public void MyPermissions_MegaList_Works()
            //person1, is disabled
            //person2 is the target source
            //person3 is just an average user across different companies
            //what is happening!!?!!??!!?!???
            Mock<IDatabaseContext> fakeContext = new Mock<IDatabaseContext>();
            var person1 = new Person { Id = 1 };
            var person2 = new Person { Id = 2 };
            var person3 = new Person { Id = 3 };

            var group1 = new AccountGroup { Id = 1 };
            var group2 = new AccountGroup { Id = 2 };
            var group3 = new AccountGroup { Id = 3, EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1) };

            person1.AddToGroup(group1, 1);

            //person 2 is an admin user in group 2
            var p2g1 = person2.AddToGroup(group1, 2);
            p2g1.PermissionLevel = PermissionLevel.Admin;
            var p2g2 = person2.AddToGroup(group2, 3);
            p2g2.PermissionLevel = PermissionLevel.SuperAdmin;

            person3.AddToGroup(group1, 4);
            person3.AddToGroup(group2, 5);
            person3.AddToGroup(group3, 6);

            fakeContext.Setup(x => x.List<Person>()).Returns(new[] { person1, person2, person3 }.AsQueryable());

            //not sure what this is suppose to test
            var access1 = new FakeRestrictiveAccess(fakeContext.Object, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, access1.MyPermissions.Count());

            //needs to return exactly an admin record and a superadmin record
            var access2 = new FakeRestrictiveAccess(fakeContext.Object, 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(access2.MyPermissions.Any(x => x.Value == PermissionLevel.Admin && x.Key.Id == 1));
            Assert.IsTrue(access2.MyPermissions.Any(x => x.Value == PermissionLevel.SuperAdmin && x.Key.Id == 2));
            Assert.IsFalse(access2.MyPermissions.Any(x => x.Value == PermissionLevel.Normal));
            Assert.IsFalse(access2.MyPermissions.Any(x => x.Value == PermissionLevel.Disable));

            //this is to test what's happening with disabled account groups
            var access3 = new FakeRestrictiveAccess(fakeContext.Object, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, access3.MyPermissions.Count());
        public void GiveAchievement_BadAccountGroupDetails_Fails()
            //give an achievement to the incorrect account group
            var fakeContext = new Mock<IDatabaseContext>();
            var season = new Season
                Id = 10000,
            Guid achievementKey = Guid.NewGuid();
            var achievements = new[]
                new Achievement
                    Key = achievementKey,
                    Season = season,
                    SeasonId = season.Id
            fakeContext.Setup(x => x.List<Achievement>())

            //this is the only person in the database
            var person = new Person { Id = 100 };
            var accountGroup = new AccountGroup() {  };
            person.AddToGroup(accountGroup, 12);
            var people = new[] { person };
            fakeContext.Setup(x => x.List<Person>())

            season.AccountGroup = accountGroup;

            Season currentSeason = new Season
                IsActive = true,
                StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                Achievements = new[]
                    new Achievement
                        Key = achievementKey,
            string customKey = person.Id.ToString();
            Guid apiKey = Guid.NewGuid();
            fakeContext.Setup(x => x.List<ApiKey>()).Returns(new[]
                new ApiKey
                    Key = apiKey,
                    IsActive = true,
                    AccountGroup = new AccountGroup
                        Seasons = new [] { currentSeason },
                        Achievements = new List<Achievement>()
                            new Achievement
                                Key = achievementKey,
                        AccountGroupPeople = new []
                            new AccountGroupPerson
                                CustomKey = customKey,
                                Person = person

            AchievementManagement mng = new AchievementManagement(fakeContext.Object);
            var allocation = new AchievementAllocation();

            allocation.CustomPersonKey = "no such key";
            allocation.AchievementKey = achievementKey;
            allocation.ApiKey = apiKey;
