Beispiel #1
        public override ProgrammingElement Clone()
            TouchGestureFilter clone = new TouchGestureFilter();

Beispiel #2
        public override bool MatchAction(Reflex reflex, out object param)
            bool result = false;

            param = null;

            TouchGestureFilter touchFilt = reflex.Data.GetFilterByType(typeof(TouchGestureFilter)) as TouchGestureFilter;

            if (touchFilt != null)
                float rotation = touchFilt.DeltaRotation;

                for (int i = 0; i < reflex.Filters.Count; ++i)
                    Filter filter = reflex.Filters[i];

                    if (!(filter is RotationFilter))

                    RotationFilter rotateFilt = filter as RotationFilter;

                    // does the rotation direction violate any of the rotation filters?
                    if (!rotateFilt.IsRotationValid(rotation))

                // If we've gotten here we're good.  The rotation is in the
                // right direction for the filter so return true.

                result = true;

Beispiel #3
        public override void ComposeSensorTargetSet(GameActor gameActor, Reflex reflex)
            if (terrainSensor != null)
                terrainSensor.ComposeSensorTargetSet(gameActor, reflex);
                List <Filter> filters = reflex.Filters;

                // The sensor will use the first TouchGestureFilter it finds. Since any given reflex
                // can only have a single one of these, this works well.
                TouchGestureFilter gestureFilter   = null;
                TouchButtonFilter  buttonFilter    = null;
                GUIButtonFilter    guiButtonFilter = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < filters.Count; i++)
                    if (filters[i] is TouchGestureFilter)
                        Debug.Assert(null == gestureFilter);
                        gestureFilter = filters[i] as TouchGestureFilter;
                    if (filters[i] is TouchButtonFilter)
                        Debug.Assert(null == buttonFilter);
                        buttonFilter = filters[i] as TouchButtonFilter;
                    if (filters[i] is GUIButtonFilter)
                        Debug.Assert(null == guiButtonFilter);
                        guiButtonFilter = filters[i] as GUIButtonFilter;

                //if we don't have a filter, do nothing
                if (null == gestureFilter &&
                    null == buttonFilter &&
                    null == guiButtonFilter)
                    //Debug.Assert(false, "Did not find a touch filter for touch sensor.");

                // Cause the filter to detect what is under the touch cursor and set that information on the reflex.
                // MatchAction will be true if the TouchFilter passes but then we still need to filter on any other
                // filters including the ever annoying "not", "me" and "anything" filters.
                Object param       = null;
                bool   matchAction = false;

                bool notFilter      = reflex.Data.FilterExists("filter.not");
                bool anythingFilter = reflex.Data.FilterExists("filter.anything");

                if (gestureFilter != null)
                    matchAction = gestureFilter.MatchAction(reflex, out param);

                if (buttonFilter != null)
                    // Make the actual on screen button visible if a reflex contains the touch button filter.

                    matchAction = buttonFilter.MatchAction(reflex, out param);

                if (guiButtonFilter != null)
                    matchAction = guiButtonFilter.MatchAction(reflex, out param);

                // Give the anythingFilter a chance to kill the action.
                if (anythingFilter && reflex.TouchActor == null)
                    matchAction = false;

                // Handle the "Not" filter
                if (notFilter)
                    if (matchAction)
                        matchAction          = false;
                        reflex.TouchActor    = null;
                        reflex.TouchPosition = null;
                        matchAction = true;

                bool touchCursorTarget = false;

                // We are moving towards a remembered target position if we're the movement actuator.
                // We do not require a match on the current frame to continue the movement.
                // Note, in the presence of a "Not" filter, there is no target to "not move" to, so this
                // is negated.
                // Also, support turning toward a remembered position.
                bool movingToTouchPos = (reflex.actuatorUpid == "actuator.movement" && !notFilter);
                movingToTouchPos |= (reflex.actuatorUpid == "actuator.turn" && !notFilter);

                if (movingToTouchPos && (reflex.TouchActor == reflex.Task.GameActor))
                    // When moving with touch, going towards oneself doesn't make sense. By discarding
                    // the touch actor and using the terrain position, we have a better definition of this
                    // movement. This allows for small positional corrections around the target's bounding
                    // box as well as letting slide movements that begin on oneself to work.
                    reflex.TouchActor    = null;
                    reflex.TouchPosition = TouchEdit.HitInfo.TerrainPosition;

                if (matchAction || movingToTouchPos)
                    bool         validTarget = false;
                    SensorTarget target      = SensorTargetSpares.Alloc();
                    // If we have an actor touch target, check if it passes the filters.
                    // If not, null it out.
                    if (reflex.TouchActor != null)
                        // Create a target.
                        target.Init(reflex.Task.GameActor, reflex.TouchActor);
                        validTarget = true;
                        target.Init(reflex.Task.GameActor, reflex.Task.GameActor);
                        // If we've got a me filter and not TouchActor we've failed.
                        if (reflex.Data.FilterExists(""))
                            matchAction = false;

