_y = StartPosY;
            float start_z = StartPosZ - ArraySizeZ / 2;

            start_z -= 8;
            Random rnd = new Random();

            int k, i, j;
            for (k = 0; k < ArraySizeY; k++)
                for (i = 0; i < ArraySizeX; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < ArraySizeZ; j++)
                        Matrix startTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(
                            2 * i + start_x,
                            2 * k + start_y,
                            2 * j + start_z

                        // using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities
                        // and only synchronizes 'active' objects
                        BulletXNAObject box = new BulletXNAObject(this, "Models/Box", mass, new Bullet.DefaultMotionState(startTransform, Matrix.Identity), colShape, localInertia, colGroup, colMask);

                        box.TranslateAA(new Vector3(0, 7, 0));

            start_x -= 8;

            for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                        Matrix startTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(
                            2 * i + start_x,
                            2 * k + start_y,
                            2 * j + start_z

                        // using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities
                        // and only synchronizes 'active' objects
                        BulletXNAObject box = new BulletXNAObject(this, "Models/Box", mass, new Bullet.DefaultMotionState(startTransform, Matrix.Identity), colShape, localInertia, colGroup, colMask);

                        box.TranslateAA(new Vector3(0, 7, 0));
            IsPhysicsEnabled = false;