Beispiel #1
 public void HandleData(MemBlock payload, ISender return_path, object state) {
   if(_sub != null) {
     MemBlock rest = null;
     PType.Parse(payload, out rest);
     _sub.Handle(rest, return_path);
Beispiel #2
        public LinuxTap(string dev)
            int TUNSETIFF = GetIOCtlWrite('T', 202, 4); /* size of int 4, from if_tun.h */

              ifreq1 ifr1 = new ifreq1();
              int fd;

              if ((fd ="/dev/net/tun", OpenFlags.O_RDWR)) < 0) {
            throw new Exception("Failed to open /dev/net/tun");

              ifr1.ifru_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI;
              ifr1.ifrn_name = dev;
              if (ioctl(fd, TUNSETIFF, ref ifr1) < 0) {
            throw new Exception("TUNSETIFF failed");
              _fd = fd;

              int ctrl_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
              if(ctrl_fd == -1) {
            throw new Exception("Unable to open CTL_FD");

              ifreq2 ifr2 = new ifreq2();
              ifr2.ifrn_name = dev; // ioctl changed the name?
              if(ioctl(ctrl_fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, ref ifr2) <0) {
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to get hw addr.");
            throw new Exception("Failed to get hw addr.");
              _addr =  MemBlock.Reference(ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ifr2.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data));
Beispiel #3
    public void HandleData(MemBlock packet, ISender from, object node)

      long stop_time, rt_ticks = -10000;

      if ( !from.Equals(node)) {
        if (packet[0] == 0) {
        //log.Debug("Echo Response:");
	  stop_time = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
	  int received_uid = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(packet, 1);
		rt_ticks = stop_time - (long)EchoTester.uid_starttime[received_uid];
	  double rt_ms = (double) rt_ticks/10000.0;
	  uid_brunetpingtime.Add(received_uid, rt_ms);
	  Console.WriteLine("Packet ID = {0}, Round-trip = {1}", received_uid, rt_ms); 	  
        else {
        //log.Debug("Echo Request:");


        //System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", packet.ToString());

        if (packet[0] > 0) {
          //Send a reply back, this is a request  
	  byte[] new_payload = new byte[ packet.Length ];
	  packet.CopyTo(new_payload, 0);
          new_payload[0] = (byte) 0;
          from.Send(new CopyList(PType.Protocol.Echo, MemBlock.Reference(new_payload)));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary> 
        /// Finds an available IP range on the system 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="networkdevice">Device to be ignored</param> 
        /// <param name="startip">Device to be ignored</param> 
        /// <returns>Return IP to use</returns> 
        public static MemBlock GetNetwork(string networkdevice, MemBlock startip)
            IPAddresses ipaddrs = IPAddresses.GetIPAddresses();
              ArrayList used_networks = new ArrayList();
              MemBlock netip = startip;

              foreach (Hashtable ht in ipaddrs.AllInterfaces) {
            if (ht["inet addr"] != null && ht["Mask"] != null
            && (string)ht["interface"] != networkdevice) {
              MemBlock addr = MemBlock.Reference(Utils.StringToBytes((string) ht["inet addr"], '.'));
              MemBlock mask = MemBlock.Reference(Utils.StringToBytes((string) ht["Mask"], '.'));

              byte[] tmp = new byte[addr.Length];
              for(int i = 0; i < addr.Length; i++) {
            tmp[i] = (byte)(addr[i] & mask[i]);

              while(used_networks.Contains(netip)) {
            byte[] tmp = new byte[netip.Length];
            netip.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
            if (tmp[1] == 0) {
              throw new Exception("Out of Addresses!");
            tmp[1] -= 1;
            netip = MemBlock.Reference(tmp);
              return netip;
Beispiel #5
 static EthernetPacket()
     Random _rand = new Random();
       byte[] unicast = new byte[6];
       unicast[0] = 0xFE;
       UnicastAddress = MemBlock.Reference(unicast);
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>This parses a MemBlock into the Ethernet fields</summary>
 ///  <param name="Packet">The Ethernet packet</param>
 public EthernetPacket(MemBlock Packet)
     _icpacket = _packet = Packet;
       DestinationAddress = Packet.Slice(0, 6);
       SourceAddress = Packet.Slice(6, 6);
       Type = (Types) ((Packet[12] << 8) | Packet[13]);
       _icpayload = _payload = Packet.Slice(14);
 static SecurityControlMessage()
   byte[] empty_cookie = new byte[CookieLength];
   for(int i = 0; i < CookieLength; i++) {
     empty_cookie[i] = 0;
   EmptyCookie = MemBlock.Reference(empty_cookie);
Beispiel #8
 public void HandleData(MemBlock payload, ISender return_path, object state) {
   _last_received = payload;
   _ht[payload] = return_path;
   if(HandleDataCallback != null) {
     HandleDataCallback(payload, null);
Beispiel #9
 public AHAddress(MemBlock mb) : base(mb)
   if (ClassOf(_buffer) != this.Class) {
     throw new System.
     ArgumentException("Class of address is not my class:  ",
 //Too bad we can't use a template here, .Net generics *may* do the job
 public static int ReadInt(MemBlock mb, int offset)
   int val = 0;
   for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
     val = (val << 8) | mb[i + offset];
   return val;
Beispiel #11
  * Create an address from a MemBlock
 protected Address(MemBlock mb)
   _buffer = mb;
   if (ClassOf(_buffer) != this.Class) {
     throw new System.
     ArgumentException("Class of address is not my class:  ",
Beispiel #12
 public AHAddress(MemBlock mb) : base(mb)
   if (ClassOf(_buffer) != this.Class) {
     throw new System.
     ArgumentException("Class of address is not my class:  ",
   _prefix = (uint)NumberSerializer.ReadInt(_buffer, 0);
Beispiel #13
    public DataPacket(ICopyable packet) {
      _update_icpacket = false;
      _update_packet = false;

