Beispiel #1
        public void drawSphere(float radius,ref btTransform transform,ref btVector3 color)
            btVector3 start = transform.Origin;

            btVector3 xoffs;// = btMatrix3x3.Multiply(transform.Basis, new btVector3(radius, 0, 0));
            btVector3 yoffs;// = btMatrix3x3.Multiply(transform.Basis, new btVector3(0, radius, 0));
            btVector3 zoffs;// = btMatrix3x3.Multiply(transform.Basis, new btVector3(0, 0, radius));
                btVector3 temp;
                temp = new btVector3(radius, 0, 0);
                btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref transform.Basis, ref temp, out xoffs);
                temp = new btVector3(0, radius, 0);
                btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref transform.Basis, ref temp, out yoffs);
                temp = new btVector3(0, 0, radius);
                btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref transform.Basis, ref temp, out zoffs);
            // XY 
            /*drawLine(start - xoffs, start + yoffs, color);
            drawLine(start + yoffs, start + xoffs, color);
            drawLine(start + xoffs, start - yoffs, color);
            drawLine(start - yoffs, start - xoffs, color);

            // XZ
            drawLine(start - xoffs, start + zoffs, color);
            drawLine(start + zoffs, start + xoffs, color);
            drawLine(start + xoffs, start - zoffs, color);
            drawLine(start - zoffs, start - xoffs, color);

            // YZ
            drawLine(start - yoffs, start + zoffs, color);
            drawLine(start + zoffs, start + yoffs, color);
            drawLine(start + yoffs, start - zoffs, color);
            drawLine(start - zoffs, start - yoffs, color);*/
            btVector3 sax, say, saz, smx, smy, smz;
            btVector3.Add(ref start, ref xoffs, out sax);
            btVector3.Add(ref start, ref yoffs, out say);
            btVector3.Add(ref start, ref zoffs, out saz);
            btVector3.Subtract(ref start, ref xoffs, out smx);
            btVector3.Subtract(ref start, ref yoffs, out smy);
            btVector3.Subtract(ref start, ref zoffs, out smz);
            // XY 
            drawLine(ref smx, ref say, ref color);
            drawLine(ref say, ref sax, ref color);
            drawLine(ref sax, ref smy, ref color);
            drawLine(ref smy, ref smx, ref color);

            // XZ
            drawLine(ref smx, ref saz, ref color);
            drawLine(ref saz, ref sax, ref color);
            drawLine(ref sax, ref smz, ref color);
            drawLine(ref smz, ref smx, ref color);

            // YZ
            drawLine(ref smy, ref saz, ref color);
            drawLine(ref saz, ref say, ref color);
            drawLine(ref say, ref smz, ref color);
            drawLine(ref smz, ref smy, ref color);
        public bool calcPenDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver, ConvexShape pConvexA, ConvexShape pConvexB, btTransform transformA, btTransform transformB, ref btVector3 v, out btVector3 wWitnessOnA, out btVector3 wWitnessOnB, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            btVector3 guessVector;// = transformA.Origin - transformB.Origin;
            btVector3.Subtract(ref transformA.Origin,ref transformB.Origin, out guessVector);
            GjkEpaSolver2.sResults results = new GjkEpaSolver2.sResults();

            if (GjkEpaSolver2.Penetration(pConvexA, transformA,
                                        pConvexB, transformB,
                                        guessVector, ref results))
                //	debugDraw->drawLine(results.witnesses[1],results.witnesses[1]+results.normal,btVector3(255,0,0));
                wWitnessOnA = results.witnesses0;
                wWitnessOnB = results.witnesses1;
                v = results.normal;
                return true;
                if (GjkEpaSolver2.Distance(pConvexA, transformA, pConvexB, transformB, guessVector, ref results))
                    wWitnessOnA = results.witnesses0;
                    wWitnessOnB = results.witnesses1;
                    v = results.normal;
                    return false;
            wWitnessOnA = new btVector3();
            wWitnessOnB = new btVector3();
            return false;
Beispiel #3
        public BroadphaseProxy createProxy(ref btVector3 aabbMin,ref btVector3 aabbMax,
            BroadphaseNativeTypes shapeType, object userPtr,
            short collisionFilterGroup, short collisionFilterMask, IDispatcher dispatcher,
            object multiSapProxy)

