public static int Compute(LinearDecomposition decomposition)
            Graph graph = decomposition.Graph;
            int n = graph.Size;
            List<int> sequence = decomposition.Sequence;
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, graph.Size);
            BitSet right = graph.Vertices;
            BitSet VG = graph.Vertices;

            LinearRepresentativeTable cuts = new LinearRepresentativeTable(graph, sequence);
            LookupTable table = new LookupTable();

            // first initialize the very first leaf node
            int l = sequence[0];

            // Base cases
            BitSet leaf = new BitSet(0, n) { l };
            BitSet nleaf = new BitSet(0, n) { graph.OpenNeighborhood(l).First() };

            table[new BitSet(0, n), new BitSet(0, n)] = int.MaxValue;
            table[leaf, new BitSet(0, n)] = 1;
            table[leaf, nleaf] = 1;
            table[new BitSet(0, n), nleaf] = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                int v = sequence[i];


                LinearRepresentativeList LRw = cuts[left];
                LinearRepresentativeList LRw_ = cuts[right];

                LinearRepresentativeList LRa = cuts[left - v];
                LinearRepresentativeList LRa_ = cuts[right + v];

                LookupTable newTable = new LookupTable();

                foreach (BitSet outside in LRw_)
                    foreach (BitSet inside in LRa)
                        BitSet nrw_ = graph.Neighborhood(outside) * (left - v);
                        BitSet ra_ = LRa_.GetRepresentative(nrw_);

                        BitSet nra = graph.Neighborhood(inside) * right;
                        BitSet rw = LRw.GetRepresentative(nra);

                        int savedValue = newTable[rw, outside];
                        int newValue = table[inside, ra_];

                        BitSet raw_ = inside + outside;
                        BitSet nraw_ = graph.Neighborhood(raw_);
                        if (!nraw_.Contains(v))
                            newValue = int.MaxValue;

                        int min = Math.Min(savedValue, newValue);
                        newTable[rw, outside] = min;


                        nrw_ = graph.Neighborhood(outside + v) * (left - v);
                        ra_ = LRa_.GetRepresentative(nrw_);

                        nra = graph.Neighborhood(inside + v) * right;
                        rw = LRw.GetRepresentative(nra);

                        savedValue = newTable[rw, outside];
                        newValue = table[inside, ra_];
                        newValue = newValue == int.MaxValue ? newValue : newValue + 1;
                        min = Math.Min(savedValue, newValue);
                        newTable[rw,  outside] = min;

                table = newTable;

            return table[new BitSet(0, graph.Size), new BitSet(0, graph.Size)];
        public static int Compute(LinearDecomposition decomposition)
            Graph graph = decomposition.Graph;
            List<int> sequence = decomposition.Sequence;

            // Left is the set of vertices that have been processed so far.
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, graph.Size);

            // Right is the set of vertices that we have yet to process, initially set to all vertices in the graph.
            BitSet right = graph.Vertices;

            // The leftneighborset contains ISN elements, that save the size of each independent set in Left, and the corresponding neighborhood in Right that belongs to this IS.
            LookupTable table = new LookupTable();

            // Insert the initial neighborhood and IS of size 0 and an empty neighborhood.
            table.Update(new ISN(new BitSet(0, graph.Size), 0));

            // maxIS saves the largest independent set that we have encountered so far.
            int maxIS = 0;

            // Loop over all vertices in the sequence; we have to process all of them.
            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                // Take the next vertex in the sequence.
                int v = sequence[i];

                //Save all updated element in a new neighborset, so that we do not disturb any looping over elements.
                LookupTable newTable = new LookupTable();

                foreach (ISN iset in table)
                    // If a neighborhood Right contains the currently selected element, then we have to remove it from the neighborhood.
                    // The corresponding IS in Left is still valid, but it simply belongs to a smaller neighborhood in Right (hence the removal of v).
                    if (iset.Elements.Contains(v))
                    // If the neighborhood does not contain v, then there are two cases that have to be handled.
                        // Case a: If v is not an element of the largest IS, then the previous IS is still valid.
                        // We have no risk of v being contained in the neighborhood of Right, because if that would be the case we would not be in the else-part of the if-statement.
                        // Thus, we simply add an unmodified copy of j to the new list of neighborhoodsets.

