Beispiel #1
        public void Default()
            Name      = "NewRef";
            _minFltr  = 1;
            _magFltr  = 1;
            UWrapMode = MatWrapMode.Repeat;
            VWrapMode = MatWrapMode.Repeat;

            _bindState = TextureFrameState.Neutral;
            _texMatrixEffect.TextureMatrix = Matrix34.Identity;
            _texMatrixEffect.SCNCamera     = -1;
            _texMatrixEffect.SCNLight      = -1;
            _texMatrixEffect.MapMode       = MappingMethod.TexCoord;

            _texMtxFlags = new XFTexMtxInfo()
                Projection   = TexProjection.ST,
                InputForm    = TexInputForm.AB11,
                TexGenType   = TexTexgenType.Regular,
                SourceRow    = TexSourceRow.TexCoord0,
                EmbossSource = 5,
                EmbossLight  = 0

            _texture = Model.FindOrCreateTexture(_name);
        public void Default()
            Name      = "NewRef";
            Index1    = Index;
            Index2    = Index;
            _minFltr  = 1;
            _magFltr  = 1;
            UWrapMode = WrapMode.Repeat;
            VWrapMode = WrapMode.Repeat;

            _flags             = (TexFlags)0xF;
            _texFlags.TexScale = new Vector2(1);
            _bindState._scale  = new Vector3(1);
            _texMatrix.TexMtx  = Matrix43.Identity;
            _texMatrix.TexUnk1 = -1;
            _texMatrix.TexUnk2 = -1;
            _texMatrix.TexUnk4 = 1;

            _projection   = (int)TexProjection.ST;
            _inputForm    = (int)TexInputForm.AB11;
            _texGenType   = (int)TexTexgenType.Regular;
            _sourceRow    = (int)TexSourceRow.TexCoord0;
            _embossSource = 4;
            _embossLight  = 2;


            _texture = Model.FindOrCreateTexture(_name);
        internal override void Bind(GLContext ctx)
            if (_texture != null)
                _texture.Prepare(ctx, this);

            if (PAT0Texture != null)
                if (!PAT0Textures.ContainsKey(PAT0Texture))
                    PAT0Textures[PAT0Texture] = new MDL0TextureNode(PAT0Texture)
                        Source = null, palette = PAT0Palette != null?RootNode.FindChildByType(PAT0Palette, true, ResourceNodes.ResourceType.PLT0) as PLT0Node : null
                PAT0Textures[PAT0Texture].Prepare(ctx, this);
        internal void ApplyPAT0Texture(PAT0TextureNode node, int index)
            PAT0TextureEntryNode prev = null;

            if (node != null && index != 0 && node.Children.Count > 0)
                foreach (PAT0TextureEntryNode next in node.Children)
                    if (next.Index == 0)
                        prev = next;
                    if (prev.key <= index - 1 && next.key > index - 1)
                    prev = next;

                PAT0Texture = prev.Texture;
                PAT0Palette = prev.Palette;
                if (!PAT0Textures.ContainsKey(PAT0Texture))
                    TEX0Node texture = RootNode.FindChildByType(PAT0Texture, true, ResourceNodes.ResourceType.TEX0) as TEX0Node;
                    if (texture != null)
                        PAT0Textures[PAT0Texture] = new MDL0TextureNode(texture.Name)
                            Source = texture, palette = PAT0Palette != null?RootNode.FindChildByType(PAT0Palette, true, ResourceNodes.ResourceType.PLT0) as PLT0Node : null
                PAT0Texture = PAT0Palette = null;
Beispiel #5
 internal void Bind(int prog)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PAT0Texture))
         if (!PAT0Textures.ContainsKey(PAT0Texture))
             PAT0Textures[PAT0Texture] = new MDL0TextureNode(PAT0Texture)
                 Source = null, _palette = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PAT0Palette) ? RootNode.FindChildByType(PAT0Palette, true, ResourceNodes.ResourceType.PLT0) as PLT0Node : null
         MDL0TextureNode t = PAT0Textures[PAT0Texture];
         t.Prepare(this, prog, PAT0Palette);
     else if (_texture != null)
         _texture.Prepare(this, prog);
Beispiel #6
 public static int Compare(MDL0TextureNode t1, MDL0TextureNode t2)
     return(String.Compare(t1.Name, t2.Name, false));
 internal void Bind(TKContext ctx, int prog)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PAT0Texture))
         if (!PAT0Textures.ContainsKey(PAT0Texture))
             PAT0Textures[PAT0Texture] = new MDL0TextureNode(PAT0Texture) { Source = null, palette = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PAT0Palette) ? RootNode.FindChildByType(PAT0Palette, true, ResourceNodes.ResourceType.PLT0) as PLT0Node : null };
         MDL0TextureNode t = PAT0Textures[PAT0Texture];
         t.Prepare(this, prog);
     else if (_texture != null)
         _texture.Prepare(this, prog);
        internal void ApplyPAT0Texture(PAT0TextureNode node, int index)
            PAT0TextureEntryNode prev = null;
            if (node != null && index != 0 && node.Children.Count > 0)
                foreach (PAT0TextureEntryNode next in node.Children)
                    if (next.Index == 0)
                        prev = next;
                    if (prev._frame <= index - 1 && next._frame > index - 1)
                    prev = next;