            DbvtProxy proxy = new DbvtProxy(aabbMin, aabbMax, userPtr,

            DbvtAabbMm aabb;// = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(aabbMin, aabbMax);
            DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax, out aabb);

            //bproxy->aabb			=	btDbvtVolume::FromMM(aabbMin,aabbMax);
            proxy.stage = m_stageCurrent;
            proxy.m_uniqueId = ++m_gid;
            proxy.leaf = m_sets[0].insert(ref aabb, proxy);
            listappend(ref proxy, ref m_stageRoots[m_stageCurrent]);
            if (!m_deferedcollide)
                DbvtTreeCollider collider = new DbvtTreeCollider(this);
                collider.proxy = proxy;
                m_sets[0].collideTV(m_sets[0].m_root, ref aabb, collider);
                m_sets[1].collideTV(m_sets[1].m_root,ref aabb, collider);
            return (proxy);
Beispiel #4
 public void Support(ref btVector3 d, uint index,out btVector3 result)
     if (index != 0)
         Support1(ref d,out result);
         Support0(ref d,out result);
Beispiel #5
        //brute force implementations
        public override void localGetSupportingVertex(ref btVector3 vec0, out btVector3 supVec)
            supVec = btVector3.Zero;
            int i;
            float maxDot = -BulletGlobal.BT_LARGE_FLOAT;

            btVector3 vec = vec0;
            float lenSqr = vec.Length2;
            if (lenSqr < 0.0001f)
                vec.setValue(1, 0, 0);
                float rlen = 1f / (float)Math.Sqrt(lenSqr);
                vec *= rlen;

            btVector3 vtx;
            float newDot;

            for (i = 0; i < NumVertices; i++)
                getVertex(i, out vtx);
                newDot =;
                if (newDot > maxDot)
                    maxDot = newDot;
                    supVec = vtx;

            //return supVec;
Beispiel #6
 public static void Add(ref btVector3 v1, ref btVector3 v2, out btVector3 result)
     result.X = v1.X + v2.X;
     result.Y = v1.Y + v2.Y;
     result.Z = v1.Z + v2.Z;
     result.W = 0;
Beispiel #7
        public void updateSingleAabb(CollisionObject colObj)
            btVector3 minAabb, maxAabb;
            colObj.CollisionShape.getAabb(colObj.WorldTransform, out minAabb, out maxAabb);
            //need to increase the aabb for contact thresholds
            btVector3 contactThreshold = new btVector3(PersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold, PersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold, PersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold);
            //minAabb -= contactThreshold;
            //maxAabb += contactThreshold;
            minAabb.Subtract(ref contactThreshold);
            maxAabb.Add(ref contactThreshold);

            //IBroadphaseInterface bp = m_broadphasePairCache;

            //moving objects should be moderately sized, probably something wrong if not
            if (colObj.isStaticObject || ((maxAabb - minAabb).Length2 < 1e12f))
                m_broadphasePairCache.setAabb(colObj.BroadphaseHandle,ref minAabb,ref maxAabb, m_dispatcher1);
                //something went wrong, investigate
                //this assert is unwanted in 3D modelers (danger of loosing work)
                colObj.ActivationState = ActivationStateFlags.DISABLE_SIMULATION;

                if (reportMe && m_debugDrawer != null)
                    reportMe = false;
                    m_debugDrawer.reportErrorWarning("Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulation");
                    m_debugDrawer.reportErrorWarning("If you can reproduce this, please email [email protected]\n");
                    m_debugDrawer.reportErrorWarning("Please include above information, your Platform, version of OS.\n");
Beispiel #8
        public override void batchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(btVector3[] vectors, btVector3[] supportVerticesOut, int numVectors)
            int i;

            btVector3 vtx;
            float newDot;

            for (i = 0; i < numVectors; i++)
                supportVerticesOut[i].W = -BulletGlobal.BT_LARGE_FLOAT;

            for (int j = 0; j < numVectors; j++)

                btVector3 vec = vectors[j];