      _icpacket = packet;
      _packet = packet as MemBlock;
      if(_packet == null) {
        _update_packet = true;
  * This handles the packet forwarding protocol
 public void HandleData(MemBlock b, ISender ret_path, object state)
    * Check it
   AHSender ahs = ret_path as AHSender;
   if( ahs != null ) {
     //This was an AHSender:
      * This goes A -> B -> C
     if( b[0] == 0 ) {
       int offset = 1;
       //This is the first leg, going from A->B
       Address add_c = AddressParser.Parse(b.Slice(offset, Address.MemSize));
       offset += Address.MemSize;
       //Since ahs a sender to return, we would be the source:
       Address add_a = ahs.Destination;
       short ttl = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(b, offset);//2 bytes
       offset += 2;
       ushort options = (ushort) NumberSerializer.ReadShort(b, offset);//2 bytes
       offset += 2;
       MemBlock payload = b.Slice(offset);
       MemBlock f_header = MemBlock.Reference( new byte[]{1} );
        * switch the packet from [A B f0 C] to [B C f 1 A]
       ICopyable new_payload = new CopyList(PType.Protocol.Forwarding,
                                        f_header, add_a, payload);
        * ttl and options are present in the forwarding header.
       AHSender next = new AHSender(_n, ahs.ReceivedFrom, add_c,
     else if ( b[0] == 1 ) {
        * This is the second leg: B->C
        * Make a Forwarding Sender, and unwrap the inside packet
       Address add_a = AddressParser.Parse(b.Slice(1, Address.MemSize));
       Address add_b = ahs.Destination;
       MemBlock rest_of_payload = b.Slice(1 + Address.MemSize);
       //Here's the return path:
       ISender new_ret_path = new ForwardingSender(_n, add_b, add_a);
       _n.HandleData(rest_of_payload, new_ret_path, this);
   else {
     //This is not (currently) supported.
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Got a forwarding request from: {0}", ret_path);
    public static void Verify(MemBlock p, ISender from, object state) {
      lock(_class_lock) {
	// Make sure that the packet equals my state.
	if (!p.Equals(state)) {
Beispiel #16
 public void HandleData(MemBlock p, ISender edge, object state)
   try {
     int num = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(p, 0);
     Console.WriteLine("Got packet number: {0}", num);
     edge.Send( p );
   catch(Exception x) {
     Console.WriteLine("Server got exception on send: {0}", x);
 /// <summary>
 /// This method replaces IP addresses based on some identifier
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload">Payload to be translated</param>
 /// <param name="old_ss_ip">Old source IP address</param>
 /// <param name="old_sd_ip">Old destination IP</param>
 /// <param name="new_ss_ip">New source IP address</param>
 /// <param name="new_sd_ip">New destination IP address</param>
 /// <param name="packet_id">A packet identifier</param>
 /// <returns>A MemBlock of the translated payload</returns>
 public static MemBlock TextTranslate(MemBlock payload, string old_ss_ip,
                                  string old_sd_ip, string new_ss_ip,
                                  string new_sd_ip, string packet_id)
     string sdata = payload.GetString(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
       if(sdata.Contains(packet_id)) {
     sdata = sdata.Replace(old_ss_ip, new_ss_ip);
     sdata = sdata.Replace(old_sd_ip, new_sd_ip);
     payload = MemBlock.Reference(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sdata));
       return payload;
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>Default constructor</summary>
 /// <param name="ip_address">An IP Address in the range.</param>
 /// <param name="netmask">The netmask for the range.</param>
 public DNS(MemBlock ip_address, MemBlock netmask)
     _sync = new object();
       byte[] ba = new byte[ip_address.Length];
       for(int i = 0; i < ip_address.Length; i++) {
     ba[i] = (byte) (ip_address[i] & netmask[i]);
       lock(_sync) {
     _base_address = MemBlock.Reference(ba);
     _netmask = netmask;
       _active = true;
Beispiel #19
 public  void HandleData(MemBlock p, ISender edge, object state)
   //object count_o = null;
   try {
     lock(_sync) {
       //clear this item out
       //count_o = _sent_blocks[p];
   catch(Exception x) {
     Console.WriteLine("Error on handling response from {0}: {1}", edge, x);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Does bulk Brunet DHT gets by calling the bulk DHT operation API of its 
        /// XML-RPC interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Null if not all the pieces are successfully retrieved and parsed.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">Parsing errors.</exception>
        private MemBlock GetFragsInBulk(byte[] base_key, int piece_num,
            out int largest_age, out int smallest_ttl)
            largest_age = 0;
              smallest_ttl = Int32.MaxValue;
              MemBlock fragments = new MemBlock();