                        // NOTE: For classification purposes, if the user doesn't touch a particular actor,
                        // we create an 'empty' classification. This is because we need a classification object
                        // in order to do reflexes such as 'tap move blimp -> shoot'. If you don't tap an actor,
                        // it needs to compare the absence of an actor to the blimp.
                        if (reflex.TouchPosition != null)
                            // We need to add the touch position to the targetSet.
                            target.Classification = new Classification();
                            target.GameThing      = senseSet.Nearest.GameThing;
                            target.Position       = reflex.TouchPosition.Value;
                            target.Direction      = target.Position - reflex.Task.GameActor.Movement.Position;
                            target.Range          = target.Direction.Length();

                            // If we've arrived at the target position, clear MousePosition.
                            Vector2 dir2d = new Vector2(target.Direction.X, target.Direction.Y);
                            if (dir2d.LengthSquared() < 0.1f)
                                reflex.TouchPosition = null;

                            target.Direction /= target.Range;
                            touchCursorTarget = true;
                            validTarget       = true;
                            // We don't have an actor or a position. Only with an action match should we
                            // create a sensor target.
                            if (matchAction)
                                // Calc a fake position for this target.
                                GameActor actor = reflex.Task.GameActor;
                                Vector3   pos   = actor.Movement.Position;

                                target.Classification = new Classification();
                                target.GameThing      = senseSet.Nearest.GameThing;
                                target.Position       = pos;
                                target.Direction      = target.Position - reflex.Task.GameActor.Movement.Position;
                                target.Range          = target.Direction.Length();
                                target.Direction     /= target.Range;
                                validTarget           = true;

                    // Test the target against the filters.
                    if (validTarget)
                        for (int i = 0; i < filters.Count; i++)
                            if (!(filters[i] is TouchGestureFilter))
                                if (!filters[i].MatchTarget(reflex, target) ||
                                    !filters[i].MatchAction(reflex, out param))
                                    if (!notFilter)
                                        // Failed a match on one of the filters and we don't have a negation
                                        // so null things out and short circuit.
                                        reflex.TouchActor = null;
                                        validTarget       = false;
                                        matchAction       = false;
                                        touchCursorTarget = false;

                    // If we still have a target, add it to the target set.
                    if (validTarget)
                        // Don't really need this target so free it.

                reflex.targetSet.Action = reflex.targetSet.Count > 0; // && TestObjectSet(reflex);

                //reflex.targetSet.Action |= matchAction;

                // This forces the movement to keep going toward the clicked position/bot
                // even if the touch is no longer clicked.
                reflex.targetSet.ActionMouseTarget = touchCursorTarget;

                if (matchAction)
                    bool postProcessCheck = PostProcessAction(matchAction, reflex);
                    if (!postProcessCheck)
                        // We matched the action, but it failed the post process check (used by "Once" modifier),
                        // so we clear the target set.
        public override ActionSet ComposeActionSet(Reflex reflex, GameActor gameActor)

            if (!reflex.targetSet.AnyAction)

            TurnModifier         turnMod         = reflex.GetModifierByType(typeof(TurnModifier)) as TurnModifier;
            GamePadStickFilter   stickFilt       = reflex.Data.GetFilterByType(typeof(GamePadStickFilter)) as GamePadStickFilter;
            GamePadTriggerFilter triggerFilt     = reflex.Data.GetFilterByType(typeof(GamePadTriggerFilter)) as GamePadTriggerFilter;
            MouseFilter          mouseFilt       = reflex.Data.GetFilterByType(typeof(MouseFilter)) as MouseFilter;
            TouchGestureFilter   touchFilt       = reflex.Data.GetFilterByType(typeof(TouchGestureFilter)) as TouchGestureFilter;
            KeyBoardKeyFilter    keyBoardKeyFilt = reflex.Data.GetFilterByType(typeof(KeyBoardKeyFilter)) as KeyBoardKeyFilter;