                for (i = 0; i < NumVertices; i++)
                    getVertex(i, out vtx);
                    newDot =;
                    if (newDot > supportVerticesOut[j].W)
                        //WARNING: don't swap next lines, the w component would get overwritten!
                        supportVerticesOut[j] = vtx;
                        supportVerticesOut[j].W = newDot;
Beispiel #9
 public static void Multiply(ref btVector3 v, ref btMatrix3x3 m, out btVector3 result)
     result.X = m.tdotx(ref v);
     result.Y = m.tdoty(ref v);
     result.Z = m.tdotz(ref v);
     result.W = 0;
Beispiel #10
        public static void	calculateVelocity(btTransform transform0,btTransform transform1,float timeStep,out btVector3 linVel, out btVector3 angVel)
		    linVel = (transform1.Origin - transform0.Origin) / timeStep;
		    btVector3 axis;
		    float  angle;
		    calculateDiffAxisAngle(transform0,transform1,out axis,out angle);
		    angVel = axis * angle / timeStep;
Beispiel #11
 public void reset()
     m_cachedValidClosest = false;
     m_numVertices = 0;
     m_needsUpdate = true;
     m_lastW = new btVector3(BulletGlobal.BT_LARGE_FLOAT, BulletGlobal.BT_LARGE_FLOAT, BulletGlobal.BT_LARGE_FLOAT);
Beispiel #12
        public override void localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(ref btVector3 vec,out btVector3 result)
            btVector3 halfExtents = HalfExtentsWithoutMargin;

            result= new btVector3((vec.X >= 0 ? halfExtents.X : -halfExtents.X),
                (vec.Y >= 0 ? halfExtents.Y : -halfExtents.Y),
                (vec.Z >= 0 ? halfExtents.Z : -halfExtents.Z));
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// 線の描画
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="from">開始点</param>
 /// <param name="to">終了点</param>
 /// <param name="color">色</param>
 /// <remarks>スーパークラスから呼び出される</remarks>
 public override void drawLine(ref btVector3 from, ref btVector3 to, ref btVector3 color)
     lines[primitiveCount * 2].pos = new Vector3(from.X, from.Y, from.Z);
     lines[primitiveCount * 2].color = ((int)(color.X*256)) * (2 ^ 16) + ((int)(color.Y*256)) * (2 ^ 8) + ((int)(color.Z*256));
     lines[primitiveCount * 2 + 1].pos = new Vector3(to.X, to.Y, to.Z);
     lines[primitiveCount * 2 + 1].color = ((int)(color.X * 256)) * (2 ^ 16) + ((int)(color.Y * 256)) * (2 ^ 8) + ((int)(color.Z * 256));
Beispiel #14
 public static void Multiply(ref btMatrix3x3 m, ref btVector3 v, out btVector3 result)
     //result = new btVector3();
     result.X =;
     result.Y =;
     result.Z =;
     result.W = 0;
Beispiel #15
        public btMatrix3x3(float xx, float xy, float xz,
		    float yx, float yy, float yz,
		    float zx, float zy, float zz)
            el0=new btVector3(xx, xy, xz);
            el1 = new btVector3(yx, yy, yz);
            el2 = new btVector3(zx, zy, zz);
Beispiel #16
 public BroadphaseProxy(btVector3 aabbMin, btVector3 aabbMax, object userPtr, short collisionFilterGroup, short collisionFilterMask)
     m_clientObject = userPtr;
     m_collisionFilterGroup = collisionFilterGroup;
     m_collisionFilterMask = collisionFilterMask;
     m_aabbMin = aabbMin;
     m_aabbMax = aabbMax;
     m_multiSapParentProxy = null;
Beispiel #17
 public void Support(ref btVector3 d, out btVector3 result)
     //return (Support0(d) - Support1(-d));
     btVector3 temp1, temp2, temp3;
     temp1 = -d;
     Support0(ref d, out temp2);
     Support1(ref temp1, out temp3);
     btVector3.Subtract(ref temp2, ref temp3, out result);
        public override void processCollision(CollisionObject col0, CollisionObject col1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ref ManifoldResult resultOut)
            if (m_manifoldPtr == null)

            resultOut.PersistentManifold = m_manifoldPtr;