              byte[][] keys = new byte[piece_num][];
              for (int i = 0; i < piece_num; i++) {
            byte[] piece_key = BuildFragmentKey(base_key, i);
            keys[i] = piece_key;

              DhtGetResult[] dgrs = _dht.BulkGet(keys);
              for (int i = 0; i < dgrs.Length; i++) {
            DhtGetResult dgr = dgrs[i];
            if (dgr == null) {
              Logger.WriteLineIf(LogLevel.Error, _log_props,
            string.Format("Piece #{0} is null. Retrying...", i));
              dgr = GetWithRetries(keys[i], 2);
              if (dgr == null) {
            Logger.WriteLineIf(LogLevel.Error, _log_props,
              string.Format("Piece #{0} is null after retries. Skipping " +
              "further parsing and returning...", i));
            return null;
            FingerprintedData fpd;
            try {
              fpd =
            } catch (Exception ex) {
              Logger.WriteLineIf(LogLevel.Error, _log_props,
              throw ex;
            Logger.WriteLineIf(LogLevel.Verbose, _log_props,
            string.Format("Piece #{0} retrieved and successfully parsed", i));
            RegularData rd = fpd.InnerData as RegularData;
            fragments = MemBlock.Concat(fragments, MemBlock.Reference(rd.PayLoad));
            if (smallest_ttl > dgr.ttl)
              smallest_ttl = dgr.ttl;
            if (largest_age < dgr.age)
              largest_age = dgr.age;
            //Now it's safe to say, this attempt succeeded.

              return fragments;
Beispiel #21
 public void HandleData(MemBlock b, ISender from, object state) {
   MemBlock payload = null;
   PType t = null;
   try {
     t = PType.Parse(b, out payload);
     if(t.Equals(PType.Protocol.ReqRep)) {
       _rrm.HandleData(payload, from, state);
     else if(t.Equals(PType.Protocol.Rpc)) {
       Rpc.HandleData(payload, from, state);
   catch(Exception x) {
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Packet Handling Exception: {3}\n\tType: {0}\n\t\n\tFrom: {1}\n\tData: {2}",
       t, from, payload.GetString(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII), x);
Beispiel #22
 public ARPPacket(MemBlock Packet)
     _icpacket = _packet = Packet;
       HardwareType = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 0);
       ProtocolType = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 2);
       int hw_len = Packet[4];
       int proto_len = Packet[5];
       Operation = (Operations) NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 6);
       int pos = 8;
       SenderHWAddress = MemBlock.Reference(Packet, pos, hw_len);
       pos += hw_len;
       SenderProtoAddress = MemBlock.Reference(Packet, pos, proto_len);
       pos += proto_len;
       TargetHWAddress = MemBlock.Reference(Packet, pos, hw_len);
       pos += hw_len;
       TargetProtoAddress = MemBlock.Reference(Packet, pos, proto_len);
Beispiel #23
 public AHPacket(MemBlock buf)
   //Now this is exactly the same code as below:
   if (buf[0] != (byte)Packet.ProtType.AH ) {
     throw new System.
     ArgumentException("Packet is not an AHPacket: " + buf[0].ToString());
   _buffer = buf;
   int offset = 0; 
   offset += 1;
   _hops = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(_buffer, offset);
   offset += 2;
   _ttl = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(_buffer, offset);
   offset += 2;
   //Skip the addresses
   offset += 40;
   _options = (ushort)NumberSerializer.ReadShort(_buffer, offset);
Beispiel #24
        public static RpcDHCPServer GetRpcDHCPServer(MemBlock ip, MemBlock netmask)
            DHCPConfig config = new DHCPConfig();
              config.LeaseTime = 3200;
              config.Netmask = Utils.MemBlockToString(netmask, '.');
              config.IPBase = Utils.MemBlockToString(ip, '.');

