Beispiel #1
        public ViscosityAtLevelSet_FullySymmetric_withEvap(LevelSetTracker lstrk, double _muA, double _muB, double _penalty, int _component, double _rhoA, double _rhoB,
                                                           ThermalParameters thermParams, double _Rint, double _sigma)
            //double _kA, double _kB, double _hVapA, double _Rint, double _Tsat, double _sigma, double _pc) {
            this.m_LsTrk   = lstrk;
            this.muA       = _muA;
            this.muB       = _muB;
            this.penalty   = _penalty;
            this.component = _component;
            this.D         = lstrk.GridDat.SpatialDimension;

            this.rhoA = _rhoA;
            this.rhoB = _rhoB;

            this.kA    = thermParams.k_A;
            this.kB    = thermParams.k_B;
            this.hVapA = thermParams.hVap_A;
            this.Rint  = _Rint;

            this.Tsat  = thermParams.T_sat;
            this.sigma = _sigma;
            this.pc    = thermParams.pc;

            //this.prescrbM = _prescrbM;
Beispiel #2
 public ViscosityAtLevelSet_FullySymmetric_withEvap(LevelSetTracker lstrk, double _muA, double _muB, double _penalty, int _component,
                                                    ThermalParameters thermParams, double _sigma)
     : base(lstrk.GridDat.SpatialDimension, lstrk, thermParams, _sigma)
     this.muA       = _muA;
     this.muB       = _muB;
     this.penalty   = _penalty;
     this.component = _component;
Beispiel #3
        public HeatConvectionAtLevelSet_WithEvaporation(int _D, LevelSetTracker lsTrk, double _LFFA, double _LFFB,
                                                        ThermalParameters thermParams, double _sigma)
            : base(_D, lsTrk, thermParams, _sigma)
            this.LFFA = _LFFA;
            this.LFFB = _LFFB;

            this.capA = thermParams.c_A * thermParams.rho_A;
            this.capB = thermParams.c_B * thermParams.rho_B;
Beispiel #4
        public HeatConvectionAtLevelSet_Upwind(int _D, LevelSetTracker lsTrk, double _capA, double _capB,
                                               ThermalParameters thermParams, bool _movingmesh, bool _DiriCond, double _Tsat, double _sigma)
            : base(_D, lsTrk, thermParams, _sigma)
            this.capA = thermParams.c_A * thermParams.rho_A;
            this.capB = thermParams.c_B * thermParams.rho_B;

            movingmesh = _movingmesh;

            DirichletCond = _DiriCond;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// clone
        /// </summary>
        public object Clone()
            var cl = new ThermalParameters();

            cl.rho_A    = this.rho_A;
            cl.rho_B    = this.rho_B;
            cl.c_A      = this.c_A;
            cl.c_B      = this.c_B;
            cl.k_A      = this.k_A;
            cl.k_B      = this.k_B;
            cl.Material = this.Material;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_d">spatial direction</param>
        /// <param name="_D">spatial dimension</param>
        /// <param name="LsTrk"></param>
        /// <param name="_sigma">surface-tension constant</param>
        public HeatFluxEvaporationAtLevelSet(LevelSetTracker LsTrk, double _rho, ThermalParameters thermParams, double _Rint, double _sigma)
            m_LsTrk = LsTrk;

            this.rho = _rho;

            this.kA    = thermParams.k_A;
            this.kB    = thermParams.k_B;
            this.hVapA = thermParams.hVap_A;
            this.Rint  = _Rint;

            this.Tsat  = thermParams.T_sat;
            this.sigma = _sigma;
            this.pc    = thermParams.pc;

            this.D = LsTrk.GridDat.SpatialDimension;
        public EvaporationAtLevelSet(int _D, LevelSetTracker _LsTrk, ThermalParameters thermParams, double _sigma)
            this.m_D     = _D;
            this.m_LsTrk = _LsTrk;

            this.m_hVap = thermParams.hVap;

            this.m_rhoA = thermParams.rho_A;
            this.m_rhoB = thermParams.rho_B;

            this.m_pc   = thermParams.pc;
            this.m_fc   = thermParams.fc;
            this.m_Rc   = thermParams.Rc;
            this.m_Tsat = thermParams.T_sat;

            this.m_sigma = _sigma;
        /// <summary>
        /// clone
        /// </summary>
        public object Clone()
            var cl = new ThermalParameters();