                        // Case b: If v is an element of the largest IS, then we should include a new entry for this newly created IS.
                        // The size of this IS will increase by one (adding v will cause this).
                        // The neighborhood of this IS is the old neighborhood, plus any vertices in Right that are in the neighborhood of v. Vertex v causes the addition of these vertices.
                        // The largest saved IS might change because of this addition of a new erlement.
                        ISN newIset = new ISN(iset.Elements.Copy(), iset.Size);
                        newIset.Elements = newIset.Elements + (graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) * right);
                        maxIS = Math.Max(maxIS, newIset.Size);

                // Safely update all sets that we are working with
                table = newTable;

            // The largest IS that we have encountered is the one we will return
            return maxIS;
Beispiel #3
        public static void Compute(LinearDecomposition decomposition)
            Graph graph = decomposition.Graph;
            List<int> sequence = decomposition.Sequence;
            int n = graph.Size;

            BitSet right = graph.Vertices;
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, n);

            LookupTable table = new LookupTable(n);
            LinearRepresentativeTable cuts = new LinearRepresentativeTable(graph, sequence);

            table[new BitSet(0, n), 0] = 1;
            table[new BitSet(0, n), 1] = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                int v = sequence[i];


                LinearRepresentativeList LRw = cuts[left];

                LinearRepresentativeList LRa = cuts[left - v];

                LookupTable newTable = new LookupTable(n);

                foreach (BitSet ra in LRa)
                    BitSet nra = graph.Neighborhood(ra) * right;
                    BitSet rw = LRw.GetRepresentative(nra);

                    int maxValue = int.MinValue;
                    int limit = (left - v).Count;
                    for (int k = 0; k <= limit; k++)
                        if (table[ra, k] > 0)
                            maxValue = Math.Max(maxValue, k);

                    for (int j = 0; j <= maxValue; j++)
                        newTable[rw, j] = newTable[rw, j] + table[ra, j];


                    // ra + {v} is not a valid independent set
                    if (LRa.GetNeighborhood(ra).Contains(v))


                    // add {v} to the independent set
                    BitSet nrav = graph.Neighborhood(ra + v) * right;
                    BitSet rwv = LRw.GetRepresentative(nrav);

                    for (int j = 0; j <= maxValue; j++)
                        newTable[rwv, j + 1] = newTable[rwv, j + 1] + table[ra, j];

                table = newTable;

Beispiel #4
        public static void Compute(LinearDecomposition decomposition)
            Graph graph = decomposition.Graph;
            List<int> sequence = decomposition.Sequence;
            int n = graph.Size;

            BitSet right = graph.Vertices;
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, n);

            LookupTable table = new LookupTable(n);

            LinearRepresentativeTable cuts = new LinearRepresentativeTable(graph, sequence);

            int l = sequence[0];
            BitSet leaf = new BitSet(0, n) { l };
            BitSet nleaf = new BitSet(0, n) { graph.OpenNeighborhood(l).First() };

            table[leaf, new BitSet(0, n), 1] = 1;
            table[leaf, nleaf, 1] = 1;
            table[new BitSet(0, n), nleaf, 0] = 1;


            for (int i = 1; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                int v = sequence[i];


                LinearRepresentativeList LRw = cuts[left];
                LinearRepresentativeList LRw_ = cuts[right];

                LinearRepresentativeList LRa = cuts[left - v];
                LinearRepresentativeList LRa_ = cuts[right + v];

                LookupTable newTable = new LookupTable(n);

                foreach (BitSet outside in LRw_)
                    foreach (BitSet inside in LRa)
                        BitSet nrw_ = graph.Neighborhood(outside) * (left - v);
                        BitSet ra_ = LRa_.GetRepresentative(nrw_);

                        BitSet nra = graph.Neighborhood(inside) * right;
                        BitSet rw = LRw.GetRepresentative(nra);

                        BitSet ra = inside;
                        BitSet rw_ = outside;

                        BitSet raw_ = inside + outside;
                        BitSet nraw_ = graph.Neighborhood(raw_);
                        if (nraw_.Contains(v))  // this means rb_ exists ==> multiplier is equal to 1
                            for (int ka = 0; ka < n; ka++)
                                newTable[rw, rw_, ka] = newTable[rw, rw_, ka] + table[ra, ra_, ka];


                        nrw_ = graph.Neighborhood(outside + v) * (left - v);
                        ra_ = LRa_.GetRepresentative(nrw_);

                        nra = graph.Neighborhood(inside + v) * right;
                        rw = LRw.GetRepresentative(nra);

                        for (int ka = 0; ka < n; ka++)
                            newTable[rw, rw_, ka + 1] = newTable[rw, rw_, ka + 1] + table[ra, ra_, ka];

                table = newTable;