            SphereShape sphere0 = (SphereShape)col0.CollisionShape;
            SphereShape sphere1 = (SphereShape)col1.CollisionShape;

            btVector3 diff = col0.WorldTransform.Origin - col1.WorldTransform.Origin;
            float len = diff.Length;
            float radius0 = sphere0.Radius;
            float radius1 = sphere1.Radius;

	        m_manifoldPtr->clearManifold(); //don't do this, it disables warmstarting

            ///iff distance positive, don't generate a new contact
            if (len > (radius0 + radius1))
            ///distance (negative means penetration)
            float dist = len - (radius0 + radius1);

            btVector3 normalOnSurfaceB = new btVector3(1, 0, 0);
            if (len > BulletGlobal.SIMD_EPSILON)
                //normalOnSurfaceB = diff / len;
                btVector3.Divide(ref diff, len, out normalOnSurfaceB);

            ///point on A (worldspace)
            ///btVector3 pos0 = col0->getWorldTransform().getOrigin() - radius0 * normalOnSurfaceB;
            ///point on B (worldspace)
            btVector3 pos1;// = col1.WorldTransform.Origin + radius1 * normalOnSurfaceB;
                btVector3 temp;
                btVector3.Multiply(ref normalOnSurfaceB, radius1, out temp);
                btVector3.Add(ref col1.WorldTransform.Origin, ref temp, out pos1);
            /// report a contact. internally this will be kept persistent, and contact reduction is done

            resultOut.addContactPoint(ref normalOnSurfaceB, ref pos1, dist);


Beispiel #19
 public btQuaternion(btVector3 axis, float angle)
     float d = axis.Length;
     Debug.Assert(d != 0.0f);
     float s = (float)Math.Sin(angle * 0.5f) / d;
     X = axis.X * s;
     Y = axis.Y * s;
     Z = axis.Z * s;
     W = (float)Math.Cos(angle * 0.5f);
Beispiel #20
 void Support1(ref btVector3 d,out btVector3 result)
     #region return (m_toshape0 * (m_shapes1).Ls(m_toshape1 * d));
     btVector3 temp,temp2;
     btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref m_toshape1, ref d, out temp);
     //return (m_toshape0 * (m_shapes1).Ls(temp));
     (m_shapes1).Ls(ref temp, out temp2);
     btTransform.Multiply(ref m_toshape0, ref temp2, out result);
Beispiel #21
        public StaticPlaneShape(btVector3 planeNormal, float planeConstant)
            : base()
            //m_planeNormal = planeNormal.normalized();
            planeNormal.normalized(out m_planeNormal);
            m_planeConstant = planeConstant;
            m_localScaling = btVector3.Zero;

            //	btAssert( btFuzzyZero(m_planeNormal.length() - btScalar(1.)) );

Beispiel #22
        public void addVertex(btVector3 w, btVector3 p, btVector3 q)
            m_lastW = w;
            m_needsUpdate = true;

            m_simplexVectorW[m_numVertices] = w;
            m_simplexPointsP[m_numVertices] = p;
            m_simplexPointsQ[m_numVertices] = q;

Beispiel #23
        public override void localGetSupportingVertex(ref btVector3 vec,out btVector3 result)
            btVector3 halfExtents = HalfExtentsWithoutMargin;
            btVector3 margin = new btVector3(Margin, Margin, Margin);
            //halfExtents += margin;
            halfExtents.Add(ref margin);

            result= new btVector3((vec.X >= 0 ? halfExtents.X : -halfExtents.X),
                (vec.Y >= 0 ? halfExtents.Y : -halfExtents.Y),
                (vec.Z >= 0 ? halfExtents.Z : -halfExtents.Z));
Beispiel #24
        public override void batchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(btVector3[] vectors, btVector3[] supportVerticesOut, int numVectors)
            btVector3 halfExtents = HalfExtentsWithoutMargin;