            cl.rho_A = this.rho_A;
            cl.rho_B = this.rho_B;
            cl.c_A   = this.c_A;
            cl.c_B   = this.c_B;
            cl.k_A   = this.k_A;
            cl.k_B   = this.k_B;
            cl.hVap  = this.hVap;
            cl.T_sat = this.T_sat;
            cl.p_sat = this.p_sat;
            cl.fc    = this.fc;
            cl.Rc    = this.Rc;
            cl.pc    = this.pc;
        public ConvectionAtLevelSet_nonMaterialLLF(int _d, int _D, LevelSetTracker lsTrk, double _rhoA, double _rhoB,
                                                   ThermalParameters thermParams, double _Rint, double _sigma)
            //double _kA, double _kB, double _hVapA, double _Rint, double _Tsat, double _sigma, double _pc) {
            this.D       = _D;
            this.m_d     = _d;
            this.rhoA    = _rhoA;
            this.rhoB    = _rhoB;
            this.m_LsTrk = lsTrk;

            this.kA    = thermParams.k_A;
            this.kB    = thermParams.k_B;
            this.hVapA = thermParams.hVap_A;
            this.Rint  = _Rint;

            this.Tsat  = thermParams.T_sat;
            this.sigma = _sigma;
            this.pc    = thermParams.pc;

            //this.prescrbM = _prescrbM;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// prescribed volume flux for testing.
        /// </summary>
        //public double prescribedVolumeFlux = 0.0;

        /// <summary>
        /// is the interface a material one or is it non-material?
        /// </summary>
        //public bool Material = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// clone
        /// </summary>
        public object Clone()
            var cl = new ThermalParameters();

            cl.rho_A  = this.rho_A;
            cl.rho_B  = this.rho_B;
            cl.c_A    = this.c_A;
            cl.c_B    = this.c_B;
            cl.k_A    = this.k_A;
            cl.k_B    = this.k_B;
            cl.hVap_A = this.hVap_A;
            cl.hVap_B = this.hVap_B;
            cl.T_sat  = this.T_sat;
            cl.p_sat  = this.p_sat;
            cl.fc     = this.fc;
            cl.Rc     = this.Rc;
            //cl.Ac = this.Ac;
            cl.pc = this.pc;
            //cl.prescribedVolumeFlux = this.prescribedVolumeFlux;
            //cl.Material = this.Material;
        public HeatConvectionAtLevelSet_Divergence(int _D, LevelSetTracker lsTrk, double _rhoA, double _rhoB,
                                                   ThermalParameters thermParams, double _Rint, double _sigma, bool _DiriCond = true)
            //double _kA, double _kB, double _hVapA, double _Rint, double _Tsat, double _sigma, double _pc) {
            this.D    = _D;
            this.rhoA = _rhoA;
            this.rhoB = _rhoB;
            this.capA = thermParams.c_A * _rhoA;
            this.capB = thermParams.c_B * _rhoB;

            this.m_LsTrk = lsTrk;

            this.kA    = thermParams.k_A;
            this.kB    = thermParams.k_B;
            this.hVapA = thermParams.hVap_A;
            this.Rint  = _Rint;

            this.Tsat  = thermParams.T_sat;
            this.sigma = _sigma;
            this.pc    = thermParams.pc;

            this.DirichletCond = _DiriCond;
Beispiel #12
 public ConvectionAtLevelSet_nonMaterialLLF(int _d, int _D, LevelSetTracker lsTrk, ThermalParameters thermParams, double _sigma)
     : base(_D, lsTrk, thermParams, _sigma)
     this.m_d = _d;
        public DivergenceAtLevelSet_withEvaporation(int _D, LevelSetTracker lsTrk,
                                                    double vorZeichen, bool RescaleConti, ThermalParameters thermParams, double _sigma)
            : base(_D, lsTrk, thermParams, _sigma)
            scaleA = vorZeichen;
            scaleB = vorZeichen;

            if (RescaleConti)
                scaleA /= m_rhoA;
                scaleB /= m_rhoB;
        public ConvectionAtLevelSet_Consistency(int _d, int _D, LevelSetTracker lsTrk, double _rhoA, double _rhoB,
                                                double vorZeichen, bool RescaleConti, ThermalParameters thermParams, double _Rint, double _sigma)
            //double _kA, double _kB, double _hVapA, double _Rint, double _Tsat, double _sigma, double _pc) {
            this.D       = _D;
            this.m_d     = _d;
            this.rhoA    = _rhoA;
            this.rhoB    = _rhoB;
            this.m_LsTrk = lsTrk;

            scaleA = vorZeichen;
            scaleB = vorZeichen;

            if (RescaleConti)
                scaleA /= rhoA;
                scaleB /= rhoB;

            this.kA    = thermParams.k_A;
            this.kB    = thermParams.k_B;
            this.hVapA = thermParams.hVap_A;
            this.Rint  = _Rint;

            this.Tsat  = thermParams.T_sat;
            this.sigma = _sigma;
            this.pc    = thermParams.pc;