            // Will be modified depending on stick or trigger position.
            float speedModifier = 1.0f;

            // Start by looking at the input filters to attenuate speed.

            if (stickFilt != null)
                // Note that we take the sign into account further below.
                // For now, just get the magnitude.
                speedModifier *= (float)Math.Abs(stickFilt.stickPosition.X);
            else if (triggerFilt != null)
                speedModifier *= triggerFilt.triggerValue;
            else if (mouseFilt != null)
                // Note that we take the sign into account further below.
                // For now, just get the magnitude.
                speedModifier *= Math.Abs(mouseFilt.ScreenPosition.X);
            else if (touchFilt != null)
                if (touchFilt.type == TouchGestureFilterType.Rotate)
                    reflex.Task.GameActor.Chassis.WasTouchRotated = true;

            // Decide if we're turning toward a particular direction or
            // setting a turn rate.  Note, this will miss some cases
            // that we clean up further down.  The failure is rooted
            // in TurnModifier if you want to go fix it.  :-)

            Vector3 desiredHeading = Vector3.Zero;
            float   targetHeading  = 0;

            // See if the modifiers want to give us an absolute direction.
            reflex.ModifyHeading(gameActor, Modifier.ReferenceFrames.World, ref desiredHeading);
            targetHeading = MyMath.ZRotationFromDirection(desiredHeading);

            // If we have a desiredHeading, use that, else assume we're just turning.
            if (desiredHeading != Vector3.Zero)
                // We were given an absolute direction, use it.
                actionSet.AddActionTarget(Action.AllocHeadingAction(reflex, targetHeading, speedModifier));
                // Determine which relative direction we should use.
                TurnModifier.TurnDirections direction = TurnModifier.TurnDirections.None;

                if (turnMod != null)
                    // If a turn modifier was specified, use its direction.
                    direction = turnMod.direction;
                else if (stickFilt != null)
                    // No turn modifier but we have a gamepad stick, use it to determine turn direction.
                    direction = stickFilt.stickPosition.X > 0 ? TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Right : TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Left;
                else if (triggerFilt != null)
                    // No turn modifier but we have a gamepad trigger, use it to determine turn direction.
                    // Basically this automatically maps left trigger to left turn and right trigger to right turn.
                    direction = triggerFilt.trigger == GamePadTriggerFilter.GamePadTrigger.LeftTrigger ? TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Left : TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Right;
                else if (mouseFilt != null)
                    // No turn modifier but we do have mouse input.
                    direction = mouseFilt.ScreenPosition.X > 0 ? TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Right : TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Left;
                    // This scaling by 2 has no real justification except
                    // that it matches the magnitude of the original code
                    // so this is more compatible with older games.
                    speedModifier *= 2.0f;
                else if (touchFilt != null)
                    // No turn modifier but we do have touch input.
                    if (touchFilt.type == TouchGestureFilterType.Rotate)
                        if (touchFilt.DeltaRotation < 0)
                            direction = TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Left;
                        else if (touchFilt.DeltaRotation > 0)
                            direction = TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Right;
                    else if (touchFilt.type == TouchGestureFilterType.Tap)
                        direction = TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Toward;
                else if (keyBoardKeyFilt != null)
                    if (reflex.targetSet != null)
                        Vector2 dir = (Vector2)(reflex.targetSet.Param);
                        if (dir.X == 1)
                            direction = TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Right;
                        else if (dir.X == -1)
                            direction = TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Left;
                    // Nothing exists that would help us decide which way we should turn, choose left.
                    // This could be the user programming WHEN DO Turn
                    direction = TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Left;

                // Calculate the new direction we want to face.
                switch (direction)
                // Turn to our left.
                case TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Left:
                    float angle = 0.0f;

                    if (touchFilt != null && touchFilt.type == TouchGestureFilterType.Rotate)
                        angle = gameActor.Movement.RotationZ + Math.Abs(touchFilt.DeltaRotation);
                        angle = gameActor.Movement.RotationZ + MathHelper.PiOver2;
                    desiredHeading = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(angle), (float)Math.Sin(angle), 0);

                    actionSet.AddActionTarget(Action.AllocTurnSpeedAction(reflex, speedModifier), 0);

