/// <summary>
        /// Loads a time-step from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// By using this method, it is ensured that the loaded/returned fields
        /// have the same DG polynomial degree as in the database.
        /// </remarks>
        public IEnumerable <DGField> LoadFields(ITimestepInfo info, IGridData grdDat, IEnumerable <string> NameFilter = null)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace())
                // check
                // =====
                if (!info.Grid.ID.Equals(grdDat.GridID))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Mismatch in Grid.");

                // Instantiate
                // ==========
                IEnumerable <DGField.FieldInitializer> F2LoadInfo;
                if (NameFilter != null)
                    F2LoadInfo = info.FieldInitializers.Where(fi => NameFilter.Contains(fi.Identification, (a, b) => a.Equals(b)));
                    F2LoadInfo = info.FieldInitializers;

                IInitializationContext ic      = info.Database.Controller.GetInitializationContext(info);
                var            fields          = F2LoadInfo.Select(fi => fi.Initialize(ic)).ToArray();
                List <DGField> fieldsFlattened = new List <DGField>();
                TimestepInfo.FlattenHierarchy(fieldsFlattened, fields);

                this.LoadFieldData(info, grdDat, fieldsFlattened);

        /// <summary>
        /// Save a list of DG fields (all defined on the same grid) into the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="database"></param>
        /// <param name="fields"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ITimestepInfo SaveTimestep <T>(this IDatabaseInfo database, IEnumerable <T> fields) where T : DGField
            if (fields.Count() < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("empty list");
            DGField[] _fields = fields.Select(f => (DGField)f).ToArray <DGField>();

            IGridData gDat = _fields[0].GridDat;

            for (int i = 0; i < _fields.Length; i++)
                if (!object.ReferenceEquals(gDat, _fields[i].GridDat))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Mismatch of grids: DG field #" + i + " is defined on a different grid than the previous ones.");

            var grid = gDat.Grid;

            if (grid.ID.Equals(Guid.Empty) || database.Grids.Where(g => g.ID.Equals(grid.ID)).Count() < 1)
                // its necessary to save the grid to the database first

                 * var gridNew = SaveGrid(database, grid);
                 * if(!object.ReferenceEquals(gridNew, grid)) {
                 *  for (int i = 0; i < _fields.Length; i++) {
                 *      DGField fOld = _fields[i];
                 *      if(fOld.GetType() != typeof(SinglePhaseField)) {
                 *          throw
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }

                // note: calling save grid would be easy,
                // but that would require re-creation of the DG fields on the new grid,
                // if 'SaveGrid' returns some *other* grid object that is already present in the database.

                throw new ArgumentException("Grid is not stored in database; Save the grid to database in order to use this method.");

            SessionInfo dummySession = new SessionInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), database);

            dummySession.Name        = "InitialValueSession";
            dummySession.ProjectName = InteractiveShell.WorkflowMgm.CurrentProject;

            var tsi = new TimestepInfo(0.0, dummySession, 0, _fields);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a time-step from the database into previously allocated
        /// DG-fields (<paramref name="PreAllocatedFields"/>).
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadFieldData(ITimestepInfo info, IGridData grdDat, IEnumerable <DGField> PreAllocatedFields)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace())
                DGField[]      Fields        = PreAllocatedFields.ToArray(); // enforce 'evaluation' of the enum (in the case it is some delayed linq-expr).
                List <DGField> FieldsFlatten = new List <DGField>();
                TimestepInfo.FlattenHierarchy(FieldsFlatten, Fields);
                foreach (var f in FieldsFlatten)
                    if (!Fields.Contains(f, (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unable to load timestep: field '" + f.Identification + "', which is required by at least one of the given fields, must also be contained in the given list of fields.", "PreAllocatedFields");

                // Load data vector
                // ================
                var partition = grdDat.CellPartitioning;
                var DataVec   = this.Driver.LoadVector <CellFieldDataSet>(info.StorageID, ref partition);

                // Permute data vector
                // ===================

                var SortedDataVec = new CellFieldDataSet[DataVec.Count];

                    // tau   is the GlobalID-permutation that we have for the loaded vector
                    // sigma is the current GlobalID-permutation of the grid
                    var sigma = grdDat.CurrentGlobalIdPermutation;
                    var tau   = new Permutation(DataVec.Select(cd => cd.GlobalID).ToArray(), csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                    // compute resorting permutation
                    Permutation invSigma  = sigma.Invert();
                    Permutation Resorting = invSigma * tau;
                    tau      = null;
                    invSigma = null;

                    // put dg coordinates into right order
                    Resorting.ApplyToVector(DataVec, SortedDataVec);

