Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a font to the resource manager
        /// </summary>
        public int AddFont(string faceName, uint height, FontWeight weight)
            // See if this font exists
            for (int i = 0; i < fontCache.Count; i++)
                FontNode fn = fontCache[i] as FontNode;
                if ((string.Compare(fn.FaceName, faceName, true) == 0) &&
                    fn.Height == height &&
                    fn.Weight == weight)
                    // Found it

            // Doesn't exist, add a new one and try to create it
            FontNode newNode = new FontNode();

            newNode.FaceName = faceName;
            newNode.Height   = height;
            newNode.Weight   = weight;

            int fontIndex = fontCache.Count - 1;

            // If a device is available, try to create immediately
            if (device != null)

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>Update the rectangles for the list box control</summary>
        protected override void UpdateRectangles()
            // Get bounding box

            // Calculate the size of the selection rectangle
            selectionRect        = boundingBox;
            selectionRect.Width -= scrollWidth;
            selectionRect.Inflate(-border, -border);
            textRect = selectionRect;
            textRect.Inflate(-margin, 0);

            // Update the scroll bars rects too
            scrollbarControl.SetLocation(boundingBox.Right - scrollWidth, boundingBox.Top);
            scrollbarControl.SetSize(scrollWidth, height);
            FontNode fNode = DialogResourceManager.GetGlobalInstance().GetFontNode((int)(elementList[0] as Element).FontIndex);

            if ((fNode != null) && (fNode.Height > 0))
                scrollbarControl.PageSize = (int)(textRect.Height / fNode.Height);

                // The selected item may have been scrolled off the page.
                // Ensure that it is in page again.
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a font
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateFont(int font)
            // Get the font node here
            FontNode fn = GetFontNode(font);

            if (fn.Font != null)
                fn.Font.Dispose(); // Get rid of this
            // Create the new font
            fn.Font = new Font(device, (int)fn.Height, 0, fn.Weight, 1, false, CharacterSet.Default,
                               Precision.Default, FontQuality.Default, PitchAndFamily.DefaultPitch | PitchAndFamily.FamilyDoNotCare,
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>Update the rectangles for the combo box control</summary>
        protected override void UpdateRectangles()
            // Get bounding box

            // Update the bounding box for the items
            buttonRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(boundingBox.Right - boundingBox.Height, boundingBox.Top,
                                                      boundingBox.Height, boundingBox.Height);

            textRect      = boundingBox;
            textRect.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(textRect.Width - buttonRect.Width, textRect.Height);

            dropDownRect = textRect;
            dropDownRect.Offset(0, (int)(0.9f * textRect.Height));
            dropDownRect.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(dropDownRect.Width - scrollWidth, dropDownRect.Height + dropHeight);

            // Scale it down slightly
            System.Drawing.Point loc  = dropDownRect.Location;
            System.Drawing.Size  size = dropDownRect.Size;

            loc.X       += (int)(0.1f * dropDownRect.Width);
            loc.Y       += (int)(0.1f * dropDownRect.Height);
            size.Width  -= (2 * (int)(0.1f * dropDownRect.Width));
            size.Height -= (2 * (int)(0.1f * dropDownRect.Height));

            dropDownTextRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(loc, size);

            // Update the scroll bars rects too
            scrollbarControl.SetLocation(dropDownRect.Right, dropDownRect.Top + 2);
            scrollbarControl.SetSize(scrollWidth, dropDownRect.Height - 2);
            FontNode fNode = DialogResourceManager.GetGlobalInstance().GetFontNode((int)(elementList[2] as Element).FontIndex);

            if ((fNode != null) && (fNode.Height > 0))
                scrollbarControl.PageSize = (int)(dropDownTextRect.Height / fNode.Height);

                // The selected item may have been scrolled off the page.
                // Ensure that it is in page again.
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>Called when the control should be rendered</summary>
        public override void Render(Device device, float elapsedTime)
            ControlState state = ControlState.Normal;

            if (!isComboOpen)
                state = ControlState.Hidden;

