Beispiel #1
        public virtual void DrawCapsule(float radius, float halfHeight, int upAxis, ref IndexedMatrix transform, ref IndexedVector3 color)
            IndexedVector3 capStart = IndexedVector3.Zero;;

            capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight;

            IndexedVector3 capEnd = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight;

            // Draw the ends
                IndexedMatrix childTransform = transform;
                childTransform._origin = transform * capStart;
                DrawSphere(radius, ref childTransform, ref color);

                IndexedMatrix childTransform = transform;
                childTransform._origin = transform * capEnd;
                DrawSphere(radius, ref childTransform, ref color);

            // Draw some additional lines
            IndexedVector3 start = transform._origin;

            capStart[(upAxis + 1) % 3] = radius;
            capEnd[(upAxis + 1) % 3]   = radius;

            DrawLine(start + transform._basis * capStart, start + transform._basis * capEnd, color);

            capStart[(upAxis + 1) % 3] = -radius;
            capEnd[(upAxis + 1) % 3]   = -radius;
            DrawLine(start + transform._basis * capStart, start + transform._basis * capEnd, color);

            capStart[(upAxis + 2) % 3] = radius;
            capEnd[(upAxis + 2) % 3]   = radius;
            DrawLine(start + transform._basis * capStart, start + transform._basis * capEnd, color);

            capStart[(upAxis + 2) % 3] = -radius;
            capEnd[(upAxis + 2) % 3]   = -radius;
            DrawLine(start + transform._basis * capStart, start + transform._basis * capEnd, color);
Beispiel #2
        public virtual void DrawCone(float radius, float height, int upAxis, ref IndexedMatrix transform, ref IndexedVector3 color)
            IndexedVector3 start = transform._origin;

            IndexedVector3 offsetHeight = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            offsetHeight[upAxis] = height * 0.5f;
            IndexedVector3 offsetRadius = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            offsetRadius[(upAxis + 1) % 3] = radius;

            IndexedVector3 offset2Radius = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            offsetRadius[(upAxis + 2) % 3] = radius;

            DrawLine(start + transform._basis * offsetHeight, start + transform._basis * -offsetHeight + offsetRadius, color);
            DrawLine(start + transform._basis * offsetHeight, start + transform._basis * -offsetHeight - offsetRadius, color);
            DrawLine(start + transform._basis * offsetHeight, start + transform._basis * -offsetHeight + offset2Radius, color);
            DrawLine(start + transform._basis * offsetHeight, start + transform._basis * -offsetHeight - offset2Radius, color);
Beispiel #3
 public virtual void DrawBox(ref IndexedVector3 bbMin, ref IndexedVector3 bbMax, ref IndexedMatrix trans, ref IndexedVector3 color)
     DrawLine(trans * bbMin, trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMin.Y, bbMin.Z), color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMin.Y, bbMin.Z), trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMax.Y, bbMin.Z), color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMax.Y, bbMin.Z), trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMax.Y, bbMin.Z), color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMax.Y, bbMin.Z), trans * bbMin, color);
     DrawLine(trans * bbMin, trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMin.Y, bbMax.Z), color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMin.Y, bbMin.Z), trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMin.Y, bbMax.Z), color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMax.Y, bbMin.Z), trans * bbMax, color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMax.Y, bbMin.Z), trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMax.Y, bbMax.Z), color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMin.Y, bbMax.Z), trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMin.Y, bbMax.Z), color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMax.X, bbMin.Y, bbMax.Z), trans * bbMax, color);
     DrawLine(trans * bbMax, trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMax.Y, bbMax.Z), color);
     DrawLine(trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMax.Y, bbMax.Z), trans * new IndexedVector3(bbMin.X, bbMin.Y, bbMax.Z), color);
Beispiel #4
        public virtual void DrawPlane(ref IndexedVector3 planeNormal, float planeConst, ref IndexedMatrix transform, ref IndexedVector3 color)
            IndexedVector3 planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst;
            IndexedVector3 vec0, vec1;

            TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref planeNormal, out vec0, out vec1);
            float          vecLen = 100f;
            IndexedVector3 pt0    = planeOrigin + vec0 * vecLen;
            IndexedVector3 pt1    = planeOrigin - vec0 * vecLen;
            IndexedVector3 pt2    = planeOrigin + vec1 * vecLen;
            IndexedVector3 pt3    = planeOrigin - vec1 * vecLen;

            DrawLine(transform * pt0, transform * pt1, color);
            DrawLine(transform * pt2, transform * pt3, color);
Beispiel #5
        public virtual void DrawSphere(ref IndexedVector3 p, float radius, ref IndexedVector3 color)
            IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(p);

            DrawSphere(radius, ref tr, ref color);
        /**@brief diagonalizes this matrix by the Jacobi method.
         * @param rot stores the rotation from the coordinate system in which the matrix is diagonal to the original
         * coordinate system, i.e., old_this = rot * new_this * rot^T.
         * @param threshold See iteration
         * @param iteration The iteration stops when all off-diagonal elements are less than the threshold multiplied
         * by the sum of the absolute values of the diagonal, or when maxSteps have been executed.
         * Note that this matrix is assumed to be symmetric.
        public void Diagonalize(out IndexedMatrix rot, float threshold, int maxSteps)
            rot = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            for (int step = maxSteps; step > 0; step--)
                // find off-diagonal element [p][q] with largest magnitude
                int   p   = 0;
                int   q   = 1;
                int   r   = 2;
                float max = Math.Abs(_el0.Y);
                float v   = Math.Abs(_el0.Z);
                if (v > max)
                    q   = 2;
                    r   = 1;
                    max = v;
                v = Math.Abs(_el1.Z);
                if (v > max)
                    p   = 1;
                    q   = 2;
                    r   = 0;
                    max = v;

                float t = threshold * (Math.Abs(_el0.X) + Math.Abs(_el1.Y) + Math.Abs(_el2.Z));
                if (max <= t)
                    if (max <= MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON * t)
                    step = 1;

                // compute Jacobi rotation J which leads to a zero for element [p][q]
                float mpq    = this[p][q];
                float theta  = (this[q][q] - this[p][p]) / (2 * mpq);
                float theta2 = theta * theta;
                float cos;
                float sin;
                if (theta2 * theta2 < (10.0f / MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON))
                    t = (theta >= 0.0f) ? (1.0f / (float)(theta + (float)Math.Sqrt(1 + theta2)))
                        : (1 / (theta - (float)Math.Sqrt(1 + theta2)));
                    cos = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(1 + t * t);
                    sin = cos * t;
                    // approximation for large theta-value, i.e., a nearly diagonal matrix
                    t   = 1 / (theta * (2 + 0.5f / theta2));
                    cos = 1 - 0.5f * t * t;
                    sin = cos * t;

                // apply rotation to matrix (this = J^T * this * J)
                this[p, q]  = 0;
                this[q, p]  = 0;
                this[p, p] -= t * mpq;
                this[q, q] += t * mpq;
                float mrp = this[r][p];
                float mrq = this[r][q];
                this[r, p] = this[p, r] = cos * mrp - sin * mrq;
                this[r, q] = this[q, r] = cos * mrq + sin * mrp;

                // apply rotation to rot (rot = rot * J)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    mrp        = this[i, p];
                    mrq        = this[i, q];
                    this[i, p] = cos * mrp - sin * mrq;
                    this[i, q] = cos * mrq + sin * mrp;