                PAT0Texture = prev.Texture;
                PAT0Palette = prev.Palette;
                if (!PAT0Textures.ContainsKey(PAT0Texture))
                    TEX0Node texture = RootNode.FindChildByType(PAT0Texture, true, ResourceNodes.ResourceType.TEX0) as TEX0Node;
                    if (texture != null)
                        PAT0Textures[PAT0Texture] = new MDL0TextureNode(texture.Name) { Source = texture, palette = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PAT0Palette) ? RootNode.FindChildByType(PAT0Palette, true, ResourceNodes.ResourceType.PLT0) as PLT0Node : null };
            else PAT0Texture = PAT0Palette = null;
        public override bool OnInitialize()
            MDL0TextureRef* header = Header;

            _texPtr = header->_texPtr;
            _pltPtr = header->_pltPtr;
            _index1 = header->_index1;
            _index2 = header->_index2;
            _uWrap = header->_uWrap;
            _vWrap = header->_vWrap;
            _minFltr = header->_minFltr;
            _magFltr = header->_magFltr;
            _lodBias = header->_lodBias;
            _maxAniso = header->_maxAniso;
            _clampBias = header->_clampBias == 1;
            _texelInterp = header->_texelInterp == 1;
            _pad = header->_pad;

            if (header->_texOffset != 0)
                if (_replaced && header->_texOffset >= Parent.WorkingUncompressed.Length)
                    Name = null;
                    if (_replaced)
                        Name = header->TextureName;
                        _name = header->TextureName;
                    _texture = Model.FindOrCreateTexture(_name);
            if (header->_pltOffset != 0)
                if (_replaced && header->_pltOffset >= Parent.WorkingUncompressed.Length)
                    _palette = null;
                    string name = header->PaletteName;
                    _palette = Model.FindOrCreatePalette(name);

            int len = ((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands.Length;
            if (len != 0 && Index * 2 < len)
                TexMtxFlags = new XFTexMtxInfo(((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands[Index * 2].values[0]);
                DualTexFlags = new XFDualTex(((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands[Index * 2 + 1].values[0]);

            //if (PaletteNode == null && TextureNode != null)
            //    if (TextureNode.Source == null)
            //        TextureNode.GetSource();

            //    if (TextureNode.Source is TEX0Node && ((TEX0Node)TextureNode.Source).HasPalette)
            //    {
            //        Model._errors.Add("A palette was not set to texture reference " + Index + " in material " + Parent.Index + " (" + Parent.Name + ").");
            //        PaletteNode = Model.FindOrCreatePalette(TextureNode.Name);

            //        SignalPropertyChange();
            //    }

            MDL0TexSRTData* TexSettings = ((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).Header->TexMatrices(((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent)._initVersion);

            _texFlags = TexSettings->GetTexFlags(Index);
            _texMatrix = TexSettings->GetTexMatrices(Index);

            _flags = (TexFlags)((((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent)._layerFlags >> (4 * Index)) & 0xF);

            _bindState = new FrameState(
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexScale._x, _texFlags.TexScale._y, 1),
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexRotation, 0, 0),
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexTranslation._x, _texFlags.TexTranslation._y, 0));

            return false;
        public void Default()
            Name = "NewRef";
            _minFltr = 1;
            _magFltr = 1;
            UWrapMode = WrapMode.Repeat;
            VWrapMode = WrapMode.Repeat;