            // Dropdown box
            Element e = elementList[ComboBox.DropdownLayer] as Element;

            // If we have not initialized the scroll bar page size,
            // do that now.
            if (!isScrollBarInit)
                FontNode fNode = DialogResourceManager.GetGlobalInstance().GetFontNode((int)e.FontIndex);
                if ((fNode != null) && (fNode.Height > 0))
                    scrollbarControl.PageSize = (int)(dropDownTextRect.Height / fNode.Height);
                    scrollbarControl.PageSize = dropDownTextRect.Height;

                isScrollBarInit = true;

            if (isComboOpen)
                scrollbarControl.Render(device, elapsedTime);

            // Blend current color
            e.TextureColor.Blend(state, elapsedTime);
            e.FontColor.Blend(state, elapsedTime);
            parentDialog.DrawSprite(e, dropDownRect);

            // Selection outline
            Element selectionElement = elementList[ComboBox.SelectionLayer] as Element;

            selectionElement.TextureColor.Current = e.TextureColor.Current;
            selectionElement.FontColor.Current    = selectionElement.FontColor.States[(int)ControlState.Normal];

            FontNode font            = DialogResourceManager.GetGlobalInstance().GetFontNode((int)e.FontIndex);
            int      currentY        = dropDownTextRect.Top;
            int      remainingHeight = dropDownTextRect.Height;

            for (int i = scrollbarControl.TrackPosition; i < itemList.Count; i++)
                ComboBoxItem cbi = (ComboBoxItem)itemList[i];

                // Make sure there's room left in the dropdown
                remainingHeight -= (int)font.Height;
                if (remainingHeight < 0)
                    // Not visible, store that item
                    cbi.IsItemVisible = false;
                    itemList[i]       = cbi; // Store this back in list

                cbi.ItemRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(dropDownTextRect.Left, currentY,
                                                            dropDownTextRect.Width, (int)font.Height);
                cbi.IsItemVisible = true;
                currentY         += (int)font.Height;
                itemList[i]       = cbi; // Store this back in list

                if (isComboOpen)
                    if (focusedIndex == i)
                        System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(
                            dropDownRect.Left, cbi.ItemRect.Top - 2, dropDownRect.Width,
                            cbi.ItemRect.Height + 4);
                        parentDialog.DrawSprite(selectionElement, rect);
                        parentDialog.DrawText(cbi.ItemText, selectionElement, cbi.ItemRect);
                        parentDialog.DrawText(cbi.ItemText, e, cbi.ItemRect);

            int offsetX = 0;
            int offsetY = 0;

            state = ControlState.Normal;
            if (IsVisible == false)
                state = ControlState.Hidden;
            else if (IsEnabled == false)
                state = ControlState.Disabled;
            else if (isPressed)
                state   = ControlState.Pressed;
                offsetX = 1;
                offsetY = 2;
            else if (isMouseOver)
                state   = ControlState.MouseOver;
                offsetX = -1;
                offsetY = -2;
            else if (hasFocus)
                state = ControlState.Focus;

            float blendRate = (state == ControlState.Pressed) ? 0.0f : 0.8f;

            // Button
            e = elementList[ComboBox.ComboButtonLayer] as Element;

            // Blend current color
            e.TextureColor.Blend(state, elapsedTime, blendRate);

            System.Drawing.Rectangle windowRect = buttonRect;
            windowRect.Offset(offsetX, offsetY);
            // Draw sprite
            parentDialog.DrawSprite(e, windowRect);

            if (isComboOpen)
                state = ControlState.Pressed;

            // Main text box
            e = elementList[ComboBox.MainLayer] as Element;

            // Blend current color
            e.TextureColor.Blend(state, elapsedTime, blendRate);
            e.FontColor.Blend(state, elapsedTime, blendRate);

            // Draw sprite
            parentDialog.DrawSprite(e, textRect);

            if (selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < itemList.Count)
                    ComboBoxItem cbi = (ComboBoxItem)itemList[selectedIndex];
                    parentDialog.DrawText(cbi.ItemText, e, textRect);
                catch { } // Ignore