                // Load the fields
                // ===============
                HashSet <object> loadedObjects = new HashSet <object>(ReferenceComparer.Instance);

                foreach (var Field in Fields)
                    Field.LoadData(info, SortedDataVec, loadedObjects);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies this ITimestepInfo object for storage in a different database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetDatabase">The target database</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A copy of this ITimestepInfo object with all the same
        /// information, except for the database field, which will be the one of the
        /// target database
        /// </returns>
        public ITimestepInfo CopyFor(IDatabaseInfo targetDatabase)
            TimestepInfo copy = new TimestepInfo(ID, Database);

            // Copy all the field values
            foreach (var field in this.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public
                                                           | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                field.SetValue(copy, field.GetValue(this));

            copy.m_Database       = targetDatabase;
            copy.m_TimestepNumber = this.TimeStepNumber;

        /// <summary>
        /// loads a single <see cref="TimestepInfo"/>-object from the database.
        /// </summary>
        public TimestepInfo LoadTimestepInfo(Guid timestepGuid, ISessionInfo session, IDatabaseInfo database)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace())
                tr.Info("Loading time-step " + timestepGuid);

                TimestepInfo tsi = null;
                if (MyRank == 0)
                    using (Stream s = fsDriver.GetTimestepStream(false, timestepGuid))
                        tsi         = (TimestepInfo)Driver.Deserialize(s, typeof(TimestepInfo));
                        tsi.Session = session;
                    tsi.ID = timestepGuid;
                tsi           = tsi.MPIBroadcast(0);
                tsi.Database  = database;
                tsi.WriteTime = Utils.GetTimestepFileWriteTime(tsi);
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves a time-step to the database's persistent memory.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_tsi">Contains Id etc.</param>
 public void SaveTimestep(TimestepInfo _tsi)
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a time-step to the database's persistent memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_tsi">Contains Id etc.</param>
        public void SaveTimestep(TimestepInfo _tsi)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace())
                if (!(_tsi.ID.Equals(Guid.Empty) && _tsi.StorageID.Equals(Guid.Empty)))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Timestep is already saved in database");
                var fields  = _tsi.Fields.ToArray();
                var GridDat = fields[0].GridDat;

                    List <DGField> FieldsFlatten = new List <DGField>();
                    TimestepInfo.FlattenHierarchy(FieldsFlatten, fields);
                    foreach (var f in FieldsFlatten)
                        if (!object.ReferenceEquals(f.GridDat, GridDat))
                            throw new ArgumentException("mismatch in GridData object.");

                        if (!fields.Contains(f, (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)))
                            // here, we ensure that the 'fields' -- list is complete, i.e.
                            // that the flatten hierarchy contains no field which is not already a memeber of 'fields'.
                            // The purpose is e.g. to prevent saving an XDG field without the required level-set field.
                            throw new ArgumentException(
                                      "Unable to save timestep: field '" + f.Identification
                                      + "', which is required by at least one of the"
                                      + " given fields, must also be contained in the"
                                      + " given list of fields.",

                // build vector
                // ============
                int J           = GridDat.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                var vec         = new CellFieldDataSet[J];
                var _fields     = fields.ToArray();
                int NF          = _fields.Length;
                var Permutation = GridDat.CurrentGlobalIdPermutation.Values;
                for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                { // loop over cells
                    vec[j]          = new CellFieldDataSet();
                    vec[j].GlobalID = Permutation[j];
                    //vec[j].DGCoordinateData = new CellFieldDataSet.CellFieldData[NF];
                    for (int idxF = 0; idxF < NF; idxF++)
                    { // loop over fields
                        var      field  = _fields[idxF];
                        int      N      = field.Basis.GetLength(j);
                        double[] Coords = new double[N];
                        for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                            Coords[n] = field.Coordinates[j, n];
                        //vec[j].DGCoordinateData[idxF] = new CellFieldDataSet.CellFieldData() {
                        //    Data = Coords
                        Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals(Coords, vec[j].GetDGCoordinates(idxF)));

                // Save dg coordinates
                // ===================
                Guid VectorGuid = Driver.SaveVector(vec);
                _tsi.StorageID = VectorGuid;

                // Save state object
                // =================
                _tsi.ID = Guid.NewGuid().MPIBroadcast(0);
                Exception e = null;
                if (MyRank == 0)
                        //tsi = new TimestepInfo(physTime, currentSession, TimestepNo, fields, VectorGuid);
                        using (var s = fsDriver.GetTimestepStream(true, _tsi.ID))
                            Driver.Serialize(s, _tsi, typeof(TimestepInfo));
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        e = ee;
                        Console.Error.WriteLine(ee.GetType().Name + " on rank " + MyRank + " saving time-step " + _tsi.TimeStepNumber + ": " + ee.Message);

                // log session
                // ===========
                SessionInfo currentSession = (SessionInfo)(_tsi.Session); // hack
                if (MyRank == 0)
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        e = ee;
                        Console.Error.WriteLine(ee.GetType().Name + " on rank " + MyRank + " saving time-step " + _tsi.TimeStepNumber + ": " + ee.Message);

                _tsi.Database = currentSession.Database;