            _flags = (TexFlags)0xF;
            _texFlags.TexScale = new Vector2(1);
            _bindState._scale = new Vector3(1);
            _texMatrix.TexMtx = Matrix43.Identity;
            _texMatrix.SCNCamera = -1;
            _texMatrix.SCNLight = -1;
            _texMatrix.Identity = 1;

            _projection = (int)TexProjection.ST;
            _inputForm = (int)TexInputForm.AB11;
            _texGenType = (int)TexTexgenType.Regular;
            _sourceRow = (int)TexSourceRow.TexCoord0;
            _embossSource = 4;
            _embossLight = 2;


            _texture = Model.FindOrCreateTexture(_name);
        protected override bool OnInitialize()
            MDL0TextureRef *header = Header;

            _unk2    = header->_unk2;
            _unk3    = header->_unk3;
            _index1  = header->_index1;
            _index2  = header->_index2;
            _uWrap   = header->_uWrap;
            _vWrap   = header->_vWrap;
            _minFltr = header->_minFltr;
            _magFltr = header->_magFltr;
            _float   = header->_lodBias;
            _unk10   = header->_unk10;
            _unk11   = header->_unk11 == 1;
            _unk12   = header->_unk12 == 1;
            _unk13   = header->_unk13;

            if (header->_stringOffset != 0)
                if (!Material._replaced)
                    _name = header->ResourceString;
                    _name = Material._name + "_Texture" + Index;

                _texture = Model.FindOrCreateTexture(_name);
            if (header->_secondaryOffset != 0)
                string name;
                if (!Material._replaced)
                    name = header->SecondaryTexture;
                    name = Material._name + "_Texture" + Index;

                _palette = Model.FindOrCreatePalette(name);

            if (((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands.Length != 0)
                TexMtxFlags  = new XFTexMtxInfo(((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands[Index * 2].values[0]);
                DualTexFlags = new XFDualTex(((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands[Index * 2 + 1].values[0]);

            //if (PaletteNode == null && TextureNode != null)
            //    if (TextureNode.Source == null)
            //        TextureNode.GetSource();

            //    if (TextureNode.Source is TEX0Node && ((TEX0Node)TextureNode.Source).HasPalette)
            //    {
            //        Model._errors.Add("A palette was not set to texture reference " + Index + " in material " + Parent.Index + " (" + Parent.Name + ").");
            //        PaletteNode = Model.FindOrCreatePalette(TextureNode.Name);

            //        SignalPropertyChange();
            //    }

            MDL0MtlTexSettings *TexSettings = ((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).Header->TexMatrices(Model._version);

            _texFlags  = TexSettings->GetTexFlags(Index);
            _texMatrix = TexSettings->GetTexMatrices(Index);

            _flags = (TexFlags)((((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent)._layerFlags >> (4 * Index)) & 0xF);

            _bindState = new FrameState(
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexScale._x, _texFlags.TexScale._y, 1),
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexRotation, 0, 0),
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexTranslation._x, _texFlags.TexTranslation._y, 0));

        public MDL0TextureNode FindOrCreateTexture(string name)
            if (_texGroup == null)
                AddChild(_texGroup = new MDL0GroupNode(MDLResourceType.Textures), false);
                foreach (MDL0TextureNode n in _texGroup.Children)
                    if (n._name == name)
                        return n;

            MDL0TextureNode node = new MDL0TextureNode(name);
            _texGroup.AddChild(node, false);

            return node;
Beispiel #13
        public override bool OnInitialize()
            MDL0TextureRef *header = Header;

            _uWrap       = header->_uWrap;
            _vWrap       = header->_vWrap;
            _minFltr     = header->_minFltr;
            _magFltr     = header->_magFltr;
            _lodBias     = header->_lodBias;
            _maxAniso    = header->_maxAniso;
            _clampBias   = header->_clampBias == 1;
            _texelInterp = header->_texelInterp == 1;

            if (header->_texOffset != 0)
                if (_replaced && header->_texOffset >= Parent.WorkingUncompressed.Length)
                    Name = null;
                    if (_replaced)
                        Name = header->TextureName;
                        _name = header->TextureName;
                    _texture = Model.FindOrCreateTexture(_name);
            if (header->_pltOffset != 0)
                if (_replaced && header->_pltOffset >= Parent.WorkingUncompressed.Length)
                    _palette = null;
                    string name = header->PaletteName;
                    _palette = Model.FindOrCreatePalette(name);

            int len = Material.XFCmds.Count;

            if (len != 0 && Index * 2 + 1 < len)
                _texMtxFlags  = new XFTexMtxInfo(Material.XFCmds[Index * 2]._values[0]);
                _dualTexFlags = new XFDualTex(Material.XFCmds[Index * 2 + 1]._values[0]);

