Beispiel #1
        // Called every frame on building upgrade
        public static BuildingInfo GetRandomBuildingInfo_Upgrade(Vector3 position, ushort prefabIndex, ref Randomizer r, ItemClass.Service service, ItemClass.SubService subService, ItemClass.Level level, int width, int length, BuildingInfo.ZoningMode zoningMode, int style)
            // This method is very fragile, no logging here!

            var districtId = Singleton <DistrictManager> .instance.GetDistrict(position);

            // See if there is a special upgraded building
            var buildingInfo = BuildingThemesManager.instance.GetUpgradeBuildingInfo(prefabIndex, districtId);

            if (buildingInfo != null)

            var areaIndex = BuildingThemesManager.GetAreaIndex(service, subService, level, width, length, zoningMode);

            // list of possible prefabs
            var fastList = Singleton <BuildingThemesManager> .instance.GetAreaBuildings(districtId, areaIndex);

            if (fastList == null || fastList.m_size == 0)

            // select a random prefab from the list
            int index = r.Int32((uint)fastList.m_size);

            return(PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)fastList.m_buffer[index]));
Beispiel #2
        // called before a new building spawns on empty land (ZoneBlock.SimulationStep)
        public static BuildingInfo GetRandomBuildingInfo_Spawn(Vector3 position, ref Randomizer r, ItemClass.Service service, ItemClass.SubService subService, ItemClass.Level level, int width, int length, BuildingInfo.ZoningMode zoningMode, int style)
            if (Debugger.Enabled)
                Debugger.Log("GetRandomBuildingInfo_Spawn called!");

            var areaIndex = BuildingThemesManager.GetAreaIndex(service, subService, level, width, length, zoningMode);

            var districtId = Singleton <DistrictManager> .instance.GetDistrict(position);

            FastList <ushort> fastList = Singleton <BuildingThemesManager> .instance.GetAreaBuildings(districtId, areaIndex);

            if (fastList == null || fastList.m_size == 0)

            // select a random prefab from the list
            int index = r.Int32((uint)fastList.m_size);

            return(PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)fastList.m_buffer[index]));