              config.ReservedIPs = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP[1];
              config.ReservedIPs[0] = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP();

              byte[] local_ip = new byte[4];
              ip.CopyTo(local_ip, 0);
              local_ip[3] = 2;

              config.ReservedIPs[0].IPBase = Utils.BytesToString(local_ip, '.');
              config.ReservedIPs[0].Mask = "";

              return new RpcDHCPServer(config);
Beispiel #25
        public ICMPPacket(MemBlock Packet)
            if(Packet.Length < 4) {
            throw new Exception("ICMP: Not long enough!");

              _icpacket = Packet;
              _packet = Packet;

              Type = (Types) Packet[0];
              Code = Packet[1];

              if(Packet.Length >= 8) {
            Identifier = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 4);
            SequenceNumber = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 6);
              } else {
            Identifier = 0;
            SequenceNumber = 0;
Beispiel #26
    public void test() {
      MockDataHandler mdh = new MockDataHandler();
      mdh.HandleDataCallback += Callback;
      ISender sender = new MockSender(null, null, mdh, 0);
      byte[][] b = new byte[10][];
      MemBlock[] mb = new MemBlock[10];
      Random rand = new Random();
      for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        b[i] = new byte[128];
        mb[i] = MemBlock.Reference(b[i]);

      for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        Assert.AreEqual(i, mdh.Position(mb[i]), "Position " + i);
        Assert.IsTrue(mdh.Contains(mb[i]), "Contains " + i);

      Assert.AreEqual(_count, 10, "Count");
Beispiel #27
  * @param s Stream to read the AHPacket from
  * @param length the lenght of the packet
 public AHPacket(Stream s, int length)
   if( s.Length < length ) {
     throw new ArgumentException("Cannot read AHPacket from Stream");
   byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
   s.Read(buffer, 0, length);
   int offset = 0; 
   //Now this is exactly the same code as below:
   if (buffer[offset] != (byte)Packet.ProtType.AH ) {
     throw new System.
     ArgumentException("Packet is not an AHPacket: " + buffer[offset].ToString());
   offset += 1;
   _hops = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(buffer, offset);
   offset += 2;
   _ttl = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(buffer, offset);
   offset += 2;
   //Skip the addresses
   offset += 40;
   _options = (ushort)NumberSerializer.ReadShort(buffer, offset);
   _buffer = MemBlock.Reference(buffer, 0, length);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>Default constructor</summary>
        /// <param name="ip_address">An IP Address in the range.</param>
        /// <param name="netmask">The netmask for the range.</param>
        public DNS(MemBlock ip_address, MemBlock netmask, string dns_server, bool RA)
            if (dns_server == null)
                dns_server = DefaultDNSServer;
                RA = true;

            DNSServer =  new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(dns_server), 53);
            _recursive_available = RA;
            _sync = new object();
            byte[] ba = new byte[ip_address.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ip_address.Length; i++)
                ba[i] = (byte)(ip_address[i] & netmask[i]);
            lock (_sync)
                _base_address = MemBlock.Reference(ba);
                _netmask = netmask;
            _active = true;
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>Initializes the Ethernet device by opening the TAP device and 
        /// starting the ISource thread.</summary>
        /// <param name="tap">The name of the TAP device on the host.</param>
        public Ethernet(string device_name)
            for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
            try {
              _tap = Ipop.Tap.TapDevice.GetTapDevice(device_name);
            } catch {}
            "Unable to set up the tap, trying again...");

              if(_tap == null) {
            ProtocolLog.WriteIf(ProtocolLog.Exceptions, "Unable to set up the tap.");

              Address = _tap.Address;

              _running = true;
              _read_thread = new Thread(ReadLoop);
              _read_thread.IsBackground = true;
        /// <summary> 
        /// Finds an available IP range on the system 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="networkdevice">Device to be ignored</param> 
        /// <param name="startip">Device to be ignored</param> 
        /// <returns>Return IP to use</returns> 
        public static MemBlock GetNetwork(string networkdevice, MemBlock startip)
            MemBlock netip = startip;
              ArrayList used_networks = new ArrayList();
              IPHostEntry entry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());

              foreach(IPAddress ip in entry.AddressList) {
            byte[] address = ip.GetAddressBytes();
            address[2] = 0;
            address[3] = 0;

              while(used_networks.Contains(netip)) {
            byte[] tmp = new byte[netip.Length];
            netip.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
            if (tmp[1] == 0) {
              throw new Exception("Out of Addresses!");
            tmp[1] -= 1;
            netip = MemBlock.Reference(tmp);
              return netip;