            //if (PaletteNode == null && TextureNode != null)
            //    if (TextureNode.Source == null)
            //        TextureNode.GetSource();

            //    if (TextureNode.Source is TEX0Node && ((TEX0Node)TextureNode.Source).HasPalette)
            //    {
            //        Model._errors.Add("A palette was not set to texture reference " + Index + " in material " + Parent.Index + " (" + Parent.Name + ").");
            //        PaletteNode = Model.FindOrCreatePalette(TextureNode.Name);

            //        SignalPropertyChange();
            //    }

            MDL0TexSRTData *TexSettings = Material.Header->TexMatrices(Material._initVersion);

            _texMatrixEffect      = TexSettings->GetTexMatrices(Index);
            _bindState            = TexSettings->GetTexSRT(Index);
            _bindState.MatrixMode = Material.TextureMatrixMode;

Beispiel #14
        public override bool OnInitialize()
            MDL0TextureRef *header = Header;

            _texPtr      = header->_texPtr;
            _pltPtr      = header->_pltPtr;
            _index1      = header->_index1;
            _index2      = header->_index2;
            _uWrap       = header->_uWrap;
            _vWrap       = header->_vWrap;
            _minFltr     = header->_minFltr;
            _magFltr     = header->_magFltr;
            _lodBias     = header->_lodBias;
            _maxAniso    = header->_maxAniso;
            _clampBias   = header->_clampBias == 1;
            _texelInterp = header->_texelInterp == 1;
            _pad         = header->_pad;

            if (header->_texOffset != 0)
                if (_replaced && header->_texOffset >= Parent.WorkingUncompressed.Length)
                    Name = null;
                    if (_replaced)
                        Name = header->TextureName;
                        _name = header->TextureName;
                    _texture = Model.FindOrCreateTexture(_name);
            if (header->_pltOffset != 0)
                if (_replaced && header->_pltOffset >= Parent.WorkingUncompressed.Length)
                    _palette = null;
                    string name = header->PaletteName;
                    _palette = Model.FindOrCreatePalette(name);

            int len = ((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands.Length;

            if (len != 0 && Index * 2 < len)
                TexMtxFlags  = new XFTexMtxInfo(((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands[Index * 2].values[0]);
                DualTexFlags = new XFDualTex(((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).XFCommands[Index * 2 + 1].values[0]);

            //if (PaletteNode == null && TextureNode != null)
            //    if (TextureNode.Source == null)
            //        TextureNode.GetSource();

            //    if (TextureNode.Source is TEX0Node && ((TEX0Node)TextureNode.Source).HasPalette)
            //    {
            //        Model._errors.Add("A palette was not set to texture reference " + Index + " in material " + Parent.Index + " (" + Parent.Name + ").");
            //        PaletteNode = Model.FindOrCreatePalette(TextureNode.Name);

            //        SignalPropertyChange();
            //    }

            MDL0TexSRTData *TexSettings = ((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent).Header->TexMatrices(((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent)._initVersion);

            _texFlags  = TexSettings->GetTexFlags(Index);
            _texMatrix = TexSettings->GetTexMatrices(Index);

            _flags = (TexFlags)((((MDL0MaterialNode)Parent)._layerFlags >> (4 * Index)) & 0xF);

            _bindState = new FrameState(
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexScale._x, _texFlags.TexScale._y, 1),
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexRotation, 0, 0),
                new Vector3(_texFlags.TexTranslation._x, _texFlags.TexTranslation._y, 0));

 public static int Compare(MDL0TextureNode t1, MDL0TextureNode t2)
     return String.Compare(t1.Name, t2.Name, false);
        private void lstTextures_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_selectedTexture != null)
                _selectedTexture.Selected = false;

            if ((_selectedTexture = lstTextures.SelectedItem as MDL0TextureNode) != null)
                _selectedTexture.Selected = true;


                if (_mainWindow.syncTexObjToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                    _selectedTexture.ObjOnly = true;

                TargetTexRef = _selectedPolygon != null ? _selectedPolygon.UsableMaterialNode.FindChild(_selectedTexture.Name, true) as MDL0MaterialRefNode : null;
            if (!_updating) _mainWindow.ModelPanel.Invalidate();