                // Turn to our right.
                case TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Right:
                    float angle = 0.0f;

                    if (touchFilt != null && touchFilt.type == TouchGestureFilterType.Rotate)
                        angle = gameActor.Movement.RotationZ - Math.Abs(touchFilt.DeltaRotation);
                        angle = gameActor.Movement.RotationZ - MathHelper.PiOver2;

                    desiredHeading = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(angle), (float)Math.Sin(angle), 0);

                    actionSet.AddActionTarget(Action.AllocTurnSpeedAction(reflex, -speedModifier), 0);

                // Turn to face the direction we are moving.
                case TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Forward:
                    float angle = MyMath.ZRotationFromDirection(gameActor.Movement.Velocity);
                    desiredHeading = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(angle), (float)Math.Sin(angle), 0);

                    actionSet.AddActionTarget(Action.AllocHeadingAction(reflex, targetHeading, speedModifier));

                // Turn to face the sensed object.
                case TurnModifier.TurnDirections.Toward:
                    // We're probably here because of WHEN Mouse Left DO Turn Toward.
                    // This is another case where we want a Heading Action.
                    if (reflex.targetSet.Nearest != null)
                        speedModifier = 1;

                        // If we're doing mouse-look (WHEN Mouse Over DO Turn Toward) try
                        // and create a bit of a dead-zone in the middle.
                        bool mouseOver = false;
                        foreach (Filter f in reflex.Filters)
                            MouseFilter mf = f as MouseFilter;
                            if (mf != null && mf.type == MouseFilterType.Hover)
                                mouseOver = true;

                        desiredHeading = reflex.targetSet.Nearest.Direction;
                        targetHeading  = MyMath.ZRotationFromDirection(desiredHeading);

                        // If mouseOver, calc damping to slow down turning when already looking
                        // in the direction we want.  This helps make it less twitchy.
                        float dampingFactor = 1.0f;
                        if (mouseOver)
                            float dot = Vector3.Dot(desiredHeading, gameActor.Movement.Heading);

                            float deadzoneAngle = 0.96f;
                            float dampzoneAngle = 0.9f;

                            // If very close to center, just treat as zero.
                            if (dot > deadzoneAngle)
                                dampingFactor = 0;
                            else if (dot > dampzoneAngle)
                                // Not in center, but close so damp turning.
                                // The closer we are to already looking in the correct direction, increase damping.
                                dampingFactor = MyMath.RemapRange(dot, deadzoneAngle, dampzoneAngle, 0, 1);
                                // Smooth the result to flatten out the center.
                                dampingFactor = MyMath.SmoothStep(0, 1, dampingFactor);

                        actionSet.AddActionTarget(Action.AllocHeadingAction(reflex, targetHeading, dampingFactor * speedModifier));

        }   // end of ComposeActionSet()
Beispiel #5
 protected void CopyTo(TouchGestureFilter clone)
     clone.type = this.type;
Beispiel #6
        public override bool MatchAction(Reflex reflex, out object param)
            bool result = false;

            param = null;

            GamePadStickFilter stickFilt = reflex.Data.GetFilterByType(typeof(GamePadStickFilter)) as GamePadStickFilter;
            TouchGestureFilter touchFilt = reflex.Data.GetFilterByType(typeof(TouchGestureFilter)) as TouchGestureFilter;

            int        directFiltCount   = 0;
            Directions combinedDirection = 0;

            if (stickFilt != null)
                Vector2 stick = stickFilt.stickPosition;

                for (int i = 0; i < reflex.Filters.Count; ++i)
                    Filter filter = reflex.Filters[i];

                    if (!(filter is DirectionFilter))

                    DirectionFilter directFilt = filter as DirectionFilter;

                    // The first filter will handle all direction filters present, so if we are not
                    // the first filter, just bail with a "true" result.
                    if (directFiltCount > 0 && directFilt == this)

                    // Is the stick in the correct quadrant for this direction?
                    if (!directFilt.IsStickPositionValid(stick))

                    combinedDirection |= directFilt.direction;

                    directFiltCount += 1;

                // If we've gotten here we're good.  The stick is in the
                // right quadrant for the filter so return true.

                result = true;
            else if (touchFilt != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < reflex.Filters.Count; ++i)
                    Filter filter = reflex.Filters[i];

                    if (!(filter is DirectionFilter))

                    DirectionFilter directFilt = filter as DirectionFilter;

                    // The first filter will handle all direction filters present, so if we are not
                    // the first filter, just bail with a "true" result.
                    if (directFiltCount > 0 && directFilt == this)

                    combinedDirection |= directFilt.direction;

                    directFiltCount += 1;

                if (combinedDirection == touchFilt.Direction)
                    result = true;