            //this.prescrbM = _prescrbM;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_d">spatial direction</param>
        /// <param name="_D">spatial dimension</param>
        /// <param name="LsTrk"></param>
        public MassFluxAtInterface(int _d, int _D, LevelSetTracker LsTrk, double _rhoA, double _rhoB, ThermalParameters thermParams, double _Rint, double _sigma)
            //double _kA, double _kB, double _hVapA, double _Rint, double _Tsat, double _sigma, double _pc) {
            m_LsTrk = LsTrk;
            if (_d >= _D)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            this.D   = _D;
            this.m_d = _d;

            this.rhoA = _rhoA;
            this.rhoB = _rhoB;

            this.kA    = thermParams.k_A;
            this.kB    = thermParams.k_B;
            this.hVapA = thermParams.hVap_A;
            this.Rint  = _Rint;

            this.Tsat  = thermParams.T_sat;
            this.sigma = _sigma;
            this.pc    = thermParams.pc;

            //this.prescrbM = _prescrbM;
        // Heat equation

        public static void AddSpeciesHeatEq(XSpatialOperatorMk2 XOp, IHeat_Configuration config, int D,
                                            string spcName, SpeciesId spcId, ThermalMultiphaseBoundaryCondMap BcMap, LevelSetTracker LsTrk)
            // check input
            if (XOp.IsCommited)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Spatial Operator is already comitted. Adding of new components is not allowed");

            string CodName = EquationNames.HeatEquation;

            if (!XOp.CodomainVar.Contains(CodName))
                throw new ArgumentException("CoDomain variable \"" + CodName + "\" is not defined in Spatial Operator");

            if (config.getConductMode != ConductivityInSpeciesBulk.ConductivityMode.SIP)
                foreach (string cn in EquationNames.AuxHeatFlux(D))
                    if (!XOp.CodomainVar.Contains(cn))
                        throw new ArgumentException("CoDomain variable \"" + cn + "\" is not defined in Spatial Operator");

            ThermalParameters    thermParams = config.getThermParams;
            DoNotTouchParameters dntParams   = config.getDntParams;

            // set species arguments
            double capSpc, LFFSpc, kSpc;

            switch (spcName)
            case "A": { capSpc = thermParams.rho_A * thermParams.c_A; LFFSpc = dntParams.LFFA; kSpc = thermParams.k_A; break; }

            case "B": { capSpc = thermParams.rho_B * thermParams.c_B; LFFSpc = dntParams.LFFB; kSpc = thermParams.k_B; break; }

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown species.");

            // set components
            var comps = XOp.EquationComponents[CodName];

            // convective part
            // ================
            if (thermParams.IncludeConvection)
                IEquationComponent conv;
                if (config.useUpwind)
                    conv = new HeatConvectionInSpeciesBulk_Upwind(D, BcMap, spcName, spcId, capSpc);
                    conv = new HeatConvectionInSpeciesBulk_LLF(D, BcMap, spcName, spcId, capSpc, LFFSpc, LsTrk);


            // viscous operator (laplace)
            // ==========================
            if (config.getConductMode == ConductivityInSpeciesBulk.ConductivityMode.SIP)
                double penalty = dntParams.PenaltySafety;

                var Visc = new ConductivityInSpeciesBulk(
                    dntParams.UseGhostPenalties ? 0.0 : penalty, 1.0,
                    BcMap, D, spcName, spcId, thermParams.k_A, thermParams.k_B);


                if (dntParams.UseGhostPenalties)
                    var ViscPenalty = new ConductivityInSpeciesBulk(penalty * 1.0, 0.0, BcMap, D,
                                                                    spcName, spcId, thermParams.k_A, thermParams.k_B);
                comps.Add(new HeatFluxDivergenceInSpeciesBulk(D, BcMap, spcName, spcId));
                //if (config.getConductMode == ConductivityInSpeciesBulk.ConductivityMode.LDGstabi)
                //    comps.Add(new AuxiliaryStabilizationForm(D, BcMap, spcName, spcId));

                for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                    comps = XOp.EquationComponents[EquationNames.AuxHeatFluxComponent(d)];