            for (int i = 0; i < numVectors; i++)
                btVector3 vec = vectors[i];
                supportVerticesOut[i].setValue((vec.X >= 0 ? halfExtents.X : -halfExtents.X),
                    (vec.Y >= 0 ? halfExtents.Y : -halfExtents.Y),
                    (vec.Z >= 0 ? halfExtents.Z : -halfExtents.Z));
Beispiel #25
Datei: GJK.cs Projekt: himapo/ccm
 private void Constructor()
     m_ray = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
     m_nfree = 0;
     m_status = eStatus.Failed;
     m_current = 0;
     m_distance = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < m_simplices.Length; i++)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_store.Length; i++)
Beispiel #26
        public void addContactPoint(btVector3 normalOnBInWorld,btVector3 pointInWorld,float orgDepth,ref ManifoldResult originalManifoldResult)
		    btVector3 endPt,startPt;
		    float newDepth;
		    //btVector3 newNormal;

		    if (m_perturbA)
                btVector3 endPtOrg;// = pointInWorld + normalOnBInWorld*orgDepth;
                    btVector3 temp;
                    btVector3.Multiply(ref normalOnBInWorld, orgDepth, out temp);
                    btVector3.Add(ref pointInWorld, ref temp, out endPtOrg);
                endPt = btVector3.Transform(endPtOrg, m_unPerturbedTransform * m_transformA.inverse());
                #region newDepth = (endPt - pointInWorld).dot(normalOnBInWorld);
                    btVector3 temp;
                    btVector3.Subtract(ref endPt, ref pointInWorld, out temp);
                    newDepth = normalOnBInWorld);
                #region startPt = endPt + normalOnBInWorld * newDepth;
                    btVector3 temp;
                    btVector3.Multiply(ref normalOnBInWorld, newDepth, out temp);
                    btVector3.Multiply(ref endPt, ref temp, out startPt);
                #region endPt = pointInWorld + normalOnBInWorld*orgDepth;
                    btVector3 temp;
                    btVector3.Multiply(ref normalOnBInWorld, orgDepth, out temp);
                    btVector3.Add(ref pointInWorld, ref temp, out endPt);
                startPt = btVector3.Transform(pointInWorld, m_unPerturbedTransform * m_transformB.inverse());
                #region newDepth = (endPt - startPt).dot(normalOnBInWorld);
                    btVector3 temp;
                    btVector3.Subtract(ref endPt, ref startPt, out temp);
                    newDepth = normalOnBInWorld);

		    originalManifoldResult.addContactPoint(ref normalOnBInWorld,ref startPt,newDepth);
Beispiel #27
 public btMatrix3x3(btQuaternion q)
     float d = q.Length2;
     Debug.Assert(d != 0.0f);
     float s = 2.0f / d;
     float xs = q.X * s, ys = q.Y * s, zs = q.Z * s;
     float wx = q.W * xs, wy = q.W * ys, wz = q.W * zs;
     float xx = q.X * xs, xy = q.X * ys, xz = q.X * zs;
     float yy = q.Y * ys, yz = q.Y * zs, zz = q.Z * zs;
     el0 = new btVector3(1.0f - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy);
     el1 = new btVector3(xy + wz, 1.0f - (xx + zz), yz - wx);
     el2 = new btVector3(xz - wy, yz + wx, 1.0f - (xx + yy));
Beispiel #28
        public static bool Penetration(ConvexShape shape0, btTransform wtrs0, ConvexShape shape1, btTransform wtrs1, btVector3 guess, ref sResults results, bool usemargins)
            tShape			shape=new MinkowskiDiff();
	        Initialize(shape0,wtrs0,shape1,wtrs1,ref results,ref shape,usemargins);
            using (GJK gjk = GJK.CreateFromPool())
                GJK.eStatus gjk_status = gjk.Evaluate(shape, -guess);
                switch (gjk_status)
                    case GJK.eStatus.Inside:
                            using(EPA epa = EPA.CreateFromPool())
                                EPA.eStatus epa_status = epa.Evaluate(gjk, -guess);
                                if (epa_status != EPA.eStatus.Failed)
                                    btVector3 w0 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                                    for (U i = 0; i < epa.m_result.rank; ++i)
                                        #region w0 += shape.Support(epa.m_result.c[i].d, 0) * epa.m_result.p[i];
                                            btVector3 temp1, temp2;
                                            shape.Support(ref epa.m_result.c[i].d, 0, out temp1);
                                            btVector3.Multiply(ref temp1, epa.m_result.p[i], out temp2);
                                            w0.Add(ref temp2);
                                    results.status = sResults.eStatus.Penetrating;
                                    results.witnesses0 = wtrs0 * w0;
                                    results.witnesses1 = wtrs0 * (w0 - epa.m_normal * epa.m_depth);
                                    results.normal = -epa.m_normal;
                                    results.distance = -epa.m_depth;
                                    return (true);
                                else results.status = sResults.eStatus.EPA_Failed;
                    case GJK.eStatus.Failed:
                        results.status = sResults.eStatus.GJK_Failed;
                return (false);
Beispiel #29
        public static void integrateTransform(btTransform curTrans,btVector3 linvel, btVector3 angvel,   float timeStep,out btTransform predictedTransform)
            predictedTransform = btTransform.Identity;
            #region predictedTransform.Origin=curTrans.Origin + linvel * timeStep;
                btVector3 temp;
                btVector3.Multiply(ref linvel, timeStep, out temp);
                btVector3.Add(ref curTrans.Origin, ref temp, out predictedTransform.Origin);
            //Exponential map
            //google for "Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map", F. Sebastian Grassia

            btVector3 axis;
            float fAngle = angvel.Length;
            //limit the angular motion
            if (fAngle * timeStep > ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD)
                fAngle = ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD / timeStep;

            if (fAngle < 0.001f)
                // use Taylor's expansions of sync function
                #region axis = angvel * (0.5f * timeStep - (timeStep * timeStep * timeStep) * (0.020833333333f) * fAngle * fAngle);
                    btVector3.Multiply(ref angvel, (0.5f * timeStep - (timeStep * timeStep * timeStep) * (0.020833333333f) * fAngle * fAngle), out axis);
                // sync(fAngle) = sin(c*fAngle)/t
                #region axis = angvel * ((float)Math.Sin(0.5f * fAngle * timeStep) / fAngle);
                btVector3.Multiply(ref angvel, ((float)Math.Sin(0.5f * fAngle * timeStep) / fAngle), out axis);
            btQuaternion dorn = new btQuaternion(axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z, (float)Math.Cos(fAngle * timeStep * 0.5f));
            btQuaternion orn0 = curTrans.Rotation;

            btQuaternion predictedOrn;
            btQuaternion.Multiply(ref dorn, ref orn0, out predictedOrn);
            predictedTransform.Rotation = predictedOrn;
Beispiel #30
 public static bool Distance(ConvexShape shape0, btTransform wtrs0, ConvexShape shape1, btTransform wtrs1, btVector3 guess, ref sResults results)
     tShape shape = new MinkowskiDiff();
     Initialize(shape0, wtrs0, shape1, wtrs1, ref results, ref shape, false);
     using(GJK gjk = GJK.CreateFromPool())
         GJK.eStatus gjk_status = gjk.Evaluate(shape, guess);
         if (gjk_status == GJK.eStatus.Valid)
             btVector3 w0 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
             btVector3 w1 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
             for (U i = 0; i < gjk.m_simplex.rank; ++i)
                 float p = gjk.m_simplex.p[i];
                 btVector3 temp,temp2,temp3;
                 #region w0 += shape.Support(gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d, 0) * p;
                 shape.Support(ref gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d, 0, out temp);
                 btVector3.Multiply(ref temp, p, out temp2);
                 w0.Add(ref temp2);
                 #region w1 += shape.Support(-gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d, 1) * p;
                 btVector3.Minus(ref gjk.m_simplex.c[i].d, out temp3);
                 shape.Support(ref temp3, 1, out temp);
                 btVector3.Multiply(ref temp, p, out temp2);
                 w1.Add(ref temp2);
             results.witnesses0 = wtrs0 * w0;
             results.witnesses1 = wtrs0 * w1;
             results.normal = w0 - w1;
             results.distance = results.normal.Length;
             results.normal /= results.distance > GJK_MIN_DISTANCE ? results.distance : 1;
             return (true);
             results.status = gjk_status == GJK.eStatus.Inside ?
                 sResults.eStatus.Penetrating :
             return (false);