                    comps.Add(new AuxiliaryHeatFlux_Identity(d, spcName, spcId));   // cell local
                    comps.Add(new TemperatureGradientInSpeciesBulk(D, d, BcMap, spcName, spcId, kSpc));
                    //if (config.getConductMode == ConductivityInSpeciesBulk.ConductivityMode.LDGstabi)
                    //    comps.Add(new TemperatureStabilizationForm(d, BcMap, spcName, spcId));
        public static void AddInterfaceHeatEq(XSpatialOperatorMk2 XOp, IXHeat_Configuration config, int D,
                                              ThermalMultiphaseBoundaryCondMap BcMap, LevelSetTracker LsTrk)
            // check input
            if (XOp.IsCommited)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Spatial Operator is already comitted. Adding of new components is not allowed");

            string CodName = EquationNames.HeatEquation;

            if (!XOp.CodomainVar.Contains(CodName))
                throw new ArgumentException("CoDomain variable \"" + CodName + "\" is not defined in Spatial Operator");

            if (config.getConductMode != ConductivityInSpeciesBulk.ConductivityMode.SIP)
                foreach (string cn in EquationNames.AuxHeatFlux(D))
                    if (!XOp.CodomainVar.Contains(cn))
                        throw new ArgumentException("CoDomain variable \"" + cn + "\" is not defined in Spatial Operator");

            ThermalParameters    thermParams = config.getThermParams;
            DoNotTouchParameters dntParams   = config.getDntParams;

            // set species arguments
            double capA = thermParams.rho_A * thermParams.c_A;
            double LFFA = dntParams.LFFA;
            double kA   = thermParams.k_A;

            double capB = thermParams.rho_B * thermParams.c_B;
            double LFFB = dntParams.LFFB;
            double kB   = thermParams.k_B;

            double Tsat = thermParams.T_sat;

            // set components
            var comps = XOp.EquationComponents[CodName];

            // convective part
            // ================
            if (thermParams.IncludeConvection)
                ILevelSetForm conv;
                conv = new HeatConvectionAtLevelSet_LLF(D, LsTrk, capA, capB, LFFA, LFFB, BcMap, config.isMovingMesh, Tsat);
                //conv = new HeatConvectionAtLevelSet_WithEvaporation(D, LsTrk, LFFA, LFFB, thermParams, config.getPhysParams.Sigma);
                //conv = new HeatConvectionAtLevelSet_Upwind(D, LsTrk, capA, capB, thermParams, config.isMovingMesh, config.isEvaporation, Tsat);


            // viscous operator (laplace)
            // ==========================
            if (config.getConductMode == ConductivityInSpeciesBulk.ConductivityMode.SIP)
                double penalty = dntParams.PenaltySafety;

                var Visc = new ConductivityAtLevelSet(LsTrk, kA, kB, penalty * 1.0, Tsat);

                var qJump = new HeatFluxAtLevelSet(D, LsTrk, thermParams, config.getPhysParams.Sigma);
                comps.Add(new HeatFluxDivergencetAtLevelSet(LsTrk));
                //if(config.getConductMode == ConductivityInSpeciesBulk.ConductivityMode.LDGstabi)
                //    comps.Add(new AuxiliaryStabilizationFormAtLevelSet(LsTrk, config.isEvaporation));

                for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                    comps = XOp.EquationComponents[EquationNames.AuxHeatFluxComponent(d)];

                    comps.Add(new TemperatureGradientAtLevelSet(d, LsTrk, kA, kB, Tsat));
                    //if (config.getConductMode == ConductivityInSpeciesBulk.ConductivityMode.LDGstabi)
                    //    comps.Add(new TemperatureStabilizationFormAtLevelSet(d, LsTrk, kA, kB, config.isEvaporation, Tsat));
 public HeatFluxAtLevelSet(int _D, LevelSetTracker _LsTrk, ThermalParameters thermParams, double _sigma)
     : base(_D, _LsTrk, thermParams, _sigma)
Beispiel #19
        public ConvectionAtLevelSet_Consistency(int _d, int _D, LevelSetTracker lsTrk,
                                                double vorZeichen, bool RescaleConti, ThermalParameters thermParams, double _sigma)
            : base(_D, lsTrk, thermParams, _sigma)
            this.m_d = _d;

            scaleA = vorZeichen;
            scaleB = vorZeichen;

            if (RescaleConti)
                scaleA /= m_rhoA;
                scaleB /= m_rhoB;